Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Self Confession from an idiot

We all know Vomit's an idiot. And we all can totally see him clicking all day. BUT..one would have never expected him to HONESTLY admit to that though.

Just sayin'


  1. << chuckle, chuckle >>

    All of the Zombies have been having acute withdrawal pains since their room began its death spiral a couple of months ago.

    Hmmmm... I sense a Top 10 List there.

    Anywho... so far they've mostly responded by filling up Vomit's blog with dumb slams against me, Pamela, Mike, Bonnie, and this blog. You know you've reached the bottom of blogging world when you post pics of dead fish AND that merits 11 comments from your buds.

    1. Christopher Deb here... Dont forget they have been dumb slams sgainst me too.

  2. He is still slamming me on his blog? LMAO he's obsessed! They hate being hated so, they obsess over me because, I hate them, that makes perfect sense ! Doesn't it?? They must think blogging me is a remedy to cure the hate I have for them. I guess it is like a little kid who is a brat. When you tell them they can't have something, they lay on the floor and kick and scream. They say the best way to handle that is to just walk away and let them get it out of their system and, the bigger the kid, the bigger the brat and, the longer it takes!

  3. A tip for the terminally clueless, his post was being SARCASTIC! You knuckleheads are F5'ing yourselves to death over here and everyone knows it.

    1. That's the biggest bunch of bullshit I have ever heard. I think you are the one that needs to get the clue, as far as where I am concerned anyway. I have said this before and I will say it again, no one and I mean NO ONE with an ounce of decency knowingly offends someone for 7+ years just for laughs. Vomit is the same type of low life jackass as Zeeke is and they are both filled with hate. They just can't admit it.

      Also, in order to be terminally clueless, one has to also be ignorant, insensible, oblivious, unaware and, uninformed. All of these things totally explain Zeeke and Vomits actions so, it is they who are the terminally clueless!

    2. No wonder Beth was so tight with Billy and Vomit.

    3. you practically begged for the treatment you received. and now its time to get over it. why dont you take a week off from the blogs, go out and try something fun for a change

    4. No one believes you Vomit.

  4. Those are halcyon days that will end up meaning even more to the girls than it did to you. Congratulations on being there. Hope they hit it out of the ballpark.


  6. I bet Vomit clicks on this blog every five minutes.

  7. Billy's so desperate to look popular he's now posting on Vomit's blog every two minutes (like he used to do on his own blog until someone busted him out for doing so).You can tell every post there is Billy. So much for being wildly popular reject.

  8. AnonymousApr 24, 2012 04:23 PM
    you practically begged for the treatment you received. and now its time to get over it. why dont you take a week off from the blogs, go out and try something fun for a change

    This anonymous cereberalasshole would be Zeeke

    and this anonymous spinelesstagalong would be Felony

    AnonymousApr 24, 2012 08:36 AM
    A tip for the terminally clueless, his post was being SARCASTIC! You knuckleheads are F5'ing yourselves to death over here and everyone knows it.

    1. not Zeeke. nice try. just shows how obsessed you are with him

    2. You think I am obsessed with him? Here is a tidbit to show you who has the obsession. Now Pantry and Zeeke have been calling me DICKWHORE for years and, this morning I went in the room under a different name and this was the first thing said after I entered. ............

      OnlineHost: *** You are in "Romance - Marylands Coolest". ***
      OnlineHost: See what's hot on AIM!
      SxyMAFlAHlTWoman: lol
      TheZeekEffect: ehh.. it might be good

      Notice who says it?

      This has went on for years and years! No matter what screen name goes in there, as far as he is concerned, it's always ME! That tells me that he wants nothing more than to abuse someone and, I am his favorite person to abuse!
      And his "tagalongs" who join in with him, are the ones who give his sadism acceptance which makes them as bad as him.

      Most of them have been a target of his sadistic abuse and have told me in the past how wrong they thought he was for doing this. I remember Perky one time telling me when we were talking on the phone, " it's ok for them to do it to you but, when you do it to them they get pissed" and that is the way it seems to be!

