Thursday, March 8, 2012

"Another Zeeke Relative???"

Written 3/7/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
I've previously summarized the nasty criminal history of Zeeke and a bunch of his relatives in "The Zeeke Family Crime Spree" (10-25-11 if you want to go back). It appears that I missed one notable family member. 
She's detailed in a recent article titled "Arrest Warrant Issued For Mother Of 9-Year-Old Boy Accused Of Shooting 8-Year-Old Girl."  You can find it at:
Basically her young son took a .45 caliber handgun to school, and it accidentally went off and seriously injured a young girl.  The woman has "a lengthy criminal and drug abuse history."  She had "left firearms unsecured around her house" including a 9mm pistol "sitting on a desk to the right of a computer."  In addition to unlawfully possessing the weapons (re her prior convictions), the police are seeking to hold her culpable for her son's actions.
If she's not a blood relative of Zeeke's, she certainly follows in his path.  It was just a few years ago (2/13/04) that Zeeke was served with a criminal summons for "probable violation" of the "firearms-access by minor" law.  That's called a "Child Access Prevention and Safe Storage Law," and prohibits storing any LOADED firearm in your house if a minor age 15 or under is likely to gain access to the firearm without permission."  It's a misdemeanor crime punishable by a fine of up to $1,000.
Zeeke's story in the room (which the Zombies swallowed whole) was that:
1. His LOADED gun was stored in a closet so his son couldn't reach it ('cause we all KNOW that NO boy has EVER gotten into his Xmas presents "hidden" in a closet).
2. The NRA provided him a free attorney so they "must have" believed he was innocent. (Odd to say considering the NRA favors that type of law.  That's probably because they got it to include an exception if the child has a "certificate of firearm and hunter safety."  So, the NRA could run all those classes.  Sadly, Zeeke's son had NOT taken such a course, or else the outcome of the criminal charge would've been entirely different.) 
3. Zeeke claimed he wasn't "found guilty."  (Well, yeah, but he wasn't found NOT guilty either. Neither applied because the prosecutor went with putting it on the so-called "stet docket.")
The stet ("inactive") docket is a device common to minor crimes for first-time offenders.  It basically suspends the case for a period of time (usually a year) and then the case is closed if there are no further occurrences.  But if a condition is violated, then the case comes roaring off the docket and the prosecutor goes primitive on your ass.
Being put on the stet docket is a "reportable event" in MD and thus will show up on a "RAP sheet."  After 3 years, the defendant can have the docket entry expunged (which Zeeke has NOT yet done) but the arrest/summons will still show up on a background check (with no disposition). 
If Zeeke or any of his Zombie friends read this, I hope they will pause to consider what COULD have happened with Zeeke's son and other innocent people, as exemplified by the young girl who was seriously wounded (5 surgeries *so far*) by that idiotic woman's son.
Sidebar question: If Zeeke was actually innocent AND had a free attorney, WTF would he agree to moving the case to the stet docket instead of fighting for a "not guilty" verdict???  << chuckle, chuckle >>


  1. Shows what an irresponsible parent Billy is.

  2. << Shows what an irresponsible parent Billy is. >>

    That's true, and I think the penalty for a parent doing that ought to be much more severe than a modest fine.

    I've never been a fan of guns, in part because so many accidents do happen. I was almost such a statistic once. A friend who was an NRA lifer and I had been target shooting in his back yard. Later, he was showing off his gun collection (mostly World War II stuff).

    One of the guns was a small derringer. As he was showing me some detail, it actually went off. The bullet zoomed about 6" in front of my face and lodged in a nearby wall. He apologized profusely, swearing it should NOT have been loaded, blah blah blah.

    For that to happen with a serious gun nut like him who was well-trained in "gun safety" just reaffirmed my beliefs about guns. They are, at the very least, extraordinarly dangerous to have around the house.

