I have no idea why you included Diane (JewellBerry). She may not be your idea of attractive, but she's a delightful woman from what I remember. She was also wonderfully built, a great dancer, one of the better huggers in the group, and nice to everyone. But more germane to this blog, I don't think she's been in the room in a very long time.
JewellBerry is not the same Diane as Notwithoutafight. JewellBerry is nice, Notwithoutafight Diane is an instigating bitch. Notwithoutafight and Mafiabitch were a big reason the Delaware room folded.
Cindy is a fat fuckup who will lie to anyone and go to extreme lengths to cover anything up. She even helped cover up Rose's fake pregnancy lie, along with a shitload of other stuff. She signs on here all the time and answers stuff in third person and pretends to be friends defending poor picked on Cindy (just like Rose does). Its sad really. Face it Cindy you are a fat ugly slob who stuffs cupcakes (take that Rose) and ho-hos down her throat while she sits on her fat ass online for hours on end and lets her blood clots pool to her legs and then cries ITS NOT MY FAUUUUULT. Yeah ok Cin, keep telling yourself that. Your gonna fall just like Rose did, just like Nancy did, just like Zeeke did, just like oh my fucking gawd fat Lynnzy did, just like all of them did cause you all are lying back stabbing pieces of shit who can't wait to expose each other and then swear innocence just so you can start shit and blame "those other guys". I swear you're like a bunch of freakin foot stompin 3rd graders. Remember when Rose gets mad she stomps her feet the same way. Freakin losers same shit different day. Christopher is a world above you freaks
hutting up Feefers1068: she is a broken record Ol Grumpy One: Bonnie, what exactly are you not doing right now? Bonnieisback58: they should try that Feefers1068: blah blah blah CoolHandZeek: in reality.. you mentioned her when you were defending butter Ol Grumpy One: BINGO! Bonnieisback58: but no they cant aintthebeercold: can you CoolHandZeek: so once again.. it was all YOU aintthebeercold: no Kimbo7787: actually we were not even talking to butter or bonnie Bonnieisback58: it always bonni or, butter or bob, or pam or, crap ir cherristopher Kimbo7787: about the firehunk thing BCraig1688: WHERES THAT PEPPERMINT PATTY AT Kimbo7787: and she got into it CoolHandZeek: cherristopher CoolHandZeek: lol Ol Grumpy One: cherristopher? CoolHandZeek: good name Ol Grumpy One: HAHAHAHAHAHA Bonnieisback58: and christopher hasnt said anything in response to Zeeke ever CoolHandZeek: it fits him CoolHandZeek: sure he has Bonnieisback58: yet zeeke keeps going after him Bonnieisback58: now you tell me, who is wasting his time? CoolHandZeek: i make him squat BCraig1688: THAT ZEEK,HE COMES UP WITH SOME GOOD STUFF Bonnieisback58: cause he has so much time and nothing else CoolHandZeek: hes not allowed to post back ButterflyBeMe54: That's your opinion BC Bonnieisback58: no life BCraig1688: WELL I THINK WE ALL DO AND I THINK WE ALL DON`T AT TIMES OnlineHost: SxyMAFlAHlTWoman has left the room. OnlineHost: h0ckey ChiCK 8E has entered the room. CoolHandZeek: as we found out..ole faggy's perm iggy is kinda a fraud HamOnWryX2: prancer prefers his responses to be outside the room, it seems Bonnieisback58: a man that has ignored him for so many years and et he keeps trying to get his attention CoolHandZeek: itchy BCraig1688: ITS NOTHING TO TAKE TO THE BANK THOUGH HamOnWryX2: playing to the chooir CoolHandZeek: well..it worked
l Grumpy One: Just get in touch with the sicilian mafia. My Gf is in cahoots with them. ChristopherK2: Soooooo, ranting and ugliness rule for now? COprincess2003: Haha. COprincess2003: Sicilian mafia? Cindy32863: I mean.why would it matter IF I sent the letter..IF Crab isnt Karrie..right? = ) CoolHandZeek: wasnt bonnie sending neil a letter ? HamOnWryX2: sure, you want to be a part of it? Cindy32863: but of course..she is ButterflyBeMe54: who is that Chris? Ol Grumpy One: sicilian mafia CoolHandZeek: but its a crime of cindy sends one to CRAP ? Bonnieisback58: ot os about time she is knocked down a few noitches Cindy32863: crab aka AApantry PRETTTYONE319: exactly Cindy ButterflyBeMe54: IM having a hard time keeping up with all of this? Cindy32863: Crab aka Roomie2002 JustBeing13itchy: lol Chris ButterflyBeMe54: so that who AAPantry is huh? hmmmm interesting Bonnieisback58: it is about time she is knocked down a few notches Cindy32863: Crab aka Karrie Pittsley
OMFG so now old roomie is pantry is crab is grumpy is karrie? would you fuckin idiots make up your minds? So how many people are you supposed to be now ugly? Cindy you fat ass your just pissed you are in roomie's targets now. so yeah go head and keep saying its karrie you dumb fuck. so now your fat ugly and stupid.
