Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"Mindful Muscle"

June 23, 2012

"Most people think of social communication solely in terms of overt signals expressed through language, voice qualities, gestures, facial expressions, and body movements. However, there is now evidence that a subtle yet influential electromagnetic or 'energetic' communication system operates just below our conscious awareness. Energetic interactions likely contribute to the 'magnetic' attractions or repulsions that occur between individuals, and also affect social exchanges and relationships. Moreover, it appears that the heart’s field plays an important role in communicating physiological, psychological, and social information between individuals."

I ran across this on "Mindful Muscle" on Google. Pretty informative and also, gives me justification as to how I dealt with Zeeke for all those years. It also gives merit to my claims of him being heartless!
If Zeeke had a heart, his conscience would’ve bothered him saying all those things to and about me after I did inform him as to how it was hurting me. But, Zeeke wasn’t bothered at all! He took pleasure in knowing he was hurting me. He said many times that he didn’t care. Went as far one time as saying he was "trying to kill me word by word"! Now what type of person would derive pleasure in harming another without justification? A heartless one!

A NORMAL FUNCTIONING HUMAN BEING would have known better and, would have stopped when they knew they were causing another distress. But, we are talking about someone who spends most of his time alone and has never really been shown or, felt love from a NORMAL FUNCTIONING HUMAN BEING. Therefore, he is unable to display NORMAL human decency!


  1. How long did it take you to edit Bonnie's ramblings K2? There is no way she wrote that without help. Another question is why are you giving her a forum for her obsession with Zeeke? Any other person would chalk this up to internet bull, but not her. She has and still continues to carry on her quest.

  2. Did you live in Zeeke's home? How do you know he was never shown love by his parents, siblings, spouse and son? More pot calling the kettle black. You set out to hurt people with your hateful words and actions, but some how you feel it's always justified when you're the one doing it.

    Do you intend to live what little life you have left, rehashing this daily? You made the choice to stay in a room with Zeek and others and not click the ignore feature or leave. Place the blame where it belongs, on yourself!

    1. Someone should give that advice to Obama.

    2. To answer the first anonymous shit heads question, Christopher did not have to edit any of my writings. He did edit a mistake made by the author of the first paragraph which, I copied and pasted out of the original article but, nothing I wrote myself..........don't that just burn your buns??

      MY obsession with Zeeke?? I guess you have not visited Zeekes blog lately. It is HE who seems to be OBSESSED with me and, my friendship with Christopher. If I didn't know any better, I would think he was jealous! He can't seem to understand my friendship with Christopher. He can't seem to understand that the problems Christopher and I had over the years were rectified by our adult discussions about said problems.

      Although, Christopher never taunted me about my personal life, nor my health, nor did he make vile accusations to or, about me, my son or, any of my family as Zeeke has done over the years.

      So, if you want to blame anyone at all for this BULL, blame Zeeke!

      What Zeeke has done is not just internet bull, he took it to a personal level which, he had no right to do. I admit that, I did also but, I had warned him before I did so. My words to him were that if he didn't stop, I would find out who he was and where he lived and post the info in the room which, I did just what I threatened to do. If he would have stopped, then it would have never happened!

    3. Now for anonymous shit head 2! No I do not live at Zeekes house but, I can gather by the stories he tells, I am exactly right. A father who is a cop and finds his son with a bag of weed and, all he tells his son is "you better not let your mother catch you with that", couldn't have been cared for or, loved much.

      About his marriage(s). I have heard stories. granted, they are only rumors. that he beat both wives. Now with his abusive behavior in the chat room of me and of others, I tend to believe those rumors and again, he has only himself to blame for that!

      As far as me having the option of ignoring or, leaving........why should "I" have been the one to leave? Ignoring I would not have done for the simple reason that, he would have cut and pasted everything I had said and twisted it and posted it at another time and made it to mean something else. Which is Zeekes way! As it is, he has things I said saved to HIS files that I have said way back in 2001, at which time, he was not in the room.....as himself that I knew about, that is.

