Tuesday, April 5, 2011
"Why Don't They Just Bash the Truth?"
(Written 4/5/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog) As I said earlier, I've been very open here about myself, and I've met hundreds of AOLers. So, I'm not sure why my obsessors need to make up stuff about me. Heck, the truth is awful enough. If I were of a mind to bash myself, I'd attack some of the following: My Body Bleeh... it's OLD, it's frail, and it has never been much to look at. When I look in the mirror, what I see is mostly an enormous nose, floppy ears, no chin, and a tiny mouth. True, I do have the killer baby blue eyes, but still... The rest of my body is one mass of confusion and contradiction. I inherited my dad's lower body (he was 6'3", about 210), but my m
om's upper one (5'5", 120). So I basically look like a frickin' horse. Don't believe me? Here's a pic of me from my youth. I'm 2nd from the left--the one who's ALL LEGS and NO CHEST. My body has been generally very functional, but betrays me in many small ways. I'm not sure how bashable these are (I'll yield to the expertise of my obsessors on that). But my vision, for example, sucks. I'm pathetically colorblind, and I generally inherited my mom's bad eyes. When she'd go to the eye doc, he'd ask her to read the letter on the chart. She'd respond, "What chart"? He'd say, "On the wall over there." She'd say, "What wall???" I also have flat feet, knobby knees, scars all over the place, Crohn's disease, the perpetual runs, allergies to almost everything, love handles, and (recently) a small beer gut (from too many boxes of Good & Plenty). My Brain Yes, I have a fine brain as to logical thinking. But it otherwise is often a hassle. I can barely draw a stick figure. My memory's rapidly becoming a sieve. I have very little understanding of many subjects, such as history. I'm also somewhat obsessive-compulsive, witness my spices being in alphabetical order. I often have trouble getting off of a tangent. I'm also a bit ADHD. Miscellaneous I'm a very calm guy, which most women find a mixed bag. I let my irritation with people show more often than I should. I can be haughty at times, and occasionally sanctimonious. So, given all that to bash, just making up stuff about me seems to reflect the accuser's agenda more than anything else.

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hey faggy get a job bitch
ReplyDeleteDo these idiots know you can trace their IP? And harassment is now a FEDERAL crime?
ReplyDeleteChris I think you're an all right guy no matter what anyone thinks. None of us are perfect or look perfect. Everyone has flaws. Just keep writing I love your writings.
ReplyDeleteThere is not a perfect person out there. Everyone has something they want to change. Keep writing Chris.
ReplyDelete<< Chris I think you're an all right guy no matter what anyone thinks. None of us are perfect or look perfect. Everyone has flaws. >>
ReplyDeleteThanks, and I agree. LOL I've long been comfortable in my own skin. I have no need to use a different personality to attract more attention, nor can I be bothered by Idiots who try to diminish me. They've been trying to do so for 15 years, and they haven't had an effect yet.
<< Just keep writing I love your writings. >>
Thanks, I appreciate that!
<< There is not a perfect person out there. Everyone has something they want to change. Keep writing Chris. >>
ReplyDeleteThanks! I'm not sure what I'd change about me even if I could. Heck, I turned down a free nose job in my early 20s. I guess I feel that if I changed anything, I just wouldn't be ME anymore. And I'm happy being me.
K2 forgot to add he is not good at swallowing
ReplyDeleteole roomie harrassment like you do and no you can not trace ip addresses
ReplyDeleteLife is one big road with lots of signs, So when you riding through the ruts, don't you complicate your mind: Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy! Don't bury your thoughts; put your vision to reality, Wake up and live! ~BOB MARLEY~
ReplyDeletetake your own advice sass since you were full of it for three years thank god you moved on
ReplyDeleteWasn't she one of the people who didn't mind f'ing a man while married and a man who had two women knocked up? But yet Rose is wrong for being the same level whore?
ReplyDeleterose and sassy are whores and were married yet rosehose left her husband and sassy thought she was still with that mental case until he died and then she stalked rosehose but it was ok when all the other whores he fucked in the past came out of the wood works
ReplyDeleteHang in there Chris, these pissants will pass too. They probably lost their crayons and aren't getting the attention they are wanting on the other blogs. You did once point out that Zeeke's blog had practically nil comments and you are so overloaded with them here, you may have to archive several times a day. You know whose at the center of this. It's like watching a train or car wreck and not doing anything about it. I guess they were all bullied in school and don't know what to do as adults. I am glad people like you and I did something with our lives and really take this shit with a grain of salt.
