With the Zombies now having LOTS of time on their hands as their LITTLE room dies off, each has been seeking out new ways to fill in the endless hours. Following are some of their ideas thus far.
10. Vomit is refining his recipe for Carpburgers and developing marketing plans.
9. Beth is proofreading her tell-all book, "How I Was Zombified. (It Was ALL Zeeke's Fault!)"
8. Zeeke is planning on increasing his comments on Vomit's blog to 250 a day.
7. Alan just received his order from Breck's for 12,000 flower bulbs.
6. Wilson has been checking out other chat rooms with good "quantity regardless of quality" characteristics.
5. Zeeke is developing macros for the 25,000 unrequited insults he hurled at me in the chat room just in case we're ever together again in a room.
4. SxyMAFlA is doing final editing on 10 more scary pics of herself.
3. Trinkin has posted his dating profile (with his "I Hate Drama!" mantra) to 23 more dating websites.
2. Beth is reading "Cooking for Total Beginners." She's already finished Chapter 1, "How to Boil Water."
And the Number 1 Activity of a Zombie as Their Chat Room Dies Is...
1. Zeeke is adding 100 different "Jesus Loves Me" spiritual posters a day to his Facebook News Feed
Go fuck some rose thorns fag
ReplyDeleteChris,this is a turning point in this silly drama of room against room and the people who are involved in all this bashing of one another. There is nothing here that is degrading or hurtful and it looks like maybe that kind of unpleasantness might have run its course.
ReplyDeleteYour funny and light hearted piece of comedy might be the stuff of late night television. I can only hope all the characters you have mentioned, and I know that includes yourself as well,can take a step backward and have a chuckle or two.
Don't waste your time. K2 ia so obsessed that he can't let it go. He is talking about people who rarely go into that other room. It doesn't matter how many time you point out to him , he just can't see it.
Delete<< Go fuck some rose thorns fag >>
ReplyDeleteBesides being a semi-literate raging homophobe who's too chicken-shit to post under your real SN, how many other forms of bigotry engulf you? Are you also a racist? Misogynist? Ageist?
Are all of your "friends" similarly ignorant?
How did you become so screwed up? Did something "bad" happen to you because of one of "them"? Were all your family members while you were a kid as fucked up?
Inquiring minds, yada yada...
Ditto as to how you became such a pathetic coward...
Chris Chris Chris ...iggy buton here aint worth your time
ReplyDeleteChris, Deb here.... I loved this article. I could picture each and everyone of those in my mind and chuckling at the same time. Keep up the good writing!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy does Deb, always post under, Anonymous? "Chris, Deb here...", "Bonnie, Deb here..."
DeleteChris, Deb here.... i sucked a fat homeless mans cock tonight.
ReplyDeleteThat is not me talking it's one of the idiots as usual. Hope you're having your fun because you are a moron.
DeleteNot to worry Ms. D. No one in here ever thought that a sweet kind lady, as you obviously are, would ever be caught dead with a homeless guy,let alone with his dick in your lips. Sure, we have to be kind to the poor, but no woman is expected to have to go that far.
DeleteNow, that's not to say that you wouldn't,maybe.possibly,perhaps, be agreeable to doing what only a sexy fun woman can do for us guys..you know, make the day go a little lighter...just sayin
That sounds like something Perky would do.
Deletelmao chris this was good. well get ready for more blogs about you. you know when you get under zeekes and ronnies skin. more and more blogs about you ,,, pssstttt they dont get it big deal it only makes you a star. lmao lmao .. and last makes them look more like a jerk .
ReplyDeletexxdude you're starting to get too involved in the personas of this never never care bullshit.
DeleteYou gotta save your strength for the cooling season just around the corner. Forget this dried cum on a pair of old lady bloomers from last season's service call.
Chris lives for this shit since he no longer has some two bit DWI case to plead before traffic court. Dont worry about him, he'll be ok, he no longer is the tiny fish in a big ocean with more than 80,000 other ambulances chasers in the area. That's more lawyers than in all of France.Not that anyone in this outhouse has ever set foot in The City of Light.
