The once semi-proud Love Fest room has been slowly but surely reducing itself to its essential trash. And that process has been recently accelerating. Its days of Zeeke's loud proclamations of it being "one of the most popular chatrooms on AOL" are but a distant memory, now replaced by not-all-that much.

It would take several more hours for Love Fest to recover somewhat. As you can see below, by 11 a.m, it was up to 10 SNs.
Oddly, Zeeke wasn't there nor was Beth. Beth had been MIA for several days. That's not exactly a chatty group, but that's been generally true of Love Fest all along. The early morning group had left my room by then, and so it was back to its usual five SNs not saying much.
Alas for Zeeke, 10 SNs was about as good as it would get that day. It would peak at 11 at about 4 p.m. and again at 9 p.m. More typical, though, was this group at 5 p.m.
Merely *seven* SNs in a room that used to brag about MANY MORE than that... And nearly all of them are 24/7 Campers, so we can safely assume almost nothing was being said. My room had six SNs at that point, and not much chat was occuring.
The last snapshot I'll show you is below, from almost 8 p.m. It again almost reached its peak of 11 SNs, but would quickly start losing them after 9 p.m. as people headed off to bed. My room was having one of its usual mid-evening mini-surges, with eight SNs chatting away.
For the day, Love Fest averaged just a shocking 7.6 SNs... amazing. My room averaged 5.6, but *I* have never said it was "one of the most popular chatrooms on AOL." <> My simple goal has always been for my room to be a safe place for nice people to have pleasant chats with each other.
A few quick thoughts...
1. It kinda puts the kibosh on Zeeke's claim of having the "overwhelming majority of Maryland chatters."
2. When Ham's not around, Love Fest quickly begins evaporating. Apparently many of the Love Fest regulars agree with me... she's about the only interesting person still in there.
3. When Zeeke's not around, well, things aren't much affected for better or for worse.

Alas for Zeeke, 10 SNs was about as good as it would get that day. It would peak at 11 at about 4 p.m. and again at 9 p.m. More typical, though, was this group at 5 p.m.

The last snapshot I'll show you is below, from almost 8 p.m. It again almost reached its peak of 11 SNs, but would quickly start losing them after 9 p.m. as people headed off to bed. My room was having one of its usual mid-evening mini-surges, with eight SNs chatting away.

A few quick thoughts...
1. It kinda puts the kibosh on Zeeke's claim of having the "overwhelming majority of Maryland chatters."
2. When Ham's not around, Love Fest quickly begins evaporating. Apparently many of the Love Fest regulars agree with me... she's about the only interesting person still in there.
3. When Zeeke's not around, well, things aren't much affected for better or for worse.
The fact that you'd spend all this time blogging and collecting this stuff tells all anyone needs to know that you have no life whatsoever
ReplyDeletemy question is where are lynnzy and mark ????? seems they have fallen between the cracks and not heard or seen from ....lets all hope they didn t fall in nancis,perkys ,roses or GOD FORBID cindys crack .......
ReplyDelete9/12/11 10:27 pm
ReplyDeleteLove Fest 20 people
Maryland and Friends 4 people
says it all
ReplyDeleteK2 needs to change his big boy panties and get over himself.
ReplyDeleteZeeke still has control over him. :) topic of yet another one of his blog entries. Way to go Zeeke !!!
Homeless I heard.
ReplyDeleteThis is the only attention K2 gets in life duh!
ReplyDeleteYou know, it is really funny...when I first started on the Marylanders over 35 room.....there were a lot od people in there and yes, when I first started in there....there were a lot of bullied me but, I did, I guess you would say, win a few over and, met a bunch at gatherings. Now, it seems to boggle my mind as to why I even bothered!
ReplyDeleteMost of these people.....since Zeeke came around anyway......are only out to insult, harrass and, belittle others....and I suspect that the reason they do this is because, they are the ones with the socially inept problems.
I believe that everyone on aol and off, has some sor of problem and, some just cant accept their own short comings so, they make light of others short comings........its totally ridiculous!