ReplyDeleteI bow to your superior poem writing and respect your identity and feelings as you wrote.
As for the rest of the kindergarteners here spouting schoolyard crap? Do you really want us to put you in timeout?
And for you armchair keyboard legal experts out there.... would be worth the trip to hang out with Chris and watch you shitheads make fools of yourself in a courtroom.
Ta ta and tick tock rosiehoho tick tock. Cindy? Go fuck yourself, that is if you can find the wet spot. Zeeke? YOU ARE NEXT. Tammy Woods is upset at whoever is harassing her....looks like she can't hide her past...congrats to the person now tracking her every movement. Not me but if I did I would take credit for it.
G'nite kids.....play nice...
I have to say that Jan has it right. Zeek and his followes probably were bullies or bullied in their school years. Now they sit and make up all kinds of bullshit about people. Seems the last time I was in the room, sassie was saying the she knew Zeeke for a long time and that he has never lied. Sassie must not be able to see the forest because of the trees. Liars, there are many in this room, that is their life, making up crap about others. They pick on Bonnie all the time because she was unfortunate to pick up a condition not always passed on because of sex, because it can picked up throught blood transfusions. I am sure that if you looked into the past at many of the room liars it would not be pretty. Zeek and friends need to put up or shut the fuck up once and for all. I would love to meet some of these idiots in person and see if they are so high and mighty then. Probably a gust of wind would have them scurrying like roaches in a dumpster.
ReplyDeleteSo get off your butts, Zeek and friends, volunteer or find a job and make yourself useful.
I have to say that Jan has it right. Zeek and his followes probably were bullies or bullied in their school years. Now they sit and make up all kinds of bullshit about people. Seems the last time I was in the room, sassie was saying the she knew Zeeke for a long time and that he has never lied. Sassie must not be able to see the forest because of the trees. Liars, there are many in this room, that is their life, making up crap about others. They pick on Bonnie all the time because she was unfortunate to pick up a condition not always passed on because of sex, because it can picked up throught blood transfusions. I am sure that if you looked into the past at many of the room liars it would not be pretty. Zeek and friends need to put up or shut the fuck up once and for all. I would love to meet some of these idiots in person and see if they are so high and mighty then. Probably a gust of wind would have them scurrying like roaches in a dumpster.
ReplyDeleteSo get off your butts, Zeek and friends, volunteer or find a job and make yourself useful.
<< hey faggy get a job bitch >>
ReplyDeleteI'm retired, you moron...
<< K2 forgot to add he is not good at swallowing >>
ReplyDeleteOh, lookie... another coward too chicken-shit to use his SN. cluck, cluck, cluck...
ole hell jan your ass as said tickity tock for three years now nuttin but hot air
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if Zeek and his friends were bullied. but one thing for sure is that they all are low class people trying to appear to be important for once in their life.
ReplyDeleteThey bash Christopher and others because they know they could never be as successful as them in their life.
Look at Rose, exstripper, was deep into drugs, leaves men dead all over the place. Writes the most hideous blog next to Billy's, and she goes back to school in her forties to be a lpn? (licensed poop nurse) is about the size of what lpn's do compared to registered nurses.
ReplyDeleteRose next to Cindy is the biggest stalker on the internet. Has never been able to support herself.
That my friends is what you are dealing with when you speak of Zeek's gang.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletetake your own advice sass since you were full of it for three years thank god you moved on
LMAO...still full of it here and have moved forward in many way's TY....see you haven't and have a unhappy life. Also I have taken my own advise and life is good my end...try it ANONYMOUS to scared say who you are even!
Also comment below this one Hmm fact's is Hoser stalked me and wanted to drag me into her crap along with dragging all other's in. By the way I have no issue's with and great friends with a few which if you have brains shows who problems.
Can you find new stuff out please it's really boring the same old crap!
Old Roomie knows all about IP addresses. That's why she uses a Proxy Server to send out her harassing emails.Because she believes they can't be traced or blocked. She doesn't know as much as she thinks.
ReplyDeleteSassy gave her husband herpies
ReplyDelete5:00 you are a stupid person. if you're talking about the emails sent out when the blog posts are sent then you are more stupid than you look. can you try and act intelligent or is it that hard for you? are you one of the ones they is posting about? what are you afraid about? worried they might expose something? something from your past? i thought old roomie was the one doing this blog? can you make up your mind or are you that stupid you can't keep your stories or lies straight?
ReplyDeleteokay u AOLooooosers that think theyre ip specialists, if u were 2 take ur looooser eyeballs off AOLHELL u might see that they said they can trace ips but now ur saying that they cant? they even gave out locations like that alexandria school system, u think the school cant look that up with the time ur on? u AOLOSERDORKS kill me with ur logic. any way 2 weed these useless AOLHELL lumps of flesh out?
ReplyDelete5:00 is stupid. If you suscribe to a blog and get an update it comes from the blog server not the person's email.
ReplyDeleteLong legs - gay men love that
ReplyDeleteNo lips - means you have to use your cheeks more to keep it in
Floppy ears - Good for holding on to while deepthroating
What's your ass look like dude?
<< I am glad people like you and I did something with our lives and really take this shit with a grain of salt. >> OldRoomie
ReplyDeleteThanks, and I think they're under the delusion that if they keep it up long enough, or intensely enough, that it'll somehow have an effect on me.
But I've been watching their kind of ugly crap for 15+ years, and it hasn't yet. As Beth once said, I don't go away...
<< I bow to your superior poem writing and respect your identity and feelings as you wrote. >>Old Roomie
ReplyDeleteThanks! I've been writing poetry off and on since I took Creative Writing in the 12th grade... ya'know, the grade Zeeke skipped.
<< And for you armchair keyboard legal experts out there.... would be worth the trip to hang out with Chris and watch you shitheads make fools of yourself in a courtroom. >>
LOL, although that wouldn't be a fair fight.
<< I am sure that if you looked into the past at many of the room liars it would not be pretty. >>
ReplyDeleteOh, I don't think you have to go into their pasts. Their presents are awful enough.
<< Can you find new stuff out please it's really boring the same old crap! >> Sassy
ReplyDeleteAlas, "old crap" here has a half-life of about five years.
<< can you make up your mind or are you that stupid you can't keep your stories or lies straight? >>
ReplyDeleteWith them, it's always best to bet on "stupid."
<< What's your ass look like dude? >>
ReplyDeleteYou've made several similar faux pas before. Inquiring minds want to know, are you:
1. Bitter about being stuck in the closet and regularly subconsciously reveal your orientation, hoping you'll be forced out?
2. So obsessed with me that you lose control of your emotions and forget to check what you type before you hurriedly hit the "post comment" button? or...
3. Such a moron that you are often unable to accurately express your limited thoughts in writing?
As above, I'm putting my money on "moron."
Didn't a guy Sos say k2 hit on him ?
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows Chris likes dick. Big deal.
ReplyDeleteAddress 1:
ReplyDeletePo Box 23
Napa, CA 94559
Address 2:
700 Central Ave
Napa, CA 94558
Address 3:
1145 Raymond Ave
Napa, CA 94559
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below)
ReplyDeleteParty Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Name: Wilson, Brandon Scott
Address: C/o Sussex Correctional Institution
City: GeorgetownState:DEZip Code:19947
<< Didn't a guy Sos say k2 hit on him ? >>
ReplyDelete<< Everyone knows Chris likes dick. Big deal. >>
You're a poltroon. You're "stoopit." And you smell!
Anyone ever banked at the M&T Bank in Essex? I was thinking of opening an account there.
ReplyDelete“People will always talk about you, especially when they envy you and the life you live. Let them... you affected their lives, they didn't affect yours.”~unknown
ReplyDelete“People will always talk about you, especially when they envy you and the life you live. Let them... you affected their lives, they didn't affect yours.”~unknown
ReplyDeleteWords posted by sassy the jealous bitch
Pertains to roomie too. Envious after how many years
Ya all are a bunch of losers envious dickwads
That has to be hosebag writing that. Who would be jealous of that? She's got more wrinkles than a japanese sharpei looks way older than her age, dumb as a box of rocks, flabby as hell with saggie boobs and a huge camel toe
ReplyDeleteHer "usual" manner is to come in anonymously (you know how she always states she has nothing to hide or how she never posts anonymously) and post personal stuff on someone else. In her ho ho head she figures it gets the negative attention off of her and onto whomever she's throwing in the pit at the moment. Ho ho is good for bringing up shit from a 100 years ago that's how she lives, in the past. All anyone has to do to the dumb wit is make up some clever comeback and OMG she's figured out who it is never guessing she's getting her ugly nose led about. Why is she posting all these telephone numbers and calling out Maddy and Bonnie thought she was done with that Wilted Rose Blog people. You know being the big winner and all that ho ho is.
ReplyDeleteChris, I would take a guess here and figure the person who is going on about sucking dicks and all is coming in from one location. Ho Ho also loves to go on about other women all the time because Ho ho is an ugly thing a hick from the sticks who never ascended to that privileged place she always fancied she belong in. Come on really, this from someone who sits on her computer near 24/7 insulting people from afar day in and day out? LMFAO. The whore.
No the day that woman gets her just coming well that will be a day a lot of these blogs go away and that will be a day a group of those she's hurt will rejoice.
Today's new internet laws really help too. Although suing that piece of shit would be useless since Ho ho hasn't got a nickle between her and her fantasies about how wonderful her life is or how well off she is. Is that why she went out and back stabbed her then soon to be ex-husband on some women's group, asserting how he left her high and dry and how she needed to get his money? Uh huh.
See one thing Rose forgets and actually many on here who state silly things like "you suck dick" or posting someone's address or posting someone's phone number is THAT LEAVES A TRAIL. That's why ho ho had Robert Casey bash people and she would sit on his blog chiming in. Her thinking is with her own shitty blog she had to be a little careful, her posting some place else would be less of trouble. She figured too if FatBoy took it over the top which he loves to do, Rose wouldn't get in trouble he would. Dummy never got didn't matter if she authored a libelous bunch of shit or her FatBoy buddy did it, the both of them could take a fall. That's why Ho ho is sitting here now, on your blog Chris, she figures she can still get even on some of these people she feels victimized her (the thinking being they bothered her _first_ and she just had to respond) instead of growing the fuck up, and moving on with her shitty life she would rather sit here picking scabs. It's going to catch up with her it will. She's been taunted with lawsuits of course that don't mean anything, a person suing her wouldn't win a dime. Pity the day she pokes that cyber stick at someone who has the notion they don't care what happens to them.....to get to her.
Oh yes.
Ah shutit
ReplyDeleteCindy made a bad mistake pissing off Pat.
ReplyDeleteCindy is a big mistake.
ReplyDeleteno this aint hosebag she a jealous bitch too all of them fightin over some dead man
ReplyDeleteK2 are you a top or bottom man?
ReplyDeleteChristopher is the top dawg for sure.Billy on the other hand is the lowlife of the scum pond.
ReplyDeleteMaking him the bottom man.
Now you, are the fungus that feeds off of the pond scum.
Any other questions?
I think it is a shame how some of you zombies toss around gay references. Don't you know at least two of the zombie women have lesbian daughters? Or maybe you just don't care. My guess is when it comes to bashing, some of you zombies don't have the mentality to see the broad picture of things.
ReplyDeleteOne thing for sure, it doesn't take smarts to be a zombie. Just a driven desire to release hate and bitterness upon whoever you don't like on any particular day. Or, whoever is being bashed that particular moment.
<< Pity the day she pokes that cyber stick at someone who has the notion they don't care what happens to them.....to get to her. >>
ReplyDeleteI've often said that's likely to happen AGAIN someday. As I've mentioned before, one of the young idiots back when pricked Qweed once too often. I try not to stereotype, but Paul was pure Sicilian and fit every image of that. Why... WHY would anyone pick a fight with him? Lordy...
<< K2 are you a top or bottom man? >>
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you asked! Pamela and I have been working our way thru the Kama Sutra for several years. We're more than halfway thru.
Pamela's fav position so far is "suspended congress." 'course she's very young, strong for her size, and very supple so that's not too much of a strain for her. I'm rather lazy, so my fav is 'splitting of a bamboo.'
Because we both favor variety, we jump around among old favs, current Kama Sutra favs, and new Kama Sutra ones. We also like to watch porn together and just play follow-the-leader.
Sometimes (usually after ballrooming) we're so horny that it gets too frenetic to call; we just fuck like bunnies until we both explode.
Thanks for asking...
<< you, are the fungus that feeds off of the pond scum. >>
ReplyDelete<< mad chuckle >>
<< I think it is a shame how some of you zombies toss around gay references... My guess is when it comes to bashing, some of you zombies don't have the mentality to see the broad picture of things. >>
ReplyDeleteProbably true. I've often thought the main reason they gay bash so much is that they pathetically believe that it's the worst thing they can say about another guy.
I've also mentioned how bigoted they are in other regards, such as race and religion. Fortunately for them there are few such people in the room, so they catch very little grief for it.
The one thing that surprises me is how little grief Zeeke and the other guy Zombies catch from the lady Zombies for their blatant misogyny and bashing of weight-challenged women. The same women who will jump on *me* when I << spit >> at Campers ("That's sooooo disgusting!") won't say a peep when Zeeke or the other guys attack "fat gurlz" or utter contemptible female slurs like the "C-word" at some other woman. Amazing, really...
Zeeke and followers are similar to these liberals who as soon as you disagree with them or challenge them they call you gay or retarded or refer to women with that disgusting c word or call them bitches. That just shows how ignorant and low class they are. I heard Zeeke did not graduate high school, if that is fact, then why doesn't he go and get his GED, instead of sitting on aol 24/7 and bashing everyone.
ReplyDeleteAlso, when I used to go into the room there were not only slurs aimed at Jews, but also at Christians. Zeeke said something that Christianity really frightened him. Beth said she had nothing to do with any religion. Many of you need to wise up, the real worries are terrorists from the Middle East, many of them have taken up residence in our country. They did not come here to start up bushinesses or mow your lawns, you lazy, ignorant fools!
I think people are spending way too much time on K2s ass.
ReplyDeleteBut he likes things in his ass.
ReplyDeleteThey just don't get it about Christianity. It is a religion that teaches people how to live the right way. Getting along with people etc.
ReplyDeleteBeth called herself the devil, and has made numerous remarks about Christians. It is obvious she doesn't have any Christian values, or any other religious values. Chat room values don't count. It is no wonder she has such bitter feelings to people that haven't done a thing to her. It is pretty pathetic if you ask me.
Beth calls her own son demon.
ReplyDeleteIf K2 was honest he'd admit he sucks cock.
ReplyDelete<< I think people are spending way too much time on K2s ass. >>
ReplyDeleteZeeke and Pikle have recently changed their focus about me, somewhat, to my poop. I guess that's an improvement, not sure. Weird, at least, if not downright strange.
But I can do Poop Chat with the best of them, so I'm a happy camper.
Bets K2 gives his boyfreind and enema to get it up.
ReplyDeleteNo one reads this blog k2
ReplyDeleteNo one reads this blog? I can't believe someone actually posted that. My guess is just another bs lie from another moron that can't count comments. Did you make it to 12th grade? Do you walk down the street smacking yourself in the head? Were you ever on a stet docket?
<< One thing for sure, it doesn't take smarts to be a zombie. Just a driven desire to release hate and bitterness upon whoever you don't like on any particular day. Or, whoever is being bashed that particular moment. >>
ReplyDeleteVery well said!
I sometimes think they just pass around a list of ugliness macros and use them without even bothering to check whether they have done exactly the same thing for which they are bashing someone else. And they surely don't mind saying exactly the same thing over and over AND OVER until normal people are bored stupid.
<< Did you make it to 12th grade? Do you walk down the street smacking yourself in the head? Were you ever on a stet docket? >>
ReplyDeleteLet's not forget a temporary protective order, and a DUI!
What life old faggy has blogging, and looking for bois pnline
ReplyDeleteWe're supposed to feel sorry for old faggy for hsving the shits? I thonk not. Not my fault you let every Tom Dick and Harry slam you up the ass. Faggot. Burning in hell is next. God hates fags
ReplyDeleteIf God hates fags, Beth and Cindy's daughters are in deep poop.
ReplyDeleteI see famous mispelling homophobic Zeeke is at it again. I think he does protest too much. I think secretly Zeeke is gay, or why else would he be after this guy so much???
ReplyDeleteNo one wants to hear about K2s ripped anus
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you zip it you stupid mother asshole ripper. The anus sucker is you. No one forced you here either ya asshole.
ReplyDelete<< Burning in hell is next. God hates fags >>
ReplyDeleteThat varies depending on which form of Christianity you're in. But they all abhor lying, ignorant, hateful bigots. So, get ready for a VERY warm afterlife.
<< I think secretly Zeeke is gay, or why else would he be after this guy so much??? >>
ReplyDeleteAnd here I thought he was just jealous of the many ways in which I'm vastly superior, such as my evident modesty.
<< No one wants to hear about K2s ripped anus >>
ReplyDeleteAnd yet YOU keep mentioning my butt and my poop, both here and in the room. Obsessed much?
Rumor has it that Pikle grew his hair long because Billy likes his lovers with long hair.
Why is it you all are so stupid to believe K2 was a lawyer? Come on now. First he's too stupid for that. Second he'd of sued the Zombies if he was. Three he's not listed as a lawyer anywhere past or present. Four the guy was SUED by his neighbor. If he was a lawyer he could have fought that off. Come on don't be stupid everyone.
