Written 9/30/11 by ChristopherK2 on behalf of Fred the Bass)

I desperately need your help! Pam has fishnapped me and is holding me in sexual bondage at this farm somewhere in Virginia. She makes me do disgusting things to her a couple of times a day. She says that unless I cooperate she'll panfry me in butter.
Pam paid the guy in the pic $5 to pose with me, and he's my only hope of survival. Pam has been making up SNs and sending out this pic to AOL women hoping to get information about some guy she hates (K2 or something... I dunno).
If you know who the guy in the pic really is, please notify Ugly (the owner of this blog). He has agreed to secretly pass the information to the Fish Abuse Society of Virginia without identifying you. The FASofVA will then contact the guy, and hopefully be able to find me and release me back into the pretty stream from which Pam snatched me.
P.S. If you know the name of a good shrink who can help me recover from the vile, despicable things Pam did, I'd appreciate a referral.
Thanks in advance!
Fred the Bass

I desperately need your help! Pam has fishnapped me and is holding me in sexual bondage at this farm somewhere in Virginia. She makes me do disgusting things to her a couple of times a day. She says that unless I cooperate she'll panfry me in butter.
Pam paid the guy in the pic $5 to pose with me, and he's my only hope of survival. Pam has been making up SNs and sending out this pic to AOL women hoping to get information about some guy she hates (K2 or something... I dunno).
If you know who the guy in the pic really is, please notify Ugly (the owner of this blog). He has agreed to secretly pass the information to the Fish Abuse Society of Virginia without identifying you. The FASofVA will then contact the guy, and hopefully be able to find me and release me back into the pretty stream from which Pam snatched me.
P.S. If you know the name of a good shrink who can help me recover from the vile, despicable things Pam did, I'd appreciate a referral.
Thanks in advance!
Fred the Bass