Monday, April 16, 2012

My name is Monika

Rarely do the Uglies share personal things. The below post prompted me to write this.

My name is Monika, and I AM AN ALCOHOLIC. I am not ashamed. I'm not afraid to admit it.

I've been sober for 24 years. Both Rocco and I come from alcoholic backgrounds. My father died at 41 from a heart attack after continuing to drink after doctor's told him to stop. My mother is 74 and has been through 13 rehabs. Both Rocco's parents died early from drinking. (Rocco doesn't drink for the record).

I'm sharing this because it might just help another suffering alcoholic and that is what keeps me sober.

My journey began in high school in Vancouver. I had a set of friends from childhood and we were tight. One night Tabby asked me to sneak out and go to a party with her since there was a guy there she was nuts about. I did just this. She asked me to drink which I didn't want to do. My father had died of drinking and I was strictly against it. However, I wanted to be a good friend, so I drank a glass of wine. It was hard to swallow at first but after the first gulp settled in I was amazed. I had never felt so awesome. I gulped another. And another. I didn't get sick. (I still think if I had my journey would have taken another path).

After this, every weekend was a party. Tabby, Mena, Linda, and I were at every party there was. We had a blast it always seemed, but somehow I always forgot that half the night was bonding while holding each other's hair while we puked. Or that our grades went from As and Bs to Cs and Ds soon after. Or how all of our allowance was spent on aspirin.

By 16, Mena had moved away and Linda was not allowed to hang around us cause of a bad drunk scene I won't go into. Just Tab and I now, and we went deeper and deeper. What was weekend parties became weekday parties. We were brought home endless times by the RCP to our homes. Tabby soon got pregnant and had to stop. So, I did too. The day after Jonathan was born she was back to partying and soon lost her son to her mother. She got pregnant again in 12th grade and I decided to follow a guy I was in love with to college.
He dumped me the second week of college cause I was a barfly he said. To prove him wrong, I studied like crazy and by November I was all F's and all A's at the local bar. I was sued by a credit card company and every charge on there was from a bar. I was hit by a car when I staggered and fell in the middle of the street. I lost a huge modeling job cause of drinking made me gain weight. I was rushed to the hospital twice when my blood pressure went to dangerous levels. I started doing all kind of drugs to help me get up, go to sleep, feel okay, feel tired. 

 By 22, I had professionals telling me I needed to turn my life around. I didn't listen and it got worse. I was arrested in the states for drinking and driving and fled the court date. I was terminated from a job cause I kept coming in late. I stole money from my Aunt to drink. I tried geographical relocations to solve my problem moving to France, US, and Germany. All I did was drink more and more. I got up in the morning drinking, I went to work drunk, and eventually it all crumbled.

One morning, I awoke at 23 years old in an alley in Toronto, and still cannot remember how I got there. I was full of puke, shivering, lacking of colour, and in severe pain. I had long since been kicked out of my mother's house, flunked out of my first college, job less, about 96 lbs, and had a broken arm and a fractured rib cage. I awoke cuddling a homeless man of about 55 courtesy of a police officer asking why we were doing this on a streetwalk. I had hit bottom.

Right across the road was a hospital. I went over there and told them I needed help. Within two hours I was entered in a rehabilitation center. It was very hard at first. I had to counter demons I didn't want to. I had to acknowledge that perfect me was not perfect. I had to admit my wrongs to others and apologize. The worst part, I had to own my behavior and modify it. The first year was hard. I got married impulsively and divorced. I moved to another country. I moved back. I moved again. I moved back. I moved in with my mother.

After one year of pure hell, I picked up a chip for being sober. I have never been so happy in my life.

After awhile, I accepted me for who I was. Life got better. I went back to college and got my degree.  I bought a home. I ran a marathon. I won first place in a cookoff.  I met Ugly. We moved across the continent. We moved again. I got engaged. I started a business. Then he started a business. I had two kids.