ReplyDelete<< Why is it you all are so stupid to believe K2 was a lawyer? ... he's not listed as a lawyer anywhere past or present. >>
ReplyDeleteActually, I am. It took me two minutes to find an old listing thru Google. But you're stupid, so allow yourself several hours. Or check with the Zombie Head of Op Research.
<< Second he'd of sued the Zombies if he was. >>
For what? As far as I know, it's okay under the law to be a group of total dunderheads.
<< Four the guy was SUED by his neighbor. If he was a lawyer he could have fought that off. >>
Actually, I sued them. Facts are our friends...
<< First he's too stupid for that. >>
Well, as compared to you, I'm frickin' brilliant.
Thanks for the laugh K2. Maryland Court case 060200269871999. You were sued. YOU did not have a line of entry as an attorney. Only attorneys were Gordon and Peroutka. A lawyer would have a line of entry.
ReplyDeleteAnother one 060200128431998 sued by Sears. Why would an attorney making good money be sued two times by credit card companies?
There are NO line of entries anywhere in MD for an attorney name Christopher K. There is no name listed in the bar association alumni.
Another one 060200128431998 why would an attorney need to hire an attorney?
Everyone can see through your bs.
<< Second he'd of sued the Zombies if he was. >>
ReplyDeleteFor what? As far as I know, it's okay under the law to be a group of total dunderheads.
You claim they harass everyone and tell lies on people. If you really were a lawyer you'd of put an end to them now. No lawyer is going to hang out in a chatroom all day long to find information to blog his rejection.
<< You claim they harass everyone and tell lies on people. If you really were a lawyer you'd of put an end to them now. >>
ReplyDelete"Your honor, those bad people said nasty things about me in an AOL chat room. I want you to make them stop it. wahhh wahhh wahhh. And they LIED about me. WAHHH WAHHH WAHHH."
<< A lawyer would have a line of entry. >>
ReplyDeleteBefore responding to that particular crap, let's review...
1. You said I'm not an attorney and never was. I suggested you Google me. That site is now their leading site for my name. So I gather you and the Zombies have been bombarding it, and still haven't figured out a way to refute it. Kinda hard to when it lists my full name, the name of my law school, the degree I was granted, and when I was admitted to the bar. So, I was 100% right, and you were 100% WRONG.
2. You said that I was sued BY my neighbor. I gather you've since double-checked the judiciary web site and noticed that I was the plaintiff, as I said. So, AGAIN, I was 100% right, and you were 100% WRONG.
3. Let's go for #3, shall we? No, an attorney would NOT show up as a listed attorney in a case if he or she is handling the case pro se. (Two tiny 1-syllable words there; have fun looking them up.) So, AGAIN, I was 100% right, and you were 100% wrong.
I sense a trend, don't you?
<< There are NO line of entries anywhere in MD for an attorney name Christopher K. There is no name listed in the bar association alumni. >>
ReplyDeleteBecause I officially retired years ago, I'd hope there's no current bar membership listing for me.
I've never heard of a "bar association alumi" before (ummm, it's not a college), nor am I aware of any site listing members of the bar who have retired. If you have such a link, please post it. Otherwise, we'll just make that #4 of I'm 100% right, and you're 100% WRONG list.
<< why would an attorney need to hire an attorney? >>
ReplyDeleteThere's an old adage with which I generally agree: "A lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client." I feel comfortable with representing myself in certain minor cases. But there are two overwhelming reasons for NOT doing so. First, it's very difficult for even a keen, logical attorney to be dispassionate about himself and his case.
Second, and more importantly in most situations, I'm often not competent to do so by subject matter. In my suit against my neighbor, for example, the main subject matter was real estate law and the other main requirement was an intimate familiarity with civil procedure. Those were two of my least fav courses in law school, and I hadn't worked with either in more than two decades since.
So, I retained an experienced litigator who was an expert in both areas, and was greatly relieved that I had after watching and participating in two sessions of court lasting nearly a full day combined.
<< Maryland Court case 060200269871999. >>
ReplyDeleteAnd just how many times have you said in the chat room that, "I never look up judiciary records. That would be obsessive"? Dozens, I'm sure. I would never EVER accuse anyone of lying without proof. Now I have it, in case you're stupid enough to say it yet again. And we both know that you will. After all, you LIE frequently, badly, and without remorse.