I dont care who has what problem but, I do care about my own problems and I do care when someone who leads others into bulling, harassing, insulting and beating me up do to those problems. What the fuck is it tht the morally inept assholes hope to accomplish?
Zeeke thinks its funny and its entertaining...NO its not funny and its not entertainment, it is downright cruelity and it is unforgiving.
It was told to me many years ago that Zeeke beat his first wife till he put her into the hospital, this was told to me by 2 separate people who as far as I know, did not know each other and did not know that I had conversed with either one so, I tended to believe it. Especially after being target of his verbal abuse in the chatroom. And also hearing him acknowledge that he would say the same thing to my face and then he states that he wouldnt come anywhere near me, then invites me out with the group to party.
Seems to me that Zeeke has and is the one with the most problems in the room! He comes across as a narcissistic, anti social, morally inept, whiner who is trying to be somebody that others will a chatroom.
Funny thing is, that the 10 or so fools that do admire him, follow his lead, and that makes them worse than him.
ReplyDelete<< The fact that you'd spend all this time blogging and collecting this stuff tells all anyone needs to know that you have no life whatsoever >> Zeeke
ReplyDeleteIt took me considerably less time to do this article that YOU spend EVERY DAY scurrying among the *14* chat rooms you "rule" with your *7* SNs checking to see whether anyone has responded to your stupidity.
One thing is clear. k2 is totally zeeke obsessed
ReplyDeleteBonnie you are the biggest piece of shit that ever floated through a chatroom
ReplyDeletecan anyone read this blog and have any respect for K2 at all ? he's as delisional as Bonnie these days
ReplyDelete<< Love Fest 20 people Maryland and Friends 4 people >> Vomit
ReplyDeleteHaving another wet dream, eh?
<< Zeeke still has control over him. :) topic of yet another one of his blog entries. Way to go Zeeke !!! >> Alan
ReplyDeleteWell, two reactions. First, Zeeke has written far more articles and comments about me than vice versa. Second, he, not I, has 14 chat rooms under 7 SNs because he's afraid I'll catch one of them.
<< Homeless I heard. >> Anonymous Idiot
ReplyDeleteI forgot to check... that usually means Zeeke recently blogged my full name, address, and phone number somewhere.
<< can anyone read this blog and have any respect for K2 at all ? >> Zeeke, obviously...
ReplyDeleteI surely hope that neither you nor any of your Zombies has the least little bit of respect for me. If so, I've failed miserably here.
<< This is the only attention K2 gets in life duh! >> Perky
ReplyDeleteEven for a Zombie, that's pretty stupid.
<< k2 is totally zeeke obsessed >> Eminence
ReplyDeleteAnd Zeeke spewing about 25,000 ugly insults at me in the chat room over the years without a SINGLE response by me was, what, his expression of admiration and respect? << chuckle, chuckle >>
If you had zeeke on perm iggy as you proclaimed for years, how would you know what he posted ? face it old man zeeke owns you !
ReplyDeleteThe whole thing is hilarious. The harder you dumbasses try to destroy zeeke the more popular he becomes and he laughs at all of you for falling victim to it.
ReplyDeleteChristopher I'm all out of money can you give me the password to the bank account so I can clean you out again ?
ReplyDelete<< If you had zeeke on perm iggy as you proclaimed for years... >>
ReplyDeleteActually, I've never said that. And it wasn't even possible once PowerTools was made obsolete. Mensa, yes.
About the only times I put Zeeke on AOL Ignore was when he and Bonnie would go into one of their hours long mutual rants.
<< The harder you dumbasses try to destroy zeeke the more popular he becomes... >> Zeeke
ReplyDeleteThat's one of your fav fantasies. The truth, however, is that you preside over a rapidly-shrinking group of people who are almost as ugly and stupid as you are.
The obsessive "mind fuck" game that you and the Zombies play has driven away dozens of nice people and has lately been driving away many within your formerly core group.
That decline was easily predicted as soon as you started. And I don't see it changing anytime soon.