      They do not see any problem in what THEY have done to me or, anyone else but, when someone does it to them, then they see a problem with it! They are all a bunch of hypocritical cry babies that feel they are deserve to be treated better than they treat others. It doesn't work that way in my circle! You treat others as you expect to be treated. If you can't do that then, suffer the consequences!

  9. i just took a steamy hot bonnie.....and i flushed

  10. hay member that pic of the ass that was suppose to be monikas well the girl had brown hair so wich is it is she a blonde or brunette lol

  11. and here I thought women colored thier hair all the time ?

  12. Most do and the picture I saw of Monika, her hair looked Frosted, blonde with dark highlights.

  13. can you imagine the trepidation that I feel, approaching making a suggestion,or woose, a correction, regarding her Obsessive People posting of April 21?
    This could get me in big trouble with her and so its better that it is posted here,rather than in the Indecent blog ( I love that fucking idea,of being indecent),better it be said here because I am sure that she has the means to identify anyone who posts on the Indecent blog. My identity should remain unkown.
    But the clue can be found in the difference between what,if anything, she would allow me to wear when I came to visit her at her apartment and where she would have me stand while she finished her cigarette. Before she started. If I had her Email address I could have sent her this in a whisper. Maybe Dianne has it, but I fucked up things with her a while back.The lady who lives on Crater Rd doesn't have it so now I am fucked.

  14. I think it is that idiot that claims to have a boat and he appears to be drunk and delusional once again. Whatever the case is, it's not worth my time to worry about.

  15. That idiot was nuts and didn't make any sense to me.

  16. Let me break it down for you...........

    "can you imagine the trepidation that I feel, approaching making a suggestion,or woose, a correction, regarding her Obsessive People posting of April 21?"

    he feel fearful about going on to my new blog to make a suggestion or woose ( he meant worse) to correct a mistake he feels I have made and..........

    So he is posting a request because he thinks he would be in big trouble if posting it on my blog and someone found out who he was...........lol.. The he goes on to dream about coming to my home. The last part he is asking for my email address and, the answer to that is NOPE!

    Hope I cleared that up for you.

    PS: This is for 6:39. I am pretty sure I know what the mistake was but, as others on here that make invalid and false accusations..........I just don't care!

    1. If you don't care, why are you always on here ranting and bringing attention to yourself?

    2. So you think I am bringing attention to myself? You mean because I post under my own name and account and, not anonymous? Like you? You mean because I am not afraid to express my true feelings? Let people know who I am? That I don't sit anywhere and pretend that I am something I am not?

      Now let me ask you something.........Do you like being a hypocrite? Do you enjoy putting others down for something you yourself do or, have done? Does that make you feel better about yourself? Do you enjoy lying? Do you enjoy being hated?

  17. gentle reader, as The Legal Eagle has said repetitivly,correcting typos spils typos all over the floor
    (he feel___)s vs. woose___r
    the simple truth is, that occasionaly thoughts and the brush with reality comes somewhat closer than the ordinary gobidy goop tossed out here and it causes just the slightest hesitation which results in a mistaken keystroke.
    To imagine that men have dreams about meeting you...WEAR did you ever get that idea? lol

  18. As far as the correction of your word goes, I was merely explaining what it was you were trying to say. Omitting the last letter to a word is different than to spell a word incorrectly. Even if the spelling was the result of a typo, most of these people are going to correct it, even though you know how it is correctly spelled. Which, is what you have done due to me omitting the letter S.

    Most here like to assert their intellectual superiority by correcting people and in doing so, they seem to leave one with the opinion that they are totally devoid of emotion and experience.

    I got the idea HERE..."My identity should remain unkown.
    But the clue can be found in the difference between what,if anything, she would allow me to wear when I came to visit her at her apartment and where she would have me stand while she finished her cigarette. Before she started. If I had her Email address I could have sent her this in a whisper. Maybe Dianne has it, but I fucked up things with her a while back.The lady who lives on Crater Rd doesn't have it so now I am fucked."

    I guess I misunderstood which is easily done in the way you seem to run several separate thoughts together. Now I am not sure who you are talking about!