I did all this completely sober. I'm proud that I can look at my kids and say they've never seen their mother drink. I never knew this as a kid my parents were always drunk. I recently sent my almost adult son to a school he's been talking about forever. (He wants a career as a zoologist). This would have never happened sober. He's of come home like I did to help his mother walk to the bathroom to piss like I did.

I'm sharing this because there is help out there. Alcoholism is all over, hits every race, religion, sex, and income level there is.  I had a huge modeling contract that I lost cause of drinking. I lost my family relations, my self-respect, my connection with a higher power, my friends, my family, my education, so much. I'm grateful as hell I only spent 7 years with this too. I've seen much worse in AA.

If you think you have a problem, help is out there. Please visit:


  1. Maybe you can help Bonnie?

    1. Help Bonnie with what?? You mean help her stop doing the same thing you are doing? Only I do it without hiding which, makes what I say more believable and, trustworthy. Hiding behind anonymous complaining, making accusations against people (mostly false), calling them names, really just makes you (whoever is behind the anonymous moniker) look like a jealous fool!

  2. Monika thanks for sharing. 5 years as of Nov. 5th.

  3. my dad was an alcohlic to

  4. Jackie i hope you are reading this.

  5. The biggest drunk I've ever seen is Pantry. 15 beers one night no lie.

  6. maybe Vomit will listen. probably not.

  7. 8 years ago i figured out drinking around kids is not a good thing. So i stopped drinking. For over 8 years no drugs no drunk me.So going to get [piss ass drunk] is a very great thing to show your kids wow a kick ass mom or dad. SMH when you are a chicken shit or a pussy great way to show you are bad. { sneeker.Which when they do only is the time they will get there ass beat down.

  8. problem mike you figured t his out when your ADULT kids stopped talking to you you fucked up your kids lives.

  9. i did you know this how? Which kids did i screw up. Both older kids have good jobs great out look about life.So where did you get this idea from zeeke. LIke he knows me at all lmao what ass hole you are. Do you have anything better? lmao

    1. how about being made to sit in the back at the friends of the friends table at their wedding. while another man played their daddy

    2. u smoke weed with your son

  10. Congrats Monika on your sobriety. It takes a lot of guts to write what you did and I hope it does help someone. I hope Zeek, Beth, Vomit and Pantry read this because they sure do need it..

  11. One thing I've always wondered, from experiences with a family matter. Is someone who drinks a lot (5-10 beers a day) necessarily an alcoholic?

    He functioned quite well, in the sense that he had a responsible job he performed well and he rarely missed a day of work. After work he'd go to a neighborhood bar/diner, drink a few beers with dinner and a few more after he had walked home.

    He did this consistently at the same rate for about 30 years. He never had any other problems that I saw, such as financial distress, bad driving record, etc.

  12. anyone that drinks every day is one chris. even a week end like getting piss ass drunk every week end is one.

  13. I have known many who have been daily drinkers after work or, on weekends. Yet they can work an 8 plus hour days and not touch a drop. I also have thought that they called alcoholism an addiction which, doesn't make sense to me if you do not have the need to drink alcohol everyday or, every minute of everyday. I mean going out to a bar or, a nightclub, that is usually the norm at those places, not sure that would make anyone an alcoholic though, unless it is something done on a daily/weekly basis.

    1. Hiding my name because it annoys the crap out of BonnieApril 17, 2012 at 6:21 PM

      Yet, another Bonnie zinger that does not make sense.

    2. Hiding my name because it annoys the crap out of BonnieApr 17, 2012 03:21 PM
      Yet, another Bonnie zinger that does not make sense.

      Do you look as stupid as you sound? It in no way annoys me, in fact, it makes me feel great! It proves to me what I have known all along.....that would be that I am a whole lot smarter than you and way stronger!

      As for my only makes sense to those who are intelligent enough to understand it.......and what you have just told everyone is..........THAT AIN'T YOU!

  14. Pantry might see this, but I doubt she would pay this post by Monkina any mind. She will just drink herself into an early grave.

  15. All of you people should learn to mind your own business. You are all so busy casting aspersions on other people, when you should be looking at yourselves. People in glass houses...

    1. oh shut the fuck up

    2. Pantry has been in two rehabs

    3. I can remember Jackie back in the Beltsville bar (JOnes something) getting so drunk ! Several times she fell on her face, once she was kicked out for trying to fight another woman, many times she flashed people and once she removed her whole shirt and started her bra before everyone stopped her, she threw up all over her car one night. She was even asked by Susan to stop coming because everyone got tired of fighting with her to stop her from driving off drunk. I know one night she hit another car in the parking lot.

    4. ok 3:43..... please explain to me. when did they ask her to stop coming? was it before or after she paid all them free loaders tab?

    5. Damn, you are saying the group asked her to leave? I was under the impression that the establishment had asked her to stay away. I am pretty sure that it wasn't the group, I mean they will accept anything from anyone who pays their way!

  16. Oh yeah the rest of the Zombies are drunks . Dee is prety much the same as Pantry except quieter. I've seen Billy drink 11 beers in one outing. Beth I've seen do four shots in a row. Beth has horrible lizard face too.

  17. I dated this guy once whose mother had a heart bypass and, her doctor had told her that one beer a day was actually good for the heart.

  18. Omg Bonnie you mean someone actually wanted to date you???? OMG!!!!!!

    1. She paid him with Kools to date her.

    2. Actually, he didn't smoke and, he also paid a few bills and also, provided Christmas for my son for a few years, bought him his first fishing rod and took him fishing......He was a great guy!

  19. Are you jealous?? AWWWWWWWWWW don't cry, I am sure there is someone out there who will want to date you too!

    1. Me jealous??? Omg what a laugh... You're a riot a minute....

    2. Yes Jealous! Why else would you make such a comment?? And due to the fact that you done so under anonymous leaves one to believe that you are ashamed to let yourself be known due to the fact that you are JEALOUS

    3. Bonnie get over yourself. Im not the one who sucks dicks for Kools.

    4. So you say but, who else can really say for sure you don't except you? I could say you suck dick for drinks which would probably be more likely than me sucking dicks for kools!

    5. Bonnie I dont drink.

    6. Let's see, are you the one who suggested I should go volunteer? So I take it you help people, right? Do you socialize? You can't expect me or, anyone else to believe that you have never had a drink in your life?

      Do you have a tattoo? Any body piercings? Have you ever had a blood transfusion? Have you ever had sex with someone whose life history you didn't know? And by life's history I mean, everyone he or, she has came into contact with or, did throughout his or, her early years? Have you ever helped anyone who was bleeding?

      Hepatitis is a disease you cannot pinpoint the origin of transference. You can sit and speculate and blame every possible theory but, it doesn't matter. The only thing that does matter is the steps you take after you find out you have contracted it.

      They say that you can live with Hepatitis for 30 or so years and probably longer depending on how you take care of yourself. By taking care of yourself, I mean doing what you trust and, what I trust is my own thoughts and theories of medicine.

      The other day, I was watching TV, a commercial for Zimbalta, Now commercials are only 2 minutes long and for a solid minute, they say "if you have" and run down a list of ailments that if you have, you should not take it. The they list all the side effects it could cause!

      I sat there and laughed! I can't believe that after hearing all the reasons as to why someone shouldn't be taking it or, what the side effects were that anyone would take the chance of having that happen to them!

      Now, the really sad part about this is, other medications are the same way! No one ever knows how any medication is going to effect them until they take them. Doctors will tell you they're safe because, others have taken them. But, people all have different genetic, physiological make ups. What is right for one, may not be right for another.

      Another thing, doctors can't agree on what medications are safe. One will say this will help you and another will say you can't take it and, that is one of the reasons why I DO NOT trust the medical community! They can take you apart and put you back together but, That is about the only true factual knowledge they have.

    7. Bonnie the last drink I had was like 5 years ago and it was a small glass of wine on New Years Eve. I never said one thing about your Hepatitis. I am not the one who volunteers whoever you're talking. I could care less who that person is. And as far as I am concerned you have to live with your health problems like I would have to live with mine. I never once said anything about you having Hepatitis.

    8. Then why are you telling me that you don't drink >> Anonymous Apr 18, 2012 05:12 AM
      Bonnie I dont drink.

    9. TV, a commercial for Zimbalta<<<Bonnie



    10. So what? I spelled it wrong, shame on me. I don't take it so maybe that is why I don't know how it's spelled. Buuuuuuuuut, we see you know how to spell it?!

    11. Bonnie why dont you just shut the hell up and quit making this all about you???? Always playing the victim...

    12. "The other day, I was watching TV, a commercial for Zimbalta, Now commercials are only 2 minutes long..."

      I don't watch television much but as far as I know I thought commercials were no longer than 60 seconds. Of course I dont have all this idle time on my hands like Bonnie does. What exactly is ' zimbalta' anyway? I have heard of 'cymbalta.'

      (Bonnie and her Baltimore education (or lack of]).

    13. You just have the idle time to read and post on blogs ...right?

    14. AnonymousApr 18, 2012 02:30 PM
      "Bonnie why dont you just shut the hell up and quit making this all about you???? Always playing the victim..."

      There they go again, telling ME to stop making this all about ME yet, their post is all about ME! You and people like you are making it all about ME with you insessant ramblings about.......ME!

  20. << I can remember Jackie back in the Beltsville bar (JOnes something) >>

    Dang, you must be OLD. LOL That was Jonesies Restaurant on Rt. 1 in College Park, a fav hangout in the early days of the group.

    I knew it was a dump before I went there because my brother liked it. << chuckle >>

    I was there several times, and the disgusting smell of the men's room will never leave me.

    1. that wasnt the smell of the mens room. it was the smell of your leaky colostomy bag

  21. Randy's another dump the room used to hang out on Sat nights. It was terrible, I had to laugh how Susan used to talk how great it was. The place smelled, it was dirty in there. It should have been called Redneck Randys Bar.

    1. Dumps are full of shit.........right and, these people hang out there so, what's that tell you about them?

  22. << anyone that drinks every day is one chris. >>

    Interesting... thanks. My mom, as long as I can remember, used to have a bourbon and water starting an hour or so before dinner and another starting just after dinner. I only recall her rarely drinking more, or less, so I never considered it a problem.

    1. I would see your mother as a "controlled" drinker and, I don't think they are termed as alcoholics. Nor do I see those who know when they have had enough, alcoholics. I do consider someone who "needs" a drink to start the day or, end the day as an alcoholic. They call alcoholism a disease. The call drug users, addicts. The call smoking a habit. Funny thing is, everyone of them are crutches! They are all habits that turn into addictions that then turn into dependencies and then turn into diseases.

    2. Your mom was a drunk ho

  23. << I mean going out to a bar or, a nightclub, that is usually the norm at those places, not sure that would make anyone an alcoholic though, unless it is something done on a daily/weekly basis. >> Bonnie

    I dunno... maybe I should read up on it. But the people I've been discussing are all dead, so I guess it doesn't matter anymore.

  24. << I dated this guy once whose mother had a heart bypass and, her doctor had told her that one beer a day was actually good for the heart. >> Bonnie

    I've read that many times (red wine is best, I recall), although I forget why. I think it's mainly for older people. I've occasionally tried to do it, but I really dislike the taste of alcohol. I'd buy a 6-pack of Samuel Adams and I sometimes didn't finish it.

  25. << Randy's another dump the room used to hang out on Sat nights. It was terrible, I had to laugh how Susan used to talk how great it was. The place smelled, it was dirty in there. >>

    I thought Randy's was a step up from Jonesies, but not much of one. It did have a couple of nice featurs. You could arrive early and get a fairly decent dinner (by single, non-cooking Guy standards).

    And it actually had a decent dance floor. My ballroom partner and I sometimes went there and danced for awhile.

    1. you mean you went there looking for a partner and grabbed some dudes balls.

  26. Zeeke's had three dwis.

  27. << I would see your mother as a "controlled" drinker and, I don't think they are termed as alcoholics. Nor do I see those who know when they have had enough, alcoholics. I do consider someone who "needs" a drink to start the day or, end the day as an alcoholic. >> Bonnie

    That's pretty close to my views. I think my one family member "needed" the drinks after work.

    1. I imagine if those your family member worked with were of the "Zombie" ilk then, I could see why the need!

  28. << you mean you went there looking for a partner and grabbed some dudes balls >>

    I wonder if Zeeke and the other Zombies will ever give up on their fascination with my junk. And they accuse *me* of being gay...

  29. al·co·hol·ic   /ËŒĂ¦lkəˈhÉ”lɪk, -ˈhÉ’lɪk/ Show Spelled[al-kuh-haw-lik, -hol-ik] Show IPA
    1. of, pertaining to, or of the nature of alcohol.
    2. containing or using alcohol.
    3. caused by alcohol.
    4. suffering from alcoholism.
    5. preserved in alcohol.
    Addiction Specialists
    Our board certified physicians can treat addiciton with in-home visits Adnoun
    6. Pathology . a person suffering from alcoholism.
    7. a person addicted to intoxicating drinks

  30. I know all the zombies and yeah a couple are serious drunks. Felony for one is a short fuck who drinks like a fish. Billy drinks like hell. Beth too. Nothing like Pantry though. Ive never seen anything like her. She pounds drinks I mean one night I saw her drink at least 8 mojitos

  31. Bonnie got hep cause of drinking

  32. WOW if that were true, just think of how many on AOL, on this blog and, in the whole world have hep! Including yourself!!

    1. Bonnie I agree here with you on your statement. After all doesn't Zeek get pissy ass drunk and Beth also.???


    1. Another BonnieBlog that nobody is interested in?

  34. Is Bonnie going to donate her liver to science?

    1. Are you going to donate your brain? Maybe then they can explain your malfunctioning Neocortex!

  35. I have woken up plenty of times behind dumpsters smelling of vomit and dried cum on my shirt. Who the fuck are you to condemn me?

  36. << Are you going to donate your brain? Maybe then they can explain your malfunctioning Neocortex! >> Bonnie

    We have sooooooooo few references here to the neocortex...

  37. << I was watching TV, a commercial for Zimbalta... they say "if you have" and run down a list of ailments that if you have, you should not take it. The they list all the side effects it could cause! >>

    Many of those drug commercials frighten the crap out of me. I remember one that said to call your doc if you experience "suicidial thoughts OR ACTIONS." (emphasis added) WTF???

    If I attempt suicide AND fail, I'm supposed to call my doc about the frickin' drug??? "Doc, I'm bleeding from the head like a stuck pig after trying to kill myself. I have to rush to the ER in a moment, but first, do you think I should stop taking that drug or maybe just cut the dosage in half?"

    1. All of those commercials for drugs on TV are comical. They say if "you are having a problem with" and tell you about the GOOD this drug can do you and then they say "do not take if" and then the side effects, "this medicine could cause" ! So you take a medicine to cure one problem you have and take a chance of causing 10 other problems, maybe even death! It's really stupid!

      Another thing I find stupid is, I remember that when my kid was in elementary school and the motto was "Say no to drugs"! And what were the schools doing? Putting kids on RITALIN........a DRUG! This whole country is HYPOCRITICAL!

    2. Is that why you stole your son's Ritalin and took it yourself?

  38. << I don't watch television much but as far as I know I thought commercials were no longer than 60 seconds. >>

    Oh ye of little tv experience... you've missed out on the 5 MINUTES ones for a variety of do-gooder causes. A typical one features abused dogs in vivid, gory detail and begs you to contribute to the charity's cause.

