(Written 7/27/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders blog)
That's part of an old quote attributed to Disraeli and others, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."
Zeeke normally specializes in the first two classic types of lies, but he's recently ventured into manipulating statistics to cover his shrinking chat room. 22 to 2? Ya'right... like that old print screen had any relevance to his room or the Over 35 one.
The stone cold reality is that *both* rooms are doing poorly, and the combined totals show a rapidly-shrinking group.
Zeeke's Love Fest ("ZLF") room barely averaged *10* SNs in it during the first half of July and the Over 35 ("35+") room just over half of that. The ZLF declined precipitously during that time, no doubt due to Zeeke bolting "marginal tards." The ZLF had somewhat more SNs in it at lunchtime, and both rooms were noticeably more popular during the evenings. 35+ was also very active in the early mornings.
So much for Zeeke's unsupported claim that the ZLF is "one of the most popular chatrooms on AOL." It isn't.
As to Zeeke's boast that "I didnt expect 95% of the old room to share my vision and follow to a better place," well, they didn't. That's just a bald-faced lie. Each room now has about 55-60 discrete SNs as recurring roomies (excluding bots, duplicate SNs, etc.). The 35+ room actually comes out ahead on total counts because nearly a dozen of the ZLF regulars also visit the 35+ room.
So if the SN counts are about the same, why does the ZLF average twice as many SNs in it? That's an easy one. 35+ only has a few Campers
Both rooms are well below the counts needed for a healthy, sustaining room, and the combined totals are remarkably fewer than just a year to 18 months ago. In the short-term, the main reason for that is obviously the splitting up of the rooms. The numbers in each are shrinking probably because people come in, see few or none are typing, and then leave.
In the longer term, IMHO, the drama imposed by Zeeke and the Zombies has decimated the overall totals. You simply cannot routinely bolt "50+" people and not expect a fair percentage of them to just leave forever. Ditto for ruthlessly assaulting people simply because you don't like them. Doing either not only directly reduces the group, but drives away others who simply don't want to watch the drama.
At this point, the group is more dysfunctional than Congress and the President dealing with the debt ceiling problem. If we as a group are unable to re

Below is a print screen showing both rooms last Thursday evening with a total of just 22 SNs, the majority of which were Campers. This sucks folks...
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of people are getting tired of the bull crap totally and leaving both rooms and going to other rooms where it is better.
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens when your life is chatrooms. You wind up blogging all the time like K2, Zeeke, Ronnie or better yet stalking for hours at a time like Cindy, Bonnie, Rose.
ReplyDeleteGet lives people. You have to be a complete reject to have to turn to a chatroom for friends.
Zeek's screen print wasnt old as Christopher would suggest. It was done on July 20,2011 at about 7 pm. The old room doesn't come close to having the number of people as Love Fest.
ReplyDelete3:32 amdn who cares? Its like a jr high school contest anymore. AnyonE can clearly see zeekes room id popular and k2 is jealous. On yhe other hand anyone can see this blog is much more popular and they dony like that. Hence their latest clqim of four commenters. I can tell zeeke writes almost all his blog comments and I can tell thers is at least 14 different regular commenters here
ReplyDeleteD no zeeke doesnt allow all the comments
ReplyDeletethere are no 14 commenters here, if there were you would have those 14 commenters hanging in the marylanders room lol
yes zeekes room is popular ...when you have a bunch of failures in life like the love fest room i do agree its very popular ...what people don t take into account is the class of people in the lovefest room ,DRUNKS ,DUMPSTER SEX ,THE UNEMPLOYED ,LIARS ,PEOPLE TOO FAT TO GET OUT THE HOUSE ,AND THOSE SCARED THEY WILL BE BUSTED OUT FOR TELLING ALL THAT BULLSHIT THEY TELL IN THE ROOM ....so when we talk about quanity zeeke wins ,when we talk about quality chris wins ...i think thats a fair balance ....zeeke attracts shit...and chris attracts people with lives that keep them happy ....as our neighborly trashy slut rose hirst would say ...THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDIN CUPCAKE ....HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY AOLERS
ReplyDeleteSure he doesnt.
ReplyDelete14 commenters include Rose, Cindy, Billy, Ronnie stupid. We all know thry post here too scared topost under their real names.