<< Stalker >> Vomit
ReplyDeleteYou should at least occasionally think before you type. Had you, you might've remembered that Zeeke has used the print screen concept many times on his blog. I got the idea from HIM. << chuckle, chuckle >>
<< says it all >> Perky
ReplyDeleteActually, I'm sure that wasn't by Perky. She's too smart and educated for that kind of banality.
I notice that none of you Idiots has contested the accuracy of my premise: that your group is rapidly shrinking. So all you can do is go on the offensive.
That's a tough position, even for Perky. She recently was stuck with trying to defend cloning SNs in a desperate bid to hang onto a bunch of chat rooms. There's no defense to that level of obsession, so she could only deny that it was "cloning"... that it was really whogivesacrapwhatnameyoucallit. Sad to see a bright lady reduced to that...
<< K2's Fiance said >> Zeeke
ReplyDeleteIt's fiancée, dum dum. And I'm her fiancé. (Leaving off the accent mark is quite common, though, because it's a pain in the ass to type.) Differences like that were probably covered in 12th grade... the one you skipped.
Maybe you should have Beth proof your comments so that you don't appear to be the semi-literate Fredneckian bumpkin that you truly are.
Tip for Today: Don't use a Big Word unless you know how to properly use it.
The fact that you'd spend all this time blogging and collecting this stuff tells all anyone needs to know that you have no life whatsoever
ReplyDeleteMust mean your just as bored or not much of a life either if you can say this.... your here reading and replying to it. Chris must keep your interest if your here.
Here we go throwing bricks at glass house's again and judging one on behavior shown by other's. If your willing to accept Zombie's behavior than do not judge other's for thier freedom of speech and sticking up for themselves!!
Funny how it's ok for some have thier fun but when it's done back to them they cry and whine how unfair.
Cry me a river see if I care ..Karma has worked wonder's with you loser' comes around goes around!!!
Chris keep up your work ... by comment's and how many read your stuff seem's your pretty good at brings me back reading it and gives me giggles for the day.
Im Christopher, you did say in the past that you had Zeeke and others on permanent ignore back when you were suggesting to me that I ignore him.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Zeeke owning Zeeke doesnt own anyone or anything except for his nasty, anti social, cruel remarks due to his own insecurities! If he truly did own me then why is it that. he has to follow me around aol??
I keep moving around purposely, I hope you all know that??? To prove that I am right about Zeeke and, the rest of you who follow his every command.
One more thing, it was said under another article that I involved my son in this when I got him to pick me up at fireside........Like to let you know that, my son picked me up at every aol gathering i went to....he did not pick me up AT Fireside, he picked me up somewhere that I went to meet him.......Those who involved their children in all this bullshit happen to be Rose, whose daughter was in the room in the beginning running off with her mouth with dear ole mom and, Cindy32863 who is forever talking about her children and now, even her grandchildren and, what schools they are attending and where they are having parties and all that type of bullshit. Then as soon as someone says something about it, we are stalking her or them! She is bat shit crazy...I have no intention of going near any of you from that room..........You're all nothing but trouble and, you all belong in jail. Or, I should say, for a lot longer than most of you have already been!!
Monday, September 12, 2011
ReplyDeleteChristopherK2, a man who is supposedly engage writes about women he will not date due to what he considers shortcomings and imperfections. Also, this same person will not tolerate drama but bolts some based on others drama. I was going to blog the BS that went on but honestly it is just not worth my time of day. Tell Cindy to enjoy being the only female in the room - maybe now she will get a man (she obviously desperately needs to be feel loved and wanted). Good Luck!! Treat Mac with baby gloves as his bullshit is just warming up. You think his current condition is life threatening, hang on to your seats, he will entertain you all with more stories then you can imagine. He lives in a fantasy land fueled by alcohol. The stories he told me where whoppers. Let's compare stories some time - the results should be interesting. Back to K2 - my gut feeling is that you have no fiance and live a lonely life. You might even be a gardener who likes to take a picture or two of the gardens you tend for others for pay. We can all dream but that does not make it real. Cindy, you come across desperate. I know you are but you should try to play that down just a tad. Please play it down. It is passed annoying.
