Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ladies grab your men

Hubba Hubba, we have some fine (cough cough) looking men here who look like they are about to murder their mother, don't we?


  1. Check the eyes out, they all have that insane eye look going on.

  2. Who in the hell ever said these men are cute?

  3. I recognize Chris and Zeeke. The third guy (white shirt) looks familiar, but I can't recall his name. The last one (#5 jersey)... no clue.

    Who are those last two guys?

  4. Who are the other 3 bozo's? The only one I know is Zeek. Please someone post in here who the other 3 are? I would appreciate it. Thank you.

  5. The red head is Eminence the guy in the jersey is xalan.

  6. roflma this sure is the room of the fat and ugly .

  7. Screen name for Chris?

  8. Um that is not Eminence. You people believe anything.

  9. Yes that is Richard.

  10. Thanks all, I think.

    Alan could be my long lost younger brother, if I had one. Same scraggly beard, graying hair, thin build, jug ears. He has a chin (which I don't) and a better nose, so he has more of dad in him. But I have those Killer Blue Eyes, so we're about even. Well, except that I dress better.

  11. Chris was in the room yesterday saying how he met a trucker who wasn't dirty like Bob. Like Chris has any room to talk about Bob with that picture!

  12. You should have added Sambowlvspncks here too aka Werewolfan.

  13. Screen name for Chris? I'm not sure who you are talking about.

  14. That is my favorite picture of Zeek!
    He must had forgot to put his partial in. LMAO

  15. That isn't xAlan, that is aintthebeercold. xAlan is really ugly and unkept looking.

  16. Zeeke has a Sos in his group?

  17. << Screen name for Chris? I'm not sure who you are talking about. >>

    The last one I knew was Ol Grumpy One. In the past he was mainly TerasDaddy.

  18. << The red head is Eminence the guy in the jersey is xalan. >>
    << Um that is not Eminence. >>
    << That isn't xAlan, that is aintthebeercold. >>

    Would y'all PLEASE make up your minds!

  19. << You should have added Sambowlvspncks here too aka Werewolfan. >>

    That's hard to believe. Werewolf is only marginally coherent in the room.

  20. And sambo is? please chigger

  21. Oh for gosh sake, that is Ol Grumpy and he cracks on me? Lmao

  22. You should have put up the burnout Pikle's picture.

  23. I think Ain'ts picture should be replaced with Piklecracker's. Ain't doesn't act like a total ass like the others. Now Piklecracker, that's a different story.
    Plus, if you really want a good laugh, you should also post Vomit's picture.
    Eminence, did you have a total makeover or something? lmao

  24. I cannot believe these people have nerve to make fun of others looks. Have they looked in the mirror?

  25. To the post above that said she can't believe these people have the nerve to make fun of thers look. I guess it is ok for these very same people to make fun of Bonnie when she feel and injured her knee.
    And I guess it is also ok for them to call people they don't like vile and nasty names. I guess it was ok for Eminence to play people to get their pictures and then send the picture he made out to all the haters in the room.
    I think you should be the one looking in the mirror and ask why you tolerate this type of behavior when you are in the room.

  26. Who's the rather large guy in the blue (?) sweater who was recently added?

  27. the person in the blue is Rick (OPM), not Richard (Emienmce). if you are going to post pictures from facebook at least tell where you stole it from.


  29. The one in the blue sweater is Rick (OPM). He is not in this BS and a very nice guy.
    Someone feed you wrong info with that picture!

  30. Lolol. What a bunch!!!! And that picture of Zeek with the missing tooth and he has room to talk about Team Toothless??? He is one ugly guy if you ask me and how he wants to rag on Butter about her being in a wheelchair and all and talk about Eyore and Pam??? He ought to look in the mirror and see what the magic mirror tells him. Now as for Pikle...if that is god's gift I would hate to see what Adam looks like. He looks like a girl he should grow up and act his age instead of trying to be a teeny bopper. If those men are the best the room has omg. I'd rather look at an old goat. Bwahahahahaha.

  31. I wonder what size skirt that Pikle wears maybe we ought to buy him a skirt since he wants to look like a girl with that hair??? lmao

  32. Pikle is a druggie.

  33. Hey you forgot to put someone else up there that is really ugly too... RuffstuffRob he would be the prize winner of all of them lmao

  34. Pickle's nose is almost as big as his entire face. lmao

  35. Ol Grumpy has those Charlie Manson eyes going on . Ohhhhhhhhhhh the humanity

  36. Put up k2s picture blowing

  37. What do you expect in a chatroom? Beauty queens are at the salon and hot men at the gym.

  38. Werewolfan gave Mensa herpes.

  39. << Beauty queens are at the salon and hot men at the gym. >>

    Sooooooo, that's why I'm not considered hot? Darn... Luckily, some women have different standards for what they look for in a man.


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.