  3. Obsession is an ugly thing.

  4. The zombies are resorting to putting two screen names a person in the vomit room. hahaha
    Sad times have come.


    Vomit actually got four comments on his blog and the zombies are all excited about it. That is the most comments on Vomit or Billy's blog since they started them. lmao

    1. This blog has four times that.

  6. Billy spends all his time trying to make people like him, so of course he's going to justify his actions with lies. A normal decent person would say something like you know I was going through some painful things (divorce) and I made a huge mistake. He goes to ridiculous lengths to try to exploit people to try to make himself look good too. But who really cares we all have fun watching him make a fool of himself al the time. King of the Zombies, wow what I want to be when I grow up you know?

    1. King of the Zombies. What a loser.

    2. You are right about Billy. He is a total jack ass.

  7. << The zombies are resorting to putting two screen names a person in the vomit room. hahaha Sad times have come. >>

    I noticed that... three people had done it last I looked. Very strange... I hope they don't honestly think they're fooling anyone.

  8. << Vomit actually got four comments on his blog and the zombies are all excited about it. That is the most comments on Vomit or Billy's blog since they started them. lmao >>

    Were ALL of those by Zeeke, Vomit, or TX Deputy? That's the short list of people who normally respond there.

  9. << He goes to ridiculous lengths to try to exploit people to try to make himself look good too. >>

    I've never understood why he demeans people for exactly the same things that are HIS weaknesses. Isn't it more normal to attack from strength?

    << King of the Zombies, wow what I want to be when I grow up you know? >>

    When I was just a kid, I wanted to grow up to be either a cowboy, a doctor, a lawyer (like my dad), or a famous athlete. Different strokes...

  10. Billy isn't liked like he thinks he is. Half the zombies tell me he's an obsessive disturbed person.

  11. BINGO! Billy IS an obsessive disturbed person.

  12. Billy was Mvm's entertainment.

  13. I heard a rumor that Billy was caught messing with a 13 year old when he was in his 20s.

  14. << This blog has four times that. >>

    Vomit's blog averages a few comments per article, which is MUCH higher than Zeeke's.

    1. Christopher that's because Zeek has to approve the comments that is put on his blog. He probably only usually gets ones that he doesn't like so he doesn't post any.

    2. << Zeek has to approve the comments that is put on his blog. He probably only usually gets ones that he doesn't like so he doesn't post any. >>

      Yep, that's why the ONLY comments on his are by Vomit or himself. Vomit at least allows *some* minor dissent. Well, except by ME... LOL

  15. "If Zeeke or any of his Zombie friends read this, I hope they will pause to consider what COULD have happened with Zeeke's son and other innocent people, as exemplified by the young girl who was seriously wounded (5 surgeries *so far*) by that idiotic woman's son."

    This is the problem. NO one THINKS about the what COULD happen because, they simply DO NOT care. Look at the way he acts in a chatroom towards people, look how he has threatened people. that shows he has a temper. He has been charge with domestic violence (which he says that the cop testified on his behalf saying that he did not WITNESS him do anything to his wife). But we all know that cops rarely witness crimes. Besides that, verbal abuse is violence also and we know that Zeeke loves throwing that around.

    1. You have threatened people too Bonnie. Including threatening to call people's jobs, their kids and relatives. Makes you no better. Did you think before you made your threats?

    2. Yeah I did think and I thought that what I threatened was just due to the fact of them assholes calling my home and pretending to be someone from some place that they weren't!

      Anything else???

  16. Jac O is a miserable bitter bitch in real life. I know her so I should know.

  17. Look at Zeeke's or Vomit's blogs. Besides, the fact that there is little on either blog. look how the blogs are written. Grade schoolers write better than what is written on those blogs. The 2 blogs wreak of ignorance and stupidity. K2's allows stuff that is even negative about him, of course Zeeke and Vomit can say all kinds of crap to and about anyone in their rooms or blogs, but they can not stand it to hear the real truth from others.
    And yes, Jackie has been bitter for years, she can only hang with others like her, such as Zeeke, Vomit, Dee and other Zombies. Talk about birds of a feather!

