Poor poor Zeeke has once again proven himself to be everything I have claimed he was.....he just doesn't get it.......when I'm right..........I'm right!!
Since 2002, he has been in the Marylanders over 35 room beating me down....mainly due to my honesty and, lack of fear for being honest and, because I was nice....pre-Zeeke. In the Marylanders over 35 room, the bolt came into play and, I was the first one back so, I got the bolt.........I didn't really want it so, I gave it to ChristopherK2 which, infuriated Zeeke no doubt! See, Zeeke does the same thing to ChristopherK2 as he does to me only, Christopher has never fought back.......as I have. Which brings me to another of Zeekes false claims..........he has said if I just ignored him, he would stop. Well ChristopherK2 has ignored you forever and, you still don't stop with him so..........!
Well the room kind of split because. Zeeke and his many followers (fellow fools) made a room named Maryland Love Fest and they all congregated in that room, of course though, a few just had to visit the Marylanders over 35 room to start trouble and also to spy and report back to Zeeke! Well a week or so ago, the rooms closed once again and this time, one of Zeekes fools were first in the room so, they have the bolt so now, they have 2 chat rooms controlled mainly by Zeeke!
So, we opened another room, mind you, not everyone agreed on a name. a few wanted nothing to tie us to the foolish antics of Zeeke. So, I made a room Called the East Coast Chat which was not approved of by a few but, they settled on it until...........it was taken over by one of Zeekes followers, Eight port jack. he sat in there mostly alone for a couple days so, Christopherk2 just made another room. Called Maryland and Friends and, we all congregated there for a while.
Now, Christopherk2 is not one for drama however. he is not at his keyboard to see what goes on 24/7 so, there is some drama which, he called a few of us down for. The drama he was speaking of was centered on one person Colmac06 who continually lies which, has been proven with the boat he claims to own. The reason we were doing this was because, there is a woman in the room, AF205CNE and, she is well....lonely and seems to be an "easy mark" so to speak so we were trying to keep her from being taken in by this idiot.
Now AF seems to be right there and dishing out the drama with RuffstuffRob, in the same way that others have with Colmac06. But she has gone to ChristopherK2 to complain about Pam and I doing the exact same thing to Colmac06
So, I checked the East Coast Chat yesterday and seems as though Eight Port Jack got tired of sitting there alone so, I reopened the room............Well, at 230 this morning I checked the room and sure enough, just what I thought would happen has happened.....stalker Zeeke and one of his fools have taken over the room!
So, here is a message for Zeeke (Billy S Lewis)! You continually over the past 9 - 10 years have made the claim that AOL was MY life and. that I had nothing and no one else in MY life...........sure seems to me that AOL is and, forever will be YOUR life..............Lets see, you have been married 2 times and, divorced, most likely due to the fact you are obsessive, narcissistic, abusive and, puerile.
Here you are at 49 yeas old and you act like a school yard bully! And, so do all your foolish friends! It's time to grow up and stop being the loser cry baby!
Didn't Billy say Mafia woman was trash at one time? At least before she started feeding the zombie pack anyway. Look at the group on that list above. The cesspool of Maryland and Delaware.
It seems they have nothing better to do than hold down chat room's. Make's you wonder what kind of life they have that the need to be in two chat's ...not only with one name two....Thier lives must be pretty nothing!! Also them thinking we don't come around cause they ran use all of is a big joke. We all just found better things to do than set in chat room's day in and out! Like commented before if you judge other's behavior than you should look at your own. Can't set in chat room's like yourselfs and cut down other's when you do same thing. Also don't do to other's thing's you can't handle and don't like and not expect it come back at you!! A lot big talk and tough acting under screen name's and loser's in real life.
EminenceFrontal [11:30 P.M.]: spamload Svapam [11:31 P.M.]: asshole EminenceFrontal [11:31 P.M.]: did k2 die? EminenceFrontal [11:31 P.M.]: drinking tonight? Svapam [11:31 P.M.]: nah he just wants to be everybodies daddy Svapam [11:31 P.M.]: he thinks he should control what is said Svapam [11:31 P.M.]: in his room Svapam [11:31 P.M.]: sounds just like that bully zeek EminenceFrontal [11:32 P.M.]: lolol EminenceFrontal [11:32 P.M.]: must be a man thing Svapam [11:32 P.M.]: i guess Svapam [11:33 P.M.]: a dick comparison type of competition Svapam [11:33 P.M.]: well i have a pussy and all dicks want that Svapam [11:33 P.M.]: so i trump them anyways EminenceFrontal [11:33 P.M.]: excuse me but no one wants a diseased pussy Svapam [11:34 P.M.]: well then i guess you should not push you festering pussy on anyone Svapam [11:34 P.M.]: i guess your ashamed and embarrassed EminenceFrontal [11:35 P.M.]: i dont have a vagina Svapam [11:35 P.M.]: my pussy is just fine heathly a model for the perfect pussy EminenceFrontal [11:35 P.M.]: dumbass
My name is sitting in the EastCoastchat chatroom and, while I was away from the keyboard, 3 of Zeekes fools popped in the room! I am guessing that they were sent by Zeeke.