I find the room log above very interesting. I remember being in the room a week or so ago and Cindy started babbling about the puppy she gave as a gift. Then she started to babble about naming the dog Kerrie. Now it all makes sense to me. I guess crazy Cindy thought she was intimidating someone by saying that name. And of course Cindy lied once again about the dogs name. I think I will send a letter as well to warn Kerrie that she is being stalked. Since her name was put in the chat room, it wasn't hard to goggle where she worked. One never knows what a sick stalker is capable of doing. RSB
you guys don't know anything about "kerrie" and where she works. roserhoserhead thinks she knows but she will show herself as a dipshit that she is. if lardass cindy thinks she can take "kerrie" on or old roomie then go for it you ugly fat tons of fun idiot. truth is you people don't know who old roomie is and maybe you shouldn't mess with them. rose tried to threaten cajole and bully her way into finding out who old roomie was and she still couldn't find out. so maybe you should leave it alone fat cincin. maybe you should use your effort into showing that meloney smith is still using the name sydney smith on facebook to this day and will be exposed before long. she was busted before and she will be again. here is proof: Sydney Meloney And A Big Fat Lie
Cindy spent an hour putting Karrie's address, full name, phone number, place of work, boyfriends full name, relatives, etc in the room. Now when Karrie appears and Cindy has to eat her words watch Cindy deny it.
THEY ARE ABSOLUTE IDIOTS. I watched mdcrabbngal say who she was in the room and it went right over thier heads. Hooters fonted that she thought mdcrab was long nose (Chy) and mdcrab said hot hot almost an inferno. No one noticed. McCrab commented a couple more times that Cindy is ice cold and to consult Hooters who was on the money with who she is.
Cindy32863: one ticket in 30 years that I was found not guilty mdcrabbngal: Proof, Cindy, proof I am Karrie. Giggles Jbo181: warm her my friends,,chilly toniught Cindy32863: lol not bragging. just the truth LOL cooper5353: brb jb gave me wood mdcrabbngal: Cindy has to buy new tires all the time. Cindy32863: ohh karrie. I have it dear. Cindy32863: = ) TANGIBLE ROSE: how would you know karrie......ole roomie........... Jbo181: who snuggles??SNUGGLE TIME JBigred57x: jeesh TANGIBLE ROSE: you may have buy new tires soon dear TANGIBLE ROSE: and much more PwStroke: got ya beat Cindy3, no tickets here at all JBigred57x: Font snuggling? Mdphotgrapher: i wish jb would give him some wood (in the form of a baseball bat to his head) JBigred57x: long distance? Cindy32863: good job PW JBigred57x: hmmm TANGIBLE ROSE: yawnnnnnn Cindy32863: mine was going 34 in a 25 SMPinkrose: same here Tom no tickets or accidents Cindy32863: but I was found not guilty Cindy32863: so no record Jbo181: cooper u gay? Mdphotgrapher: JBigred57x: I told him thats what I'd do for him Md TANGIBLE ROSE: cooke Jbo181: 42 w/m PwStroke: ^5 Shirley mdcrabbngal: Rose is a true hayseed. Mdphotgrapher: lol jb TANGIBLE ROSE: hush it steve before i shove one up your arse cooper5353: jbo no but talk to md Mdphotgrapher: =-O Mdphotgrapher: dayum rose mdcrabbngal: Rose has herpes you don't want in that mouth TANGIBLE ROSE: s{ fix that eye Cindy32863: so karrie. tell us all about your domestic violence charges. since we're talking "records" Jbo181: ughhh Mdphotgrapher: whats ya got against twinki's? Jbo181: geeezzzz OnlineHost: SEAWIZ1 has left the room. JBigred57x: nasty STD room Mdphotgrapher: cindy who is cindy? JBigred57x: jeezus PwStroke: who is Karrie? JBigred57x: No clue Mdphotgrapher: oops Cindy32863: who is cindy?LOL Mdphotgrapher: karrie SMPinkrose: who is karrie? Cindy32863: Karris is crab Cindy32863: Karrie TANGIBLE ROSE: some used up stalker from aol with a droopy eye Mdphotgrapher: ah ok Cindy32863: is crab aka AApantry Jbo181: later people SMPinkrose: oh