Better you should entertain us with some recolections of what it was like being with Eyeore. Besides being submissive, she is, hands down, the finest looking woman who ever wasted a moment of time in this fucked up place.
Damn! Mike nailed Eeyore? Say it isn't so! Nice grab Mike! You might just become a man before your mother yet.
Deletetoo get involed in this crap dont think so , this is more something to laugh about. when its cool down time watch grown people act like school kids is a joke. i been around these chat when they started seen better people then whats here now. words dont mean jack shit. want to do something say it to my face, which these pussy ass mother fuckers are to scared to. far as cooling season goes after many years i got that under control. i must say eyeore is a 10 plus in real life. best part of her is she is very cool to talk to.who ever lands this one is set for life. this is nothing but something to do when i get home from work or before i leave for work. kids playing its funny too me.
ReplyDeleteWell Bonnie I can't get on my google account that's why. At least I am saying who I am not hiding under the anonymous. Deb here...
ReplyDelete<< Chris, Deb here.... I loved this article. I could picture each and everyone of those in my mind and chuckling at the same time. Keep up the good writing!!!!!!!!! >>
ReplyDeleteThanks Deb! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
<< Forget this dried cum on a pair of old lady bloomers from last season's service call. >>
ReplyDeleteThat's a fine example of why some cowards post anonymously. Admitting that you're an expert at recognizing "dried cum on a pair of old lady bloomers" has to be rather embarrassing.
naw Chris,you missed my meaning... this blog is nothing more than stinky old shit stained torn panties that a lot of women in here wear...(not WHERE like i've seen it written)..and Mikey has had to kick them aside before he can get to the AC unit,since the old hag thought she could get a break on her service charge by offering the repairman a quickie..gonna be a hot one this year they say so xxdude is gonna get a lot of offers.
DeleteBet he's gonna make a lot more than most lawyers
<< naw Chris,you missed my meaning... this blog is nothing more than stinky old shit stained torn panties that a lot of women in here wear >>
DeleteOkay, I stand corrected. You're an expert at "stinky old shit stained torn panties" rather than "dried cum on a pair of old lady bloomers." Tis a distinction without a difference IMHO, but whatever floats your boat...
<< He is talking about people who rarely go into that other room. >>
ReplyDeleteHmmm... most of the people I mentioned are still regulars in that room, including Vomit, Zeeke, Wilson, and Mafia. Alan may well be given that he frequently uses Perky's SN. The others--Beth and Trikin--still show up occasionally, just not as often as a few months ago.
But if your only reason to whine is about my selection of people, I'm good with that. It's evident that you didn't much disagree with my comments about each.
<< There is nothing here that is degrading or hurtful and it looks like maybe that kind of unpleasantness might have run its course. >>
ReplyDeleteDarn, I'm all about degrading and hurtful. << cough >> But no, that hasn't run its course either here, on the other blogs, or in the Coolest room. That is the nature of Zeeke, Vomit, etc.
<< Your funny and light hearted piece of comedy might be the stuff of late night television. >>
<< Chris Chris Chris ...iggy buton here aint worth your time. >>
ReplyDeleteThat's essentially a macro I've stored. It took me about 10 seconds to copy/paste it.
<< lmao chris this was good. well get ready for more blogs about you. you know when you get under zeekes and ronnies skin. more and more blogs about you ,,, pssstttt they dont get it big deal it only makes you a star. >> Mike
ReplyDeleteThanks Mike! I doubt, though, that they'll match or exceed their earlier blogging rate of a combined *10* articles a week about me. But you never know; they clearly have a lot of time on their hands now.
<< Chris lives for this shit since he no longer has some two bit DWI case to plead before traffic court. >>
ReplyDeleteOh gee, trashed by yet another chicken-shit Zombie with no memory of knowledge. Sorry, but I was never in private practice. That's pretty well known.
I'd explain the nature of the work I did, but it's way too complicated for you to understand. So, let's leave it at "corporate lawyer," of which you may have a dim grasp.
<< Chris lives for this shit... >>
ReplyDeleteBold words from someone in the midst of a four-paragraph obsessive rant...
