Thursday, September 30, 2010

"I'm Jewish??? You'd Think *I* Would Know That!"

(Written 9/26/10 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

On Thursday afternoon, Beth and N-Word Vomit had the following chat in the room:

HamOnWryX2: [Bonnie] said something yesterday about thank goodness k2 isnt jewish 02:36
YOUMAKEMEVOMlT4: isnt he jewish? 02:36
HamOnWryX2: cracke dme right up 02:36
HamOnWryX2: cracked 02:36
HamOnWryX2: uh huh 02:36
YOUMAKEMEVOMlT4: lol 02:36
YOUMAKEMEVOMlT4: that is funny 02:36
HamOnWryX2: zeeke said his thing about a gay jew and bonnie said well it was a good thing k2 wasn't jewish 02:37
HamOnWryX2: that was funny on a couple different levels

I'm glad that Beth let ME know that I'm Jewish! But, no, I'm not Jewish, either by religion or ancestry. ("Not that there's anything wrong with that.")

I'm sure Beth wasn't just making up a rumor , so I'll just say that, well, her memory sucks. I've periodically discussed this in the chat room over the last 7 years.

Normally I don't care about such things, even when Zeeke goes on one of his many anti-Semitic rants about me. But given that many think Beth has much more credibility than Zeeke, I thought I'd take a few moments to tell everyone the truth.

The reason I used to (keyword *used to*) wonder about my ancestry is that I've had Crohn's disease since my early 20's. It's a nasty auto-immune disorder for which having an ancestry of Ashkenazi Jews (so-called "German Jews") is *one* risk factor (despite Zeeke's obvious lies to the contrary). Given that I'm 15/16th's German, it was a natural concern. So, when I began researching my gene pool about 7 years ago, I asked Mom. Mom knew my ancestry a LOT better than I did, and said that there was no Jewish ancestry of any kind on either side of our family. I accepted her explanation, and haven't looked into it since.

It simply doesn't matter to me either way. But it's a popular topic among Zeeke and his ilk, who love to lie and rumor monger. So, you can either believe Mom/me, or them.

This will hopefully eliminate one thread of anti-Semitic rants and related ugly chat in this room.
BTW, isn't it simply splendid that Beth wrote off Zeeke's homophobic and anti-Semitic rant as merely "his thing"? How nice...


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cindy's nose grows even bigger

What happened to I'd never bring someone's kids into something? And wasn't she claiming to live in an apartment in Frederick last month?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

"I'm Not Buying What They're Selling"

(Written 9/21/10 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

The Zombies believe that Zeeke's behavior in the chat room is all just "for effect" or "shock value;" that he doesn't really "believe" what he says. In the SSR, he called it his "mind fuck game." They apparently feel that in person he's just another really nice guy.

We've seen this before several times. Mensa's buddies, for example, said the same things.

Even if true, what kind of person has two such distinct personalities? (Well, not counting those in institutions or under treatment for various mental illnesses.) Any of us could choose to behave entirely differently in the chat room than in real life. But "normal, mature adults" don't do that. Sure, many of us are somewhat more this, or less that, while online. But "nice guy" offline and "obnoxious, bigoted butthead" online? I'm not buying it.

I believe that the better explanation is that Zeeke is usually exactly the same way he is in the chat room, while also being semi-normal in person. The rest is accounted for by the rationalization of his Zombies. I have several reasons for believing that.

First, the Zombies have all adopted Zeeke's ugly persona in the chat room to some extent. Brunette and Ham, for example, are their nice, normal selves most of the time, but will occasionally and suddenly erupt in spasms of ugliness. Do they honestly think they can briefly slip into and out of other personas? No, they think it's okay to be ugly for a bit because Zeeke has paved the way for them. It's really just them letting loose thoughts that all normal adults repress.

Second, when the Zombies rationalize Zeeke's behavior in the room, they talk about how it's "just words on a screen," blah, blah, blah. But they also conveniently forget about his "actions." Is regularly banning "50+" nice, normal roomies excused as easily? How about investigating the personal lives of other roomies and posting the results in the room (as Zeeke has done about me)? How about stealing a copyrighted picture and bashing someone's fiancee on his blog (again, as Zeeke has done to me and Pamela)? And even within the "just words" category, how about posting a roomie's *real* full name, address, and phone number (as Zeeke has done of mine many times)? Phoney magazine subscriptions? Spoofed phone calls?