ok, have no idea who karrie is Mdphotgrapher: dont remember a AA pantry TANGIBLE ROSE: and also oldroomie Cindy32863: she's been stalking Rose for like 9 years JBigred57x: we are always good Mdphotgrapher: take coop with ya jbo TANGIBLE ROSE: no since 2007ish TANGIBLE ROSE: 2006 TANGIBLE ROSE: i ended our friendship and she snapped Cindy32863: sooo since some of us talk to Rose..she's running her lying mouth about us TANGIBLE ROSE: her and the side kick fake attorney sydneyesquire Jbo181: my dog is here PwStroke: I remember AAPantry mdcrabbngal: This is the lamest conspiracy theory I've ever heard. Then again it is Rose and Cindy stating it. JBigred57x: cool JBigred57x: My cat is here Jbo181: next time Jbo181: adios! TANGIBLE ROSE: i think im going to call the fake dc firefighters commission or should it be the volunteer one Mdphotgrapher: cold kitty huh jb? SMPinkrose: she does with me too Cindy, she has no idea what she is talking about either JBigred57x: 1 cold and 1 warm JBigred57x: :-) TANGIBLE ROSE: or the fake bar association lol Cindy32863: I know SMP. she talks nothing but total lies Mdphotgrapher: well im not asking witch is witch Cindy32863: and thinks someone believes her TANGIBLE ROSE: he whole life is a lie OnlineHost: Jbo181 has left the room. mdcrabbngal: Thinking isn't one of their characteristics. COprincess2003: *which is which ... TANGIBLE ROSE: you would think bri bri would have kept her from her obsessions Mdphotgrapher: good call cindy OnlineHost:
Well dern come on now, just last week Ham and Cindy were accusing me of being crabbngirl. And we all know Ham and Cindy think they know everything. A few weeks before that, I was accused of being AAPantry. I guess Ham and Cindy's creditability was just swept down the river.
well you run with it you lardass Cindy if you think you know who old roomie is or even who "Kerrie" is. Rose you're an ugly fucking old dried up whore who doesn't know shit. If she did she would have up to date info on Karrie. Truth is Rose did one of her fuckin over lying bullshit things to her and she blew her off. Rose even started that shit about Karrie's baby being in a grave and calling out for her mommy. Sick bitch you are Rose should I pull out those posts and the IP addresses that go with it? I am giggling at this, it makes old roomies work even easier. you fat ugly morons Cindy and Rose make it easy for a rock to do things your'e so damn stupid. but please keep thinking what you're thinking. don't think this gets you out of old roomie's sights fatazs Cindy. Maybe you can go meet up with that fake attorney Sydney and you can be in cahoots with her and Rose to take old roomie on. Yeah good luck with that one.
"l Grumpy One: Just get in touch with the sicilian mafia. My Gf is in cahoots with them."
Yeah ok if your girlfriend was really in "cahoots" with the Sicilian Mafia as you put it, she wouldn't be bragging about it. They get rid of people who can't keep their mouths shut. This shows you are a complete idiot bragging about shit you know nothing about.
Cindy and Rose read the Ugly blog all of the time. They comment on articles posted on it, then they turn around and say they don't read it. Both are known to be habitual liars. Both are nothing but trouble. When they get angry with someone for the smallest of reasons, they go after that person, hunting them down and try to publicly humilate that person. Both of them will get what is coming to them sooner or later. Rose has gotten it once but didn't learn from it. We all saw her sniffling picture on the news article once. Either she is as stupid as a rock, or so mentally ill, she can't help herself. Whatever the case may be, it's best to stay as far away from these two as possible.
Luckily the only people who believe Cindy are drama Queens who are equally or even more stupid than her. Not even Zeek supports her stupidity. I've known Cindy for many years, and cannot even begin to tell you the lies she throws out.
