come on ! - Let's celebrate
Celebrate good times
come on ! - Let's celebrate
There's a party going on right here
a celebration to last throughout the years.
So bring your good times and your laughter
too we're gonna celebrate your party with you !
Come on now
let's all celebrate and have a good time
we go celebrate and have a good time.
It's time to come together
it's up to you
watch your pleasure
everyone around the world
come on
celebrate good times
come on
Everyone around the 'net celebrate the Ugly's blog having 100,000 views. YAHOO
And we'll be a fair sport and celebrate the others too.

Zeeke's isn't the belle of the ball, but at least he gets to be an Uncle again. The criminal has spawned!

i just wanted to say rose when your ready for that court case let me know ...i pray you do and hurry ...i look forward to the day you drag my ass in court and the shit hits the fan ...please hurry bitch oh wait unemployed assholes like you are all mouth ...to think all your lies will come out in court and i would invite all the aol world to see you pucker up and kiss my ass cuntcake ...now congradulations to monica and ugly on a job well done ...its nice to see people hammer back on assholes and give them the shit they gave others ...also ty for removing all roses queer bob bullshit ...its nice to see rose can t get away with sharing a name with the others that are still her friends and still insist on telling lies and hiding behind a monitor ...my hat is off to you {chris akak2 too}...lets have a great new year and an end to the rose hirst hide and trash bullshit ...thanks again the realdeal ruffstuff
ReplyDeleteCongrats Ugly!!!
ReplyDeleteOh... and just a reminder about my rather huge bonus for reaching that milestone. Check's in the mail?
This blog fucking rocks
ReplyDeleteBilly is a loser
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Ugly and Monika for this wonderful blog!!! I love this blog I read it as soon as I log on. Congratulations to all who have contributed articles on it.
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ReplyDeletewell was on at 6am and guess whos on ...got on at 2pm est and guess whos on ...seems people are telling the truth when they say skankarose is unemployed ....no wonder the queer bob comments are non stop rose has nothing better to do then act stupid
ReplyDeleteshut the fuck up 10:49am I come to this blog to read all the comments thats why I like this blog. they let anyone comment so you dont have to come here. Keep up the good work blog owner.
ReplyDeletecongratufuckinlations.....what a great accomplishment......you're going places for sure.
ReplyDeleteits 4;55pm and rose is still on ...so much for a job
ReplyDeleteThat's no act 10:49.........it's BEING and she is totally STUPID
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ReplyDeleteErasing comments,when did this begin. We have a new blog administrator must be one sided. adios to this blog.
ReplyDeleteno longer ugly's blog like zeek's blog control everything said. Oh well it was a good blog while it lasted.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is total victory
ReplyDelete<< adios to this blog >>
ReplyDelete<< Oh well it was a good blog while it lasted. >>
So sorry to see you go. See ya Monday...
I'm glad to see the homophobic rants in all caps gone.
ReplyDelete<< adios to this blog >>
ReplyDelete<< Oh well it was a good blog while it lasted. >>
BTW, because you're so chicken-shit that you have to hide behind an Anonymous profile, we can't know if you really left or came back. So I'll *assume* that the next cowardly Anonymous post is by YOU. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Awww 6:12 a tad upset huh? Oh I work 12-8pm...I leave around 10:30ish to get to work and I am home by 9pm... a tad bit obsessed over me being online. Wait, you are the state of Maryland...who my daughter is going after for posting her name as a minor child? You have nothing to do with it, but harrassing her over it and using the public judiciary site to do so is called harrassment....don't worry, you are safe, we just used the various blogs as proof...including one that has the owners info on it.
ReplyDeleteThe state is at fault here lol
Thanks and again....dinner is on us lol
I do believe I had the best blog with over a million hits lol
The way I see it, the only comments being erased are the ones that everyone are skipping over and not reading anyway. The comments written by some nut job that are annoying and taking up blog space about Bob Bolek.
ReplyDeleteBilly needs the comments on his blog, so I am sure he will allow you to continue writing on his.::chuckle.
let me get this right. rose who ran one of the most hateful blogs on the internet and posted pictures and information about peoples kids is going to sue someone for doing the same?
ReplyDeleteand now she is suing the state for having a public access site? it must be white jacket time folks.
Big Stud Jim said...
ReplyDeleteAwww 6:12 a tad upset huh? Oh I work 12-8pm...I leave around 10:30ish to get to work and I am home by 9pm... a tad bit obsessed over me being online. Wait, you are the state of Maryland...who my daughter is going after for posting her name as a minor child? You have nothing to do with it, but harrassing her over it and using the public judiciary site to do so is called harrassment....don't worry, you are safe, we just used the various blogs as proof...including one that has the owners info on it.
The state is at fault here lol
Thanks and again....dinner is on us lol
I do believe I had the best blog with over a million hits lol
Rose is full of dreams, she needs money because, she doesnt know how to work for it, she runs her mouth on how she is goibng to sue YOU (whoever says bad things about her) yet, the reason the bad things are said about her by YOU (whoever) is because, she has said bad things about YOU (whoever) first. If she would have just kept her clam licking, dick sucking, nasty sticking anus of a mouth shut, noone would have said a word about her....or, her daughter.
ReplyDeleterose is all about drama ...thats all she has ...i really would like to see her drag people in court ...that would be the best thing that ever happened to us all ...just think all of roses lies out in the open and maybe the judge will get her mental help
ReplyDeleterose dear i have news for you. you don't get a settlement for harrassment charges if you had any to begin with considering you are the one that has been harrassing people for years. if you really had the blog owners information you would had run your mouth nonstop about it and i am sure it would be all over tard billys blog by now.
ReplyDeleteLMAO....all a judge would do is read all the crap ROSE started and laugh her right out the court. Also if her daughter openned her mouth ROSE dragged her in and also did so much under Ashley's AOL account playing Ashley that he would laugh her out of court too!! Some mom you are Rose!! See what all your blogging and chat crap caused your own daughter!
ReplyDeleteI am so much happier that this blog owner is deleting the Rose Bob Bolek crap and the other usual Rose and fatboy Robert Casey shit off of here. I skipped over those too and found them rather annoying. They came to my blog and constantly tried to pile that crap on me but I just deleted it without even thinking. I find your blog refreshing now, CONGRATS!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd hey, Rosiepoop dearie, ANYTIME you are ready to go to court I would LOVE to bring all the piles and piles of crap I have sitting here just waiting to be introduced as evidence in a civil suit. I also have someone else's piles of bullshit, just stacks and stacks of the crap that you and so called officer Tammy Woods has pulled. She's all into dog shelter now but does her customers now know of her past of harassing someone who now can't defend themselves?
Oh yeah, lemme know when the court date is. I might need help hauling all that crap in and we might need to meet a few nights before so we can decide what to bring into and what order, but hell yeah. I might even bring Meloney into this shit, she was involved with Rose during all that crap and egged it on so lets finally see the REAL Sydney (Which we won't trust me) or should I say Meloney Smith.
How about it Meloney/Sydney? Wanna come finally show what a real fake looks like? Can't hide from a subpeona Meloney, you should know that from clerical working in an attorney's office. Filing folders and answering phones doesn't make you an attorney dipshit.
You and Rosiepoop are two peas in a pod, wanna be lawyer and wanna be nurse.
Tick tock as I said before. Told you your time was coming......
ha ha ha......
Does a Meloney actually read this blog or go into the MD rooms?
ReplyDeleteK2 must be sitting back having a good laugh at Rose. Obviously she isn't aware that that new law about victims was made way after her daughter's court case. In other words, it's not applicable you idiot.
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows Rose is dumb as it gets.