Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics"

(Written 7/27/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders blog)

That's part of an old quote attributed to Disraeli and others, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."

Zeeke normally specializes in the first two classic types of lies, but he's recently ventured into manipulating statistics to cover his shrinking chat room. 22 to 2? Ya'right... like that old print screen had any relevance to his room or the Over 35 one.

The stone cold reality is that *both* rooms are doing poorly, and the combined totals show a rapidly-shrinking group.

Zeeke's Love Fest ("ZLF") room barely averaged *10* SNs in it during the first half of July and the Over 35 ("35+") room just over half of that. The ZLF declined precipitously during that time, no doubt due to Zeeke bolting "marginal tards." The ZLF had somewhat more SNs in it at lunchtime, and both rooms were noticeably more popular during the evenings. 35+ was also very active in the early mornings.

So much for Zeeke's unsupported claim that the ZLF is "one of the most popular chatrooms on AOL." It isn't.

As to Zeeke's boast that "I didnt expect 95% of the old room to share my vision and follow to a better place," well, they didn't. That's just a bald-faced lie. Each room now has about 55-60 discrete SNs as recurring roomies (excluding bots, duplicate SNs, etc.). The 35+ room actually comes out ahead on total counts because nearly a dozen of the ZLF regulars also visit the 35+ room.

So if the SN counts are about the same, why does the ZLF average twice as many SNs in it? That's an easy one. 35+ only has a few Campers , while the ZLF has almost 25. They account for the overwhelming majority of ZLF roomies nearly all of the time.

Both rooms are well below the counts needed for a healthy, sustaining room, and the combined totals are remarkably fewer than just a year to 18 months ago. In the short-term, the main reason for that is obviously the splitting up of the rooms. The numbers in each are shrinking probably because people come in, see few or none are typing, and then leave.

In the longer term, IMHO, the drama imposed by Zeeke and the Zombies has decimated the overall totals. You simply cannot routinely bolt "50+" people and not expect a fair percentage of them to just leave forever. Ditto for ruthlessly assaulting people simply because you don't like them. Doing either not only directly reduces the group, but drives away others who simply don't want to watch the drama.

At this point, the group is more dysfunctional than Congress and the President dealing with the debt ceiling problem. If we as a group are unable to reconcile our differences (as the politicians are now doing), my great fear is that the numbers will soon drop below critical mass, and the rooms will then implode on themselves.

Below is a print screen showing both rooms last Thursday evening with a total of just 22 SNs, the majority of which were Campers. This sucks folks...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Cherry Bombed

Ugly was sent this and I just can't understand how these people think their blogs are popular like dis one. One is explainable with wet brain, the other is just a socially malfunctioning winner locked in his Momma's hubbards from what readers tell us.

This is the amount of comments our loser competition had compared to ours. Can we say Cherry Bombed?

Thanks for continuing to make Ugly's and the Swami's blog the most popular around!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


As requested, here are the bik pics

That gives a whole new meaning to anorexia. I always thought you saw ribs sticking out and no body fat. Here we have an elephant gut, fat sticking out around the bikini lines, and very sagging boobs.

I've often wondered if Rose lives through her daughter. As you can see below, there's one woman with a beautiful face, thin waist, nice boobs. Next to it is a pale unattractive woman, gut on her, and very saggy boobs.

Rose, since you're one of our biggest readers, can you explain a couple things?

A. Why would a middle-aged woman be wearing her daughter's clothes?

B. Why is this man's hand on your daughter's boob? He looks old enough to be her father.

C. Is it normal in your famly to hold toddler's upside down like this? Did this happen to you as a child?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"That Was Then..."

(Written 7/18/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

That Was Then...

When the chat room was first split up by Zeeke forming his own room, he was full of bravado. (Gee... who would've guessed that?) So we saw a lot of statements from him like these:

<< ... one of the most popular chatrooms on AOL. >>

<< Since my new chat is doing so well... my new wildly popular room. >>

<< Of course being in the more popular Maryland room has its advantages (like words moving on a screen) >>

<< Quivering Liver: The other room is full at the moment, mind if I park here until a space becomes available? >>

This Is Now...