The truth about Cindy is her life isn't great. She never knew her Daddy growing up, her sisters want little to do with her, and she's struggled her entire adult life with obesity, financially, and socially. She wants you to believe she had a fantastic long professional career with the government but the truth is she does not have any degrees, and she did not retire, she took long-term disability because she was faced with being fired for performance issues. She was not there 20 years like she wants you to believe. She also has a huge problem with depression, sometimes not getting out of bed for days at a time. And don't let her fool you, she has no business talking about Bonnie being on Section 8 since she received rental assistance. She thinks she has money cause she's tied up in a class action lawsuit and has been for many years which will never pay out.
Her ex-husband was not a MTA cop like she tells everyone. He has delivered water for many years. Her educated independent daughters? What a laugh. The oldest is illegitimate, she graduated from high school with Cindy's maiden name. She works as a bank teller and has not gone to college at all. Her youngest daughter cannot keep a job, has severe psychological issues (has been hospitalized several times), and does not have a college degree nor does she own any houses. She is on state assistance right now too, with no father around to assist with the baby she just had.
I truly believe Cindy is sociopathic and dangerous. Bonnie and Zeeke spend hours harassing people in the room but both will admit it to what they do. They also will own up to their blogs and antics. Everyone else does as well.
Cindy will not admit to anything she does at all. Not only that, she will go to a ridiculous length to prove her lies true. I am familiar with what a poster said about her having a kid out of wedlock. She denied it completely. When the fonter said why did she graduate high school with Cindy's maiden name, she denied that. Denied that she went to P High school. Said she never lived in that area. Right up till the fonter put her daughter's FB page in the room showing she graduated from P High and on an alumni page it had her with Cindy's maiden name. Fifteen minutes after this, a font came in the room no one's seen before talking to Cindy as if she was the mother of her daughter's classmate. They talked about the graduation from SP High School.
Wow! I google my name just for kicks. I find this. Amazing to see that Rose is just as paranoid as she was. It's obvious you have envy issue on those that are real since the life you live is a fantasy and online. Do you even know what year it is and the fact on people. You live your life in the past and think people are stalking you. Get real and get with the times. So whoever is Crab or Grumpy or Bonnie, I am far from them. Rose I haven't talked to you since like 2006 or 2007. Where are you now? Still in the past and living on words in cyber space.
Rose sitting in a chat room acting all bad ass. Wow that's a change, gag. Cindy acting like such a supporter another dumb ass. Yah 2 peas on a alien pod. What assholes. Smearing Karrie's name all because whore Rose "thinks" she knows. That's Rose.
Amazing to do that to a good, real life friend over assumptions huh? Um, did it ever occur to Rose in her small pea sized brain that someone is playing her dumb ass? She really is dumb easily led. Rose has a history of pulling this shit making up crap about her friends.
How Rose has anyone listening to her stupid ass in a chat room believing anything she cares to pull out of the wind and state as the gospel is truly remarkable. If anyone had half a brain cell left they would put Rose on mute/ignore and let her sit all by herself in a chat room lol'ing herself to death. What a crazy stupid nut. Never to be heard again. She does more lol'ing than any human could muster. What a dumb cunt hasn't a clue how hated she really is. Rose just loves all the hatred that's how stupid she is! Rose harbors the notion how hot and sexy she is? Funny. Sexy oh yah sitting in a chat room 20 years being a bad ass. That's so hot.
Who is that nasty looking woman second from the last?
ReplyDeleteShirley is the best looking out of that crowd. The others welllll too funny for words.
ReplyDeleteOh Good Lord these women have nerve enough to crack on Bonnie's looks?
ReplyDeleteOMG Nancy is one ugly woman!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBonnie looks like a model compared to this bunch.
ReplyDeletePatti is the only one with a decent picture but I've seen her and she looks nothing like that picture.
ReplyDeletePatty is big as a house and don't know how to dress and she is after Zeeke
ReplyDeleteThe first one looks as if she had been poured into her clothes and had forgotten to say "when."
ReplyDeleteYou picked the right name for this blog. These folks are uglllllyyyyyyy
ReplyDeleteI have no idea why you included Diane (JewellBerry). She may not be your idea of attractive, but she's a delightful woman from what I remember. She was also wonderfully built, a great dancer, one of the better huggers in the group, and nice to everyone. But more germane to this blog, I don't think she's been in the room in a very long time.
ReplyDeleteNotwithoutafight is nice?