Posted by svapam at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: bye bye BSers and Assholes
Proof that the fest room and those in it are as boring as it and they can be.........
ReplyDeleteOnlineHost: Heppapotamus has entered the room.
Heppapotamus: HEPPITY DO DA
Heppapotamus: HEPPITY A
OnlineHost: Heppapotamus has left the room.
OnlineHost: Heppapotamus has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Heppapotamus has left the room.
I have went and made myself 2 more screen names and, have went into the room(s) I made with those names and, whoever is behind that heppo name (my guess is Zeeke) has popped in and out of the East Coast over 35 chat room 3 time, and once in the East Coast chat. That one, when it popped in, I was at the keyboard so I did bolt it but, I went back to the ECO35 room and it popped in yet again...........So tell me, who is it that owns who Zeeke?....I have left you alone, want no part of you and, yeah I do talk about you in the blog .......if you dont like it, then maybe you should leave me alone?? ever think of that?
I conducted an experiment just to see how much of a life Billy has. I would go into the fester room and almost immediately, Billy would retrieve Ham's screen name which has the bolt and come into the room to try to bolt me out. It was comical at times to see his determination. I sat here and had to laugh at his wasted efforts.
ReplyDeleteI tried this at different times of the days, different days of the week, and Billy never failed me once.
What kind of life is it to sit in a chat room day and night, seven days a week to protect a room? At least Christopher is gone hours a day to do what he enjoys doing. There is no comparison. Christopher lives his life, Billy wastes his life in a chat room.
Thanks Billy for being such an easy "mind fuck". Billy is about as predicable has a wasp on speed, and about as slow as a turtle walking a snail.
HAHAHA A wasp on speed and a turtle walking a snail!!! HAHAHAHA Those are hillarious although, I think that it was Ham behind one of the "GodluvsZeek" names not that is matters much cause you really cant tell them person or, on line!
ReplyDelete<< This is the only attention K2 gets in life duh! >> Perky
ReplyDeleteEven for a Zombie, that's pretty stupid.
Ummm FYI K2 I (perky) didn't say this. I made the comment about changing your big boy panties.... so... :)
Ok Crabbngirl I mean Swapam.
ReplyDeletejesus christ if i could sell stupid i would see if flower growing gay dudes blog site provider would allow me to put up a banner ad that would simply said ("chuckle") "click here here stupid half price". I WOULD MAKE BANK!
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows the following
ReplyDelete- Cindy is fat and lies about everything
- Rose is a slut who can't keep a job
- Zeeke is a loser who abuses women
- K2 is a homosexual who has no life
- Pam and Ronnie are drunks
- Bonnie is off her rocker
- Bob is greasy and smelly
Crabbngal = Redskybay
ReplyDelete<< Chris keep up your work ... by comment's and how many read your stuff seem's your pretty good at brings me back reading it and gives me giggles for the day. >> Sassy
ReplyDeleteThanks dear, I'm glad you enjoy it.
<< I conducted an experiment just to see how much of a life Billy has. >> SarahSmiles
ReplyDeleteYou needed an experiment to determine that?
<< At least Christopher is gone hours a day to do what he enjoys doing. There is no comparison. Christopher lives his life, Billy wastes his life in a chat room. >>
Thanks, and yes, I spend the vast majority of my day away from the computer. With this gorgeous weather lately, I've been doing a lot of gardening and photography.
I also had to replace my toilet's handle the other day. What a pain in the butt. But I do several things like that a week, mostly upgrading or repairing my relatively old (like me) house. Such fun...
<< Even for a Zombie, that's pretty stupid. >> Me
ReplyDeleteUmmm FYI K2 I (perky) didn't say this. >> Perky
You missed it when I said that I randomly assign SNs to anonymous comments by Zombies. Y'all are rather interchangeable parts, so to speak.