    Anyway, good luck on finding what you are looking for......maybe then you will leave me alone!!!

    1. not at all surprising that, in the end, you'd wish someone good luck.
      We all could use a little luck.You've been handed some challenges in your life and I think those who know you,like Diane,have respect for you.At least she told me she did,from the conversations that I had with her in which she mentioned you.
      You've spent too much time on my noticing the "wear" you saw the picture" on your blog. Just a joke a little deversion. But, to leave you alone?....lol... fat chance on that Little Missy Britches. Except to say you have nothing to fear from me.

    2. No only do I not talk to any "Diane", I don't even know any "Diane"! So, you need to recheck your facts! As far as the misspelling in my blog, big whoop! You knew what I meant and, that is really all that matters! But, I can see that you feel like you are intellectually superior to me and, it's your right to have that opinion. Just as long as you realize that it IS just an OPINION! And you know what they say about opinions.......they are like ASSHOLES......everybody has one!

      Now, as far as ME fearing YOU goes, I never implied that "I" feared YOU or, anyone else. What I did say is that you, as you stated to ("imagine the trepidation") ,which means, ( feeling of fear or agitation about something) that you felt may happen if you posted on my blog.

      Here is a legitimate question for you? Why would anyone fear an anonymous shit head? That is kind of like fearing a ghost! And everyone knows that, it's not the ghosts you have to fear but,......... it's the living!!

    3. THE ONLY THING WE HAVE TO FEAR...IS FEAR ITSELF. Said at a time of great National vulnerability and with many meanings that can be applied to the present time.
      Its rather clear that you dont have any trouble dealing with the threats that have come before you. None easy or clear but at least identifiable.. but the uncertainty of the world around us,the hidden agendas, the world of the Boogey man, wether imagined or precieved, haunts us all in or most vulnerable moments. And what I meant to say was that I have never wished you any ill will nor was I a member of your nemisis. And the very fact that you are superior to me intellectualy is what draws me,as it does other men. with or without the sex.It would be interesting to engage in discussions with you away from here.
      So,adios Ms.B.

  19. ChristopherApr 25, 2012 03:59 AM
    << If you get along so well with one than why comment or be in blog that has total distaste of Rose? Kind two face if you think about it! >>

    You have the reading comprehension skills of a spud.
    Are we having a brain fart chris? i hate to say this but your as 2 faced and lame as they say . your friends with rose but write stories on a blog that degrades her .it almost sounds like your throwing dick in rose like zeeke is throwing dick in vomit .then to call people a spud and think that was a smart thing to say .the reading was correct .you said you have no issues with rose and your her friend .then what was wrote was your 2faced because your her friend then write on a blog that degrades her .fact is this is internet and not whats real life .so mr spud i would take your lawyer ass back to school and read it again .maybe your a zombie in drag ,who knows

  20. << i would take your lawyer ass back to school and read it again .maybe your a zombie in drag ,who knows >>

    I know. But you're obviously not too bright. So you don't know.

    1. what i know is your a fucking idiot with no brains . maybe sucking that herpes infested pussy has got you a lotta retarded there chris .face it your life is over so its blogsville for life ....bawahahahahahahahahaha

    2. Fat Potato? Christopher does not care what anyone says about anyone else as long as they treat him with some respect as a human being. Which is really what anyone wants. He was not a beneficiary of Rose's destruction therefore, his "don't know..don't care" attitude has left him impartial in the Rose saga.

      However, since he was a benefactor of Zeekes abuse for over 10 years, and now Vomits, he has the right to voice his opinion about them on this blog!

  21. STFU and lick my pussy Bonnie

    1. Awwww. did I piss someone off or, put them in their place or, BOTH?

    2. The only thing you MISPLACED were two commas! LOL

  22. mike.... you know whoApril 25, 2012 at 8:58 PM

    who gives a fuck what is said. i dont hang with anyone from here. i dont see anyone from here. i dont sleep nor fuck anyone from here. from here is this aol crap. say what you like big deal 25 fonts may reads this wow wow wow. all thats said is words on a blog wow..bash bash whoopiee do da. like anyone is going to do anything about it. yea right. does anyone scare me fuck no. yawnnnnnnn///

    1. Mikey, Butter (Deb) here. I sit and read this blog and I laugh at most of this. I leave a few comments now and then but for the most part I just read. People take this bull crap too seriously and we know one lady on here that wont let it go. I could care less what any of them think of me because when I turn my computer off I forget about all of this bull crap.

    2. Deb makes lots of sense. Unlike the Zombies who have no lives and then there is Bonnie, who is as obsessed with Zeeke as much as he is obsessed with her. All of them need to go away, Bonnie, Zeeke, Pantry, Vomit, Felony Fool and Dee. It is these idiots who ruined the Maryland rooms. But when the shit is thrown their way, they love to play victim, especially Pantry. I would not trust her as far as I could throw a grand piano.

  23. Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye. (Matthew 7:1-5)

    Many need go back to church :-)

  24. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

    John 8:7

    1. The problem with that saying is that those who are casting the "first stone" in this instance, hide the fact that they have sinned as much, if not worse than those they cast stones at.

  25. OnlineHost: Perkyonex2 has entered the room.
    Perkyonex2: Did auto dump you?
    Xxyesmemike: gm perky
    Xxyesmemike: na
    Perkyonex2: he dosn't come to visit anymore?
    Xxyesmemike: after he does what he does on the net
    Perkyonex2: punch anyone in the face lately?
    Xxyesmemike: room is better then im`s
    Xxyesmemike: hmmmmmmm
    Xxyesmemike: no
    Perkyonex2: poor you
    OnlineHost: Perkyonex2 has left the room.
    try too show someone the love and they act like this.. tsk tsk

  26. Perky is one big two-face joke.

  27. << what i know is your a fucking idiot with no brains . maybe sucking that herpes infested pussy has got you a lotta retarded there chris .face it your life is over so its blogsville for life ....bawahahahahahahahahaha >>

    What I know about you is that: (1) you're too scared of your shadow to post under your real SN; (2) you're semi-literate, at best; (3) you launched an unprovoked, ugly, and ad hominem attack here against me; (4) you're not bright enough to figure out what I've said, so you just distort it and otherwise make up stuff; (5) when outdueled in a wits contest, you resort to coarse cursing and simplistic name-calling, and your typing goes to shit. Well... more to shit. It wasn't much to start with.

  28. it is clearly time for a newer posting Chris,you've given him or her, three chances to see, in print, the difference between your and you're....but he doesn't have a clue. We just can't take it any longer. Please

  29. Christopher just gave me an idea.............."(1) you're too scared of your shadow to post under your real SN;"

    For now on, all anonymous posters will be known as GROUNDHOGS!

  30. for those who have no other choice,either because they were too well known to begin with,from a stolen picture or a broach of trust from a former 'friend',as in the case of Chris and the Beth woman (whoever that may be), or because another person 'outed them'to this group of social misfits that reside in this godforsaken hellhole, the issue of anonymity is a mute point.
    For those individuals a target is painted on their backs and in some cases. even the innocent backs of their children.
    So, aside from the very idea that being able to leave remarks on a blog is the direct benifit from remaining anonymous,and that blogs wouldn't even exist if not for the shield of being unknown to the outside world,challenging the inherent right to remain a non target for the overwhelmingly insane mob that roams the back alleys of this rat infested world is to miss the whole point of why blogs have become the mainstay of the online world.
    Just because you are so unfortunate to be unable, now that youre identity is out there, to protect yourself, is no reason to expect that others should lose their defense against attacks by becoming vulnerable..

    1. To protect myself from what? Vulnerability is a weakness!

    2. Broach? LOL Seriously? Mute? LOL Bahahahahahaha WOW!

    3. As heartened as I am by the clue that at least one individual is,in fact,reading,my disappointment is that she is having a hard time going beyond grammar 101. Come to the New Age
      There used to be a controversy as to wether mott point or mute point should be used in describing a meaningless element of an argument.
      Since moot has little or no recognition in a modern world to anyone except a debator, the fact that muteness,the inability to speak and make a point,has become the preferable term.
      The broach of friendship given ....well,never mind.

    4. Good grief. Your language skills are atrocious. Did you take lessons from Bonnie and Mike?

    5. Mute never has been, nor will be preferable Yo! LOL Enjoy your New Age of fuckeduptitude!

  31. Bonnie you are a groundhog.!!!!!!!

  32. I do not hide under ANONYMOUS that would be you! I am not afraid to see my shadow, nor am I afraid to allow anyone else to see it!

  33. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
    "Treat other as you yourself would like to be treated"

    These are GOLDEN RULES and it is very obvious that those who have treated others unjustly and cruel know full well what the Golden Rules are. Which is why they hide under anonymous making derogatory comments of others.

    These are the types that live by their own rules which are governed by frustrations, inadequacies, self dispointment and anxiety of how others will view them if their true identities were revealed or, any part of their lives, past or, present.

    Anonymous is a safety shield with which to hide behind so that he/she who uses it is not scrutinized by those who they themselves have scrutinized.

    Mostly all that is being said on this blog and others concerning myself and others, has already been said in chat rooms to and about me when I was there to witness it and respond in kind.

    My theory of the Golden Rule is this; "treat others as you yourself would like to be treated" so, it is obvious to me that they wanted to be treated AS they were treating ME! Also, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" so it was obvious they wanted me to do unto them as they were doing "unto" me. So I did!

    So in conclusion; I submit that they have no one else to blame except........ themselves!

    1. blame yourself while you're at it, you are just as guilty as anyone

  34. Bonnie you have always stirred up shit yourself and then cry victim. Why dont you just shut the hell up and go on with your life. Everyone is tired of hearing about crap that went on 10 years ago. SO MOVE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I blame myself for one thing in this matter and that is for responding to Zeekes cruel and unjustified behavior, He is the one that started his rantings on me and about my life without justification because I had not said a word to him nor did I know who he was at that point. I do know his name now and a lot more about him but, I do not know him personally nor he, me.

      That is how this all started and as it went on, others would follow him without provocation from me except, what they made up in their lies. I would not stir anything in this situation, I didn't have to. As soon as I would enter the room back in the beginning, in would come Zeeke and, then he would start on me! Right away with no provocation and, he still does it! But now, he is not alone in it, not that I think he ever was in the beginning. I did think that in the beginning until I realized that everyone had known him from the past. So, I finally come to the conclusion that this was all something they planned from the beginning with him.

      I will NEVER move on from what has been done to me and I will stay on this internet and relay my thoughts about it as long as there is vehicle to do so! As I have said many many time, I truly without a doubt, hate Zeeke/Billy Lewis!

      I want him to know it and feel it and I want him to suffer. That is why I will not "move on", as you say! I do not want him dead though, those who die, are at peace and he does not deserve peace in anyway, shape or, form!

      So you want me to move on? Then I suggest you move on yourself and you will not see that I have not moved on!

    2. Unhealthy, Bonnie. Unhealthy. The circus needs to shut down and you have to get off the merry-go-round!

    3. << There used to be a controversy as to wether mott point or mute point should be used in describing a meaningless element of an argument. Since moot has little or no recognition in a modern world to anyone except a debator, the fact that muteness, the inability to speak and make a point, has become the preferable term. >>

      That's utter bullshit, and I suspect we both know it. Ever hear of Moot Court? We lawyers love it! Ditto moot points and cases. We all think moot is a very cool word and it's one of many things that separates us from non-lawyers so that we can justify those outrageous fees. LOL

      << she is having a hard time going beyond grammar 101 >>

      Proper usage of mute or moot has nothing to do with grammar. Grammar deals with sentence structure, not word choice.

      Remember that old saw that when you've dug yourself into a hole the first rule is to STOP digging? So, when you get caught with a typo, poor word choice, or bad grammar, by best advice to you is to admit it, thank the person, write it off to a brain fart or something, and go on with life. Trying to blow smoke up people's asses in a futile effort to prove you were "right" rarely works here when you're as dead wrong as you were.