  18. Billy said in the room he buys his 12 year old son girly mags so he doesnt turn gay

    1. So Beth should had bought her daughter manly magazines when she was young?

    2. like mother like daughter

    3. like mother like daughter

  19. Bonnie I have heard you threaten people in the chatrooms so you're no different than Zeek on that point. I could care less what either one of you do.

  20. << Grade schoolers write better than what is written on those blogs. The 2 blogs wreak of ignorance and stupidity. >>

    True, and mostly they just copy/paste my or Bob's head onto a pic and think that's hilarious.

    1. Blogs like theirs should not be allowed. I have been on chat for several years and I have never seen such stupid behavior by people in the so called coolest room.

      They are nothing more than dysfunctional fools.

  21. << Billy said in the room he buys his 12 year old son girly mags so he doesnt turn gay. >>

    Wouldn't it be absolutely perfect karma if his son turns out to be gay!

  22. You have heard? I was aware that I was speaking into a microphone! You SAW me threaten people and the ones I threatened were ones that were threatening ME! Now, the real difference here is that those who threatened ME all have records for violence and/or, assaults, I do NOT!
    So the probability of THEM caring out their threats towards me, is more of a probability then mine would be to them. In all honesty though, the only one I really feared was Zeeke. Because, he would not do it himself (he is too lazy), he would send someone else to do his dirty work.........if he could afford it.

    1. Bonnie, stop exagerating. Not everyone you fought with has criminal records. Get your facts straight!

  23. Texans like to brag about how everything is bigger there. Well, apparently their criminals are stupider, too.

    Their nominee for Stupidest Criminal Ever is a young man who stole a blank check from his girlfriend's mom's checkbook (how NOT to impress your possible future mom-in-law) then ran to the bank to cash it. The forgery might have worked EXCEPT that he wrote it out for $340,000,000,000. Yep, $340 BILLION. (In a non-Texas bank, that equates to a mere $100 billion.)

    The bank clerk, being one sharp cookie, called the mom to see if it was authorized. (I guess it was a tough choice between that and checking whether there were sufficient funds in the account. << cough >>)

    Eventually, the cops caught up with their man. The guy had apparently taken another Stupid Pill before they arrived. So, he also had a concealed handgun and a couple of ounces of pot in his pants pockets.

    I think the next guy who dates the gal will do fine as long as he doesn't ask where her mom keeps her checkbook.

  24. << Now, the real difference here is that those who threatened ME all have records for violence and/or, assaults... >> Bonnie

    I think that's an important and valid distinction. But I have the perspective of 15+ years with the group. So, I've seen so many times when mere verbal sparring rapidly escalated into real-life violence. And it was often by people with a prior record of violence.

    The judiciary site records of some of the people who have been in the group are utterly amazing to me. I remember one that led me to remark that he could've been a poster boy for the right wing's claims about "liberal" judges. He had a loooooooong record of nasty violence, mostly towards women, and yet had been very lightly punished.

    Zeeke and his family rank right up there with others here who have committed violence towards members of the group. I think ANY precautions around people like Zeeke are warranted.

  25. People like Zeeke, Pikle, Rose, Cindy, MVM, Vomit, Nanci, Beth, etc are Straw Dogs. Has beens living in their glory days when they were something. Maybe a unbenched football player, the class clown, the stud or the IT girl, or the bad ass in town. The accepted kid. Then high school ended and they went on to have babies right out of school, get addicted to drugs and alcohol, drop out of school, marry and divorce and repeat the cycle, get grotesquely obese, have problematic childen, struggle through life not making any money, using people for places to live, get social diseases, develop rap sheets, go from job to job, have mental issues, use their fists to solve problems, and so forth. In other words, top losers of the world, who found other losers in life, people who have no other life than a chatroom.
    bonded together to feel accepted once again. Pretty pitiful type of acceptance, but these are people who never made good choices in life. None of their lives are pretty, instead you have drug addicts like pillhead nancy and alcoholic ronnie, beth, billy, heroin addict pikle, with kids on sex offender sites and escorting themself. None of them have any real jobs a couple piss pan holders, a lawn boy, a fat ass on welfare, a data entry clerk, and a low level help desk idiot. Some like Rose can't even stay employed for more than two months. They are miserable people inside and out, everyone knows this but somehow they think they fool others.

