No matter what a person looks like in a bikini, they are going to be criticized about how they look or, for some other reason. Look what they said when you first posted Monikas picture? They just had to say something ugly. Some people can't just be happy with what they have, they need to keep up with the JONESES! And if they can't keep up with them, then they sit there and say mean shit about them because, they are jealous. That is what it all boils down to..................... jealousy!
looks dont mean shit. great looking women might have a giant gash so big john homes could not fill it. where a not so good looking women might be the bet pussy you ever had. or the not so good looking one might be one hell of a soul mate. looks are only skin deep.
and Bonnie has a nice pair of bosoms as well... she is too modest to say so but we have some fuckin good lookin women in this neck of the woods so everyone ..stop yer bitchin
I think Monika is making fun of Rose. Who posts all over the net how hot she is (cause no one else is). Meanwhile, Monika is actually hot but you don't hear her saying this.
<< Some people can't just be happy with what they have, they need to keep up with the JONESES! >>
I've known several women who I thought were drop-dead gorgeous but who had pretty low views of their own bodies.
That's an old story. Men, no matter how bad their shape, look in a mirror and think, "A few situps, a few pushups, and I'd look like Arnold." Women look in a mirror and see every possible flaw and many that aren't even there.
One woman I knew thought her C-section scar made her ugly. Ladies... if a guy gets THAT far, he isn't gonna even notice the scar. LOL
I used to be that way never thought I looked good enough. Wasn't attractive, felt like I was fat but, didn't have an ass, yadda,.......... yadda,......... yadda. But, you get to an age where, you just don't care anymore. Someone mentioned in a post that I read here that Rose couldn't get any attention. I may catch hell from the blog owner here but, as much as I detest Rose, I think she can get attention. The reason I say this is because, I myself even get attention from the opposite sex, even though I am not looking for it , nor want it. There are many "hard up" men in the world !
I agree...I have self confidence and I don't have a problem with my body nor do the men that I have been involved with....I may not have a six pack ab, nor fake breast that stick straight out, nor a stick figure, but as long as I am happy, that is all that matters....I am not ashamed to wear a bikini...unlike some.... I find it humorous that my haters, who I do believe are fat....focus on my body so much. Let them put their full picture up there, they won't because they know better. As far as Monika is concerned, she won't even show her face. The stories they both tell change over and over.....sounds familiar. There are nice bodies on ugly faces.....tons of women have tight bods, but you would have to put a bag over their head to fuck them..... Again put out the full pics or stfu already. And I do agree with a post on the headless is a brunette and the other two are blondes....the first pic with the brunette hair has no hips and the other two are fuller in the hips lol I must admit....those abs look great, but lets see the face. I don't need attention...I have tons of it. Someone is insecure and it isn't me lol Ugly and Monika are so fake and they are so close to being snitched out by someone and they can't even see it coming lol
Rose, believe it or not, you and I are not built too differently, I do not have the 6 pack abs either and I am not fat as some claim on here. But, I am not jealous of anyone for anything nor do I care what they say about me or, how I am built. They do not like the way I look then, that's not my problem. I get on here and say shit but, I do not get on here and try and refute their claims about my appearance or, my life.. That is what I dislike about you. You have been this way since you entered the maryland over 35 room. You try to make everyone think that you are better than them in intelligence (which, you clearly are not) that you are skinnier than them, that you are prettier than them, that you have more than them when, the truth is right in front of everyone.
Like with Rob. Becki was with him and, you know for a fact he was and you knew for a fact (even though you tried your best to make it untrue) that she was having his baby. And he ran to you when the going got tough. When it got tough with you, he ran to Angie! And what did you do, you made their lives a living hell and for what? For making the same mistake you did? ......... Letting him in!
The only difference is, those 2 got a precious child out of it and, what did you get........ almost killed! Oh yeah, and the right to say "I had him last"! This is why no one has any respect for you and it is why all of your business was put out in front of everyone.
You keep walking on peoples toes, then pretty soon someones going to come along with bigger feet than you and do some stepping of their own....on your feet!
Close to being snitched out on here Rose? Is that anything like the the law suit you were close to bringing up about this blog? If anyone is a fake, it is Rose.
Unfortunately, Rose is not the only insecure person on the internet and, the confidence she says she has, is nothing more than her self righteous attitude of defiance
Being self righteous means - one is convinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others. Which she posts on here refuting whenever someone has something negative to say about her.
Confidence means - a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances . IF she did have confidence she wouldn't have the NEED to post on here and refute what people say about her, Nor would she have the need to assault others in the way she has in the past or, now!
She is really just a rebellious, defiant child that needs to be the center of attention!
I think it's safe to say, Rose is mild looking, not someone people would pay attention to. Maybe it's poverty she does dress very cheaply and has horrible haircuts. Monika on the other hand is nicccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Again....definately not insecure and yours? How many men online can say Monika is hot? Oh wait, fake pictures and a fake couple lmfaoooooooooooooooooooo
maybe there are men that will come forward and give sworn statements rose is hot . i have yet to see anyman say shes hot ( ronnie and billy fall under hard up scum not men ).a potatoe is a potatoe ,a tomato is a tomato and rose is rose and thats one ugly fucking bitch
I have to say something . One reason why everyone hates Rose is because of her so called self confidence and, her so called security. Rose has been on the computer for years and we know for a fact that she has met many men and, banged them. As I said before, many men will do anyone for different reasons and, in most cases, they turn out to just be using women for their own agendas, some place to hang out/stay, money, sex, a roof over their heads or, even food.
Women, in most cases want to be wanted and needed which makes them easy marks These type of men make them feel wanted and needed for the most part until, either the money runs out or, the sex gets stale or, they just get bored. Or, sometimes it is the woman who gets bored or, feels neglected by the man because he is not there paying attention to her the way he once was. So she will look for someone else to take his place.
What I have figured out about Rose is that, she is one that needs constant attention. She needs to have someone around her all the time to feel as she does about herself and, when no one is there with her personally, she gets on the computer to post positive things about her looks and her life. I don't think that anyone who truly has any self esteem could get on a computer and repeatedly refute what others are saying about her appearance unless, they were trying to convince themselves of it.
Well that is obvious since you are even afraid to post under your real screen name . And even if you did come near me, who is saying that I would even give you the time of day? You are clearly one of those types I mentioned before......always out for yourself.......has an agenda.............needs something. My guess is you are indeed a hard up. lonely, worn out old geezer that doesn't like to sleep alone which is why he is up posting on a blog after 1:30 in the morning! But, it really doesn't make a difference to me. You are what you are and you will never be anything else but.......what you are!
You guys are all so lame with your comments. The guys that are making fun of the pictures on here probably haven't had any pussy for a long time. Bunch of lame ass whiners,you assholes!
There's a kid in my neighborhood who always asks a question by starting with "Can I ask you a question?" Every time I say, "Just ask the question. Skip asking me if it's okay to ask me a question."
<< One reason why everyone hates Rose... >> Bonnie
That's like the hackneyed "everyone knows that" expression. It's designed to assert a level of support that simply doesn't exist. I, for example, get along just fine with Rose. You, on the other hand... not so much.
I was generalizing as to the posts that are on this blog and, the various people that she has attacked in the past during her time on AOL. She gets along with you because, she perceives no threat from you. As I have said before, many people on the internet could learn a lot from you, you are a very intelligent man.
Which brings me to the question, why does Zeeke perceive you as a threat?
Seriously doubt that Ms.B had nothing to give the men she has dated except sex. Men are drawn to her because of her crystaline view of the world.Black and White,no compromises because she has not been able to compromise in her life. It has been dealt her and she deals with it. Case in point, not just so long ago back in Feb.,her being a 'paragon of inteligence' was questioned by one of her disciples who now sits beside her. The vitrol from him was palpable. Steming from her insistence that a chatroom should be a free thinking place to say whatever the member thought, she was denied thrice ,not disimalar to Peter (the Jew).Now she hands out little pats on his head telling him he gets a star for telling the truth. That's why men want to get next to Ms.B.
Does the truth hurt? Told ya'll a long time ago, you had no idea who you were messing with! So I guess that means YOU ONLY HAVE YOURSELVES TO BLAME!......right???
Not so much that other's are to blame, rather a matter of being unwaveringly true to ones self and to know,as Dirty Harry says,"what one's limitations are." Because that self awareness gives one the strength to persist, to survive, even to triumpth in this nether world of a social petri dish.
That's like the hackneyed "everyone knows that" expression. It's designed to assert a level of support that simply doesn't exist. I, for example, get along just fine with Rose. You, on the other hand... not so much
If you get along so well with one than why comment or be in blog that has total distaste of Rose? Kind two face if you think about it!
Body two please.
ReplyDeleteNo matter what a person looks like in a bikini, they are going to be criticized about how they look or, for some other reason. Look what they said when you first posted Monikas picture? They just had to say something ugly. Some people can't just be happy with what they have, they need to keep up with the JONESES! And if they can't keep up with them, then they sit there and say mean shit about them because, they are jealous. That is what it all boils down to..................... jealousy!
ReplyDeleteBonnie are you happy with just a pack of Kools???
DeleteDo you smoke Kools?? Cause I DON'T and never have! Since Zeeke is WRONG about that I wonder what else he is WRONG about???
Deletewhat a guy thanks
ReplyDeletelooks dont mean shit. great looking women might have a giant gash so big john homes could not fill it. where a not so good looking women might be the bet pussy you ever had. or the not so good looking one might be one hell of a soul mate. looks are only skin deep.
ReplyDeleteand Bonnie has a nice pair of bosoms as well... she is too modest to say so but we have some fuckin good lookin women in this neck of the woods so everyone ..stop yer bitchin
ReplyDeleteBonnie has been had many times since she was 15, maybe younger. Who wants a dried up old hag.
DeleteAnother of Zeekes WRONG claims!
DeleteI think Monika is making fun of Rose. Who posts all over the net how hot she is (cause no one else is). Meanwhile, Monika is actually hot but you don't hear her saying this.
ReplyDeleterose is as hot as a ice cube festival in alaska
ReplyDeletedid i mention rose has more issues then vogue .says alot about that stupid lying whore bitch
ReplyDeletewhat women in vomits room is hot. none
ReplyDeleterose is the bologna in a ronnie and billy sammich . rose takes pics after the swallow eachothers cum .
ReplyDeleteMonika is fucking hot
ReplyDelete<< Some people can't just be happy with what they have, they need to keep up with the JONESES! >>
ReplyDeleteI've known several women who I thought were drop-dead gorgeous but who had pretty low views of their own bodies.
That's an old story. Men, no matter how bad their shape, look in a mirror and think, "A few situps, a few pushups, and I'd look like Arnold." Women look in a mirror and see every possible flaw and many that aren't even there.
One woman I knew thought her C-section scar made her ugly. Ladies... if a guy gets THAT far, he isn't gonna even notice the scar. LOL
I used to be that way never thought I looked good enough. Wasn't attractive, felt like I was fat but, didn't have an ass, yadda,.......... yadda,......... yadda. But, you get to an age where, you just don't care anymore. Someone mentioned in a post that I read here that Rose couldn't get any attention. I may catch hell from the blog owner here but, as much as I detest Rose, I think she can get attention. The reason I say this is because, I myself even get attention from the opposite sex, even though I am not looking for it , nor want it. There are many "hard up" men in the world !
DeleteBonnie there is no way in hell I would touch you with a 10 foot pole and that's my story and Im sticking to it...
DeleteI agree...I have self confidence and I don't have a problem with my body nor do the men that I have been involved with....I may not have a six pack ab, nor fake breast that stick straight out, nor a stick figure, but as long as I am happy, that is all that matters....I am not ashamed to wear a bikini...unlike some....
DeleteI find it humorous that my haters, who I do believe are fat....focus on my body so much. Let them put their full picture up there, they won't because they know better.
As far as Monika is concerned, she won't even show her face. The stories they both tell change over and over.....sounds familiar.
There are nice bodies on ugly faces.....tons of women have tight bods, but you would have to put a bag over their head to fuck them.....
Again put out the full pics or stfu already.
And I do agree with a post on the headless is a brunette and the other two are blondes....the first pic with the brunette hair has no hips and the other two are fuller in the hips lol
I must admit....those abs look great, but lets see the face.
I don't need attention...I have tons of it.
Someone is insecure and it isn't me lol
Ugly and Monika are so fake and they are so close to being snitched out by someone and they can't even see it coming lol
Your message is as worthless as its messenger.
DeleteThe above post of mind 7:27PM is for the A.S.H. post of 6:49
DeleteRose, believe it or not, you and I are not built too differently, I do not have the 6 pack abs either and I am not fat as some claim on here. But, I am not jealous of anyone for anything nor do I care what they say about me or, how I am built. They do not like the way I look then, that's not my problem. I get on here and say shit but, I do not get on here and try and refute their claims about my appearance or, my life.. That is what I dislike about you. You have been this way since you entered the maryland over 35 room. You try to make everyone think that you are better than them in intelligence (which, you clearly are not) that you are skinnier than them, that you are prettier than them, that you have more than them when, the truth is right in front of everyone.
DeleteLike with Rob. Becki was with him and, you know for a fact he was and you knew for a fact (even though you tried your best to make it untrue) that she was having his baby. And he ran to you when the going got tough. When it got tough with you, he ran to Angie! And what did you do, you made their lives a living hell and for what? For making the same mistake you did? ......... Letting him in!
The only difference is, those 2 got a precious child out of it and, what did you get........ almost killed! Oh yeah, and the right to say "I had him last"! This is why no one has any respect for you and it is why all of your business was put out in front of everyone.
You keep walking on peoples toes, then pretty soon someones going to come along with bigger feet than you and do some stepping of their own....on your feet!
Bonnie bravo!!! Well said. The reason why Rose has to come on here and refute everything is because she's a very insecure person.
DeleteClose to being snitched out on here Rose? Is that anything like the the law suit you were close to bringing up about this blog?
DeleteIf anyone is a fake, it is Rose.
Who in their right mind would want a picture of their face on here for the jealous zombies to see? Everyone knows how vicious those nut cases can get.
DeleteI agree Bonnie, you hit the nail on the head with that comment about Rose.
DeleteUnfortunately, Rose is not the only insecure person on the internet and, the confidence she says she has, is nothing more than her self righteous attitude of defiance
DeleteBeing self righteous means - one is convinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others. Which she posts on here refuting whenever someone has something negative to say about her.
Confidence means - a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances . IF she did have confidence she wouldn't have the NEED to post on here and refute what people say about her, Nor would she have the need to assault others in the way she has in the past or, now!
She is really just a rebellious, defiant child that needs to be the center of attention!
Does Rose have a dick? Her shit seems to be hanging out too much.
ReplyDeleteWait not showing herself off? Monika put a picture up of her ass not long ago and Rose had a meltdown over it.
ReplyDeleteA meltdown? I pointed out it was a fat ass, which the current pics of the abs....those chics definately don't have a fat ass...
DeleteDo you even know what an ass is? Monika has a nice ass. It's not fat, but curvy. Guys don't like bony flat asses like you have.
DeleteBony flat asses lmao
DeleteRose needs to work out.
ReplyDeleteI think it's safe to say, Rose is mild looking, not someone people would pay attention to. Maybe it's poverty she does dress very cheaply and has horrible haircuts. Monika on the other hand is nicccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
ReplyDelete<< There are many "hard up" men in the world ! >>
ReplyDeleteBonnie using Zeeke punctuation and talking about 'hard" men? Hmmmm...
Christopher, maybe it's just too late for me but, I am not getting your meaning here. Zeeke punctuation?
DeleteZeeke punctuation = a space before the final punctuation.
Deleteoh I get it, I kind of fooled with my fonts today on here and its been looking like the words are running together.