<< Zeek's screen print wasnt old as Christopher would suggest. It was done on July 20,2011 at about 7 pm. >>
ReplyDeleteI can see one huge advantage of posting anonymously: it saves you the embarrassment of everyone knowing that you're a dunderhead when you really screw up.
Personally, before posting that LIE, *I* would've checked when Zeeke posted the print screen. Then *I* would've surely noticed that he posted it about 12 hours BEFORE your stated time.
I know that Zeeke's Zombies believe he has almost godlike powers, but I have yet to see any of them say that he can pluck screen shots from the future.
Bet Ugly could easily prove there's way more than 14 commenters here. I can tell by the writing there's way more than that.
ReplyDeleteUm no I am not afraid to use my real name unlike you fucktards. Thanks for making me famous and showing how obsessed you are.
ReplyDeleteThere you go uglypoooo now your blog can get hundreds of comments because it's all about me baby! I own you bitches
8:24 Theres a reasob why people live in the love fest room. You think anyone with actual friends will spend hours a day n chat? They are rejects
ReplyDeleteFat Rose has no friends.
ReplyDelete3:15 you have a good point. I don't think I've ever heard Rose talk about anyone but fake Jim.
ReplyDeleteOh and I heard from a very credible source that her good friend Cindy is bipolar and takes meds for it.
Theres a reasob why people live in the love fest room. You think anyone with actual friends will spend hours a day n chat? They are rejects
ReplyDeleteROFL what are you saying? Are you saying that K2, Bonnie and Guy have no friends? They spend all day in the Over35 room. Oops I guess they are rejects. Your words.
Why would you even entertain this? Are you stupid k2? Everyone knows Zeek is a pathological liar and Ronnie is a drunk.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the post above from "Reds", I'm a little embarrassed having the name Red in my screen name.
ReplyDeleteAll of that bottled up hostility coming out on a blog. They have Doctors to help for that kind of anger.
Reds is incompetent
ReplyDeleteWho is "Red"? I thought it was RedSky.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to talk about lies lets discuss Cindy. Cindy ain't on no retirement disability. Bitch was fired from the state, lives in a section 8 apartment, and gets SSI.
ReplyDeleteReds told the truth don't hate. Redskytard especially you. Fat ass
ReplyDeleteNo Reds isn't RedSky, RedSky has more class than this person.
ReplyDeleteYou got Cindy and Bonnie mixed up. Bonnie gets SSI and lives in section 8.
ReplyDeleteREDS said...
ReplyDeleteThanks for making me famous and showing how obsessed you are.
Yes Rose. You own us. We all want to be just like you. Which means:
1. Spend all your waking time on AOL.
2. Stalk people online and offline.
3. Send out nude pictures of my big saggy tits.
4. Call everyone fat only to have a bikini picture emerge showing you're a cow.
5. "Get" men like Rob. What is more desirable than to be with a man who knocked up two women and ran off?
6. Have to find a new job every three months cause of being fired.
7. Have no place to call home. In middle age I so desire to be bounce around between my niece, daughter, and cousins.
8. Achieve "Stardom" by sending out a video of screwing a complete loser.
9. Having such a loose ass that it looks like a whale opening while having sex.
10. Make a public fool of yourself at least 5 times a day.
Ronnie and Rose would make a great couple. Both are married (one separated because she's a whore) and don't care if they cheat. Both are dumb as a box of rocks.
ReplyDeleteSo I guess the foul mouth Reds is Rose?
ReplyDeleteGo figure I never would had guessed.
Reds is Rose Hirst. Her style is to mimic others, using other people's lines like the "it's all about me baby" is a direct quote from another woman she pissed off---NYLADYDEE. http://nysyrennydee.blogspot.com/ Rose never has an original thought in that ugly head of hers.
ReplyDeleteUm stick that up ya twat Rose. Dummy.
Don't you have any better lines yet Rose? 15 years of the same stupid crap "you are all obsessed about me" for the 1,000th time dummy no one is obsessed of you. They all hate you. They wish you would go away, fall off ya stool and drop over stiff. You are older, dumber, more obsessed about your ugly self than the old days. Really Rose is sitting on your computer your whole miserable life this great? Don't think so you are just too dumb to realize there is life outside that shitty room you park your butt in all day.
You have more people who hate you than ever before. What an attribute to have descended to this level of garbage.
You are a sick woman who thrives on the decay of others. You are the lowest of the lowest you are no phoenix bird you've delude yourself into thinking but a lowly serpent in the pits of hell.