    1. Let me quess, you "heard" all this about the people you mentioned. Try posting facts and not your made up crap!I "heard" you're a blooming idiot so it must be true too!

    2. Sure facts are our friends.

      Cindy - had an illegitimate child as a teenager. Been married two times. All kind of lawsuits, On welfare. Very overweight. Has very obvious mental issues. Lies pathologically. Lived on section 8 but now lives in her deceased mother's house. Problem daughter. The woman has threatened to have her pregnant daughter (father is an illegal alien) come to Bonnie's house and beat her up.

      Zeeke - high school dropout. DWIs. Restraining orders. All kind of lawsuits, Charges of giving a child a gun. Three people who know him personally have stated he put his ex-wife in a hospital. Speaks of getting drunk and tearing up pussy in the room, smoking pot, been married twice, overweight, lived in his mother's house at 49. Obvious mental issues. Threatens violence and is a racist.

      Pikle - has spoken in the room about his former addiction to heroin. Now it's just pot he claims. Divorced, bitter, lies, problem daughter, racist, no education, etc.

      Rose - married two times, best she's had it was a trailer in a cheap section of town. Fired from endless jobs, social disease, lies pathologically, problematic daughter, drugs, obvious mental problems what kind of woman at middle age posts on blogs how hot she is? No career, hooks up with complete losers, all kind of lawsuits, threatens violence. Low IQd.

      MVM - druggie, can't keep a job, overweight, and bitter at women.

      Nanci - has talked in rooms about doing 22 shots of liquor, smoking pot all day long, is overweight, bat shit crazy, has a problematic child, lies pathologically, all kind of lawsuits (hell who gets kicked out of section housing?), can't support herself, etc.

      Vomit - alcoholic, dumb as a box of rocks, blue collar job, no education, lawsuits, racist, lives with his mother-in-law, and has a criminal record.

      Beth - Uses men for a place to live, married twice, problematic children, bar fly, law suit city, etc.

    3. And you are?
      I have been married twice and?
      I have owned three homes...going on my forth and I have worked in the medical field for almost twenty years and my current job of two years is going just fine. Yes, I do have confidence and I am adorable and? Call me whatever, but cupcake, I have no problems dating and or marrying men who aren't broke nor do I give my money away for cock. The places I have lived weren't cheap...and where do you live? Yah, I thought so, hiding as usual. I have one judgement on me, but damn I own two cars lol.
      You are a complete mental case.
      So what endless jobs have I been fired from?
      Loser husbands? I bet your fat ass couldn't find a pig to marry you...and you know it's true.
      I have no criminal record and the last time I ever did um illegal drugs was when I was 18....pot. OMG HOW BAD. You crack me the fuck up.

    4. Hmmm never had black dick.
      Can you tell me what various jobs I was fired from?
      Owned three homes and you?
      I have self confidence that I am adorable and my man thinks so.
      Loser men? Yes, one but at least I never supported him.
      Married twice...yup and?
      Never lived in the ghetto....
      Drugs? Pot at age 18.
      STD's? None, but I can't say for some of the hasbeens
      One judgement due to breaking a contract...
      Criminal record? None...wait, I whooped someone's ass and?
      To be a broke, ugly, homeless chic....I am doing just fine.
      Credit is shot? Hmmm, looking at my two cars...yah ok
      Now go fuck yourself and have a nice day.
      You Anonymous fucks make me laugh. The one thing you all say over and over is everyone is it because you are one ugly fat bitch who can't find a dog to marry you?

    5. Rose forgot a couple things. She forgot the paternity case(s)! And as for her only doing POT, she must have also forgotten that she was married to Jeff who has been charge with numerous drug charges from way back in the early 90's when, she was married to him.......even drug manufacturing! Also Zeeke has spouted off in the room years ago about how you and he did drugs together, I think it was cocaine that he said. And also, those homes that you OWNED, were not paid for by YOU, they were paid for by the men you conned.
      You have been a con artist all of your life and, you have been a con artist all of your life and that is why Rob is dead! You can't con a con!!