      Speaking of the pot calling the kettle black, I think you have the kettle confused with the pot! It is Zeeke that sets out to hurt people, I set out to hurt those who hurt me and others. If you do not want to be hurt by someone, then don't hurt them first!

    4. You Madam are a liar. You grammar sucks at best, so someone made the corrections for you.

    5. You know, if you're going to correct someone, make sure you at least have more functioning grammar than them.
      This would be:
      You, Madam, are a liar. Your grammar sucks at best, therefore someone had to make the corrections for you.

    6. Now we know the real reason that those who post under anonymous do so. It is done so no one will know exactly how illiterate they truly are!

  3. ((I ran across this on "Mindful Muscle" on Google. Pretty informative and also, gives me justification as to how I dealt with Zeeke for all those years.))

    Still looking for justification after 10+ years? SMH Get a clue, there is none.

    1. I have had justification since Zeeke started on me, this is just proof of that justification. There is no justification for what Zeeke has done then, nor is there any now. The only justification for what he has done is that he needs attention and he will get it at any cost. Because, he has no conscience and an empty heart! He isn't happy unless he is hurting someone else which, is why he is so lonely!

    2. << He isn't happy unless he is hurting someone else which, is why he is so lonely! >> Bonnie

      I don't think a Zombie is capable of feeling anything.

  4. Very well-written, Bonnie! I especially liked your linkage of the quote and the way Zeeke has always been. I tend to take it one step further with my Zombie usage, but that's mainly for his "heartless" followers.

    I hope that was the first of many articles here by you.

    1. Thank you Christopher, I am glad you liked it!

  5. << How long did it take you to edit Bonnie's ramblings K2? There is no way she wrote that without help. >>

    Oh, looky, a Zombie getting all green-eyed because Bonnie is obviously a much better writer than Zeeke or Vomit.


  6. << She has and still continues to carry on her quest. >>

    Do you mean like Zeeke and Vomit constantly posting pics of my face on various pics they stole off of the internet?

  7. << Another question is why are you giving her a forum for her obsession with Zeeke? >>

    You seem confused. Y'all conceded awhile ago that Ugly, not me, runs this blog. So, whine at him. I'm not interested.

  8. << Do you intend to live what little life you have left, rehashing this daily? >>

    I haven't seen you post that sentiment on either Zeeke's or Vomit's blogs. Perhaps you should, then you wouldn't sound so Zombie-like.

  9. << You made the choice to stay in a room with Zeek and others and not click the ignore feature or leave. Place the blame where it belongs, on yourself! >>

    People reacted in different ways to Zeeke's ugliness. Some left, some put him on ignore, some battled with him, and some even joined him.

    But your analyis fails because the proximate cause (sorry, but I sometimes like to toss out the Big Legal Phrases) in ALL cases was Zeeke.

    I can understand why YOU would want to shift the blame. After all, it was your (Zeeke's) actions that destroyed the room, and then your own ugly, little clique.

  10. Do you intend to live what little life you have left, rehashing this daily? You made the choice to stay in a room with Zeek and others and not click the ignore feature or leave. Place the blame where it belongs, on yourself!

    Seems you lost the ignore button to! :-)
    As far as rest the behavior shown by Zeek himself shows kind person he is also and your here judgeing Bonnie !!
    More pot calling the kettle black from a few end's :-)

    Bonnie has just as much right to express herself as anyone else!

    1. << More pot calling the kettle black from a few end's :-) >>

      A Zombie doesn't have the IQ horsepower to understand that.

  11. Bonnie I will arm wrestle you for zeeks dick

    1. No arm wrestling necessary, you can have it, it is tainted with Vomits shit!

    2. Hahaha isn't that the truth.

  12. Bonnie, does your conscience bother you? You have said a lot of mean and hateful things as well. You are not an innocent party. You could have turned away from it all. You chose to stay. Stop whining and get on with your life.