OnlineHost: Azacmon has entered the room. OnlineHost: Pantrygal J has entered the room. Azacmon: jackieeeeee Pantrygal J: ericaaaaaa Pantrygal J: how the hell are you OnlineHost: Dee Md 9257 has entered the room. Azacmon: im good, how are you Azacmon: deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Pantrygal J: the same Pantrygal J: deeeeeeeeeeeeeee Dee Md 9257: Ericaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Dee Md 9257: Jackieeeeeeeeeeee Pantrygal J: bon bon good morning Dee Md 9257: so nice to see you both Dee Md 9257: smooches Bonnie Azacmon: (((bonnie))) Dee Md 9257: hahaa Pantrygal J: we came for a visit Dee Md 9257: maybe she's medicated and sleeping OnlineHost: *** You have ejected Azacmon from this room *** OnlineHost: Azacmon has left the room. OnlineHost: *** You have ejected Dee Md 9257 from this room *** OnlineHost: Dee Md 9257 has left the room. OnlineHost: *** You have ejected Pantrygal J from this room *** OnlineHost: Pantrygal J has left the room.
I left to make a phone call which means, that the room closed and everyone I had on the ejection list was no longer on there when I reopened the room. Which I am sure they know that i left cause Zeeke is watching! So the come back.......
OnlineHost: *** You are in "Romance - EastCoastChat". *** OnlineHost: See what's hot on AIM! OnlineHost: BigDaddy 7561 has entered the room. BigDaddy 7561: hello OnlineHost: BigDaddy 7561 has left the room. OnlineHost: Pantrygal J has entered the room. Pantrygal J: hi Pantrygal J: bon why did you zap all of us we didnt do any harm OnlineHost: Dee Md 9257 has entered the room. Pantrygal J: deeeeeee Dee Md 9257: yay Dee Md 9257: Jackieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Pantrygal J: i was just asking bon why she zapped us we didnt do harm Dee Md 9257: she must love us...couldnt keep us blocked Pantrygal J: yayyyyyyyyyyy Dee Md 9257: or it could be noone else on earth wants to talk to her Pantrygal J: we are here to talk to her Pantrygal J: but she wont talk Dee Md 9257: what an ungracious hostess Pantrygal J: i know OnlineHost: *** You have ejected Dee Md 9257 from this room *** OnlineHost: Dee Md 9257 has left the room. OnlineHost: *** You have ejected Pantrygal J from this room *** OnlineHost: Pantrygal J has left the room.
Now the only reaspn they are here n the first place is to start trouble as you can clearly see. If noone wants to talk to me, then why are THEY here? Do they think they are special..they are SPESHUL but not SPECIAL...........they are low life assholes just like their leader.....They just can't back off and leave well enough alone.............
The people in the Festered room must really be bored! I guess Zeekes not doing his job in keeping everyone entertained.
OnlineHost: UXFDR2 has entered the room. UXFDR2: hello OnlineHost: UXFDR2 has left the room. OnlineHost: HamOnWryX2 has entered the room. OnlineHost: HamOnWryX2 has left the room. OnlineHost: SxyMAFlAHlTWoman has entered the room. OnlineHost: SxyMAFlAHlTWoman has left the room. OnlineHost: Baktoogood has entered the room. Baktoogood: dumb bitch OnlineHost: Baktoogood has left the room.
I guess the feel priveledged because I didnt bolt them but..............you cant react when you are not at the keyboard......unlike them that are infront of the monitors 24/7!
It doesn't surprise me to see Pantry, Dee, Mafia, Bak, and Ham pop in Bonnie's room. By now, everyone knows how whacked up they are in the head, and how they like to start shit. But, to see Acacmon get involved in the ridiculous bullshit is a real surprise.
This is Rose, um Ashley isn't on wic or any other form of welfare. Don't hate because she is hotter then you, you couldn't be a whore, no one would pay for that stank.
SMH is that all you have? Now go back to collecting off the state while all of us, including Ashley pays for your laziness.
Rose ignorex Ashley growing up and had several cps visits. Especially after she was caught fucking her uncle. Rose turned a blind eye on that till another person found out. Ashley flunked out of school, was knocked up at 15 (aborted), n getting boob jobs at 16. Then she ran away many times and was caught with a pimp and put at gsc.
"September 1, 2011 6:59 PM Anonymous said... Bonnie is upset because people are doing the same thing to her that she and pam have been doing in other rooms for months ?"
<< It doesn't surprise me to see Pantry, Dee, Mafia, Bak, and Ham pop in Bonnie's room. By now, everyone knows how whacked up they are in the head, and how they like to start shit. But, to see Acacmon get involved in the ridiculous bullshit is a real surprise. >>
I don't remember about Bak and Mafia, but Dee, Pantry, Ham, and Azacmon used to be nice people. And the same could be said of others in that group, like Brunette, Perky, and PPatti. Now, however, they're all just Zombies. Pretty sad, but that's life on AOL.
K2 it is about getting old, being lonely, and the need to be accepted by someone. Becoming a zombie isn't what we dream about as a young person. All those dreams are gone when you lower yourself to become a zombie. Sad but true.
Poor poor Zeeke has once again proven himself to be everything I have claimed he was.....he just doesn't get it.......when I'm right..........I'm right!!
ReplyDeleteSince 2002, he has been in the Marylanders over 35 room beating me down....mainly due to my honesty and, lack of fear for being honest and, because I was nice....pre-Zeeke. In the Marylanders over 35 room, the bolt came into play and, I was the first one back so, I got the bolt.........I didn't really want it so, I gave it to ChristopherK2 which, infuriated Zeeke no doubt! See, Zeeke does the same thing to ChristopherK2 as he does to me only, Christopher has never fought back.......as I have. Which brings me to another of Zeekes false claims..........he has said if I just ignored him, he would stop. Well ChristopherK2 has ignored you forever and, you still don't stop with him so..........!
Well the room kind of split because. Zeeke and his many followers (fellow fools) made a room named Maryland Love Fest and they all congregated in that room, of course though, a few just had to visit the Marylanders over 35 room to start trouble and also to spy and report back to Zeeke! Well a week or so ago, the rooms closed once again and this time, one of Zeekes fools were first in the room so, they have the bolt so now, they have 2 chat rooms controlled mainly by Zeeke!
So, we opened another room, mind you, not everyone agreed on a name. a few wanted nothing to tie us to the foolish antics of Zeeke. So, I made a room Called the East Coast Chat which was not approved of by a few but, they settled on it until...........it was taken over by one of Zeekes followers, Eight port jack. he sat in there mostly alone for a couple days so, Christopherk2 just made another room. Called Maryland and Friends and, we all congregated there for a while.
Now, Christopherk2 is not one for drama however. he is not at his keyboard to see what goes on 24/7 so, there is some drama which, he called a few of us down for. The drama he was speaking of was centered on one person Colmac06 who continually lies which, has been proven with the boat he claims to own. The reason we were doing this was because, there is a woman in the room, AF205CNE and, she is well....lonely and seems to be an "easy mark" so to speak so we were trying to keep her from being taken in by this idiot.
Now AF seems to be right there and dishing out the drama with RuffstuffRob, in the same way that others have with Colmac06. But she has gone to ChristopherK2 to complain about Pam and I doing the exact same thing to Colmac06
So, I checked the East Coast Chat yesterday and seems as though Eight Port Jack got tired of sitting there alone so, I reopened the room............Well, at 230 this morning I checked the room and sure enough, just what I thought would happen has happened.....stalker Zeeke and one of his fools have taken over the room!
So, here is a message for Zeeke (Billy S Lewis)! You continually over the past 9 - 10 years have made the claim that AOL was MY life and. that I had nothing and no one else in MY life...........sure seems to me that AOL is and, forever will be YOUR life..............Lets see, you have been married 2 times and, divorced, most likely due to the fact you are obsessive, narcissistic, abusive and, puerile.
Here you are at 49 yeas old and you act like a school yard bully! And, so do all your foolish friends! It's time to grow up and stop being the loser cry baby!
Ha ha ha Billy sure has a life doesn't he?
ReplyDeleteDidn't Billy say Mafia woman was trash at one time? At least before she started feeding the zombie pack anyway.
ReplyDeleteLook at the group on that list above. The cesspool of Maryland and Delaware.
It seems they have nothing better to do than hold down chat room's. Make's you wonder what kind of life they have that the need to be in two chat's ...not only with one name two....Thier lives must be pretty nothing!!
ReplyDeleteAlso them thinking we don't come around cause they ran use all of is a big joke. We all just found better things to do than set in chat room's day in and out! Like commented before if you judge other's behavior than you should look at your own. Can't set in chat room's like yourselfs and cut down other's when you do same thing. Also don't do to other's thing's you can't handle and don't like and not expect it come back at you!! A lot big talk and tough acting under screen name's and loser's in real life.
Bang! Chris I think You are that addicted.
ReplyDeleteBilly has dick warts.
ReplyDeleteEminenceFrontal [11:30 P.M.]: spamload
ReplyDeleteSvapam [11:31 P.M.]: asshole
EminenceFrontal [11:31 P.M.]: did k2 die?
EminenceFrontal [11:31 P.M.]: drinking tonight?
Svapam [11:31 P.M.]: nah he just wants to be everybodies daddy
Svapam [11:31 P.M.]: he thinks he should control what is said
Svapam [11:31 P.M.]: in his room
Svapam [11:31 P.M.]: sounds just like that bully zeek
EminenceFrontal [11:32 P.M.]: lolol
EminenceFrontal [11:32 P.M.]: must be a man thing
Svapam [11:32 P.M.]: i guess
Svapam [11:33 P.M.]: a dick comparison type of competition
Svapam [11:33 P.M.]: well i have a pussy and all dicks want that
Svapam [11:33 P.M.]: so i trump them anyways
EminenceFrontal [11:33 P.M.]: excuse me but no one wants a diseased pussy
Svapam [11:34 P.M.]: well then i guess you should not push you festering pussy on anyone
Svapam [11:34 P.M.]: i guess your ashamed and embarrassed
EminenceFrontal [11:35 P.M.]: i dont have a vagina
Svapam [11:35 P.M.]: my pussy is just fine heathly a model for the perfect pussy
EminenceFrontal [11:35 P.M.]: dumbass
Billy is a reject in real life. That's why this room is so important to him.
ReplyDeletenice blog, you assholes should all kill yourselves
ReplyDeleteMy name is sitting in the EastCoastchat chatroom and, while I was away from the keyboard, 3 of Zeekes fools popped in the room! I am guessing that they were sent by Zeeke.
ReplyDeleteOnlineHost: Azacmon has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Pantrygal J has entered the room.
Azacmon: jackieeeeee
Pantrygal J: ericaaaaaa
Pantrygal J: how the hell are you
OnlineHost: Dee Md 9257 has entered the room.
Azacmon: im good, how are you
Azacmon: deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Pantrygal J: the same
Pantrygal J: deeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Dee Md 9257: Ericaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Dee Md 9257: Jackieeeeeeeeeeee
Pantrygal J: bon bon good morning
Dee Md 9257: so nice to see you both
Dee Md 9257: smooches Bonnie
Azacmon: (((bonnie)))
Dee Md 9257: hahaa
Pantrygal J: we came for a visit
Dee Md 9257: maybe she's medicated and sleeping
OnlineHost: *** You have ejected Azacmon from this room ***
OnlineHost: Azacmon has left the room.
OnlineHost: *** You have ejected Dee Md 9257 from this room ***
OnlineHost: Dee Md 9257 has left the room.
OnlineHost: *** You have ejected Pantrygal J from this room ***
OnlineHost: Pantrygal J has left the room.
I guess the Festered room is pretty dull!
I left to make a phone call which means, that the room closed and everyone I had on the ejection list was no longer on there when I reopened the room. Which I am sure they know that i left cause Zeeke is watching! So the come back.......
ReplyDeleteOnlineHost: *** You are in "Romance - EastCoastChat". ***
OnlineHost: See what's hot on AIM!
OnlineHost: BigDaddy 7561 has entered the room.
BigDaddy 7561: hello
OnlineHost: BigDaddy 7561 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Pantrygal J has entered the room.
Pantrygal J: hi
Pantrygal J: bon why did you zap all of us we didnt do any harm
OnlineHost: Dee Md 9257 has entered the room.