DeleteI was having a great Sunday meal and you had put up that picture of Rose and I threw my meal all up!
ReplyDeleteRose couldn't hold a candle to Monika and when Rose keeps bragging about herself just proves to me just how insecure she really is.
ReplyDeleteAgain....definately not insecure and yours? How many men online can say Monika is hot? Oh wait, fake pictures and a fake couple lmfaoooooooooooooooooooo
DeleteIf this is Rose, I'm wondering, did Big Stud Jim dump you? Inquiring minds would like to know................
DeleteIt is a good thing that men online can't say they have met a certain lady.
DeleteNone of the zombie women could hold a candle to Monica. That is why they are so full of hate over over pictures.
Deletefirst one real boobs second one fake boobs
ReplyDeleteThose first set of boobs are cow bags....
Deletemaybe there are men that will come forward and give sworn statements rose is hot . i have yet to see anyman say shes hot ( ronnie and billy fall under hard up scum not men ).a potatoe is a potatoe ,a tomato is a tomato and rose is rose and thats one ugly fucking bitch
ReplyDeleteI have to say something . One reason why everyone hates Rose is because of her so called self confidence and, her so called security. Rose has been on the computer for years and we know for a fact that she has met many men and, banged them. As I said before, many men will do anyone for different reasons and, in most cases, they turn out to just be using women for their own agendas, some place to hang out/stay, money, sex, a roof over their heads or, even food.
ReplyDeleteWomen, in most cases want to be wanted and needed which makes them easy marks These type of men make them feel wanted and needed for the most part until, either the money runs out or, the sex gets stale or, they just get bored. Or, sometimes it is the woman who gets bored or, feels neglected by the man because he is not there paying attention to her the way he once was. So she will look for someone else to take his place.
What I have figured out about Rose is that, she is one that needs constant attention. She needs to have someone around her all the time to feel as she does about herself and, when no one is there with her personally, she gets on the computer to post positive things about her looks and her life. I don't think that anyone who truly has any self esteem could get on a computer and repeatedly refute what others are saying about her appearance unless, they were trying to convince themselves of it.
Bonnie I have a question for you? What did men use you for?
DeleteBonnie,you and Rose and Monika are all alike, you are that magnificent thing called woman. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
ReplyDeleteROFL, Bonnie finally got it right. "there are a lot of hard up men out there. They would have to be hard up to try for Bonnie hahahahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteAnd just think, I had nothing else to give them but, sex and they still came, some more than once! Which one were you???
DeleteAnd just think, I had nothing else to give them but, sex and they still came, some more than once! Which one were you???
DeleteBrain fart Bonnie? That's the first sign the Hep C is eating your brain. I would cut it off before i would come near you.
DeleteWell that is obvious since you are even afraid to post under your real screen name . And even if you did come near me, who is saying that I would even give you the time of day? You are clearly one of those types I mentioned before......always out for yourself.......has an agenda.............needs something. My guess is you are indeed a hard up. lonely, worn out old geezer that doesn't like to sleep alone which is why he is up posting on a blog after 1:30 in the morning! But, it really doesn't make a difference to me. You are what you are and you will never be anything else but.......what you are!
DeleteYou guys are all so lame with your comments. The guys that are making fun of the pictures on here probably haven't had any pussy for a long time. Bunch of lame ass whiners,you assholes!
ReplyDeleteAnd the award for the lamest comment..........goes to.......
DeleteAnonymous shit head of Apr 22, 2012 10:06 PM !
Bonnie you are the lamest of them all. You wound not know what to do with a dick if it slapped you in the ass.
DeleteCongrats to you,dummy
Yeah Rose Rob was such a catch and all his women have one thong in common. Ugly including you.
ReplyDeleteOne thong in common??? You mean thing don't you? Learn so spell.
Deletedidn t that guy take a bullet to the head to get away from rose ? sounds like love to me
DeleteRose got the short end of the stick. Stranded in Mass, dead dick, and herpes. Least the others get SSI ha ha you stupid cunt.
