Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"That Was Then..."

(Written 7/18/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

That Was Then...

When the chat room was first split up by Zeeke forming his own room, he was full of bravado. (Gee... who would've guessed that?) So we saw a lot of statements from him like these:

<< ... one of the most popular chatrooms on AOL. >>

<< Since my new chat is doing so well... my new wildly popular room. >>

<< Of course being in the more popular Maryland room has its advantages (like words moving on a screen) >>

<< Quivering Liver: The other room is full at the moment, mind if I park here until a space becomes available? >>

This Is Now...

The Universe has an uncanny way of evening things out, doesn't it? So Zeeke, in the midst of a long-term decline in his room's popularity, was recently reduced to this sad situation:

I feel his pain... Chuckle Chuckle


  1. Everyone knows chat is all he had

  2. Congrats k2. Zeekes already put up a response post. At 10:46. Arent most people at work then?

  3. As mch time as Billy spends trying to promote himseld poPular its obvious he is not in real life

  4. Chat is all you all have also and the room over there can not stay full because people there work.

  5. Atleast zeeke never bolted someone because he needed back up in the room.... now thats just pathetic

  6. They sure stayed parked in the MD over 35 room all day long. BUSTED

  7. And tell me just who works in that room? You mean Zeeke who is online all day long? Cindy who doesn't work? Beth who works from home and visits chatrooms all day while working? Rose who can't keep a job? Just who works in that room?

  8. He didn't? Guess you don't remember when him and Ham had the bolt. Let's not forget how he, Pikle, and Beth would keep 2 or more names in the MD room at one time so they could let other Zombies in by removing one of their other names. Having a convenient memory is pathetic.

  9. << Congrats k2. >>

    Thanks... For some reason the pic I included hasn't yet shown up. Hopefully Ugly will soon fix that.

    In the meantime, please know that it's a print screen of Zeeke recently all alone in his room.

  10. << Zeekes already put up a response post. At 10:46. >>

    I still haven't seen that. Hmmmmmmmm...

  11. << Atleast zeeke never bolted someone because he needed back up in the room.. >> Perky
    << He didn't? Guess you don't remember when him and Ham had the bolt. Let's not forget how he, Pikle, and Beth would keep 2 or more names in the MD room at one time so they could let other Zombies in by removing one of their other names. Having a convenient memory is pathetic. >> Anonymous pal

    Thanks, I sometimes forget that whenever Zeeke or a Zombie accuses someone of something, the odds approach 100% that one of them has done exactly the same thing.

  12. K2 the results are inconclusive. He also added one today. He us REALLY mad

  13. << Atleast zeeke never bolted someone because he needed back up in the room.... now thats just pathetic >> Perky

    Perky, why do you choose distraction over a substantive response about Eminence's disgusting language? Are his vile, misogynistic attacks okay by you? Seriously...

  14. Why would that bother perky? Her uneducated loser hubby calls women whores all the time. Hes should look at what he married if he wants to see a whore

  15. << Perky, why do you choose distraction over a substantive response about Eminence's disgusting language? Are his vile, misogynistic attacks okay by you? Seriously... >> Me

    Whoops... I thought I was under a different article when I wrote that. I must've needed a nice nap.

  16. I write an article with a print screen of the chat room listing. Zeeke responds with an article with a print screen of the chat room listings.

    I write an article opining that Vomit is a pathetic whiner. Vomit responds with an article accusing me of being a pathetic whiner.

    I guess they've totally run out of any ideas of their own, huh.

  17. Kind of lke zeke and ronnies blog. No comments unless zeke does writes his own like hes now doing on ro nies blog. Guess he needs to make ronnies blog popular since his isnt. 7 comments in 7 minutes all with his writing style!

  18. They had ideas of thier own? Lamest bashers. Circus Clown and your girl Kelly should give them lessons.

  19. zeeke can talk about his room popularity and the people in it ...what zeeke has done is made bein unemployed and livin a chatroom the norm of today ...when you get a room full of campers that all have the same issues in common it makes me feel good i have a job and have better things to do then bash people ...now i understand some are retired ,,,lets give them a hand ....great job ....but when your rose who can t keep a job ,or alan who works as a maintience man and pimps his old bitch perky out to pay his mortages on 3 slum houses or zeeke who puts out his son on a roadside stand selling cucumbers to men that says alot ...then theres the nanci approach ....feed the room and maqke herself look special ...can youn imagine that many losers in the same place ...anyway its nice to be in a room where people actually work and have a meaningful life besides factisous lives on aol sucking up to zeeke

  20. Kind of lke zeke and ronnies blog. No comments unless zeke does writes his own like hes now doing on ro nies blog

    Now that's funny! Have you noticed that K2 writes a lot of replies to his own blog? LOL check it out. That kind of makes your comment, what's the word I'm looking for, oh yeah STUPID.

  21. Sure it does - to a zombie. K2 doesnt post 25 comments in a row to make this blog look popular.

  22. Drunk ronnie is obsessed with this blog

  23. I remember someone writing they knew Billy as a kid and he was a reject

  24. << Circus Clown and your girl Kelly should give them lessons. >>

    I never followed the Clowns, I put them on Permanent Ignore almost immediately. But yeah, Mensa has a pretty low opinion of Zeeke and the Zombies.

  25. << Sure it does - to a zombie. K2 doesnt post 25 comments in a row to make this blog look popular. >>

  26. << Drunk ronnie is obsessed with this blog >> Jodee

    I'm losing track. He's up to what, 5 articles a day about ME?

  27. How do you know billy rose and some more cant keep a job?
    Nanci, Rose, and a few others arent in the room until after work.
    Learn to spell.
    Are you jealous that you aren't invited to the cook out?
    The ones you call losers will be there enjoying real life as the rest of you sit in your room crying over it.

  28. Doesn't take a genius to know Zeeke is gay and struggling with it. He never ever has mentioned a woman in the room. Not once. And constantly is talking about K2s genitals. What kind of man does that?

  29. Zeeke's real life is something like this:
    One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday. ~Eeyore

  30. 5:59 thanks for the laugh. Don't think I've laughed so hard in a long time. I've seen Rose talk about looking for or starting a new job several times this year already.

  31. 5:59 is very obviously Rose.

  32. This morning in the room...........

    Nelsondogz: gm Christopher
    Nelsondogz: thanks for bolting me last month
    Nelsondogz: when I used my master sn
    Nelsondogz: this is a secondary sn
    Nelsondogz: Peter Deily is my real name that I don't use in the chatrooms very often
    Nelsondogz: Bonnie being as delusional as she is thinks that I have another name
    Nelsondogz: so, I cant come and play ?
    OnlineHost: Nelsondogz has left the room.

    So......here is the proof..........

    Personal Profiles
    joel hoffman (nelsondogz)..

    TA DA!

  33. No it isn't rose but i can recall that the job she works at she has been there a year.
    Nanci is working
    Lois works
    and a lot more do work
    the only ones who work and stay on the computer are ham and zeeke

  34. I saw rose talking about interviewing for a state job a few months ago and writing she isnt working

  35. bonnie.....my dick just fell off.

    i shouldnt have fucked you and i want my kools back

  36. I personally dont care who has what bolts and where. I go to many different chatrooms and I am not bashing anyone. I dont have time for that childish stuff. I go where I please in chatrooms. And Bonnie, for you posting Nelson's real name that doesn't matter to me at all because I dont know the man.

  37. It doesnt matter to me what his real name is either 2:44 but, what does matter to me is that he loves spreading lies and telling people stuff about others...me being one.

    He imed Pam under the screen name of Peter Deily and told her I was dangerous and a few other things.....and if you read what he posted in the room this morning, he says that it is me who is dilusional......lmao.....saying I had the wrong name.......Seems like I just proved what I said....that he is a liar...oh and BTW....also delusional!

