Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Ugly is so thankful for Monika having his children. Since the day the frac was born, I've had non-stop migraines, the inability to have a complete shit, and bags under my eyes. How Monika has managed to have a successful business and raise two boys being somewhat of a single parent due to the amount of traveling I do is remarkable. All without bags under her eyes and migraines.

Happy Mother's Days to Bonnie as well. Here's a little gift from Vomit to you.


  1. vomits that guy with the string tied to the dollar bill pulling you all in any direction he chooses

  2. Bonnie,

    Perky here. You defamed yourself. Do you want me to really tell everyone about the abusive mother you were? How Brandon was hit by a keyboard for telling you to stop spending all your time online? how your sister had to intervene with you and men you'd bring home and screw with your son in the next room? How you did this for money? How many times police and CPS have been to your house because of Brandon? How many times Brandon ran away? Oh, and how shitty you were leaving bloody tampons unwrapped in the trash can for everyone to see. How you'd leave douches in the shower for Brandon to trip over.

    1. Is that really Perky having the nerve to call someone else a bad Mother?
      Pot,kettle, black.


    3. SAVED THE MILK BY INCHESMay 21, 2012 at 7:55 AM


  3. << Perky here. >>

    Oh, lovely... dual posting of stupid crap.

    1. Doesn't the Gurly Fag have something better to do like planting pansies around his Mom's grave? Or were you too cheap to bury her?

    2. K2 likes to suck my cock

    3. Are you referring to the wham, bam, thank you ma'am funeral Billy gave his Mother?

  4. Here is the defamation I was talking about! False allegations of child abuse? Really? I mean come on you have to do better than this? Although I want to like hell, I am not going to confirm or, deny any of these accusations. Just to be able to think of these things (which are disgusting) leaves me wondering if they themselves haven't either had similar things done to them or, done similar things themselves to their own children?

    1. BONNIE WAS MOLESTED BY HER FATHERMay 19, 2012 at 8:11 PM


  5. "Happy Mother's Days to Bonnie as well. Here's a little gift from Vomit to you."

    You are joking right? Is there a hidden message in your article?

    Anyway, Happy Mommies day Monika!

  6. Pam here. She told me the same things Tracey.

  7. No doubt in my mind Bonnie abused her son. We all saw his blog page about the monster in the closet. He was TERRIFIED of that woman. Poor child.

    1. bonnie you are nothing but pure trash. a no good mother fucker. you should be put in jail. beat your kid and a whore.

    2. well I was terrified when I felt the tip of the black devil brush across my exposed asshole.
      If I had been able to see myself, standing there, face to the wall,spreading my ass cheeks, while she slipped a finger in my tight hole it would have been an embarassing sight to behold that's for sure.
      The hissing sound she had in the tone of her voice was more disconcerting than anythig else.

    3. AnonymousMay 13, 2012 11:09 AM
      bonnie you are nothing but pure trash. a no good mother fucker. you should be put in jail. beat your kid and a whore.

      The no good "trashy mother fucker' would be the one making those accusations and, the one buying into it isn't much better.

    4. Bonnie has shit fingers

    5. If Bonnie has "shit fingers" she must had touched a zombie.

  8. The post on here in the beginning stating it is from Perky and the above post saying it was from Pam, are in retaliation to my post on the prior article about the US Constitution and comparison between the first and second amendments. I do not feel that those 2 postings supposedly from these 2 people were actually penne by none other than ZEEKE! I believe Zeeke has much more to do with this then anyone else on here concerning me!

    The reason for Zeeke doing this and hating me so badly is due to the fact that I will not buy into his idea of entertainment. His form of entertainment is abuse and, as I have suggested to him before, if he wants to abuse someone, join WWW and go duke it out with your fists!

    But he is unable to do that because, his only strength (balls) is in his mouth, all conveniently protected behind the internet. He is as much a coward as he is weak minded!

    Now, as for the "Monster" in my sons closet? That happened to be a STORY from an experience he had when he was 8 years old when, he and a friends mother allowed them to watch "Chucky" a terrifying movie for that age range, IMHO. When he was around 2 or so, I had bought him the "My little Buddy" doll that bored a striking resemblance to Chucky and it happened to be his closet! You know, someone on this internet and on this blog (posting as other people) also resembles Chucky! (and in more ways than one) Anyone want to take a guess at who???

    1. Bonnie is that all you can talk about is what happened to you years ago by Zeek? Can't you be the better person and move on and forget about the bullshit?

    2. Move on like you seem unable to do?

  9. You know, since this is Zeekes first mothers day without his mom and his son is no doubt spending the day with his mother, I imagine Zeeke will be spending all day blogging his abusive derogatory statements about those he hates. What a way to honor his mom!

  10. Bonnie STFU you got drunk and touched a pee pee

  11. Brandon must not be visiting with his mother. Otherwise, she would not be on here ranting away like the wind.

    1. Brandon stopped visiting once he realized Bonnie was getting wet

    2. And your excuse?

  12. Do any of you making sick comment's here have a mother to see or children or grandchildren to enjoy this day??? Oh right Zeek lost his mother. No wonder he has nothing better to do. Maybe same excuse for the rest!

  13. "Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action." (1 John 3:18) Let your mother know this year that her love is shown, not only in the compliments and encouragement that she gave but also the appreciation for the love shown through punishment and actions.

  14. i dirty sandchezd myself early early this morning and i stil smell it. yum yum yum ROTFLMAO

    1. yesmemike { real oneMay 13, 2012 at 2:03 PM

      ha ha ha vomit or zeeke ,,,

    2. Zombies are sneaky little bastards.

  15. whats wrong vomit no place to blog anymore poor vomit.

  16. i like to take the time to say happy mothers day for all them mr moms out here who step up and raise there kids. some are there own others are not from blood. takes a bigman to take over all the dutys of this task. i know been there .. so my hatgoes off to you guys keep up the great work

    1. Look at Mike promoting himself. He seems to forget he has kids who don't want much to do with him, so what if he pays for the place for a whore's son to live. He's being used. Big deal

  17. "I imagine Zeeke will be spending all day blogging his abusive derogatory statements about those he hates."

    Perky PigMay 13, 2012 9:54 AM
    AnonymousMay 13, 2012 11:05 AM
    AnonymousMay 13, 2012 10:14 AM
    Doesn't the Gurly Fag
    UglymarylandersMay 13, 2012 12:17 PM
    K2 likes
    AnonymousMay 13, 2012 10:07 AM
    She told me the same things Tracey.
    AnonymousMay 13, 2012 10:20 AM
    No doubt in my mind Bonnie
    AnonymousMay 13, 2012 11:09 AM
    bonnie you are
    UglymarylandersMay 13, 2012 12:15 PM
    Bonnie has shit fingers
    AnonymousMay 13, 2012 11:49 AM
    Bonnie STFU
    UglymarylandersMay 13, 2012 12:19 PM
    Bonnie was
    xxyesmemikeMay 13, 2012 12:32 PM
    i dirty

    When I'm right......I'M RIGHT!!

  18. "I imagine Zeeke will be spending all day blogging his abusive derogatory statements about those he hates."

    Perky PigMay 13, 2012 9:54 AM
    AnonymousMay 13, 2012 11:05 AM
    AnonymousMay 13, 2012 10:14 AM
    Doesn't the Gurly Fag
    UglymarylandersMay 13, 2012 12:17 PM
    K2 likes
    AnonymousMay 13, 2012 10:07 AM
    She told me the same things Tracey.
    AnonymousMay 13, 2012 10:20 AM
    No doubt in my mind Bonnie
    AnonymousMay 13, 2012 11:09 AM
    bonnie you are
    UglymarylandersMay 13, 2012 12:15 PM
    Bonnie has shit fingers
    AnonymousMay 13, 2012 11:49 AM
    Bonnie STFU
    UglymarylandersMay 13, 2012 12:19 PM
    Bonnie was
    xxyesmemikeMay 13, 2012 12:32 PM
    i dirty

    When I'm right......I'M RIGHT!!

    1. Bonnie you are never riht.

    2. "Bonnie you are never riht."

      Damn stupid, dumbass.

  19. Bonnie the only thing you're right on is that you're bat shit crazy.

    1. If Bonnie were "bat shit crazy" she would be hanging in the zombie room with the rest of the nuts.

    2. BonnieMay 13, 2012 6:10 AM
      Honestly, I do not think it was termed I think it was just moved to another server or, another name unknown to anyone else at this time. From what has been said about it, I take it is not too unlike Zeekes blog so, why would they term that one and not Zeekes? I don't think it could have been anywhere near as bad or, as illegal as Roses blog and that was not termed! I'm just not buying it..

      AnonymousMay 13, 2012 6:20 AM
      bonnie you dont have the smarts to understand why

      BonnieMay 13, 2012 6:44 AM
      You know, since I didn't frequent Vomits blog, maybe it is that I DID have the smarts? Meaning that nothing he posted about me, would bother me which would be a complete waste of time for HIM!

      AnonymousMay 13, 2012 6:33 AM
      Defamation of Character, should i say anymore ,, ghezzzz

      BonnieMay 13, 2012 6:48 AM
      Defamation of Character??? You have got to be kidding me, right? No one on here has defamed anyone more than what Rose has and her blog was not termed! Not to mention Zeeke!

      AnonymousMay 13, 2012 7:56 AM
      Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

      c a n y o u r e a d

      BonnieMay 13, 2012 8:51 AM
      Y E S I C A N R E A D! But, what I failed to see written there in black and white was WHO the blog was removed BY!

      Seems like "I" was RIGHT yet again! What I think is that, Vomit was having company today since it was mothers day and, I imagine that some of his company (could be kids) were going to be using his computer. So, to avoid any embarrassing accidental discovery of his on line vile, evil, disgusting, degrading actions, he deleted it.

      I do believe that once you delete a blog, you do have the option of restoring it within a certain time period. This is just my thoughts on why it was taken down for a few hours but, like everything else I have been RIGHT about, I am probably right about this too!

  20. why bitch about anything no one cares about you bonnie. or what anyone does to you

    1. It appears that you are 'caring."

  21. Bonnie you bitch about Zeek all the time just admit you're in love with him and go find the man and get laid once and for all!!!!!

    1. Can Billy actually still get it up?

    2. Only way I would lay that man is OUT! That's of I were physically capable.

    3. Zing! Good one Bonnie

  22. "Perky PigMay 13, 2012 9:54 AM
    Perky here. You defamed yourself. Do you want me to really tell everyone about the abusive mother you were? How Brandon was hit by a keyboard for telling you to stop spending all your time online? how your sister had to intervene with you and men you'd bring home and screw with your son in the next room? How you did this for money? How many times police and CPS have been to your house because of Brandon? How many times Brandon ran away? Oh, and how shitty you were leaving bloody tampons unwrapped in the trash can for everyone to see. How you'd leave douches in the shower for Brandon to trip over."

    Everyone on here claims that I make it all about me ! Who do you think penned thess disgusting lies claiming that I "told them"? Z E E K E !! It is all done in retaliation because, first and foremost, I hate him with every ounce of my being! Secondly, I will not accept his idea of abusive entertainment, Thirdly, I can give as good as I get and, in most cases BETTER which, he has been on the receiving end of. Last but not least, I will not walk away or, run from him or, anyone else involved in this! I am like the energizer bunny............I keep going and going and going and going!

    1. so then Bunny,why wont you contact me,so I can try and explain how I see you now,just to be able to talk with you in a different light than you might have thought..I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now

  23. Bonnie you bitch about Zeek all the time just admit you're in love with him and go find the man and get laid once and for all!!!!!

    Seems like YOU, Zeek and the rest that bitch about Bonnie may have the same issue since YOU can't keep blah...blah...blah too!!!
    Maybe thats the answer people need laid!

  24. They are obsessed with Bonnie.

  25. Happy Mother's Day Monika.

    Seems Vomit's blog got owned.

    1. << Seems Vomit's blog got owned. >>

      Vomit's honed his begging talents trying to get the Zombies to return to his room. So he was apparently effective at begging Blogger to let him have it back.

    2. I'd thinking such a wildly popular person would have better things to do than to "Mess with Tards" by childishly hiding a blog all day. Especially on Mother's Day. You'd think he'd be out with his Mom or wife or something, not drunk and embarrassing himself in the social network world

    3. Vomit is what he is, a worthless drunk.

    4. Sour Grapes K2.If that gave you joy, then your life is pathetic.

    5. Vomit feels he made retards out of the people here! He forgets to mention though that the main one he and Zeeke absolutely hate (ME), stated that "she didn't buy it"! But, neither he, nor Zeeke would ever admit that "I" was too smart for them. I make them look like the fools they both are at every turn!

      I really think it is funny that two supposedly grown men, supposedly who work and have lives, can sit on a computer all day and most of the night and, delude themselves into thinking that they have such powers of deception over others. Then congratulate each other for what they deem as an accomplishment!

      They call people "retards" who buy their deceptive practices but, what they fail to realize is that, retards do not lie, deceive nor, intimidate. So that would mean that these so called 'Retards" are much worthier as human beings than they themselves could ever be! And those such as Zeeke and Vomit who practice these traits of lying, deception and intimidation are merely cold, calculating, dishonorable, unacceptable human beings!

      They have no conscience! They do not care about anyone except themselves and, what they can get out of their demented practices. What they could possibly get out of it, really escapes me. The only thing that I can think of is the attention and, notoriety that seems to circle them. Not to unlike that which is given to murderers?

      But, what type of person would purposely solicit such hatred and notoriety from others? A person who has been hurt in the past? A person who fears others? Or, a person who just feels that he deserves to be hated? Or, could it be that they are just jealous of another’s abilities to actually be someone they are not? DECENT!

    6. And to think Beth A. Coleman teamed up with these two losers.

  26. Bonnie likes pussy.

    1. she would call it her Kitty and when I came to visit her she would languish on the sofa, almost lay there, with her legs spread and rather slowly run her fingers over the pink soft lips.
      Sometimes she would smoke and be looking at a magazine with me there on the floor between her legs. As if I werent even there, she would ignore me.

    2. my drive to see her was a long one and it cost me no small sum.I know she used the money to help out a needy person who probably lived in her neighborhood. That's the way she was. But how could it ever have a price put on it for the experience of seeing her once again.

    3. When at last,when she was ready for me, she would simply use the come hither motion of her index finger.
      She still might be reading or perhaps just relaxing and she would signal to me,without a word, that it was time to begin my worship of her sweet kitty.It also was a reminder that my hour with her was starting to move along.Time truly did seem to fly by and before I knew it my alloted hour with her would be over.
      For my part it couldn't have come a moment too soon.
      By now the routine of me trying to please her started out with my moving close between her thighs and placing just the bridge of my nose in a line parallel with the lips of her sweet cunt. No other action was acceptable to her and when I had achieved the position, she might begin to push ever so slightly against my nose and her scent soon became intoxicating.

  27. Bonnie and Vomit need to get together lol they're both bat shit crazy.

  28. Bonnie was eating spams pussy until they had a falling out

  29. << What they could possibly get out of it, really escapes me. The only thing that I can think of is the attention and, notoriety that seems to circle them. >> Bonnie

    It's all about their room dying. They're simply bored stupid, and lashing out. Wasn't your son often like that when he was say, oh, age 4? LOL

    My younger stepson was. At our wedding rehearsal, for example, he (the ring bearer, not quite yet 4) sulked, pouted, whined, etc., then tossed the ring into the pews. LOL We made sure he had a snack and a nice nap before the wedding, and he was fine.

  30. tonight there is a meeting of the zombies. zeeke has called all douche bags in .. lmao

  31. Dear God, you made many, many zombie people.
    I realize, of course, that it's a shame to be a zombie.
    But it's no great honor either!
    So, what would have been so terrible that I had a small penis?"

    If I were a zombie,
    Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
    All day long I'd biddy biddy bum.
    If I were a zombie.
    I wouldn't have to blog all day.
    Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
    If I were a biddy biddy zombie,
    Yidle-diddle-didle-didle man.

    I'd build a big tall chat room with rooms by the dozen,
    Right in the middle of the town.
    A fine tin roof with real wooden floors below.
    There would be one long staircase just going up,
    And one even longer coming down,
    And one more leading nowhere, just for show.

    I'd fill my yard with zeekes , vomits perkys and rest of the jerks
    For the town to see and hear.
    And each loud "cheep" and "swaqwk" and "honk" and "quack"
    Would land like a trumpet on the ear,
    As if to say "Here lives a zombie."

    If I were a zombie,
    Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
    All day long I'd biddy biddy bum.
    I am a douche bag.
    I wouldn't have to blog hard all day long
    Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
    If I were a biddy biddy zombie,
    Yidle-diddle-didle-didle man.

    I see my wife vomit my Golde, looking like a zombies man's wife
    With a proper double-chin.
    Supervising meals to her heart's delight.
    I see her putting on bending over the bar stool.
    Oy, what a happy mood she's in.
    Screaming at the servants, day and night.

  32. It's clear to me
    from my perspective that
    those you call Zombies
    are down right deceptive!

    The one they call Zeeke
    is merely just weak, and
    without a doubt the
    truth's bound to come out!

    The web has been weaved
    by those who've deceived
    and as the truth nears
    they'll all disappear!




  36. so zeekes last blog, does this mean he is giving out blow jobs??

  37. Not sure what it means but, he forgot a few things though. Like the fact that HE has been sitting on line since way before 2008 bashing, harassing and terrorizing people! There is really something wrong with someone when all they can see are others faults and, not their own! Honestly, I know that I am being almost as bad as him and, I refuse to stop! I am enacting my revenge the only way I can for the time being! People say I am wasting my time.......well, I have a lot of time to waste and by all appearances, Zeeke does too! Which would make us TWO OF A KIND!

  38. People with come on cents, don't waist, they're time, trying to finger people, out.

  39. And yet, here you are trying to figure out the reason why I hate you so badly?

    1. I don't have the energy to hate you, but if you were on fire and I had water, I would just drink it. However please continue, your ignorance is rather entertaining.

    2. why dont you just go fuck your self

    3. I imagine my ignorance is entertaining to you, just as your own ignorance has been to you for 10+ years!

  40. think zeeke is still bent over that rubber live. now that was a gem roflmao

  41. liver sorry its to funny

    1. Zeeke is bent over everything, he can't stand me and, I can't stand him! Sending that liver was one of my finest moments but, I still have doubts that he really received it.

    2. Bonnie wishes someone would send her a new liver. I bet she would keep her legs closed this time so the new one wouldn't get infected. LOLOL Then again she's not the brightest crayon in the box.

    3. You know, stating that a woman keeping her legs closed would prevent her from getting a disease is really funny coming from a man. Think about it? What you are implying is, that the only way a woman can get a disease is……from a MAN! This further implies that MEN are all disease ridden! Now for the liver transplant theory……..When a diseased liver is removed from a patient with Hepatitis C (HCV), serum viral levels plummet. However, after receiving a healthy liver transplant, virus levels rebound and can surpass pre-transplant levels within a few days, according to a new study published in the February 2006 issue of Liver Transplantation, the official journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD)

      See now, why this is, is due to the fact that, the Hepatitis C virus is in your blood which, is where it starts. It travels throughout your body into other organs inside the body. The damage it does to other organs, are relatively minor, if at all. Since the purpose of the liver is to filter all the toxins from the blood as it passes through the liver, then replacing it with a new liver, would be senseless! And, STUPID!

      It would also be rather selfish! Do you know exactly how many newborn babies out there need liver transplants? Due to some type of deformity in birth, neither do I but, I know there are many. So why should someone who, has lived their life, deny a child a chance at life?

      One more thing, which color crayon you are in that box?? Which color indicates ignorance?

    4. Oh and I just thought of another thing!! You state that I am not the brightest crayon in the box ? Well, YELLOW is about the brightest in that box and that is what you claim I am so, which is it??

  42. o he got it he bitch up a storm about it for weeks,,,

  43. youre an orangeish yellow like bloody urine

    1. Nope, I am more like a bluish color.............figure that one out

  44. << imagine Faggy and Bonnie unable to post on Ugly's blog for at least 12 hours until Ugly gets home and fixes the mess... >> Zeeke, in an obsessive rant on his blog earlier today...

    Well, that master plan sure didn't work... << chuckle, chuckle >>

    1. FAGGYS FIANCE IS A CLEANING LADYMay 19, 2012 at 7:40 PM


  45. << Well, that master plan sure didn't work... << chuckle, chuckle >> >>

    Hmmmm, you don't suppose that Zeeke and Vomit are so totally obsessed with us that they'll spam THIS article, too, now that I've posted to it?

    Well, if they do, I'll just move down the list to the next article... and the next... and so on.

    1. FAGGYS WEARS HIS MOMS UNDERWEARMay 19, 2012 at 7:43 PM


  46. BTW, I posted all three of those comments to Vomit's blog, just for shits and giggles. They're *still* there more than an hour later for anyone who cares to follow-up.

    << chuckle, chuckle >>


  47. I think that means ron has a life and you don't


  48. You are really some kind of sad lonely demented person, I seriously pity you. You should take some of that advice you've given to me through the years and GO GET YOURSELF SOME HELP!



Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.