Pantrygal J: deeeeeee
Dee Md 9257: yay
Dee Md 9257: Jackieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Pantrygal J: i was just asking bon why she zapped us we didnt do harm
Dee Md 9257: she must love us...couldnt keep us blocked
Pantrygal J: yayyyyyyyyyyy
Dee Md 9257: or it could be noone else on earth wants to talk to her
Pantrygal J: we are here to talk to her
Pantrygal J: but she wont talk
Dee Md 9257: what an ungracious hostess
Pantrygal J: i know
OnlineHost: *** You have ejected Dee Md 9257 from this room ***
OnlineHost: Dee Md 9257 has left the room.
OnlineHost: *** You have ejected Pantrygal J from this room ***
OnlineHost: Pantrygal J has left the room.
Now the only reaspn they are here n the first place is to start trouble as you can clearly see. If noone wants to talk to me, then why are THEY here? Do they think they are special..they are SPESHUL but not SPECIAL...........they are low life assholes just like their leader.....They just can't back off and leave well enough alone.............
The people in the Festered room must really be bored! I guess Zeekes not doing his job in keeping everyone entertained.
ReplyDeleteOnlineHost: UXFDR2 has entered the room.
UXFDR2: hello
OnlineHost: UXFDR2 has left the room.
OnlineHost: HamOnWryX2 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: HamOnWryX2 has left the room.
OnlineHost: SxyMAFlAHlTWoman has entered the room.
OnlineHost: SxyMAFlAHlTWoman has left the room.
OnlineHost: Baktoogood has entered the room.
Baktoogood: dumb bitch
OnlineHost: Baktoogood has left the room.
I guess the feel priveledged because I didnt bolt them but..............you cant react when you are not at the keyboard......unlike them that are infront of the monitors 24/7!
Ashley Herrera and Jennifer Bledsoe are on the Wic dole. Good job raising these whores Herpiesho and fat Thing
ReplyDeleteI thought the goal was to be nice on this blog? lol. Knew it wouldn't last.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't surprise me to see Pantry, Dee, Mafia, Bak, and Ham pop in Bonnie's room. By now, everyone knows how whacked up they are in the head, and how they like to start shit. But, to see Acacmon get involved in the ridiculous bullshit is a real surprise.
ReplyDeleteThis is Rose, um Ashley isn't on wic or any other form of welfare. Don't hate because she is hotter then you, you couldn't be a whore, no one would pay for that stank.
ReplyDeleteSMH is that all you have?
Now go back to collecting off the state while all of us, including Ashley pays for your laziness.
ReplyDeleteBonnie is upset because people are doing the same thing to her that she and pam have been doing in other rooms for months ?
ReplyDeleteDoesn't surprise me, shes been doing it for years............just silently
ReplyDeleteRose ignorex Ashley growing up and had several cps visits. Especially after she was caught fucking her uncle. Rose turned a blind eye on that till another person found out. Ashley flunked out of school, was knocked up at 15 (aborted), n getting boob jobs at 16. Then she ran away many times and was caught with a pimp and put at gsc.
ReplyDelete"September 1, 2011 6:59 PM
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... Bonnie is upset because people are doing the same thing to her that she and pam have been doing in other rooms for months ?"
Exactly what is it I am doing???
and btw, I am in no way upset so......think again
<< Look at the group on that list above. >>
ReplyDeleteYeah, the number of people in that group who I have any interest in chatting with has been dropping fast as they purge anyone who's nice.
<< I thought the goal was to be nice on this blog? lol. Knew it wouldn't last. >>
ReplyDeleteYou seem to be confused about the various blogs. Let me give you a quick summary, in the "See Spot Run" language that you can hopefully understand.
My blog = Nice Marylanders Over 35 = very pleasant.
Ugly's blog = This one = Not so nice...
Zeeke's and Vomit's blogs = Sewers.
<< It doesn't surprise me to see Pantry, Dee, Mafia, Bak, and Ham pop in Bonnie's room. By now, everyone knows how whacked up they are in the head, and how they like to start shit. But, to see Acacmon get involved in the ridiculous bullshit is a real surprise. >>
ReplyDeleteI don't remember about Bak and Mafia, but Dee, Pantry, Ham, and Azacmon used to be nice people. And the same could be said of others in that group, like Brunette, Perky, and PPatti. Now, however, they're all just Zombies. Pretty sad, but that's life on AOL.
K2 it is about getting old, being lonely, and the need to be accepted by someone. Becoming a zombie isn't what we dream about as a young person. All those dreams are gone when you lower yourself to become a zombie. Sad but true.
ReplyDeleteWhere in the hell did Beth find Billy at anyway?
ReplyDeleteHow many dumpsters did she root through before she came up with him?