      And trying to use words you're not very familiar with is never EVER advisable without first checking a dictionary. Well, unless you don't care what comes out of your typewriter, computer, or mouth.

    4. Like your other vehicles Bonnie, you crashed it! LOL

    5. Bill MurrayApr 26, 2012 01:04 PM

      "Unhealthy, Bonnie. Unhealthy." What is unhealthy me hating Zeeke or, him hating me?

      "The circus needs to shut down and you have to get off the merry-go-round!"

      The "circus" as you call it should have shut down a long time ago but, Zeeke kept spinning that merri- go- round and, I will not stop it now! You know, they have always said that it is the better man/woman that walks away from a fight. So, I am guessing that Zeeke knows he is not the "better" man. He proves it everyday!

    6. and you show you are not the better woman since you refuse to let it go too.

    7. get a therapist bonnie

    8. "You know, they have always said that it is the better man/woman that walks away from a fight" Think about what you just said, Bonnie. Get a clue!

    9. You don't get my point, as usual! For many many years Zeeke has always acted and stated that he was a better person than anyone else but, since he hasn't stopped (walked away) he has shown himself to NOT be any better than myself nor anyone else involved in this......get it now????

      I can also assure you that if and when I do "walk away" that Zeeke will still be fonting about BONNIE and blaming me for screen names that appear created to slander him

      Also, since you feel privy to posting on here telling me that I am wrong, I suppose that YOU"RE not the better person either!

    10. AnonymousApr 26, 2012 04:00 PM
      get a therapist bonnie

      Ok, give me the name of the one that treated Zeeke/Billy

  35. << No only do I not talk to any "Diane", I don't even know any "Diane"! >> Bonnie

    DiaBru3? NotWith0utAFight?

    1. I have not talked to Diabru for a long time and I was never aware of her true name, Notwithoutafight.........rightttttttttttt like I would ever talk to her?? GET REAL!

    2. thanks Mr fuckhead for outing someone who wasnt the least bit involved in your world.
      I doubt that she had any interest in your Supreme Court brief about the use of a word.
      A First Class Domme of the highest order, she is striking in her formal gown, and the image of her descending the Grand Staircase aboard the cruise ship is something you most likely wont ever see.
      A woman who helped a warrior make the last journey of his life in dignity and wrapped in her shroud of life long love,she would never hire a lawyer who wasn't ChambersLegal. So she wouldn't have needed your services.

    3. << she would never hire a lawyer who wasn't ChambersLegal. So she wouldn't have needed your services. >>

      Considering that I've been retired for many years, I certainly hope I'm not listed there.

      As to "outing" AOLers named Diane, that's been very common knowledge for those two as evidenced by their Facebook pages.

  36. << your friends with rose but write stories on a blog that degrades her >> One idiotic Zombie or another...
    << He was not a beneficiary of Rose's destruction therefore, his "don't know..don't care" attitude has left him impartial in the Rose saga. >> Bonnie

    Y'all seem to have bad memories or something. All, and I repeat ALL, I said about Rose is that, "I... get along just fine with Rose." If y'all want to blow that up into she's my BFF, great friend, blah blah blah, that's your problem and NOT mine.

    As to being "impartial in the Rose saga," I always react the same way when two parties I barely know get into wild pissing contests with each other. I have no way of discerning the truth of what either says, so I just put their allegations up in RAM and await further developments without prejudicing either one. That goes as well for what Rose says about Bob, etc., as for what they say about her.

  37. I want to suck on a dead liver

    1. peeps jealous over who talks to rose or any zombie why is that cause they wont talk to any of you

  38. screw english 101, screw gramer, screw bashing on the blog, screw pissing contest. why waste the time with it. Just say what i do MIDDLE FINGER UP , THEN FUCK YOU ASSHOLE says it all. These big words and english dont get you fucking crap out in the streets where life is real make belive like this is. tell some homie he is useing bad english he will bust you up side your head lol.

    1. Mike, honestly, you can't beat your son into not being gay anymore than you can beat your wife into not being gay. Why on earth, with all your failures at "toughness", would you believe that they matter here? Please seek help for your latent homosexual tendancies and find yourself.