<< WHO CARES! >> Get A Life
ReplyDeleteYou obviously do. D'oh
<< I think a lot of people are getting tired of the bull crap totally and leaving both rooms and going to other rooms where it is better. >>
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that's true. We've already seen several return to the Over 35 room, and remark how much nicer it is now than it was before the split.
But I'm also sure several are gone for good...
<< Get lives people. You have to be a complete reject to have to turn to a chatroom for friends. >>
ReplyDeleteDon't the Zombies socialize together a lot?
<< Its like a jr high school contest anymore. AnyonE can clearly see zeekes room id popular and k2 is jealous. >>
ReplyDeleteYou type as well as I am jealous.
<< so when we talk about quanity zeeke wins, when we talk about quality chris wins ...i think thats a fair balance ....zeeke attracts shit...and chris attracts people with lives that keep them happy >>
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a fair description, although I'm sure they think the opposite.
<< your blog can get hundreds of comments because it's all about me baby! I own you bitches >> REDS
ReplyDeleteUmmmm... and WHO are you???
<< Are you stupid k2? >>
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm just writing an article about a recent Major Stupidity of mine.
reds isnt rose lol
ReplyDeleteRose has a nice ass.
Rose is not fat.
She has a great job.
That wasn't her video.
Her tits are nice, the ones we all saw were.
The photo is 4 years old.
Where are your bikini pictures
Where are updated pictures of her?
She fun and adorable
She has great friends
She has a gorgeous daughter, grand daughter, and man
She has a gorgeous condo
And, yes the ones you call zombies own you
have you all read the latest ask zeeke blog ....it seems zeeke misses people ....after all man (so called man in zeekes case }has to look up and stalk people for info is rather amusing ....i like it when he admits he s a stalker ....his friend went in the room ,,or was it zeeke wearing a dress in the room ....anyway does he see that people dont care....why should anyone gave a damn worry about him ....he is busy looking into seeing the life he doesn t have ...its time for his monthly anger sex and delislut isn t around to meet him behind the dumpster ....life goes on zeeke,grow up and get a life will ya ....we don t care what you do .....tune in next time to ..AS ZEEKES AOL LIFE TURNS
ReplyDeleteDid everyone hear about the biy who died from a bllod clot after sittj g for 12 hours?
ReplyDeleteI sit here and read all the blogs and it is sad that people just cant get along.
ReplyDeleteLETS ALL GIVE PIGGY PERKY A BIG HAND OF APPLAUSE ....rumor has it if your not a zombie she bolts you ...that means zeeke has lost the chatroom war with chris ....chris only bolts those that cause drama while perky bolts anyone who refuses to get into beastiality and fuck her swaine ass...seems like what zeeke intended to build his loving and loyal friends fuck him over and confirm what we already know that zeekes a total asshole loser ...its nice to hear that perky does an alan and goes off in a childish rant (bahawawawawawawawa}and says you can t play in my room cause its mine and bolts them ....all we can say is way to go zeeke ....1st ya gave the bolt to a worthless drunk,then ya give the bolt to a woman that couldn t get fucked if she paid you millions to fuck her .....whos next zeeke ????? the blimp ????the aol mafia ????or maybe that disgusting tramp in that red bikini ....please keep us up to date as to which loser has the bolt ....in closing lets all give a big thank you to chris for a drama free and fun to be in marylandersover35 chat room ..CHRIS YOU ARE THE MAN ........
I find it funny Rose thinks all these people are jealous of her. Who Rose who? You aren't hot, you aren't even pretty and you have no figure. Women someone would be jealous of certainly isn't you. They are women like Eyore, Pretty, Mensa, and your daughter. That's hot. You're not.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeletereds isnt rose lol
Rose has a nice ass.
Rose is not fat.
She has a great job.
That wasn't her video.
Her tits are nice, the ones we all saw were.
The photo is 4 years old.
Where are your bikini pictures
Where are updated pictures of her?
She fun and adorable
She has great friends
She has a gorgeous daughter, grand daughter, and man
She has a gorgeous condo
And, yes the ones you call zombies own you
July 31, 2011 4:51 PM
Rose you give ya self away. You use tired old lines over and over. lol. That's your first dead give away. You couldn't go a day without lol'ing if ya life depended on it. Dumbass. Your daughter, granddaughter are not "gorgeous" you deluded old hag nut.