The Universe has an uncanny way of evening things out, doesn't it? So Zeeke, in the midst of a long-term decline in his room's popularity, was recently reduced to this sad situation:

I feel his pain... Chuckle Chuckle

Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Regrettable But Necessary"

(Written 7/15/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

I had hoped I wouldn't have to write this article.

I announced earlier that I wouldn't ban any Room Regular, and I firmly believed that I would be able to stick to that pledge. But I haven't been able to. I had to ban EminenceFrontal.

By way of analogy, we all have freedom of speech via the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. But there are many exceptions to that seemingly absolute freedom. Some examples are "fighting words," defamation, sedition, and yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theatre.

I had initially thought that I wouldn't have a problem with the normal crap that I've seen over the years, even by Idiots like Zeeke. We all have the Ignore and Notify AOL icons available, and that should suffice.

But I've decided that sometimes those aren't enough, and Eminence is a fine example. A couple of weeks ago, he entered the room after I had gone to bed and verbally assaulted Pam with thoroughly degrading and disgusting words and imagery. He has since repeated that with Eyore, Bonnie, and other women.

Other than pathetic little drive-bys, that's been Eminence's only reason to come into the Over 35 room. I warned him several times by putting him on a brief time-out. But he didn't take the hint, so he's gone.

It is unacceptable to me for a guy to, for example, enter the room and immediately say very vile, graphic, degrading, and disgusting things to a woman. I now consider that an exception to my normal favoring of free speech.

As to Eminence specifically, if he wants to type one-handed while saying contemptible crap to women in order to deal with his emotional demons, I'm sure AOL has rooms for that. He should check the Perv Channel or find a "My Ex Done Me Wrong" whiner room.

And to the women who've supported Eminence in the chat room as he says such loathsome words... shame on you.

Monday, July 11, 2011

"Random Musings..."

(Written 7/9/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

I recently got breasts. Not big ones, but they have potential. That's kinda nice considering I've never had any.

I guess it must be all that gardening I've been doing the last few years. People pooh-pooh the physical side of gardening, but the other day I spent two frickin' hours digging rocks out using a crowbar and a 6' digging iron. I also regularly drag around up to 200 lbs. of tools and soil amendments in my garden wagon.

Anywho... spotting my new breasts in the mirror gave me the same rush of manliness I felt when I first noticed my 10th chest hair at age 40.

Next year, maybe... biceps!


Owing to a lack of rain, I've recently had to water some or most of my plants several times. It takes 2-3 hours. There's a fine line between watering plants and just standing there looking like an idiot.


I generally liked working, but I like retirement more. Retirement, however, has its downsides, like a lack of structure. Life would be perfect if there were such a thing as a high-paying, interesting job that I could work about five hours a week whenever I damn well felt like it.


Washington County recently discontinued its recycling program of having large dumpsters all over the place. I used to regularly take several large bags of bottles, cans, etc., to them. That always made my soul feel a bit better.

But it seems that I'm a fair weather recycler. There are still alternatives, but they're a hassle. I feel a bit ashamed and guilty now every time that I just dump the bags on the curb for pickup with the normal trash.


I'm very tossed up in the air about the NFL mess. I'd really miss watching football in the fall, especially my Redskins. On the other hand, I hope those childish billionaire owners and millionaire players rot in hell.


We got almost 2" of rain the last couple of days, which really helped with my plants. I love rain! But it also makes the grass grow. I *hate* mowing. So, I hate rain!

I should switch to an Astroturf lawn... or maybe just all sand.


If God granted me one wish, I'd be sorely tempted to wish for normal color vision. I detest being color blind (actually, just really REALLY pathetic). It's restricted me in so many ways over the years.

1. I can't give or follow directions "in color." You normal folks think nothing of "turn right at the end of the GREEN fence."

2. I have to rely on friends or the kindness of strangers to pick out new clothes. I minimize that by limiting my wardrobe in several ways. Hate that...

3. Some things look one color one day, but a different color another day. That's very frustrating.

4. My fav color is blue, not because I think it's pretty but because I see it very well. Unless it's a Tuesday, in which case I think it's purple. Ugghhh

Monday, July 4, 2011

"When You're Bored Stupid..."

(Written 6/29/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

When you're bored stupid, this apparently is what you do:

OnlineHost: EminenceFrontal has entered the room.
EminenceFrontal: lol
EminenceFrontal: this is sad
OnlineHost: EminenceFrontal has left the room.

OnlineHost: Dee Md 9257 has entered the room.
Dee Md 9257: new're not is great..ta ta
OnlineHost: Dee Md 9257 has left the room.

OnlineHost: Xalan39o3x has entered the room.
Xalan39o3x: poor bonnie
Xalan39o3x: poor poor bonnie
Xalan39o3x: tragic
OnlineHost: Xalan39o3x has left the room.

OnlineHost: YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6 has entered the room.
YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: wow sure looks different in here
OnlineHost: YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6 has left the room.

OnlineHost: Dee Md 9257 has entered the room.
Dee Md 9257: Bonnie..I came to tell you how much I miss you...smooches...
OnlineHost: Dee Md 9257 has left the room.

OnlineHost: Perkyonex2 has entered the room.
Perkyonex2: with auto campers can really have some interesting bowel movement chat

Quivering Liver: The other room is full at the moment, mind if I park here until a space becomes available?
Quivering Liver: damn campers.

LoonieBoonieToon: where is that Bonnie at?
LoonieBoonieToon: oh where oh where can she be?

OnlineHost: Dee Md 9257 has entered the room.
Dee Md 9257: all sure did kill this room...way to go .....
OnlineHost: Dee Md 9257 has left the room.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ugly as ever

Ugly is back, and ugly as ever.

I've never been one to embarrass easily. I fully understand that I was born of parents who rightfully should have been embraced by a roadside freak show, so my threshold for embarrassment is non-existent.

I also had an older brother who took great pride in reminding me daily of how ugly I am. He'd encourage me to wear ski-masks in the summer, and even till this day he buys me Hunchback of Notre Dame videos for Christmas. Best of all, he would leave the lid up and the bowl unflushed after his daily dusting. Wouldn't have been all that bad had he not told me daily to go look in the mirror in the bowl..

Not to mention, being so clumsy as a child, I was reduced to playing with the girls. There's no better way to be told you're ugly than to have to spend every afternoon with the neighborhood girls. Afternoons that consisted of having my hair style till I had 9 degrees of hair unfitness, being pinned down and having the latest eye shadows tested out on my lids first, you get the drift. Thanks to Ivana Nitikitin, I now boast nine eyelashes after she read that they eyelashes grow back very long if you pluck them all and put mink oil on your lids. (I will refrain from telling you of what happened when these girls got older and needed someone to model clothes for them.)

When you're ugly you get very thick skin. It's a curse, and a blessing. You don't have to worry much about older cougars showing up at your door. You don't have to worry about any woman showing up at your door. Hell you don't even have to worry about people looking at you at all.

Russians are worst than prostitutes on Rodeo drive. Russian liquor, cold weather, and being locked in for weeks at a time have beds rocking like jackhammers. Russians fuck, and fuck a lot. Few are virgins past 13. Unless you are hideous looking. Having bulbous eyes that couldn't stop looking at each other, being cursed with thick trout lips that never set together due to a severe overbite, slumped shoulders, elongated ears with hair all over them, a curvy nose that left girls asking if "it" was the same way, just didn't get the women flocking. Even with vast amounts of liquor.

Hanging out with girls prepared me for my eventual best blessing. Being one of the girls growing up isn't fun for a guy, but it has it's pays off. First you get to see every female in town in various states of undress as they consult you for your fashion opinion. This leads you to having more staying power than any guy around, way before you ever get any. Just try sprouting a woody in a room full of females holding a lingerie party. I still have the scars from the heels I was beat with.

Second, you learn exactly what females like and don't like. There's no dating needed to learn this when you have one girl after another telling you of her experience with this vibrator, that one,

I suppose I should let you know my bitch days went much deeper than just this. Of course I was the one sent to town to buy maxi-pads, I had to go to the depot and pick up the vibrators that were always ordered under my name, I was asked to check their shave jobs and occasionally fix them, asked to zip up tight clothing, paint nails, and so on.

