Ugly is busy as always running a million dollar enterprise. I took a few minutes out of the day today and read some emails from fans updating me about the Zeeke Freeks.
Patti is still fat, bitter, and man less. A friend of hers revealed she has major health problems as well and is on disability as a result.
Drunk Ronnie.Rumor has it he killed someone in a DWI accident and is serving 9 years in prison.
Beth has moved out of the state to wherever the lesbian daughter lives. I was sent a picture of her but if it is really Beth, she has gained weight to the point it has contorted her face.
Pantry is not doing well. She was sued for millions several years back and the only way she could keep her paper business was to put it in her irresponsible son's name. The husband works all the time at the business while the son goes out and racks up points on his license, in between drug and dwi arrests. From what I was told, Pantry is still drinking heavily despite now having liver disease.
Perky took out her divorce with food. She is now ballooned up to near the 300 mark. No far off from Patti. She's having major health problems and living with her niece.
Shirley appears to be the only one doing well. She had gastric and is now slim, but is still a special kind of slow.
No one has heard from Lynzzy in some time. There's speculation she is in a battered woman's shelter again or jail. Maybe she got blamed for her son being a deadbeat dad (owes over 30,000).
Lois FINALLY did something with her hair.
Rose is still trying to live in her 20s although she looks close to 60 these days. You can also see she's still got the welfare mentality going on. Probably cause she's been dumped again.
Nothing new in Nancy's world, but hey, I did realize she has a twin out there. Who'd of thought she was a dead ringer for Mama Bear.

We really need to pray for Lolita, she's still on drugs, and not one's that are helping her keep the weight down. Maryland Court records show her coming up on a sloppy 200. She's still on a roll, at almost 50, with the restraining orders (her daughter now has one against her), and assault charges. Sadly, this behavior has rubbed off on her children. George has spent some time in the state pen, and Olivia, 22, is already competing with her mother for assault charges and restraining orders.
As for the grand poobah himself, time hasn't been on his side at all. He became homeless after his mother died until his gay rights supporting nephew took him in for awhile (and fed him well!).

Cindy is begging online for people to support her grandchildren now. Maybe she should go back to asking people to take nude pictures of her daughter.
and lastly, Redsky's good friend Richard is getting divorced, and deeply in debt with child support.