Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How to become a stalker

I'm wondering if Cindy could shed some tips on why and how to develop a stalking career. If not, maybe us normal people can discuss on why someone would want to spend 19 hours a day googling others?


  1. If you don't get a response from Cindy, try Bonnie, she does the same thing.

  2. Bonnie is a mere saint compared to Cindy

  3. Cindy's life is a lesson in what you don't want yours to be. An out of wedlock child then marrying an alcoholic. Never graduating high school, crappy job, getting fired from it. Having another kid and then hubby cheating on you. Getting a good job only to have to quit a few years later because of obesity. A boyfriend who used her and she had to file charges on him. Then a hubby who used and beat her. Now she's all alone and miserable and it shows. She's jealous of any woman out there.

  4. Don't know....Don't care

  5. oh please you people need to grow up. I dont care who does what I just enjoy reading Christophers nice articles that he writes.
    This childishness is really getting out of hand.

  6. Zeeke's blog has a password stealer on it.

  7. Cindy is very low in intelligence. Talk to her for a few minutes and you'll realize this.

  8. She should drop off of a bridge. No one would care.

  9. you care enough to comment

  10. Cindy is bisexual to she dosent announce that

  11. Deb trying to be accepted by people that called you every evil name in the book then turning around and calling people childish is a bit of a hypocrite. A confident person wouldn't need a bunch of chat room bullies as friends.

  12. All that stalking and Cindy still dosen't know who crab is.

  13. I figured it out from day one. Who is the one roomie you never saw typing at the same type CG was typing? Who was rejected by the group of people she focused on? Who has a way with words? Who has a husband who suddenly reappears the second Crabbngal left?


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.