ReplyDeleteI tell you what, you all have no clue who half these people are......most are correct but the one you all think is NOT is just not her its Jewel.
ReplyDeleteLord Cindy has bat wings enough to make a building fly.
ReplyDeleteJewellBerry is not the same Diane as Notwithoutafight. JewellBerry is nice, Notwithoutafight Diane is an instigating bitch. Notwithoutafight and Mafiabitch were a big reason the Delaware room folded.
ReplyDeleteCindy is bi
ReplyDeleteCindy is a fat fuckup who will lie to anyone and go to extreme lengths to cover anything up. She even helped cover up Rose's fake pregnancy lie, along with a shitload of other stuff. She signs on here all the time and answers stuff in third person and pretends to be friends defending poor picked on Cindy (just like Rose does). Its sad really.
ReplyDeleteFace it Cindy you are a fat ugly slob who stuffs cupcakes (take that Rose) and ho-hos down her throat while she sits on her fat ass online for hours on end and lets her blood clots pool to her legs and then cries ITS NOT MY FAUUUUULT.
Yeah ok Cin, keep telling yourself that. Your gonna fall just like Rose did, just like Nancy did, just like Zeeke did, just like oh my fucking gawd fat Lynnzy did, just like all of them did cause you all are lying back stabbing pieces of shit who can't wait to expose each other and then swear innocence just so you can start shit and blame "those other guys".
I swear you're like a bunch of freakin foot stompin 3rd graders. Remember when Rose gets mad she stomps her feet the same way.
Freakin losers same shit different day. Christopher is a world above you freaks
hutting up
ReplyDeleteFeefers1068: she is a broken record
Ol Grumpy One: Bonnie, what exactly are you not doing right now?
Bonnieisback58: they should try that
Feefers1068: blah blah blah
CoolHandZeek: in reality.. you mentioned her when you were defending butter
Ol Grumpy One: BINGO!
Bonnieisback58: but no they cant
aintthebeercold: can you
CoolHandZeek: so once again.. it was all YOU
aintthebeercold: no
Kimbo7787: actually we were not even talking to butter or bonnie
Bonnieisback58: it always bonni or, butter or bob, or pam or, crap ir cherristopher
Kimbo7787: about the firehunk thing
Kimbo7787: and she got into it
CoolHandZeek: cherristopher
CoolHandZeek: lol
Ol Grumpy One: cherristopher?
CoolHandZeek: good name
Bonnieisback58: and christopher hasnt said anything in response to Zeeke ever
CoolHandZeek: it fits him
CoolHandZeek: sure he has
Bonnieisback58: yet zeeke keeps going after him
Bonnieisback58: now you tell me, who is wasting his time?
CoolHandZeek: i make him squat
Bonnieisback58: cause he has so much time and nothing else
CoolHandZeek: hes not allowed to post back
ButterflyBeMe54: That's your opinion BC
Bonnieisback58: no life
OnlineHost: SxyMAFlAHlTWoman has left the room.
OnlineHost: h0ckey ChiCK 8E has entered the room.
CoolHandZeek: as we found out..ole faggy's perm iggy is kinda a fraud
HamOnWryX2: prancer prefers his responses to be outside the room, it seems
Bonnieisback58: a man that has ignored him for so many years and et he keeps trying to get his attention
CoolHandZeek: itchy
HamOnWryX2: playing to the chooir
CoolHandZeek: well..it worked
l Grumpy One: Just get in touch with the sicilian mafia. My Gf is in cahoots with them.
ReplyDeleteChristopherK2: Soooooo, ranting and ugliness rule for now?
COprincess2003: Haha.
COprincess2003: Sicilian mafia?
Cindy32863: I mean.why would it matter IF I sent the letter..IF Crab isnt Karrie..right? = )
CoolHandZeek: wasnt bonnie sending neil a letter ?
HamOnWryX2: sure, you want to be a part of it?
Cindy32863: but of course..she is
ButterflyBeMe54: who is that Chris?
Ol Grumpy One: sicilian mafia
CoolHandZeek: but its a crime of cindy sends one to CRAP ?
Bonnieisback58: ot os about time she is knocked down a few noitches
Cindy32863: crab aka AApantry
PRETTTYONE319: exactly Cindy
ButterflyBeMe54: IM having a hard time keeping up with all of this?
Cindy32863: Crab aka Roomie2002
JustBeing13itchy: lol Chris
ButterflyBeMe54: so that who AAPantry is huh? hmmmm interesting
Bonnieisback58: it is about time she is knocked down a few notches
Cindy32863: Crab aka Karrie Pittsley
OMFG so now old roomie is pantry is crab is grumpy is karrie? would you fuckin idiots make up your minds?
ReplyDeleteSo how many people are you supposed to be now ugly?
Cindy you fat ass your just pissed you are in roomie's targets now. so yeah go head and keep saying its karrie you dumb fuck. so now your fat ugly and stupid.
I find the room log above very interesting. I remember being in the room a week or so ago and Cindy started babbling about the puppy she gave as a gift. Then she started to babble about naming the dog Kerrie. Now it all makes sense to me. I guess crazy Cindy thought she was intimidating someone by saying that name. And of course Cindy lied once again about the dogs name.
ReplyDeleteI think I will send a letter as well to warn Kerrie that she is being stalked. Since her name was put in the chat room, it wasn't hard to goggle where she worked. One never knows what a sick stalker is capable of doing.
you guys don't know anything about "kerrie" and where she works. roserhoserhead thinks she knows but she will show herself as a dipshit that she is. if lardass cindy thinks she can take "kerrie" on or old roomie then go for it you ugly fat tons of fun idiot.
ReplyDeletetruth is you people don't know who old roomie is and maybe you shouldn't mess with them. rose tried to threaten cajole and bully her way into finding out who old roomie was and she still couldn't find out. so maybe you should leave it alone fat cincin.
maybe you should use your effort into showing that meloney smith is still using the name sydney smith on facebook to this day and will be exposed before long. she was busted before and she will be again.
here is proof:
Sydney Meloney And A Big Fat Lie
Has Cindy apologized to Red yet? Last week she was telling everyone in the room that Crab is Red. The week before it was Guy.
ReplyDeleteCindy spent an hour putting Karrie's address, full name, phone number, place of work, boyfriends full name, relatives, etc in the room. Now when Karrie appears and Cindy has to eat her words watch Cindy deny it.
ReplyDeleteTHEY ARE ABSOLUTE IDIOTS. I watched mdcrabbngal say who she was in the room and it went right over thier heads. Hooters fonted that she thought mdcrab was long nose (Chy) and mdcrab said hot hot almost an inferno. No one noticed. McCrab commented a couple more times that Cindy is ice cold and to consult Hooters who was on the money with who she is.
ReplyDeleteCindy32863: one ticket in 30 years that I was found not guilty
ReplyDeletemdcrabbngal: Proof, Cindy, proof I am Karrie. Giggles
Jbo181: warm her my friends,,chilly toniught
Cindy32863: lol not bragging. just the truth LOL
cooper5353: brb jb gave me wood
mdcrabbngal: Cindy has to buy new tires all the time.
Cindy32863: ohh karrie. I have it dear.
Cindy32863: = )
TANGIBLE ROSE: how would you know karrie......ole roomie...........
Jbo181: who snuggles??SNUGGLE TIME
JBigred57x: jeesh
TANGIBLE ROSE: you may have buy new tires soon dear
TANGIBLE ROSE: and much more
PwStroke: got ya beat Cindy3, no tickets here at all
JBigred57x: Font snuggling?
Mdphotgrapher: i wish jb would give him some wood (in the form of a baseball bat to his head)
JBigred57x: long distance?
Cindy32863: good job PW
JBigred57x: hmmm
TANGIBLE ROSE: yawnnnnnn
Cindy32863: mine was going 34 in a 25
SMPinkrose: same here Tom no tickets or accidents
Cindy32863: but I was found not guilty
Cindy32863: so no record
Jbo181: cooper u gay?
JBigred57x: I told him thats what I'd do for him Md
Jbo181: 42 w/m
PwStroke: ^5 Shirley
mdcrabbngal: Rose is a true hayseed.
Mdphotgrapher: lol jb
TANGIBLE ROSE: hush it steve before i shove one up your arse
cooper5353: jbo no but talk to md
Mdphotgrapher: =-O
Mdphotgrapher: dayum rose
mdcrabbngal: Rose has herpes you don't want in that mouth
TANGIBLE ROSE: s{ fix that eye
Cindy32863: so karrie. tell us all about your domestic violence charges. since we're talking "records"
Jbo181: ughhh
Mdphotgrapher: whats ya got against twinki's?