<< I made the comment about changing your big boy panties. >>
Oh? That seems too hackneyed for you, dear. I would've expected better.
<< if i could sell stupid... >>
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that you have an ample supply to sell.
eh bethie is with her man neil on vacation while im sure billy waits patiently for his secret lover to return
ReplyDeletesassie still around i thought she had a life
ReplyDelete<< Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows the following >>
That you:
-are a coward
-don't have a doctorate in astrophysics
-abhor punctuation
-type 1-handed
-got a really bad haircut last week. Oh wait... that was me. Nevermind...
K2 got owned by his neighbor !
ReplyDeleteK2 thinks he knows whose comments are whose.You're just making yourself look foolish old man. Go find a real hobby and let the old bettys in town fight for the yard of the month award.
ReplyDeleteMartha Stewart ......dont you mean Let the old bettys with the life long on line experience determine who leaves what yourself????
ReplyDeleteOne thong for sure this is the most popular blog ariund. Zeeke could only dream about having these many comments.
ReplyDeleteWhen are all of you people going to get over yourself? Christopher doesn't own the Uglier Marylanders Blog. Bonnie writes novels on here about the past not that I care. Zeek is doing his own thing. I dont care who is doing what you people need to get a life.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThat is why Zeeke tries to control everything on AOL, it makes him feel powerful! He is just a little piece of shit, you know that last little turd that you try and try to get out of your anus and it just wont drop??
ReplyDeleteThink about it..the bolt comes into play in the Marylanders over 35 room. He. nor any of his followers were the ones who got it so, he makes another room where he or, his sidekick are in control but, that wasn't enough. He had to send a few of his followers into the MDer's over 35 to start crap, so they could copy it and send it to him so he could blog it on his boring blog
Now they all seemed to be happy in there lowly festered room which, was up there in quantity at times but, it does drop to lower levels at certain times. Then the rooms closed again and the bolt was taken by him or one of his ever faithful followers and, he kept the festered room TOO
Now you would think that he and his followers would return to that room since, they seem to have wanted to be part of it so badly.....But, only he and a few of his followers went back in there, just to sit so, they could hold onto it.....for what....I don't know.
Oh and even funnier is, a few of them have clone their own screen names so they can be in 2 rooms under the same screen name!
I can remember when the Super Secret chat room was up and running, it was supposedly private but, many who were not Zeeke followers were sent the link and, they sent it on to others who Zeeke dislikes. So, the super secret room became not so secret and someone else took it over after they all left the room. Unfortunately for Zeeke, it was NOT one of his followers. Then as he proclaimed,. the room had been "tainted"!
So, after they got possession of the MDer's over 35 room , Zeeke claimed he would not take that secret room back because, as he says, it was "tainted"! Yet, he will sit in a room that someone he disliked was in control of, (the same person he said tainted his super secret room) without a problem.
Since the same person who he said tainted his super secret room was in the MDer's over 35 room, wouldn't that mean the MDer's over 35 room would be tainted as well??
Also the rooms I have made, since I have left Maryland and Friends room. Zeeke stalked me to those rooms and, he also took those over. I kind of think that the one who truly proves that he has no life and a load of mental issues would be ZEEKE!
AOL is all he has to keep himself entertained!
>Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteK2 needs to change his big boy panties and get over himself.
Zeeke still has control over him. :) topic of yet another one of his blog entries. Way to go Zeeke !!!
September 12, 2011 10:44 PM<
I see where Perky is taking credit for this post......Perhaps she is now giving the attention to aol fonts which she didnt give to her children..........she is trying NOW to be a mother to aol fonts giving them advice!
<< K2 thinks he knows whose comments are whose >>
ReplyDeleteDon't know. Don't care. I rarely have even a clue which Zombie wrote which semi-literate snark.
any body notice K2 did not say any thing about all the nasty stuff pam said about him that is posted here
ReplyDelete<< any body notice K2 did not say any thing about all the nasty stuff pam said about him... >>
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't response-worthy on Bonnie's blog, and dual posting it here didn't make it more so. The people who needed to know the full, ugly story already know it.