    They nearly always feature some D-List actress as the spokesperson. So I'm expecting to see Kim Kardashian showing off her breasts for abused farm animals any day now.

  39. << I never said one thing about your Hepatitis. I am not the one who volunteers whoever you're talking. >>

    I think the various Zombies and other chicken-shit cowards should label themselves as Anonymous "A," et seq, so that we can tell them apart. Lord knows we don't want to offend Coward D by blaming him or her for Coward B's ugly words.

    Where's my Eyeroll macro?

  40. Neocortex

    The largest portion of the CEREBRAL CORTEX. It is composed of NEURONS arranged in six layers.

    Cerebral Cortex

    The thin layer of gray matter on the surface of the cerebral hemisphere that develops from the telencephalon and folds into gyri. It reaches its highest development in man and is responsible for intellectual faculties and higher mental functions.


    The basic cellular units of nervous tissue. Each neuron consists of a body, an axon, and dendrites. Their purpose is to receive, conduct, and transmit impulses in the NERVOUS SYSTEM.

    In other words, this is the portion of a human beings brain that allows them to accept, relay and, treat others justly.

    The only thing the Zombies accept is how THEY feel. The only thing they relay is their disgust for others. Which causes them to act unjustly towards those whose lives they can't accept.

  41. That's lesson 1,587,344,980 from Bonnie. How many more do we have to endure?

  42. As many as needed to make you into decent human beings!

  43. I treat others as they treat me........but, I have learned since being on AOL,..I need to get nastier and start doing it FIRST! Not sure I have it in me though....

    1. You dont believe you have it in you to be nasty ??? That has to be the funniest thing you've ever said. You have nothing nice to say to or about anyone, you need everyone to be as unhappy as you are.

  44. Bonnie you're been nasty ever since I have been on aol...

  45. Oh, I have been nice to a lot of people until, they have back stabbed me and, they joined in with Zeeke and his bullshit but, in the end, I got the last laugh because, he turned on them! And look at it now? Everyone has scattered. No one really wants to hear Zeekes bullshit.
    Just like the Clown that used to be in there, she would start on one and when it would get no response from them, then it would move to the next! As I said before, I treat others as they treat me. So the nasty treatment I use on them is, the nasty treatment they have already used on me! YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE!!

    1. I heard from a realiable source that Bonnie turned on SvaPam after Pam started dating her new boyfriend. Story goes Bonnie thought Pam betrayed her or something and they got into a big fight. She can't keep any friends. She attacks everyone who tries to befriend her and ends up chasing them away.

    2. A "reliable source"? Well then I guess you are just as delusional as your "reliable source" YOU CAN TRUST ME....

    3. you can be trusted to stab people in the back, thats about it.

    4. Just who exactly did I stab in the back?

    5. The better question would be, who didn't you?

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Your claim of me being a backstabber will be viewed as a total fabrication unless, you can give proof of who, what and, when! Until you post the proof, then you're just another no life that wants to complain about me for no apparent reason but, TO JOIN in with the other no life, bitchy, hypocritical, cry babies. GROW SOME BALLS!

  47. Agreed. Probably Cindy she's nothing but a drama queen.

  48. Who is about as classy as Bonnie, btw. Cindy lives on Section 8 has a bastard child who the state of Maryland raised, and another who she could barely support. she lived on Section 8 on White Plains Road till a year or so ago now lives in her dead Mom's house with Jennifer who had a kid and the father is unknown. She was seen taking Jen to Social Services lately guess a food stamp renewal or something

  49. Honsetly, I really could not care any less about Cindy or, her daughter or, where their money comes from! I just think it is funny that "I" actually did use to feel embarrassed by my situation even though, I am disabled which is the reason for me being IN this situation in the first place! But, after this all happened, and I found out about these people that used to make up the Marylanders over 35 chat room well, I am not longer ashamed or, embarrased! I am far better than anyone of them!


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.