Jbo181: geeezzzz
OnlineHost: SEAWIZ1 has left the room.
JBigred57x: nasty STD room
Mdphotgrapher: cindy who is cindy?
JBigred57x: jeezus
PwStroke: who is Karrie?
JBigred57x: No clue
Mdphotgrapher: oops
Cindy32863: who is cindy?LOL
Mdphotgrapher: karrie
SMPinkrose: who is karrie?
Cindy32863: Karris is crab
Cindy32863: Karrie
TANGIBLE ROSE: some used up stalker from aol with a droopy eye
Mdphotgrapher: ah ok
Cindy32863: is crab aka AApantry
Jbo181: later people
SMPinkrose: oh ok, have no idea who karrie is
Mdphotgrapher: dont remember a AA pantry
TANGIBLE ROSE: and also oldroomie
Cindy32863: she's been stalking Rose for like 9 years
JBigred57x: we are always good
Mdphotgrapher: take coop with ya jbo
TANGIBLE ROSE: no since 2007ish
TANGIBLE ROSE: i ended our friendship and she snapped
Cindy32863: sooo since some of us talk to Rose..she's running her lying mouth about us
TANGIBLE ROSE: her and the side kick fake attorney sydneyesquire
Jbo181: my dog is here
PwStroke: I remember AAPantry
mdcrabbngal: This is the lamest conspiracy theory I've ever heard. Then again it is Rose and Cindy stating it.
JBigred57x: cool
JBigred57x: My cat is here
Jbo181: next time
Jbo181: adios!
TANGIBLE ROSE: i think im going to call the fake dc firefighters commission or should it be the volunteer one
Mdphotgrapher: cold kitty huh jb?
SMPinkrose: she does with me too Cindy, she has no idea what she is talking about either
JBigred57x: 1 cold and 1 warm
JBigred57x: :-)
TANGIBLE ROSE: or the fake bar association lol
Cindy32863: I know SMP. she talks nothing but total lies
Mdphotgrapher: well im not asking witch is witch
Cindy32863: and thinks someone believes her
TANGIBLE ROSE: he whole life is a lie
OnlineHost: Jbo181 has left the room.
mdcrabbngal: Thinking isn't one of their characteristics.
COprincess2003: *which is which ...
TANGIBLE ROSE: you would think bri bri would have kept her from her obsessions
Mdphotgrapher: good call cindy
Everyone knows Cindy lies all the time.
ReplyDelete<< Freakin losers same shit different day. Christopher is a world above you freaks >>
ReplyDeleteIsn't that called "damning with faint praise"?
Well dern come on now, just last week Ham and Cindy were accusing me of being crabbngirl. And we all know Ham and Cindy think they know everything. A few weeks before that, I was accused of being AAPantry. I guess Ham and Cindy's creditability was just swept down the river.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewell you run with it you lardass Cindy if you think you know who old roomie is or even who "Kerrie" is. Rose you're an ugly fucking old dried up whore who doesn't know shit. If she did she would have up to date info on Karrie. Truth is Rose did one of her fuckin over lying bullshit things to her and she blew her off. Rose even started that shit about Karrie's baby being in a grave and calling out for her mommy. Sick bitch you are Rose should I pull out those posts and the IP addresses that go with it? I am giggling at this, it makes old roomies work even easier. you fat ugly morons Cindy and Rose make it easy for a rock to do things your'e so damn stupid.
ReplyDeletebut please keep thinking what you're thinking. don't think this gets you out of old roomie's sights fatazs Cindy. Maybe you can go meet up with that fake attorney Sydney and you can be in cahoots with her and Rose to take old roomie on. Yeah good luck with that one.
"l Grumpy One: Just get in touch with the sicilian mafia. My Gf is in cahoots with them."
ReplyDeleteYeah ok if your girlfriend was really in "cahoots" with the Sicilian Mafia as you put it, she wouldn't be bragging about it. They get rid of people who can't keep their mouths shut.
This shows you are a complete idiot bragging about shit you know nothing about.
Cindy and Rose read the Ugly blog all of the time. They comment on articles posted on it, then they turn around and say they don't read it. Both are known to be habitual liars. Both are nothing but trouble. When they get angry with someone for the smallest of reasons, they go after that person, hunting them down and try to publicly humilate that person.
ReplyDeleteBoth of them will get what is coming to them sooner or later. Rose has gotten it once but didn't learn from it. We all saw her sniffling picture on the news article once. Either she is as stupid as a rock, or so mentally ill, she can't help herself. Whatever the case may be, it's best to stay as far away from these two as possible.
Luckily the only people who believe Cindy are drama Queens who are equally or even more stupid than her. Not even Zeek supports her stupidity. I've known Cindy for many years, and cannot even begin to tell you the lies she throws out.
The truth about Cindy is her life isn't great. She never knew her Daddy growing up, her sisters want little to do with her, and she's struggled her entire adult life with obesity, financially, and socially. She wants you to believe she had a fantastic long professional career with the government but the truth is she does not have any degrees, and she did not retire, she took long-term disability because she was faced with being fired for performance issues. She was not there 20 years like she wants you to believe. She also has a huge problem with depression, sometimes not getting out of bed for days at a time. And don't let her fool you, she has no business talking about Bonnie being on Section 8 since she received rental assistance. She thinks she has money cause she's tied up in a class action lawsuit and has been for many years which will never pay out.
Her ex-husband was not a MTA cop like she tells everyone. He has delivered water for many years. Her educated independent daughters? What a laugh. The oldest is illegitimate, she graduated from high school with Cindy's maiden name. She works as a bank teller and has not gone to college at all. Her youngest daughter cannot keep a job, has severe psychological issues (has been hospitalized several times), and does not have a college degree nor does she own any houses. She is on state assistance right now too, with no father around to assist with the baby she just had.
I truly believe Cindy is sociopathic and dangerous. Bonnie and Zeeke spend hours harassing people in the room but both will admit it to what they do. They also will own up to their blogs and antics. Everyone else does as well.
Cindy will not admit to anything she does at all. Not only that, she will go to a ridiculous length to prove her lies true. I am familiar with what a poster said about her having a kid out of wedlock. She denied it completely. When the fonter said why did she graduate high school with Cindy's maiden name, she denied that. Denied that she went to P High school. Said she never lived in that area. Right up till the fonter put her daughter's FB page in the room showing she graduated from P High and on an alumni page it had her with Cindy's maiden name. Fifteen minutes after this, a font came in the room no one's seen before talking to Cindy as if she was the mother of her daughter's classmate. They talked about the graduation from SP High School.
Clearly sociopathic behavior.
sooo Cindy do guys have to roll you in flour just to find the nappy wet spot?
ReplyDeleteinquiring minds want to know........
Old Grumpy has a girlfriend? Why does he have ads on dating sites then?
ReplyDelete<< The truth about Cindy is her life isn't great. >>
ReplyDeleteYou've posted all or most of that comment before in another thread. Bored? Lazy?
bored I guess...sorry will try to keep from that again
ReplyDeleteWow! I google my name just for kicks. I find this. Amazing to see that Rose is just as paranoid as she was. It's obvious you have envy issue on those that are real since the life you live is a fantasy and online. Do you even know what year it is and the fact on people. You live your life in the past and think people are stalking you. Get real and get with the times. So whoever is Crab or Grumpy or Bonnie, I am far from them. Rose I haven't talked to you since like 2006 or 2007. Where are you now? Still in the past and living on words in cyber space.
ReplyDeleteOh and by the way Rose. I see I'm still famous and you envy me. You can't be me or have my real life honey!
ReplyDeleteRose sitting in a chat room acting all bad ass. Wow that's a change, gag. Cindy acting like such a supporter another dumb ass. Yah 2 peas on a alien pod. What assholes. Smearing Karrie's name all because whore Rose "thinks" she knows. That's Rose.
ReplyDeleteAmazing to do that to a good, real life friend over assumptions huh? Um, did it ever occur to Rose in her small pea sized brain that someone is playing her dumb ass? She really is dumb easily led. Rose has a history of pulling this shit making up crap about her friends.
How Rose has anyone listening to her stupid ass in a chat room believing anything she cares to pull out of the wind and state as the gospel is truly remarkable. If anyone had half a brain cell left they would put Rose on mute/ignore and let her sit all by herself in a chat room lol'ing herself to death. What a crazy stupid nut. Never to be heard again. She does more lol'ing than any human could muster. What a dumb cunt hasn't a clue how hated she really is. Rose just loves all the hatred that's how stupid she is! Rose harbors the notion how hot and sexy she is? Funny. Sexy oh yah sitting in a chat room 20 years being a bad ass. That's so hot.