You have no man, you are an empty woman with a large vagina on the prowl for a hot fuck (since you've enlightened all of us for the last 15 years how well used it is) You are all used up, stretched out like ya pussy and unattractive to anyone except the losers you find in aol chat rooms.
Ya have the nerve to be attacking other women about their flaws when the biggest one you have is your shitty ego.
John was the best thing to happen to you, and you tried to fuck him over whining on divorce sites about how mistreated you were. You snake. You laid post after post about how you wanted to "get him". John was a simple man with a snake for a wife like you. You tried to drain him dry from all the funds he acquired being gainfully employed all the years he was with you. The real word about that coming from him is rather entertaining course to hear your version you got him. You viper.
Rob's big mistake, well one of them, with you is that he thought the fuck was important, when what he should have made important was why you were such a dirt bag fucking so many people up in their home lives? Course he couldn't see that since he too was a scumbag who enjoyed fucking (literally) with other people's lives.
Your very best friend Karrie was fucked over by you. Your answer? She did x,y, and z to you. You piece of shit. It's what you do to people. Zeeke is just a symptom of aol rejects he's too stupid to get you are using his dumb ass too. Sure I'm giving you my opinion now, it's the 2nd of two posts I'll devote to speaking directly to a snake like you. Then I'm done. Let everyone continue to argue with your skank ass I care not. It will be the same 5 more years from now. Psssssssst that is because you are a snake. Snakes just molt and keep on slithering.
Anyone, now watch this carefully Rose’s “friends” a-n-y-o-n-e, male and/or female that hooks in with you is destined to be fucked over by you. All in time.
All your multiple personalities of all the names you've made up the classic is the ones dissing your own self you sick bitch. Too bad instead of calling 911, you didn't take a pill and get it over that day you fucked up Rob's whole life you sick sick dirty bitch.
You are a big fake. Fake of fakes, you are all about the image since you've practiced it for so many years now all you are is a lonely old hag sitting on her laptop typing shitty crap to fonts on your screen. You are damn lucky and I mean really lucky that you haven't finally stepped it over to someone's real life that they wanted to come get you for real. That's a statement of fact. You have stepped into people’s lives running their stuff as if you have some right to do this, turning it to gossip on your blogs, on your friend’s blogs as gutter humor but really you are lucky that people didn’t really understand the internet laws that would have nailed you finally. Bob was stupid and you and your 3 pals have mocked him for years for it. He's a simpleton too. He wasn't even worthy prey really Rose but you wait some day you may run into someone who isn't as stupid as he is. Course suing you is useless since you are Judgment Proof. Get it? lol.
ReplyDeleteSee if anyone wanted to get even with your stupid ass? Ignore you.
You'd go insane
Anonymous said... - Who is really Rose posing as a third person
ReplyDeletereds isnt rose lol - Lie
Rose has a nice ass. - OMG Rose has a completely flat ass
Rose is not fat. - Sorry Rose we've all seen a picture of you
She has a great job. - Only in her dream world. Rose is a piss pan carrier and I know of three jobs you've been fired from.
That wasn't her video. - BS Rob sent it directly to me
Her tits are nice, the ones we all saw were. - So you're admitting to sending out nudes Rose? Your tits sag to the ground.
The photo is 4 years old. - Which just means you look OLDER now.
Where are your bikini pictures - I'm over 40 and have enough sense to know my 20 year old days are way gone.
Where are updated pictures of her? - Rose is too afraid to show us your ageing face
She fun and adorable - To who Zombies? LMAO
She has great friends - If you call pot smoking Lynnzy and Nancy great friends.
She has a gorgeous daughter, grand daughter, and man - A man? You sure know how to pick them.
She has a gorgeous condo - Sure Rose you really own a condo.
And, yes the ones you call zombies own you - Dream on toots. It's so funny how you have to post in a third person that you're hot and all these other things. No one else thinks so Rose. Truth is you're washed up, look way older than you are, have a miserable life, no job, no education, a pussy that's had endless dicks in it that haven't gotten you anywhere. You don't know how to use it hon, that's why you live in a dump.
This is being said to Rose>See if anyone wanted to get even with your stupid ass? Ignore you.
ReplyDeleteYou are right........why not try it?
Ignore the stinky, skanky, lying, drug addicted, sorry excuse for a person.......and let her rot in her own hell!
ReplyDeleteOWNED!!!!! BITCHES
That nasty ass whore Rose gave my boyfriend dick warts.