    1. Maybe you should have told Zeeke to stop whining .....in the beginning and NOW! Maybe you should have told him to go get on with HIS life and, leave others alone.......or, maybe you should NOW ! Did I not just explain to you in another of your anonymous shit head postings WHY it was I did not turn away. I chose to stay because, it was my right to be there, that is why they are known as PUBLIC chat rooms!

      I know I did and said some hateful things as well but, I told you all before, I treat others AS they treat me, I just do not do it first! It's means basically the same thing I said in a prior post.....if you don't want to be hurt by anyone then, do not hurt anyone!

      My conscience does not bother me in what I say and feel about Zeeke. Tell me why it should? Is it because, I respond in kind to Zeekes treatment of me and, others, due to their friendship with me?

      Now let me ask you......does YOUR conscience bother you? I mean you get on here under the anonymous screen name and, call me down for doing the exact same thing Zeeke has done to me! Yet, you never ask Zeeke any of the questions that you ask me, you never accuse Zeeke of being any way or, anything you accuse of me of being and, you never ask him if HIS conscience bothers HIM! I imagine you haven't asked him because, you already know the answer, a big fat NO! He has no conscience which is why, he doesn't care! This is why I am having a hard time understanding WHY people are on this blog posting as "anonymous" who seem to be taking up for Zeeke. He doesn't care what is said about him so, why should anyone else?

    2. There should be a 'like' button' for certain comments like they have on Facebook.

    3. Where did I state you only said mean and hateful things to Zeeke? I dont care at all about what you and he spewed back and forth at each other. You both deserved what you got from each other. Is he really the only person you ever said mean things to or about? I dont think so.

    4. "You have said a lot of mean and hateful things as well." That is what you said and, as you can see, you did not specify who I said them to! So how am I to know who you are talking about?

      You say; "I dont care at all about what you and he spewed back and forth at each other. " It is obvious that you do care because, if you didn't you wouldn't be posting on this blog, nor even reading it!

      As I stated before, I reacted to what others were saying about me and to those who were getting in the middle of it whom I had asked to stay out of it but, they couldn't do that so.........I think that is what they call "collateral damage"!

      Now as far as you, yourself goes, I have a pretty good idea who you are and I think that you got what you gave!

  13. K2 you are an ass of the highest magnitude.

  14. Who is Billy sponging off of these days?

  15. so ugly had to resort to his obsession again due to k2's epic failure to get comments due to flowers

  16. << There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama... >> Vomit, on his blog

    Does that mean that YOU are going to stop all of YOUR "pointless drama"? Ya'know, akin to the vicious verbal assaults against anyone in the chat room you didn't like? The profound bigotry, such as the numerous N-Word Bombs that cost you your account several times? Your homophobic and misogynistic rants on your blog?

    Face it, y'all devoted major parts of several years of your lives to destroying the chat room group with such "pointless drama." And in the end, karma dictated that y'all went too far and also killed your own ugly little clique.

    So, if you're renouncing all of that and stepping back from being a vile and disgusting, hate-filled bigot, hooray, and welcome to the world of mature adults. If not, well, we know where that'll lead... SOS...

    1. << There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama... >> Vomit, on his blog >> Christopher

      Yeah, he forgot to finish though..it should read that....."There comes a time in life when you have to let go of the pointless drama.....that time is when YOU LOSE!

  17. << K2 you are an ass of the highest magnitude. >>

    You are a coward of the highest magnitude.

    1. I know you are, but what am I? lol

  18. << He can't seem to understand that the problems Christopher and I had over the years were rectified by our adult discussions about said problems. >> Bonnie

    The Zombies seem capable of resolving such things within their group, as they did with, say, Pantrygal. But of course, if *other* people do it, it's a mortal sin. << snort >>

    1. Do you honestly think that when Pantry was bolted from that room that there was really a problem between them that caused it? I don't think there was, I think it was more of a show, otherwise vomit would not has posted what Pantry said on his blog. Everything they do is for show because they love the attention that this blog gives them. Then they can claim we are the ones who are obsessed with them.

