Sunday, January 19, 2014

I'm an ugly girl, my face makes you hurl

Multitude of muffin, 
is she wearing a wig?

She's STILL wearing this shirt eight years later? What P-O-V-E-R-T-Y
(She's gained a good 30 lbs)


  1. Good Lord, her stomach is better than her boobs.

  2. She looks better in those pics than the rest I've seen

  3. I love it. Alz and fat ass perky obsessed much. You have to go and snag pictures. Geezus...that is fat ass Nancy's son's wedding and it is a dress. and I would say well over a year ago it was taken. And yes, I still look good for my age. I am 135 lbs and healthier then I was six years ago. The other picture is about five years ago. WTF.
    No, I am by far not an addict. Okay, I
    You are still bringing a dead person up after almost six years?
    To the person googling is his number, call him...........302-287-1885
    If you were going to snag pictures.........why didn't you snag the adorable picture of Jim and I taken on Thanksgiving a couple of years back at Nanci's?
    Is this all you can come up with?
    Oh............and That gorgeous picture of my grand daughter..........was taken by her father.....
    I am sure Nanci is so proud.

    Alz and tracey............I know where you live....maybe Jim and I can stop by for some tea.........wink wink.

    Get a fucking life

    Stop googling Jim multiple times a week.

    Your blog is boring
    We all have moved on.
    Christopher busted you both out.
    Cindy, you are the one behind shit also...........Looking me up on Linkedth.........smfh

    Stupid asses with the same old pictures............smfh and trust me Tracey..I have no problem beating your fat ass.

  4. Who the hell wears a dress like that to a wedding? Oh that's right. Rose. Who has no class, no taste, and doesn't know how to dress whatsoever.

  5. And blame it on the father all you want, you still put that picture up you old hag. It's been reported to CPS.

  6. WOW what happened to Zombie love? lol

  7. Wait, I thought Rose and Nanci were BFF's. What happened to all of the zombie love?

  8. Actually, her father did take that picture. Also............only a fucking child perv molester would even think anything is wrong with that picture. You are one sick mother fucker. I am by far not a old hag and I look great for my age......secondly, that dress is lovely and obviously you weren't at the fucking see how some really dressed......smfh..........oh and can't you come up with any UP TO DATE PICTURES...............let's pic about 2 years..........the other, what four? Did you notice how young my grand daughter was in that picture you cropped?

    Call CPS....maybe they will investigate you for being a perv..........stupid fucks.....where are you going to send them? LFAO.

    alz and tracey........again call stupid fat old hag with a pot head husband.........

    1. Rose calling somone else a fat old hag, that's some funny shit. Pot, kettle, black Rose?

  9. It runs in that family. I remember seeing a picture of Ashley and her Dad. Her Dad had his hand on her boob.

    1. His hand was over her shoulder..........what are you jealous that you either have no boobs or that your father actually fucked you in your ass as a child?

  10. i want to put my hands on ash's ass and boobs too

  11. Rose loves the dick

  12. I feel sorry for Rose. She is dirt poor that's obvious. Look at her hair in the first picture. Looks like she can't afford decent hair dye or a hair cut. And that shirt?Looks like a Kmart special. And obviously she can't even afford glasses as you can see plastic cup. The second picture shows she can't afford a decent haircut and a shirt that actually fits.

  13. that non sxy girl in that dress looks like a dress from good will

  14. OK who all from aol has Rose been with besides Zeek and Jazzy?

  15. wow, at the same time?

  16. Rose is nothing but white trash.

  17. Who cares? She's a shit. Always will be. She loves that she's spoken about. She lives for it. A hick that rose (get it?) to the newest level of being a scum sucking whore. BFD. Look at all the blogs she's left all over the internet? Remember she lost her husband lol lost lol. He dumped her. lol. She tried to sue him lol. Now she whines how she should have been nicer to John lol. Right. Sue ex husband allege abuse that's a lotta love girl. lol. Her moral outrage is carried in her fake messages on her social network now. As if. lol.

    It's all a big lol Rose ain't it? Too bad you don't have a real life hun.

    Sorry I joined this pity parade on Rose but here she is lol about how funny all these people hatin on her is. Truly a woman who was growing old like her would adopt a new outlook on life that awaits her. Outside of aol that is.

    Yah I snagged her account.


  18. Before I get a 1,000 word lol response which I don't care what it says. Meaningless really. I personally don't care about:

    --Rose's hair (actually looks nice considering all the meds she's had to ingest)
    --Rose's "fine" body (how nice or saggy it is)
    --Rose's age (we're all gettin old)
    --Rose's money situation (we all have good/bad times)
    --Rose's x,y, z boyfriend she has (or doesn't)
    --Rose's anything

    What I will say to those of you still going on about her--- it thrills her. Don't get me wrong I feel your pain I really do but walk away there is no life on planet Rose. Yes I am commenting and yes I know this. Your welcome. :=)

    Used to hang in chat room with her a few ago & nothing has changed.



  19. rose will you blow me?

  20. Ds anybody really know where Rose is now or hows shes doing

  21. Ya know there was other aol ladies

  22. She is still pathetic after all theseyears. The daughter is even worse !

  23. After all these years you all are still illiterate.Get out those High School English books and learn some grammar. Some of you could use some spelling lessons. There are many problems that can be fixed, but in my experience stupid isn't one of them.

  24. Hey genius did you ever stop and think perhaps people type the way they do to disguise themselves from being identified? Not as smart as you think, eh

  25. I considered it and found that the patterns of speech indicates uneducated people. The concept of trying to disguise themselves is another issue all together. That points to cowardly behavior. It's amazing that stupid people want to denigrate people but "golly I sure don't want em to know it twas me" because it would leave them open to the same criticism. The world is dommed! in 100 years earth will only be inhabited by idiots.

  26. Rose who all did you piss off?

  27. Let me correct myself. I misspelled "doomed." Yes, even smart people have typing errors.

  28. "cowardly behavior" this coming from a person posting as anonymous....that be to funny

  29. "that be to funny", you just proved my point about people responding to this blog being stupid. I responded to you in kind, when you post under your name i will do the same.

  30. Rose loves facials and anal to

  31. Does rose swallow cum?


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.