DeleteI knew it wouldn't take long for Rose, the green eyed monster of jealously to start spewing ugly comments about the gorgeous Mrs. Monica on here.
ReplyDelete<< One thong in common??? You mean thing don't you? Learn so spell. >>
ReplyDeleteMore proof that corrections to typos nearly always contain typos...
<< I have to say something . >> Bonnie
ReplyDeleteThat phrase is--as in 100% of all known uses--followed by something that didn't have to be said.
Because it's common knowledge? Maybe I should have said "I want to say"
Delete<< Because it's common knowledge? >>
DeleteThere's a kid in my neighborhood who always asks a question by starting with "Can I ask you a question?" Every time I say, "Just ask the question. Skip asking me if it's okay to ask me a question."
Kid to you - Can I ask you a question? Your answer to him - "You just did!"
Delete<< You guys are all so lame with your comments. >>
ReplyDeleteYour comment, on the other hand, is the very model of relevance, intelligence, and wit.
<< One reason why everyone hates Rose... >> Bonnie
ReplyDeleteThat's like the hackneyed "everyone knows that" expression. It's designed to assert a level of support that simply doesn't exist. I, for example, get along just fine with Rose. You, on the other hand... not so much.
I was generalizing as to the posts that are on this blog and, the various people that she has attacked in the past during her time on AOL. She gets along with you because, she perceives no threat from you. As I have said before, many people on the internet could learn a lot from you, you are a very intelligent man.
DeleteWhich brings me to the question, why does Zeeke perceive you as a threat?
<< many people on the internet could learn a lot from you, you are a very intelligent man. >> Bonnie
<< why does Zeeke perceive you as a threat? >>
Don't know. Don't care...
Someone (Rose?) earlier mentioned that pale (I think) skin is attractive on a woman. I totally disagree, although I'm not sure why.
ReplyDeleteI knew a lady friend once who bragged about her "white, porcelain" skin. Really, who thinks bathroom tile is all that hot?
So, I've mostly avoided redheads because of that. Maybe I equate serious paleness with weakness or sickness or poor health or something?
But I'm also not attracted to women who are seriously tanned. I think I figure they'll soon come down with skin cancer or something gross.
Either extreme gives me a bad case of the heebie jeebies.
Seriously doubt that Ms.B had nothing to give the men she has dated except sex. Men are drawn to her because of her crystaline view of the world.Black and White,no compromises because she has not been able to compromise in her life. It has been dealt her and she deals with it.
ReplyDeleteCase in point, not just so long ago back in Feb.,her being a 'paragon of inteligence' was questioned by one of her disciples who now sits beside her. The vitrol from him was palpable. Steming from her insistence that a chatroom should be a free thinking place to say whatever the member thought, she was denied thrice ,not disimalar to Peter (the Jew).Now she hands out little pats on his head telling him he gets a star for telling the truth.
That's why men want to get next to Ms.B.
Bonnie needs to shut up and go away. What a raving lunatic!
ReplyDeleteDoes the truth hurt? Told ya'll a long time ago, you had no idea who you were messing with! So I guess that means YOU ONLY HAVE YOURSELVES TO BLAME!......right???
DeleteWhy don't you leave first and pave the path for her.
DeleteNot so much that other's are to blame, rather a matter of being unwaveringly true to ones self and to know,as Dirty Harry says,"what one's limitations are."
DeleteBecause that self awareness gives one the strength to persist, to survive, even to triumpth in this nether world of a social petri dish.
2:52, you are just are clueless moron, probably Vomit or Zeeke. Your stupidity is pathetic.
ReplyDeleteMore sweet dreams, keep dreaming!
ReplyDeleteThat's like the hackneyed "everyone knows that" expression. It's designed to assert a level of support that simply doesn't exist. I, for example, get along just fine with Rose. You, on the other hand... not so much
ReplyDeleteIf you get along so well with one than why comment or be in blog that has total distaste of Rose? Kind two face if you think about it!
<< If you get along so well with one than why comment or be in blog that has total distaste of Rose? Kind two face if you think about it! >>
ReplyDeleteYou have the reading comprehension skills of a spud.