Men will fight wars over pussy. Or to obtain it. When you're ugly as hell, you know there's two ways you're going to get regularly laid. After the first prostitute I approached scurried away, I knew I had to hit the books. And hard. I studied, and studied, and studied. Then came a scholarship. Two years later, I'm still not getting laid, so I apply to a distinguished program for Engineers. I'm accepted. I rush off to a foreign land.

Five years later, I have two degrees and a good job. 25 and still a virgin. I'd be a liar if I told you there wasn't a few opportunities. Drunk college girls are easier than lot lizard begging hairy truckers to spare $5 for a gum less blow job. I had a few crawl in my bed. However, I just couldn't bring myself to taking advantage of them in their state of intoxication.

I was 26 when I first laid eyes on her. The bluest eyes, the kind you just can get lost in. She had short bouncy hair, perfect skin, thick eyebrows, and a shrilly but cute voice that said how are you in a warm way. I nodded and of course looked right away she said that in passing. I didn't see her again for a few weeks, this time I ran into her at a local park. On her hair was a butterfly clip this time. She walked right up to me, and said, "Hey, aren't you the guy who saved that kitten from being hit by the car?"

(A few months before this I saw someone discard a box out of a vehicle. Right after, I noticed the box moving, so I ran over to it. A small kitten was in it).

"Why yes, I was." She went on to tell me just how much she appreciated that. That her roommate had brought the kitten home that night, and how she had fell completely in love with it. She told me she wanted to thank me for doing this when a home cooked dinner. I couldn't stop looking at this woman. She was drop dead gorgeous, so I quickly accepted.

Soon after this, we became very good friends. She had grown up in Vancouver, had a degree in Interior Decorating but worked in a cake shop, and had come to Germany with a friend for one year. She loved to sing, dance, cook desserts, make jewelry, explore museums, swim, and wanted two children. She was very spirited, loved to be around people, and had non-stop energy. On the weekends, we began traveling all over Germany with roommate Veronica and her boyfriend Raphael.

Of course, I was very careful to walk behind her, never make any attempt to hit on her. I knew I'd never have a chance in hell with this girl; she was breathtakingly beautiful. She didn't have a boyfriend at the time, but dated many men. Being the bitch of my childhood, she sought my dating therapy, and I gave it to her, ever so keeping my jealousy to myself.

After one year, she left, and I cried for a week straight. For the first time in my life, I was deeply in love. I continued to call her every day. I missed those blue eyes so much I began painting them. One very brave night thanks to Grey Goose, I shipped a painting I had made of her. She called me up crying, saying that was the most touching thing anyone had every done for her. On and on she went about how I am the only guy in the world who has ever listened to her, that I'm the only guy in the world she can completely trust, and so on. She suggested I move to Vancouver because she greatly missed our friendship.

Three months later, I transferred to Seattle. On the weekends I'd transport to Vancouver. We spent every single weekend together, in between her dating schedule. She was not 27. I picked her up and comforted her weekend after weekend as one guy after another didn't appreciate her beautiful soul, listening to her deep wails from a heartbreak.

One night, about four years after we first met, she called me up and asked me to come meet her at a hotel. I got there and she was in an pearl evening dress with matching heels. My heart beat was faster and faster seeing her. She led me to a table with a candlelight on it. We were the only persons in the room.

"Rocco, I want to marry you," and she presented a set of rings. I was floored, we had never even kissed. She giggled and said give me your hand, and made a bitch out of me putting a ring on my left finger. I quickly took it off and slid it on her finger, and asked some deep questions. We were married five months later.

We made an arrangement on my wedding night. I'd pretend always to be some stranger behind her in public, never appear in any tight-wighties around her, and the lights will always be kept off during well. She would continue to be my best friend and lover if so.

The 24th was the 14th year anniversary of marrying my best friend in the world. We celebrated this with a trip to Sweden.

Happy Anniversary to the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on, the mother of my children, my wife Monika.