  19. Billos the same o reject he was in school

  20. << so ugly had to resort to his obsession again due to k2's epic failure to get comments due to flowers >>

    Sometimes I wish I had a Stupid Button on my forehead so I could punch it and come close to understanding, at least temporarily, the lesser Zombies. Amazing...

    And if you think the 34 comments (so far) to my article about flowers is an "epic fail," then what phrase would you use to describe Zeeke's average response rate of ZERO? Or Vomit's of maybe 10 (unless I comment there)?

    And as near as I can tell, it's been a very long time since Vomit had anywhere near 34 comments to anything he's said.

    I'm (somewhat) sure you had a point in mind when you began to write that. But I think it got lost somewhere in that great fog between your ears before it got off your keyboard.

  21. let me clear it up.
    unless ugly has the zombies on his blog which go over 200 comments
    he does not get that much comments when it is about flowers
    does that clear it up
    you got hardly any comments on flowers but when you toss up a zombie story this blog goes haywire
    zeeke and vomit moderate their comments end of discussion it is not due to no one commenting

    1. I thought the Zombies didn't read this blog?

    2. Damn 8:52, if you are one of Zeekes Zombies then, he isn't training you too well! Your English grammar sucks! "he does not get that MUCH comments"?? Sounds like a back hills uneducated weasel to me!

      Zeeke and Vomit moderate their blogs because, they can't take what they dish out because, they are weak in every sense of the word!

    3. << I thought the Zombies didn't read this blog? >>

      They've often said that they never EVER read it. But amazingly, they can quote from it more than a year ago with "perfect clarity."

  22. Oh please 8:52. This blog has 100x more readers than those idiots. Zeeke and Vomit moderate? Ha Ha. Billy got caught posting 50 plus comments a day of his own so he stopped. And BS Ronnie doesn't moderate anything until it is about him or Billy. Then he deletes it. Least this blog isn't biased.

  23. 8:52 is more than obviously Vomit. Such a jaded drunk loser.

  24. << zeeke and vomit moderate their comments >>
    << you got hardly any comments on flowers >>

    Simply put, you're brain dead...

  25. 9:08 are you trying to convince yourself of this
    look at this fucking blog because it shows just what i pointed out
    k2 got 30ish comments on fucking flowers
    you put a zombie story up and you get 200
    it was an epic failure so ugly had to cover his ass and give bonnie a voice lol and look at the haters go lol
    is it because team zombie handed your asses to you over and over

    1. << look at this fucking blog because it shows just what i pointed out >>

      Did you, like Zeeke, drop out of school very early on? By your writings, I'm guessing YES.

  26. Who are you trying to convince? Team Zombie and their leader(zeeke) has done nothing and still does nothing to this day except, lie to people to make them feel he is worthy or, that he actually has a life outside of the internet! And, those who follow him, actually buy into his lies!

    For instance, those 2 pictures of Big mouth bass that he implies that he caught.....is a LIE ! Take a look http://basstardfishing.com/Largemouth_Bass_Fishing.html

    He is so board now that there is not anyone to badger, abuse and, beat down that, he searches the internet all day finding interesting things to take credit for and make others feel like he actually does more than, sit and obsess about those who are far more interesting than he!

  27. Bonnie, print screen his blog asap with the picture and send the print screen to the owners of the blog at: http://basstardfishing.com/About_Me_Contact.html
    I don't think they will take too kindly to a person like Billy using their photos on a blog that harasses people. You may get Billy in some serious shit. Says right the bottom of that page: All content and images are subject to copyright law. Redistribution, of any content and/ or images contained on this website is unlawful.

  28. I just submitted the following comment to Zeeke's blog and posted it on Vomit's (it'll probably last a couple of hours before Vomit turns back into a coward and deletes it):

    Earlier today Bonnie busted Zeeke out on Ugly's blog for being both a LIAR and a THIEF. As she notes, he STOLE those fish pics on his blog from the fine folks at www.basstardfishing.com (despite the very prominent copyright claim) and then LIED about how HE supposedly caught them, yada yada.