  38. Rosehose does have a state job and is still married to John and they live in virginia

  39. Billy does not wotk other than watching his mom. He is on ssi

  40. Omg rise does not Work and I know for a fact she was fired from the last two iobs she had.

  41. Rose DOES NOT have any state job. She could live in VA since she was thrown out in Delaware. She was staying with Ashley in Laurel.

  42. Rose doesn't realize her good ex friend has told all her secrets. No job, No boyfriend, No place to live.

  43. Oh and Rose has no room to talk about Maddy being fat when she's a cow herself.

  44. RedSkyBay is laughingJuly 23, 2011 at 10:09 AM

    Zeeke waiting...waiting...waiting in a chat room by himself, waiting for some buddies.


  45. Rose is anorexic she is almost has skinny as anorexic beth.
    Rose was not fired from her last two jobs.
    I thought she didn't have a job.
    Which is it?
    She was never in Delaware and she wasn't living with Ashley in Laurel.
    She stayed with her niece and her and john got back together and moved to Virginia. She works in Maryland and has a state job.
    You people are idiots if you can't see this.
    There is NO divorce on the Maryland Judiciary Site.
    Her ex didn't tell her secrets unless he is lying also to throw you dumb fucks off.

  46. Rose has been busted with the "Jim" story folks. She shouldn't have pissed off Beth. No job, no life, that's Rose. Oh, and according to Beth she's about a size 12. HA HA you fat cow.

  47. Well beth doesn't know jim and they havent seen each other in over a year so we all highly doubt that beth said anything.
    Again if you are going to make up a story make sure you investigate more. Rose is anorexic and well Ham is manly and anorexic.
    Nice try though lol

  48. 8:22 baaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa thanks for the laugh weve all seen that red bikini picture. There was no anorexia about that Picture pure fattttttttt. Size 12 at least. You lie haaaaaaaaa haaaaaAa

  49. Oh and I guess your calling Rose a liar. Weve all seen her post endlessly about living with Jim in delaware. And ive seen her typing two months ago about being unemployed and how she applied for a state job. And further John aint taking that ugly fat whore back we all know that.

  50. Hosebag is anorexic? LMAO. Ugly should put up that bikini picture of her.

  51. MVM has been looking for a woman. Maybe Rose should hook up with him if he would have her. According to Rose, she is hot, sexy, educated. What is the hold up?
    I would suggest Rose and Billy, but Billy has spent the last two or three years sniffing Beth's butt and thinking one day she will be his in his delusional mind. Sorry Billy, Beth doesn't want a man unless he owns some property and has a high paying job. Not to mention the criminal background.
    There is still Bak, Rose. Ah nevermind, Bak doesn't leave his house. Wonder why?
    How about Pikle? Isn't it about time Pikle drives to Maryland and meets all of his good buddys? Rose and Pickle would make a perfect couple. If Pikle got out of hand, Rose could just step on him.

  52. ya'll wish you could be like rose that is why the ugly women are so focused on her.
    proof ladies proof
    where is rose
    where is jim
    where is john
    where does she live
    where does she work

    the answer to this is none of you have a clue and it pisses you off you can not find out shit

  53. obviously you didnt focus on the pics after the bikini picture
    when she got back from massachusetts
    but then again lets all put you ladies in a bikini and let us see

  54. Why are you people so worried about what the other one is doing? If you all would spend as much time doing something to make yourselves a better person you wouldn't have to worry about all this trivial stuff.

  55. 9:01 Rose is in that ugly category you speak of.
    9:03 Rose is far from anorexic. Suey.

  56. Nootice how fast Rose is posting she wasnt in delaware when Beth exposed that lie? Now shes back with John. Funny John doesnt know this!

  57. the only state job Rose has is picking up trash on the side of the road for community service.

  58. So nice to see that not only is Bonnie delusional, she is confused.


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.