    6. Didn't she name like four men as the father?

  26. K2 stalked some dude for real.

  27. "People like Zeeke, Pikle, Rose, Cindy, MVM, Vomit, Nanci, Beth, etc are Straw Dogs."

    "Raggedy Mutts" would be more fitting

    1. But all people who have worked most of their adult lives and paid their own rent/mortgages. Can you say the same? Allow me to answer that. No you can't. You've collected SSI and section 8 has paid most of your rent your entire adult life.Let's not forget the Medical Assistance that pays your doctor bills. Makes you welfare trash!

  28. All those women Rose Nanci Cindy Beth are trash. Not even Bonnie has slept with black men to pay bills.

  29. Rosie Slut,

    Let's tell the real you. You've owned three homes? The places you lived weren't cheap? hahahahaha thanks for the laugh.
    You lived in a TRAILER in Laurel - sorry hon that's one step above section 8 housing. And you all were so poor you couldn't afford to repair a window just left it taped up all the time. You lived in a TRAILER in Edgewood. You lived in DUNDALK which is one of the cheapest places to live in Maryland you stupid cunt.
    You have not been in the medical field for twenty years. You were a housecleaner most of your life and started carrying piss pans a few years ago. And with that you're the bottom of the barrel not a doctor or a nurse but a piss pan carrier.
    Adorable? Anyone can look at your picture here and laugh at that lie.
    Drugs? You were caught up in a drug bust in Dundalk.
    You've been fired from the sleep center and Bayside and several other places.
    Your "man" is married to another woman and is using you as a piece of ass.
    Never lived in the ghetto? Sorry hon Dundalk is the white trash ghetto of Maryland.
    STDs - you slept with a man who has herpes and said you were pregnant by him. Only a stupid cunt would sleep with someone with stds and not use a condom. You are an infection.
    Oh and you're fat too we've all seen your bikini pictures. Saggy boobs and a huge gut.

  30. Under the "karma is a bitch" heading, Vomit has recently been ragging me on his blog because I'm usually the only one in my room. The number of comments in response to his last four posts? You guessed it... 1-1-1-1.

    The number of comments for MY last four articles here? 50 (so far)-166-147-201.

    Poor, poor Vomit...

    But at least his blog is burying Zeeke's, for which the last four articles received 0-0-0-0 comments.

    Poor, poor Zeeke...

  31. What's with bashing (anonymously, of course) people who have been married twice? I can't speak for others, but my one marriage ended 20-some years ago for sound reasons after seven years. I'm now engaged. Will I suddenly become pond scum when I marry again?

    Sometimes y'all make very little sense when you bash someone apparently without thinking about the wider world.

  32. Another nice Stupid Criminals story... Four underage Amish boys were arrested Sunday night for drag racing their horse-drawn buggies while drunk. Now I love a good drunk-Amish-kid-driving-buggy story as much as the next guy, but that alone wouldn't qualify as sufficiently stupid. What did, however, was that one of them crashed into the cop car that arrived in response to citizen complaints. Ouch!

  33. I can wear a bikini can you? My tits don't sag and I do not have a huge are a fucktard. Let's look at the time line here, cupcake.
    That picture was taken in 2008, I was a 105 lbs. If you recall, all of you hasbeens said I looked anorexic lol.
    Again, you contradict yourselves over and over again. Which is it?
    I am anorexic and or fat lol

    1. i always said you looked good. and would do you any time... yesmemike

    2. Rose hasn't seen 105 since she was 16.

    3. << Which is it? I am anorexic and or fat lol >>

      They're probably using the same schedule for you as the Zombies are for me. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, they say I'm gay. On Mondays and Saturdays, they say I'm engaged to Pamela but she's a slut. On Wednesdays and Fridays, they have subcommittee meetings to plot tactics for the following week.