    You can see the original pics from 2009 for yourself at:


    Zeeke didn't even bother removing their SUV from the one pic, which is shown at:


    BTW, the second bass pic is also shown at:


    When Zeeke said he caught one at "a farm pond," what he meant to say was "some OTHER guy caught that one at Lake Tenkiller in Oklahoma years ago. I just STOLE their pics."

    So, once again Zeeke is caught being a LIAR. (He steals pics constantly, so that's hardly news.)

    Given Zeeke's prior actions when caught LYING, we should expect him to soon post a lameass article about how it was all "obviously fake" and just a "scam" to sucker us in. (Doesn't explain the THEFT of the pics, but what the heck...) How many times does he expect that to work? Well, I guess the Zombies will swallow anything he says hook, line, and sinker. (Do you like the way I worked that fishing expression in there?)

    Soooooooo... the news headline here is "Zeeke caught LYING and STEALING once AGAIN." (Note to self: save that for future use to cut down on headline writing time.)

    1. Zeeke lying again? Imagine that!

  29. << Bonnie, print screen his blog asap with the picture and send the print screen to the owners of the blog at: http://basstardfishing.com/About_Me_Contact.html >>

    It's a bit easier to just email them at crazy@basstardfishing.com and/or Lucky@BASStardFishing.com and include a link to Zeeke's blog article.

  30. That is what I did Christopher

  31. << Given Zeeke's prior actions when caught LYING, we should expect him to soon post a lameass article about how it was all "obviously fake" and just a "scam" to sucker us in. (Doesn't explain the THEFT of the pics, but what the heck...) >> Me

    Zeeke did exactly as I predicted. He admitted to being a LIAR and even bragged about it. And he, of course, skipped over STEALING the pics.

    So, I responded with:

    I thought it would be more of a challenge to get Zeeke to admit that he's a LIAR and a THIEF. But then again, he's not too bright.

  32. << do you mean "THIEF AND LIAR" in the same way as bonnie collecting/stealing funds from disability when she spends countless hours a day WORKING on her computer doing less than constructive WORK. >> Vomit, on his blog

    Thanks for conceding that Zeeke is both a LIAR and a THIEF.

    As to Bonnie, I'm not all that familiar with her disability. I am, however, quite familiar with the related laws and rules, and I have several friends on disability under Social Security. I gather you don't, or you wouldn't say something so astoundingly ignorant.

    One friend, for example, had a nice white collar job until she had a nasty brain injury leading to a seizure disorder. She outwardly looks quite normal and indeed is most of the time. But if you were, say, watching tv with her, she might just pass out on you for a time. And she might wind up on the floor flopping around like a fish. And as her friend, you'd be trained in how to handle those situations.

    She struggles to try to get off of Social Security and once again be gainfully employed. But it's been over 10 (very long) years...

    So, let's just say that she's not someone you'd want to have as your company's receptionist. She collects a modest sum from Social Security and some other "welfare" benefits. Trust me that you wouldn't want to live on those amounts.


    There's no need to get all pissy just because I pointed out your near-total lack of understanding of the Social Security disability system.

    1. You appear to not have much understanding yourself.

      Bonnie receives SSI, not Social Security Disability. Totally different programs. SSI ( supplemental security inome )is a set amount the Feds give a person who hasn't paid any money into Social Security. The money for SSI comes from the general tax revenue fund. Not Social Security.

      Social Security Disability is paid based on the amount a person actually paid into Social Security through working and comes from the Social Security system. The amount a person receives from Social Security Disability can vary greatly depending on their income prior to their illness or injury.

      Welfare money is also a set amount determined by the government and comes from the general tax revenue fund, which is why people say she collects welfare. The government also pays her rent. Seems the same as welfare to most.

    2. Why isn't he complaining about Cindy this same way? Cindy lied
      said she was retired. Then she said she was on a work disability when she couldn't explain how retirement works when she isn't 65. She couldn't explain where her checks came from, what procedures she had to go through to get disability, only would say she said I have a certificate that says awarded for life. Which is a lie, no insurance company gives out certifications for disability. She was proven to live on Section 8 housing and get SSI.