    2. cupcake. this is not never never land we live in. wake up, get out more you will flip out what the real world is like

    3. the real world is in your face fuck you or dont you know cupcake. love to see most on line hang in a real ghetto lmao/

    4. No wonder Mike is a lowly air conditioner repairman.

    5. i am ,, when did this happen. working alone is part of the trade. takes one man. supcake thats what they look for lol/ what a douche

    6. wait until it's 110 degrees outside and your AC says,"fuck you asshole bitch".when you try to turn it on ..you'll gladly get down your knees and ask Mike to turn around and bend over so you can clean his sweaty asshole with your partched lips. Just don't forget to lick those hairy balls as well, the cost of a service call has gone shy high.

    7. If Mikey has such a problem with his son's sexual preferences explain how and why he has taught him the trade of electrician.
      The number of parents among the Marylanders who advance their children's welfare is so minuscule that it gives xx the right to brag.
      But the fact that Eyore( the little donkey girl) would willingly raise her beautiful ass for his spanking trumps all else you try to say about him.

  39. I sent it to your bestest friend Zeeke, get it from him and suck away!

  40. 1 Corinthians 13

    New International Version (NIV)

    13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.

    4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

    We need some honest love around here!!!!

  41. << Mute never has been, nor will be preferable Yo! LOL Enjoy your New Age of fuckeduptitude. >>

    That's a delightful curse word! LOL

  42. << Everyone is tired of hearing about crap that went on 10 years ago. >>

    10 years? Heck, I barely remember what I had for lunch today.

  43. I understand some of the Zombies have logs from years ago, and brag about it. How pathetic and stupid is that?

    1. Logs? Why would anyone keep logs? What good do they do?

  44. << I understand some of the Zombies have logs from years ago, and brag about it. How pathetic and stupid is that? >>

    Zeeke does, I can remember when this all started, he would repost something I had said from years earlier. What was really spooky was the fact that HE was not a participant in the room at the time I fonted what it was he posted. At least not under the Zeeke name.

    << Everyone is tired of hearing about crap that went on 10 years ago. >>

    Evidently Zeeke's not! He relives each day in his feeble mind!

    << Logs? Why would anyone keep logs? What good do they do? >>

    Ask Zeeke that question

    1. Ten Years Time AgoApril 27, 2012 at 4:13 PM

      Bonnie keeps logs, too. Why don't we ask her why she keeps bringing shit up from 10 years ago?

  45. Who started this term "cupcake?" That is about the most unsophisticated way to use a word, other than it's true meaning that I've heard.
    Good grief people, where do you come from?

  46. I think I am going to pull myself out of this bullshit. The reason for this is that I just realized that there are many people involved here that have many more problems then I could ever have. The main person that has earned my hatred is one of them. Someone who has claimed in the past that he has the ability to fill a chatroom with screen names that he himself has created and, I have seen with my own eyes that he has done this before. He showed his "friends" in the room one time how he could be two screen names and be in the room at the same time under both and, he went on to hold a conversation with HIMSELF! Someone that does these things, clearly has mental issues. I have been raised that you do not make fun of someone with mental issues but, I was unaware to what extent his mental issues played in his abusive behavior of myself and others. Now that I am aware and understand that he cannot help himself, it seems fruitless to continue. So good luck to you all!

    1. That should last all of a day! LOL It'll be fun not to see you post but know you're F5'ing yourself to death for updated comments, much like you are right now.

      C U Next Tuesday :)

    2. We will see you back here again by Monday, Bonnie.

  47. << it seems fruitless to continue. So good luck to you all! >> Bonnie

    So sad to see you go... see ya next Tuesday!

  48. Bonnie you'll keep ranting as long as someone will read your rants. I'll believe when I dont see you posting anymore.!!!

  49. comeon Chris we're waiting, let's get something new going here a new post

  50. << comeon Chris we're waiting, let's get something new going here a new post >>

    Yap at Ugly; I sent him one two days ago.

  51. I want to suck Rose's dick


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.