  34. Hosebag must have forgotten she fucked jazzyjams

    1. who hasn't she fucked? She's a whore after all.

    2. NO...I don't fuck black men and if I wouldn't be some fat fucking gapped tooth married black man.
      You have me mixed up with pamalama ding dong. She fucked Jazzy in some cheap motel on Route laurel.

      ewww just the thought of those two fatties...fat guts sticking together lol

      Oh and cupcake....I was a 105 lbs in 2008 after con man Rob blew his brains out lol.

    3. and Bob the hosebag is so um out dated. You fucked black women and your daughter is half you have changed to either old granny broads like Mel and or fat bitches over 250 lbs lol

  35. Interestingly, Vomit noted on his blog early this afternoon that he had bolted one of their room's regulars. He didn't say who it was, other than a "longest (sic) chat buddy." And Vomit didn't say why, other than it was "sort of a crud ball thing to do."

    So, let's start a Dead Pool!

    I say it was Pantry, for honestly telling Vomit exactly what she thinks of him.

    But I guess it's hard to tell what sort of vile and disgusting thing one could say that would actually offend Vomit.

    1. I'm STILL laughing at that one. Thanks!

    2. I think it was Dee, as she hasnt been in there for some time. Pantry is in the room right now. But who is counting or really cares? They are all losers.

    3. Doesn't take a genius to figure out Rose is fucked cause she's talking to K2

  36. I love these anonymous fucktards. I havent been without a job since 1991. I dont do drugs and I seldom drink. Fat? 6'-1" and 221. Bitter towards women? ...just some not all..and some I just cant stand because they are nutjobs...lmao

    1. Nutjob heh? That is exactly how I feel about Zeeke and his Zombies, which you were one of before Vomit bolted you. Really though, I thought you were a nutjob way back when you went by the name of BuelleB12 (something like that).

      The definition of NUTJOB is - A person who is regarded as eccentric or mad and, that is the way YOU seemed to be when I first spoke to you! I am sure that most in here have that impression of everyone else. Because, they really do not KNOW them. All they know about them is what either they post or, what others post about them.

      Take for instance Rose. Now this bitch, she is truly a nutjob but, she is also a lying, scheming, conniving, tramp. All of these posts about her looks and her life and what does she do? She has to post a rebuttal about how good looking she is and how happy she is and at the same time, put others down whom she thinks are making these negative comments! Now, if she really is good looking and happy, then why would it matter what others say to the contrary??

      Mafiabitch, she is a true nutjob that belongs in a place for the criminally insane. Who in the hell writes a letter to someone and threatens to cut their hands off just because that someone wrote a letter (on aol) to let others know that she (Nancy or, i) was indeed fired from a job? Due to her AOL activities (no less) and non performance of her job duties!

      As Christopher has said a few posts back, most of these types that make unflattering comments about others, are trying to deflect the same unflattering actions in their own lives. Meaning they are guilty of those unflattering actions they accuse others of doing.

      For instance, Zeeke, putting Christophers head on childrens and womens bodies insinuating he is gay. By him doing this, I am thinking that maybe Zeeke is a closet gay, he is trying to keep his homosexual feeling hidden. That is why he talks all the time about "tearing up pussy". He thinks by saying those 3 words will tell people that he is hetro and not homo!

      People have to learn to see thru the ruse!

    2. Sure like anyone believes you.

    3. Even though I shouldn't defend MVM, in any way, shape, or form, I will put in my two cents about the description given about him. I have never known MVM to do drugs, or drink excessively. Fat, the last I saw him he wasn't. MVM bitter, yes he is. Over the years he has only looked at woman as sex objects. Maybe he has changed, don't know don't care. He is intelligent, but what he does with that intelligence is a question he may want to ask himself.

      I shouldn't be defending him after he hopped on Zeeke's bandwagon of lies about me, but hey, it is what it is. Childish lies don't bother me in the least. I think most everyone by now knows Zeeke lies more than he speaks the truth. . I could go on by saying MVM does this, or does that, but I am not going to go there.