    3. Oh and one other thing. Welfare is determined by each individual STATE GOVERNMENT, not FEDERAL! Social Security is determined by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ! So too is Section 8!

    4. << You appear to not have much understanding yourself. >>

      Actually, I do. But prattle on...

    5. Some people are just stupid. Insurance companies have nothing to do with disability retirement from the State of MD


      read and learn

  34. MY OH MY! They are trying hard to make ME look as guilty as Zeeke! They just do not understand that this is not exactly an apple and oranges situation! Stealing from the State is a lot more difficult to do then stealing pictures off of someone else's website! Especially when, you have medical professionals testifying to said disability! It is also harder to prove a disability than it is posting on a blog that you have done something that was so easily proven that .......you didn't! Almost as bad as him saying I did things that, I clearly didn't!!

  35. "The amount a person receives from Social Security Disability can vary greatly depending on their income prior to their illness or injury."

    Prior to illness or, injury you say?? When your "illness or, injury" happens when you are in high school, then what? I mean at the age of 15, one could not have worked for a very long time when, the lawful age to gain employment and, pay taxes was (if i recall) only 14!

    Yes Cindy, I assume you are right, I am a total low life for collecting something that my deceased mother paid into all of her life and died before she could collect a cent.

    And I guess that I am a total low life for not trying to gain employment, even though, I have WORKED at many jobs throughout the years, most of which, I was let go from due to the inability to preform said duties!

    See, people do not know what they are talking about on here, they only assume and what they assume is, the worst possible thing about another!

    Let me run something by all of you. Let's say that your life as you know it were to change in one split second and, you lost the use of.........oh,I don't know, lets say your fingers and, you were unable to type on any key board or key pad, were unable to push any buttons, were unable to speak or, were unable to communicate any of your thoughts? You would be totally dependent on someone else. What exactly would you do? How would you feel?

    For you it would mean no more being able to type anymore, For you, that would mean no more trashing anyone, no more being able to lie to those who don't really know you! No more being able to pretend that your were a perfect person!

    For me it was no more joining in with my friends, going to dances, riding bikes, playing baseball. going on dates, running track or, going to school, going to proms, graduating on stage. swimming, things a normal teenager does.

    Now, you claim that since I can sit all day at a computer and type that, I should be able to work! Let's see, you had a cushy office job (you claimed) at which. you sat at a computer all day, ( not one you could use to get on AOL though) and, you took an early retirement due to being "sick".

    Then what did you do with your free time? You stayed at HOME on a computer ALL DAY in a chat room arguing and fight and frankly, being a down right BITCH! Backstabbing and bitching about those you got information from in IM's and. lying about the things they told you!

    You know, I often wonder if the reason you do all this is because, you have trouble dealing with your own self loathing? It must be easy for you to take your own self hatred out on others then, it is to accept the mistakes you have made that have caused you to be in the situation you are currently. I used to be that way but, I grew up!

    Hint Hint!!

    1. Bonnie why even answer Cindy? The fat bitch lies worse than Zeeke. She wants to scream about you being on welfare but guess what? The bitch couldn't keep a job at the state for 4 years and she's on SSI for being so fat. And her slut daughter is too for having a kid with no daddy around. Oh yeah remember she wanted to harass you about having a kid out of marriage? The fat bitch needs to look at her daughter Katrina who she doesn't even know the daddy of.

    2. << I have WORKED at many jobs throughout the years, most of which, I was let go from due to the inability to preform said duties! >> Bonnie

      That's also been true of most of the people I've known under the system. One I know has tried to go thru their "plan to achieve self-support" several times.

  36. And I guess that I am a total low life for not trying to gain employment, even though, I have WORKED at many jobs throughout the years, most of which, I was let go from due to the inability to preform said duties! - Bonnie.

    Billy has been fired from more jobs than humanly possible

  37. Oh so has Rose. Neither can keep a job - ex zombie here


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.