A song and video that has been sweeping YouTube for a couple of months is "Call Me Maybe" by a young Canadian, Carly Rae Jepsen. It has a very catchy, danceable beat and was designed to enhance sing-along efforts. After Justin Bieber tweeted about it, then did a fan version video, her video skyrocketed to nearly 85,000,000 hits. Bieber's video is now up to over 40,000,000.
And it's the numerous fan videos that I found so fascinating. From the Harvard baseball team, to Justin Bieber, to Katy Perry, to it seems like darn near everyone with a video cam, the fan video versions of her song are listed for pages and pages on You Tube. Many are very amateurish, but they all have their appeal. And that appeal seems to be that ANYONE can make one. Just do wild & crazy stuff for three minutes to that delightful beat, and you're a You Tube hit!
I'm not sure whether the many fan versions demonstrate the endless creativity and energy of today's youth, or are Exhibit #1 in why God should do another Sodom & Gomorrha thing on us NOW. But heck, that darn beat is sooooooooooooooooo catchy, who cares!!!
In fact, I think even a Zombie could dance to it! And that's my idea for Monika. Check out some of those endless fan versions and figure out how to get Zeeke, Vomit, Beth, and the other Zombies dancing! Heck, Michael Jackson did it, so I'm sure Monika can!
And if you want to go the Rodney King "can't we all get along?" route, I'd be willing to contribute to a *real* video along with << gasp >> a lady Zombie. The song is written to a simple 4/4 beat, so I can do any number of ballroom dances to it, including Cha Cha, East Coast Swing, and Dirty Dancing. I've Dirty Danced with Beth, and she was surprisingly good at it.
I'm sure I could also do a bit of the sort of wild and crazy stuff on some of those fan versions. But I sure as heck am NOT going to do it alone!
For those not familiar with the song and video, it's at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWNaR-rxAic&ob=av2n.
The Justin Bieber-Selena Gomez-Ashley Tisdale fan video is at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsBsBU3vn6M.
The most fascinating fan video is PopDust's combo "best of" video, including quick cuts of, among others, Katy Perry, Kathie Lee Gifford, and the Harvard Baseball team:
Some of the better other fan videos are at: