Saturday, October 23, 2010

Donations wanted

Let's all donate some money for Cindy to have gastric. She is so jealous of those who could afford it.


  1. I liked how Cindy blamed the medications she is on for being obese. How about the other thousands of people out there on the same medication that are thin? Cindy is obese because she sits in front of the computer all day and night causing drama. Get over it Cindy, go exercise. I'm sure your Doctor could come up with an excellent exercise plan for you which doesn't include goggling people's personal information.

  2. 6:35 so rite. And now she's claiming she had to start taking medications for blod clots in her 20s? Um, she's said in the room many times she got the blood clots in her 40s and had to retire

  3. 7:49, Cindy lies so much she can't keep her lies straight anymore.

  4. Cindy is a cavewoman. Everyone around knows she's stupid but they get her to go pick the fruit off the trees.


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.