Delete(Willy's little jab at the profession)
The kind of shit you have had to endure over the years makes a bad lawyer joke' chasing ambulances' a trifle ..didnt mean any harm you know that
Hell,if it weren't for your skits I wouldn't be wasting valuable time reading this shit.
which reminds me..remind me to dump the rest of my AOL, fucking news isnt goiing to be good it isnt going above 26
Delete(Willy's little jab at the profession. >>
I'm guessing he got torn a new one by some lawyer, and figured he'd get even in print.
BTW, don't forget that the "good" lawyers brought down the "bad" lawyers in the Watergate scandal. Just ask Tricky Dick... probably another lawyer-hater.
Galatians 5:19-21 When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
ReplyDeleteSo much sin here..Prayers to you all!
there is no god. look up history something from other planets came to see us. 2nd the bible was wrote bye men to control man. how can you say its true has god came down and said hi to you in person. if you say he has talk to your heart pssttt thats the little men in your head not god.
ReplyDeleteYou may go ahead and continue to think there is no God. I for one, will continue to be a believer. So, maybe there is life on other planets, does that prove there is no God?
DeleteMost of the Atheists that I know, are missing something in their life. Look at Billy and Beth for example. Christianity teaches me how to live my life. Look at the few people that are left in the zombie room. It would appear nothing has taught them how to live a decent life.
I feel sorry for the Atheists in the world. What do they have to fall back on when a tragedy occurs? No security knowing that their loved ones will be with a loving father in a much better place.
When I leave this world we know, I can do so with a smile on my face. Knowing that there are better things ahead for me. I can only imagine the zombies mentioned earlier, struggling and crying as they take their last breath, not having the comfort of knowing where they will be going.
Believe what you want, I have the comfort of God surrounding me.
christanity mean how much of a % of your pay check does a church want. no where is the bible does it say how much what is said give what you can. i took the time to read the bible. what people call a god is beings from other planets. if people did not belive in something they would kill others. bible and this stuff was only put out there so people have some way to live bye.
DeleteAtheists in the world. What do they have to fall back on when a tragedy occurs?... When I leave this world we know, I can do so with a smile on my face. Knowing that there are better things ahead for me... I have the comfort of God surrounding me. >>
ReplyDeleteNoted agnostic and "antagonistic atheist" Sir Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic... and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature) opined that, "Kindliness and tolerance only prevail in proportion as dogmatic belief decays... (M)atters of fact alone are not sufficient to determine action, since they do not tell us what ends we ought to pursue. ... (W)e need something other than reason. The agnostic will find his ends in his own heart and not in an external command."
Chitty is Bonnies replacement until she returns on Monday.
ReplyDeleteFor Christ's sake, (no pun intended),let's get off this religion kick and get back to the usual fare of perversity, indecency,homoerotica,necrophilia, beastiality, pedophilia, and last, but not least, politics.
ReplyDeleteThat's what this blog was intended for wasn't it?
<< the usual fare of perversity, indecency, homoerotica, necrophilia, beastiality, pedophilia... >>
ReplyDeleteYou have this one confused with Zeeke's and Vomit's.
Cuing up the theme song from "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"...
ReplyDeleteUFO's Over Russia: Massive sightings light up St. Petersburg's skies:
Mysterious UFO-Like Lights Puzzle St. Petersburg:
omfg zeeke is the anti- christ . zeeke has 666 on his ass/ talk to vomit he knows
ReplyDeleteIsaiah 64:6 We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away like the wind.
ReplyDeleteThe zombies are disciples of the devil
ReplyDeleteok I got the hint I'm going to Mass this morning and saying a prayer for the misguided and indecent. speaking of which, does anyone have any idea when she's going to be back? I have a brand new strap-on that she told me to get when I was in Philly last time. This one is black not flesh colored like hers and it isnt quite as big either.
DeleteAre you talking about Beth?
DeleteI have to shake my head when I look at the chat room listings for Maryland rooms and see Billy and Ronnie's ridiculous, made up screen names in them. All that effort they put out into creating them for what? Does anyone out there really think that the two of them are mature, decent men?