K2 is a liar and everyone knows it. Even the long term AOLers won't have anything to do with him.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry Bonnie. I wasn't fortunate enough to win the "Mother of the Year" award like you did.
ReplyDeleteAll I can that I did my best.
My 30 year old daughter who is mooching off of me, my mixed grandson who is being raised by my racist, non educated, louse of a maintenance man husband who I had to go out of state and beg him to marry me; and my delinquent son are all thriving and doing well !! Even without me winning the Mother of the Year award...
In my next life, I'll try and be a wonderful mother like you...
<< I'm sorry Bonnie. I wasn't fortunate enough to win the "Mother of the Year" award like you did. >> Perky
ReplyDeleteNot to brag, but one birthday I did get a "World's Greatest Dad" ballpoint pen from my stepsons. I'm sure it was the ONLY one given out that year in the entire known universe.
From reading this blog, I have come to the conclusion that Perky is obsessed with Bonnie and Christopher.
ReplyDeleteAnd hopefully in your mext life, you can remember how old your daughter is! I really do not understand why in the hell you seem to have done a complete turn around. When all this shit started with Zeeke, I was the one in the room that was fighting with him and cindy about what they were saying about you, and you even talked to me on the phone telling me what cindy had said about her address being put in the room, and you told me what you told her so, I was thinking then you understood........What happened?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeletesassie still around i thought she had a life
Thank you for caring so much about my life!! Yes I do and it's going wonderful ty!! See you have to go under hiding here ....sorry your's is so bad you have to hide.
Now if you knew me better and was on my FB you would see what a wonderful summer I had!!
What is wrong with you people ? jesus christ.. Its beyond absurd.. kill yourselves now !
ReplyDelete" For a man who deplores drama and ugly behavior Faggy sure is up to his orange teeth in it.. Congratulations Faggy.. like Bonnie you have become everything you detest "
ReplyDeleteThe mother of the year award goes to Pretty1. What lucky child has a mother that will spend all day looking for a lost dog, but won't even report her daughter missing who is turning tricks on the street.
ReplyDeletenow now,let's cut Loli a break here ..her distractions weren't all her fault ..she was going through a period where every gene in her exquisite body was moaning for him to shove it in deeper and harder, and he made her push back against it so that it felt like it was all the way to her throat. Her full tits jiggled and wiggled against the rug when he pushed her head down and her full cheeks were up in the air.. for his assualt on her tight nasty hole. Afterall, they were his tits,he had scribbled his name across them. fuckin hot bitch that she is
ReplyDeletewe know sassie yur summer was full of trolling for cock since you couldnt land any on aol
ReplyDeleteHas Billy or K2 ever taken an aol vacation?
ReplyDeleteHas Bonnie?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThe whole thing is hilarious. The harder you dumbasses try to destroy zeeke the more popular he becomes and he laughs at all of you for falling victim to it.
September 13, 2011 7:52 AM
Sure, he laughed, when I said that I was going to find out who he was and post it all over the place......he even wished me luck on doing so...Much to he dismay...........I did it!
Then I posted the address that was listed along with his name........according to his own was his mothers address so, I guess he lived with his mother!
Then I found judiciary pages of charges against him for Domestic violence, Child endangerment and, contracts (unpaid bills that he was sued for) and,. I too posted those in the room! At the time I did it, he went off the deep end! Typing like a damn monkey on speed...trying to justify and explain away the charges!
Then I found another address in Myervilles that his name is also on which he said at one time that he let his ex wife live there to raise his son. Finny thing is, is that his ex wifes mother owns the property.
Now I told Zeeke a few years ago that he didnt know what he was doing or, who he was doing it to! He underestimated me and dared me to find out (as if I couldnt do it). He really didnt think I could but, I proved him wrong and Zeeke hates to be proven wrong in the eyes of his admirers. His admirers = chatroom fonts..!
Zeeke King Of The Zombies said...