Third--and for me, the best explanation--the proof is in Zeeke's supporting cast. Beth has gone from being a very nice lady to divulging confidential and very personal information, and ruthlessly attacking in the room everyone she doesn't like. Brunette alternates between assaulting people in the room and whining about how disgustingly ugly the room has become. Sweet often brags about how she faked being a young girl and stalked a guy to where he works. Sxymafia loves to tell the story about her days of dropping "piss bombs" on people's houses. And Vomit regularly dropped the N-Bomb in the Super Secret Room. And so on for the others.

The simple reality is that ALL of them are NOT nice people. When they are under their "nice, normal adults" guises, they will protest that any effort to paint them as sickos is based merely on their "words" which shouldn't count. But words DO count. We all know that. As do actions. And their own words AND actions reveal WHO they really are, as do Zeeke's. They are all pond scum.

The only remaining mystery to me is why the Zombies continue to try to deny their realities. Zeeke at least fully embraces his. They should just shout it out: "We are the Zombies, and we can say and DO anything we want, no matter how ugly and stupid, for shits and giggles." Namby-pamby boo frickin' hoo...

Or perhaps they still actually care somewhat what others think of them? Nah...


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"A Visit with One of the Three-Dimensional People"

(Written 9/12/10 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders blog)

Yesterday afternoon I stopped by to visit one of my favorite buddies, Tim. It was the end of a long work week for him and I was physically shot from a long week of landscaping and gardening. Tim is one of the many "nice, normal, mature adults" I think of when I bash Zeeke and the Zombies for not being that.

Tim started a small business about three years ago. He and his smart, pretty wife have worked at it very hard (she does the paperwork and computer stuff, in addition to her normal job as an accountant) and it has been a success. They also have a delightful family life filled with kids, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, and parents, and a wide circle of friends.

Tim and I are both yakkers, so we often just sit on his porch and yammer about whatever comes to mind, this time for almost two hours. A campaigning politician dropped by at the start for a few minutes, so we discussed that for a bit. Then it was on to recent black hole theory developments, George Will columns, the possibility of time travel (he doesn't believe it'll ever happen... surely a Vulcan in another life), Steven Hawking's recent opinions about God, the bravery of the newest Medal of Honor winner (first live one since the Vietnam War) and how that related to each of us, and a few other fascinating topics.

Zeeke and Tim are both about the same age and have about the same amount of *formal* education, which is about all they have in common. Tim continued to self-educate and is one of those sponges for information about topics that interest him. I know about topics such as the origins of the universe and black holes mostly by formal education, and also being a sponge.
So, how did Tim and Zeeke turn out so differently? Well, Tim started his business about the same time as Zeeke started his ascendancy in the chat room. At the end of the day, Tim now has a thriving business, in addition to a great wife and wonderful family, and continued fluency in a wide range of intellectual topics. And Zeeke has... well... hmmm... dominion over a small, ugly, dying AOL chat room and several Zombies.

A key reason for that difference is that I had to write down for Tim how to Google for articles about "before the Big Bang." Tim has spent ZERO time on the computer. He has had much more important things to do with his life. Zeeke obviously hasn't.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Birth Control

Don't most women know by middle age how to prevent pregnancies and not to advertise they have a loose Lucy?

Oh, and more proof she totally lied about being pregnant a couple years ago.

Monday, September 6, 2010

'Shock Value' vs. 'Sincere Belief' OR ???

Beth and I, joined by a few others at times, had a fascinating chat the other night as a result of a dustup between Beth and Bonnie about a remark Bonnie had made. Bonnie's remark was mildly anti-Semitic, and it led to a good general conversation about interpreting chat room behavior.

Beth and I are both strongly opposed to and disgusted by the bigotry that is rampant in the chat room, especially recently. When I noted that Zeeke had made numerous bigoted remarks far worse than Bonnie's, Beth laid out an interesting rationale to explain why Zeeke's, in essence, don't much count to her.

She said that Zeeke "says it knowing that it will piss you off... not because he believes it" whereas Bonnie "actually believes" hers. She agreed when Brunette described Zeeke's as for "shock value." Beth concluded with, "But I am far more offended when someone says it because they believe it."

I asked Beth how she knew that Bonnie believed it, and she said she had asked Bonnie. And she seemed miffed that no one had asked Zeeke whether he "actually believes" anything he says.

Well, last things first: If you ask someone whose on-line persona includes lying frequently whether they're... well... lying, how much validity can you give to their answer? So, why bother asking...

But that aside, there are two general challenges.

The first is when two people in a chat room say crap (e.g., bigotry) and you don't personally know either of them. I tend to take people literally, so I'd label both of them as bigots and be done with them. I'm guessing that Beth agrees, although I'm probably more confrontational about it than Beth.