ReplyDeleteIt sure is sad when people get to a point in their life where they stoop to hanging around the likes of those two. There are places for those two, called mental hospitals.
<< I have to shake my head when I look at the chat room listings for Maryland rooms and see Billy and Ronnie's ridiculous, made up screen names in them. >>
ReplyDeleteIt fits in with their blogs, which are pretty much limited to pasting my or Bonnie's head onto various pics and cartoons. Well, that and Vomit's Dead Fish pics...
hold on there chris i am becoming one of vomits cartoon heads. which is so childish my 7 year old acts older then he does.
Delete<< hold on there chris i am becoming one of vomits cartoon heads. >> Mike
DeleteOooops, forgot about you. Vomit seems willing to let you post there, while I've been banned. Poor, poor me... << snicker >>
<< I'm going to Mass this morning and saying a prayer for the misguided and indecent. >>
ReplyDelete<< Are you talking about Beth? >>
lol Chris that's a good one.
DeleteDid Billy get a job yet?
ReplyDeleteWho the hell knows if Billy got a job yet or not!!!! He's the biggest piece of crap on AOL and his ass kisser is VOMIT.
ReplyDeleteEphesians 4:29
ReplyDeleteLet no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
When going back and thinking of the best moments from the chat room, one particular thing comes to mind. When the picture of Billy with the big smile and BIG gaping hole in his mouth. I still laugh when I think of that picture.
ReplyDeleteI meant to say when the picture was posted of Billy showing the big gaping space where a tooth or teeth once were. That was priceless.
ReplyDeleteWe can't forget the picture of Nanci (Mafia) in the penguin outfit. I laughed a week over that one.
ReplyDeleteHow about when Trinka was busted out for being on dating sites. When his picture was posted showing him to be a long-hair munchkin. That was funny as all get out.
ReplyDeleteI think the funniest thing in the chatroom was when that Amos Deerfield person made Billy admit that he dropped out of high school. Billy said something about "out making money and had no need for school."
ReplyDeleteThat is when everyone realized everything Billy had ever bashed anyone about, was what he was.
How about Billy saying he never got a dui or dwi, then months later was caught chatting about when he got one. What a piece of work! Can we say liar?
ReplyDeletebilly says what ever makes him look good at the time. he makes the few lost souls feel like someone special because in real life they have no one. so to them zeeke is better then nothing. long as you go along with his views you are good to go in his book. try to voice your own opinion on a issue you are shit. then he will try to find anyway to bash you or try to make you look bad. then the all day all month rants about someone, he says it so many time god would belive him.he feels he does no wrong or he is god himself , < not> . billy just dont get it who cares but few that belive he is god. haa ha ha ha ha . childish games he plays. But he can sure run his hole with words no balls to back his mouth up. what a whimp....
ReplyDelete<< billy says what ever makes him look good at the time. he makes the few lost souls feel like someone special because in real life they have no one. so to them zeeke is better then nothing. >>
DeleteWell said...
I agree with you there 11:04 AM
ReplyDeleteOne of my fav moments was when the pics came out of Zeeke and some of the Zombies at some nightclub. He had on an ugly green "muscle" shirt. (His idea of well-dressed for clubbing, apparently.) At the time he was 6'1" and about 250... borderline morbidly obese.
ReplyDeleteIt reminded me of that classic line from "Animal House" by Dean Wormer to pledge Flounder (with a GPA of 0.2): "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."
Very, very funny and true.
DeleteI guess you never got to see his brown coat which looked like something he pulled out of a dumpster.
Delete<< I guess you never got to see his brown coat which looked like something he pulled out of a dumpster. >>
Delete<< chuckle, chuckle >>
zeeke is a fat cow.
ReplyDeleteAnother fav time was when they fled to their Super Secret Room. They thought no one was watching, so they acted (for them) normal.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately for them, Ugly gained their confidence under a sham SN and I figured out how to widget a private room. Eventually, their pure ugliness and stupidity was posted on this blog for the world to see. Thus, for example, Vomit's well-deserved nickname of N-Word Vomit...
