Monday, September 6, 2010

'Shock Value' vs. 'Sincere Belief' OR ???

Beth and I, joined by a few others at times, had a fascinating chat the other night as a result of a dustup between Beth and Bonnie about a remark Bonnie had made. Bonnie's remark was mildly anti-Semitic, and it led to a good general conversation about interpreting chat room behavior.

Beth and I are both strongly opposed to and disgusted by the bigotry that is rampant in the chat room, especially recently. When I noted that Zeeke had made numerous bigoted remarks far worse than Bonnie's, Beth laid out an interesting rationale to explain why Zeeke's, in essence, don't much count to her.

She said that Zeeke "says it knowing that it will piss you off... not because he believes it" whereas Bonnie "actually believes" hers. She agreed when Brunette described Zeeke's as for "shock value." Beth concluded with, "But I am far more offended when someone says it because they believe it."

I asked Beth how she knew that Bonnie believed it, and she said she had asked Bonnie. And she seemed miffed that no one had asked Zeeke whether he "actually believes" anything he says.

Well, last things first: If you ask someone whose on-line persona includes lying frequently whether they're... well... lying, how much validity can you give to their answer? So, why bother asking...

But that aside, there are two general challenges.

The first is when two people in a chat room say crap (e.g., bigotry) and you don't personally know either of them. I tend to take people literally, so I'd label both of them as bigots and be done with them. I'm guessing that Beth agrees, although I'm probably more confrontational about it than Beth.

The more difficult challenge is when you know one of them personally very well, as Beth knows Zeeke. I know how I was raised. I saw Mom once scorch a friend of 50+ years for daring to use the N-Word in her presence. Mega Ouch! Considering that I've known Bonnie for many years and that was the first bigoted comment I've seen from her, I only mildly chastised her here for it.

But if I were Zeeke's friend... well, scratch that... we would've never gotten anywhere near that level *because* of the serious bigotry he displays so frequently in the chat room. Beth knows him well, and believes he's not a bigot *despite* what he says in the room. I think that's the same kind of rationalization that led people to befriend Mensa even though her first words ever in the room were, "Any Aryan men in here?" Shocking? Of course. Seriously bigoted? Yes! Her "actual belief"? Don't know... don't care.



  1. If Mensa would come around more shed clear Zeek right out of that room!!!! She had him pissed and his freinds wouldnt save him!!!! Even dared him to meet her and all he could do is call her a whore to defend himself!!!

  2. TANGIBLE ROSE: there is no such thing as karma

    TANGIBLE ROSE: it's called life's ups and downs

    Rose make up your mind already!!! One day there is karma the next there isn't! You just change your mind on things way to much. Should tell many what come's out your mouth is never believable
    You sure have had more down's than up's......also karma is real alright and you have had it slap you! Best karma is to come I am sure when you get that one that will do more than talk or font who will meet up with you. All we have to do is sit back and wait your failing all on your own.

  3. I thought Amos Deerfield did an outstanding job as well putting Zeekie in his place. Zeek actually ran saying he had to go to bed. lmao

  4. In response to Christophers article..amd to Behs acisations that she asked me if I was serious...I never ever was asked if my accisations to and about anyone was serious but, if asked, the response would be YES! I think that the reason Beth lied about asking me of O was serious was because, she knew that I took all of Zeekes bullshit seriously and, she also knew that what I was posting was the TRUTH!

  5. If zeek cannot best you then his defense is your are a vulgar whore.

  6. ChristopherK2, a man who is supposedly engage writes about women he will not date due to what he considers shortcomings and imperfections. Also, this same person will not tolerate drama but bolts some based on others drama. I was going to blog the BS that went on but honestly it is just not worth my time of day. Tell Cindy to enjoy being the only female in the room - maybe now she will get a man (she obviously desperately needs to be feel loved and wanted). Good Luck!! Treat Mac with baby gloves as his bullshit is just warming up. You think his current condition is life threatening, hang on to your seats, he will entertain you all with more stories then you can imagine. He lives in a fantasy land fueled by alcohol. The stories he told me where whoppers. Let's compare stories some time - the results should be interesting. Back to K2 - my gut feeling is that you have no fiance and live a lonely life. You might even be a gardener who likes to take a picture or two of the gardens you tend for others for pay. We can all dream but that does not make it real. Cindy, you come across desperate. I know you are but you should try to play that down just a tad. Please play it down. It is passed annoying.

  7. have you been to the Fly on the Wall blog - you really need to visit that blog.


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.