ReplyDeleteWhat is wrong with you people ? jesus christ.. Its beyond absurd.. kill yourselves now !
September 15, 2011 1:14 AM
You first!! Or maybe, a few will grab your ass and do to you like they did to Saddam Hussein!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHas Billy or K2 ever taken an aol vacation?
September 15, 2011 6:55 AM
Anonymous said...
Has Bonnie?
September 15, 2011 8:18 AM
Sure, I have been away for my computer......5 months from August of 2009 till january of 2010 and again from december 0f 2010 till january of 2011. And there were several times in between where i went to family gatherings.
Granted, from august of 2009 to january of 2010, my computer was down so I couldnt use it and, from december of 2010 till january of 2011, I was in the hospital.
Like the Zomie crowd, when they go on vacation, have gatherings or, go into a hospital, they have to take AOL bullshit with them.
Billy comes around, baits for a bit, backs off and lets lonely loons like Bonnie and K2 go nuts.
ReplyDeleteoh stfu you dick sucking welfare whore
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeletewe know sassie yur summer was full of trolling for cock since you couldnt land any on aol
LOL....seems now your worried if I get any or not....maybe if you did you wouldn't worry about other's that do or not! Ty for saying I don't hunt on AOL like Hoser does :-)Also there is no hunting on AOL most come right out cause like Zeekypo and Zombies they have to hide and pretend cause in real life no one whats them.
I have no problem getting anything I want so sorry if you do. :-)
Fallen you say, well CHRIS killed the room, you are down to like 4, a want-to-be daddy who welds bolts at those who do not do as daddy says, a man in a cape trying to be a superhero and only accomplishing being super annoying aka superazz, a troller reciepent - just throw her a bone - no really throw her a bone - she looks hungry, and mikey, who is lives in bliss with his aol trophy wife - can we say HOORAY
ReplyDeleteTo sit in either room pretty much makes you a loser on the spot.
ReplyDeleteYeah K2 really has a room of winners. A retard a drunk and a whack job with more stories than Cindy. Where's the the intelligent freinds who talk astrophysics and politics? Where's the fiancee while you spend 19 hours a day online trying to overcome your lifelong inability to make people like you?
ReplyDelete<< Has Billy or K2 ever taken an aol vacation? >>
ReplyDeleteI haven't taken a classic vacation in real life in over 20 years. I think I've taken three or so in my adult life (if a honeymoon and trips to the in-law's summer cottage count).
I get bored so quickly that 48 hours of "doing nothing" is about as much as I can tolerate.
<< Yeah K2 really has a room of winners. >> Vomit
ReplyDeleteThanks, and I agree... nice people with whom I have pleasant chats.
<< Where's the the intelligent freinds who talk astrophysics and politics? >>
I've blogged about some of them. Go back over ALL of Ugly's blogs and I'm sure you'll find them.
<< Where's the fiancee... >>
She lives at 123 Anystreet, Anycity 12345. Feel free to call her at 123-456-7890.
<< ...while you spend 19 hours a day online... >>
You have me confused with Zeeke. << chuckle, chuckle >>
It's noticeable that neither Zeeke nor any of the other Zombies (with one unsubstantiated exception) tried to argue with my general premise that their chat room is dwindling away...
ReplyDeleteK2 is reduced to stupid people shmuck
ReplyDeleteBonnie go put yourself into Shepherd Pratt that's where you need to be right now. You are one pathetic loser of a bitch. Oh and also you and pam make a wonderful couple... She is nothing but a drunken sot.
ReplyDeleteIt's noticeable that K2 won't argue the general premise that NO ONE LIKES HIM
I like K2. You must be referring to a small group of zombies that don't like him. As if that bothers him. lol
ReplyDelete<< I like K2. You must be referring to a small group of zombies that don't like him. As if that bothers him. lol >>
ReplyDeleteThanks! Yeah, I've long been crushed, devastated even, that a small group of Idiots doesn't like me. They come... they go... I stay...
Small group? Bet you can't name 10 people on AOL who like you