      I'm sure some drop-out tard will blog me or write some idiotic comment now . Carry on...we enjoy watching you perform, you are our circus clowns.

  37. This blog is not boring I love it.

  38. << Fat? 6'-1" and 221. >> Eminence

    One of my best friends here is just a bit heavier. He runs a landscaping company and is a gym nut. So he's kinda built like a linebacker.

    As I've told him, the weight *could* be a problem. As it might for you. In your case, your Body Mass Index of 29.2 means that you're in the "overweight" category and just 7 pounds from "obese." He's in the latter category.

    The BMI is just one factor in whether your weight is a threat to your health. Here's a good overview of it, which you might want to discuss with your doctor.

    My friend insists that he needs to be very strong for his work, and says he'll drop some weight when he no longer needs that as much.

    BTW, I'm 6'2" and 180, which many of you consider "skinny." Actually, I'm at the high end of the "normal" category. At just 195, I'd also be "overweight."

  39. comment section sucks makes the blog suck. looks like k2 writes his own comments and approves them so fucking retarded

  40. << Zeeke, putting Christophers head on childrens and womens bodies insinuating he is gay. By him doing this, I am thinking that maybe Zeeke is a closet gay >> Bonnie

    I'm sure a full convention of psychoanalysts would have a field day using Zeeke as their subject. Personally, I think he "dresses" me in the clothes of young girls (a Girl Scout is his most recent one) and young boys is simply because he's a perv. I leave it to the shrinks to figure out exactly what KIND of perv.

    I see the shrinks asking him, "So, you like to put a pic of the face of a guy you hate -- because he keeps getting the best of you on a blog -- onto the bodies of young boys and girls, many of them dressed seductively? Why is that?"

  41. << Zeeke, putting Christophers head on childrens and womens bodies insinuating he is gay. By him doing this, I am thinking that maybe Zeeke is a closet gay >> Bonnie

    Vomit is also jumping all over that trend. But he seems to be mainly interested in putting my face on pics of guys taking a dump. Gee, let's see what the definition of anal retentive is. "Indicating personality traits, such as meticulousness, avarice, and obstinacy, originating in habits, attitudes, or values associated with infantile pleasure in retention of feces." Avarice? Well, hold the horses! Hmmm... oh wait... I know... "Vomit Dollars"!!!

    I'm glad we didn't need the pro shrinks for that one...

  42. << Interestingly, Vomit noted on his blog early this afternoon that he had bolted one of their room's regulars. >> Me

    It's still unknown who Vomit bolted Tuesday morning. My guess (Pantry) has since returned. Other regs totally absent since include Aint, Bak, Ham, Felony, Pretty, and Trikin.

    But what IS clear is that the bolting dramatically and adversely affected attendance. Their room has averaged just *4.5* SNs since the bolting. With Vomit, Zeeke, and Mafia there all of the time, that means they've since had an average of just 1 or 2 *other* SNs in there. So, apparently the bolting pissed off people OTHER than the Boltee. Weird...

    Poor, poor Vomit...

  43. The Zombies probably made it up so they'd get some attention they never get on their juvenile and boring blogs.

  44. << The Zombies probably made it up so they'd get some attention... >>

    That's certainly possible. Zeeke and Vomit both lie frequently, badly, and without remorse.

    At this point, the only regulars who haven't returned since Vomit's article are Felony, Pretty, and Trikin. And they're still stuck at 4-5 SNs. As I write this at almost 7:30 a.m., Thursday, it's just Zeeke, Vomit, and Mafia in there.

  45. It's just Zeeke, Vomit and Mafia.

    A threesome? hahaha

  46. Mike saying hed do Rose justt funny considering if youve seen his fugly wife. Aint saying much for Rose us ut?

    1. Rose is pretty plain looking and pale. Not what would turn most guys heads.

  47. << It's just Zeeke, Vomit and Mafia. >> Me
    << A threesome? hahaha >>

    Oh great, now I'll have to apply heavy doses of disinfectant to my eyeballs for a few days. Thanks...

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.