Ha ha they weren't too hard to fool.
DeleteOne moment that just stunned me was Beth dumping on me for not doing extra activities that she deemed meritorious. She said that I needed to "get out (of) the house... do something... he just needs to get out more... breathe fresh air."
ReplyDeleteA pasty-white work-at-home office drone telling a well-tanned avid gardener and outdoor photographer to "breathe fresh air"?!?!?
That cracked me up, but it was soooooooooo typical of Zeeke and the Zombies. It never seems to bother them that they're busting on someone for exactly what they or their fellow zombies routinely do. I'm not even sure that they know they're doing it.
Like when Billy makes fun of other people's teeth when his are disgusting?
Delete<< Like when Billy makes fun of other people's teeth when his are disgusting? >>
DeleteYeah, he used to rag on my teeth, saying they're yellow (presumbably from smoking). I thought that odd because (1) they aren't, and (2) if they were, I know enough about pic editing that I'd just "blue" them back to normal.
I understood when I saw the infamous pic of HIS teeth. LOL
It's typical for addicts to not see their own flaws.
ReplyDeleteI like the picture of billy holding the cell phone in the bar. He looks like a 70 year old drunk pervert.
ReplyDeleteWith a bad haircut....snort
Delete<< With a bad haircut....snort >>
DeleteI thought maybe he was just having a bad hair day. Mine looked like that once when I had been fishing in Canada for a week without access to shower facilities.
lmao Christopher
DeleteTheZeekEffect: yeah.. i was working making money.. i had no use for 12th grade
ReplyDeleteAmos Deerfield tore Billy's ass up that day.
ReplyDeleteThat confrontation with Amos and Billy was funny as hell. Billy got so upset, he was typing as fast as he could and misspelling most of his words. lol
ReplyDeleteAmos is Mensa.
Deletebut zeeke never misspells any words come on now.. zeeke say its not so .
ReplyDeleteZeeke's a liar remember?
Deletevomit and zeeke make up them cartoons on there blog , who looks at them. the zombie room big deal maybe 6 or 7 ppl, whooopppieee do da.
ReplyDelete<< the zombie room big deal maybe 6 or 7 ppl, whooopppieee do da >>
ReplyDeleteLately, it has struggled to even get to 5.
And four of them are Billy and Vomit under two screen name each. Such desperate measures to take for such desperate people.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone else notice when the subject turned religious, the zombies ran to the hills? snicker
ReplyDelete“1. My sons and daughters, choose your friends wisely in the days of your youth, for they shall determine the way you go. 2. A good friend rejoices with you in the praise of God but a bad friend fills your heart with violent thoughts. 3. A bad friend entices you to do evil but a good friend prevents you from sinning against the Lord. 4. A good friend praises you when you speak words of wisdom but a bad friend laughs when you cuss and blaspheme. 5. Good friends will rejoice with you in the days of joy that lie ahead but all the wicked together will despair in the futility of their lives. 6. The Lord knows all your thoughts, He hears every word that comes out of your mouth, and He observes all your deeds. ”
ReplyDelete<< Did anyone else notice when the subject turned religious, the zombies ran to the hills? snicker >>
ReplyDeleteIt's probably a fear of that whole pillar of salt thing...
<< And four of them are Billy and Vomit under two screen name each. >>
ReplyDeleteI don't count them.
four days running i still am the top of vomits blog. i am a big star now ... , ,< proud pose>
ReplyDeletea big uneducated wife beating star
DeleteA big uneducated wife beating star? Are you talking about Billy?
Delete5:25 pm how do you get to judge on someones education???
DeleteThe blog is being censored. LAME
ReplyDeleteMust suck to be you.
DeleteYou are the one covered in zeeks cum not me
DeleteThe zombie room is already dead. A few campers that is about it.
ReplyDelete<< The blog is being censored. LAME >>
ReplyDelete<< You are the one covered in zeeks cum not me >>
I see what you mean. Ugly made you look like a blithering idiot instead of the frickin' genius you really are.
#100 AGAIN! Yay us!
ReplyDeleteI have blown over a 100 dicks top that