The more difficult challenge is when you know one of them personally very well, as Beth knows Zeeke. I know how I was raised. I saw Mom once scorch a friend of 50+ years for daring to use the N-Word in her presence. Mega Ouch! Considering that I've known Bonnie for many years and that was the first bigoted comment I've seen from her, I only mildly chastised her here for it.

But if I were Zeeke's friend... well, scratch that... we would've never gotten anywhere near that level *because* of the serious bigotry he displays so frequently in the chat room. Beth knows him well, and believes he's not a bigot *despite* what he says in the room. I think that's the same kind of rationalization that led people to befriend Mensa even though her first words ever in the room were, "Any Aryan men in here?" Shocking? Of course. Seriously bigoted? Yes! Her "actual belief"? Don't know... don't care.


Saturday, September 4, 2010

When we were teens

Most of us went to school, got good grades, and did the right thing. And then:

Friday, September 3, 2010

Another zombie alcoholic

Why would someone need to 'stay sober' if they can control their drinking?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"What's the Logic?"

Written 9/2/10 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

A chat room can sometimes be a confusing place for a logical person, and I am one to the extreme. I often find myself scratching my head wondering what the heck a person was thinking when they said something. Years ago, I gave up trying for many of the obviously mentally/emotionally disturbed. They simply aren't capable of any logic that's understandable to a normal person.

I haven't given up yet on Zeeke and his Zombies because several of them I've known for many years and I *thought* they were normal. But a few recent incidents had me confused for a couple of days, until I figured out their logic... I think. In ascending order of my initial confusion...

Zeeke and Anti-Semitism: Yesterday Zeeke (easily the most bigoted person in the group) attacked Bonnie for a relatively mild anti-Semitic remark. He and the available Zombies attacked Bonnie mercilessly for an hour even though ResLend (I think Bonnie's remark was directed at him... not 100% sure) said he wasn't offended. Zeeke regularly makes ugly anti-Semitic remarks (such as his "jew mobile" line of insults). Simple hypocrisy? I think there's more to it.

Patti's "Don't Font at me" Order: According to Patti--near as I can tell--I'm not allowed to "font" at her, AND I can't even join in any discussion in which she's participating. My reaction to that load of hooey was a LOT more civil than what her, Zeeke, or any of the other Zombies would spew if, say, Bonnie made the same demand to them. As usual, Zeeke and the Zombies had a field day bashing me over my "sin."

Murkey Snaps at my " 'evening NotWithOut" greeting: I'm not sure which is considered the greater evil among the Zombies... merely greeting one of them, or participating in a discussion they happen to be involved in with non-Zombies. So reverse these two if you wish. Murkey took strong exception to my responses *several months ago*. (I had long since forgotten about the dust up.) I gather that she thinks that if she comes into the room, bashes it and everyone in it including me, I'm supposed to say, "Thank you, may I have another insult?" Well, let's just say my response was (and always will be) less than her ideal. She, Zeeke, and the other Zombies ranted for an hour or so, I think.

I don't even have to open my mouth: I've written about Brunette's tantrum before: She entered the room, accused me of making "horribly cruel" comments about her both in the room and on the blog. She, of course, would not detail her charges, and refused to cite her source. She, Zeeke, and the other Zombies had great fun with it, though.

I guess it would be easy to say their only logic is "We Hate Christopher." Or perhaps: "Christopher said something BAD about ONE of us, so let's ALL trash him." (classic gang reaction) Or, maybe even: "Christopher is a major threat to our cult, so..."

I think it's both more complicated and simpler than those. I believe their logic goes like this: "We've been discussing particle physics for 7 minutes [sorry, couldn't resist], so let's get back to what we love... disgusting verbal assaults. We've already done Bonnie for 8 hours today, so who else is available? Oh, lookie... Christopher is here. He won't respond to Zeeke or Beth, so who else hasn't attacked him yet? Hmmm... forget Brunette and Patti, too. Hmmm... where's Murkey? Didn't she get pissy with him ages ago, thinking he had something to do with her getting bolted by Beckie? (Or was it BOO?) Anywho... someone IM her and tell her to get in here and start insulting him. That should be good for an hour of FUN! She's not available??? Okay, let's just make up some shit!"

So, the logic is this: They don't have enough in common, nor enough depth or intellect (except for Beth), to have normal conversations with each other for more than a few minutes. After that, they are stuck with the one trait they all have in abundance: a love of drama in the form of viciously insulting other people.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"What's Next... an N-Bomb?"

(Written 8/28/10 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)
I caught this disgusting line yesterday afternoon in the chat room...
HamOnWryX2: i just click the bots and retards 01:22