Ugly and I are at Dulles Airport, on the way to a week long vacation to Mnemba Island since the Fracs private school is on vacation. We're giving you a break for this week and leaving the blog unmoderated. Behave!
Friday, March 30, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
"Alan, One of the Lesser Zombies"
(Written 3/24/12 by
ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
I used to occasionally chat in the
room with Alan about gardening, but little else because he was a hostile
right-winger, a disgusting racist, and just not too bright. Then he
became a Zombie, and that ended things between us.
Lately, he's taken to doing
insipid drive-bys in my room. They reminded me of something I first
learned with Beth.
She once attacked me in the room
saying that I needed to "get out (sic) the house... (and) breathe fresh
air." I scratched my head for awhile at a pasty-white, work-at-home,
glued-to-her-computer corporate drone telling that to a nicely-tanned avid
gardener and outdoor photographer. I thought of, but rejected, hypocrisy.
I eventually concluded that it was just her way of venting at HERself. She
wanted sooooooo badly to be playing golf or softball instead of typing away in
the solitude of her office.
Similarly, Zeeke used to criticize
-- among many examples -- "fat gurlz" and rag people about their
teeth. And it was later, of course, found out that he has a huge gap in
his teeth and is almost morbidly obese.
As to Alan, his two drive-bys
(so far) were:
Xalan39o3x: a lonely man living a lonely sad (at about 9:15 p.m. Friday evening)
Xalan39o3x: sad,very sad chris........look where life has taken you (between 2
a.m. and 6:45 a.m., Saturday)
Alan... buddy... I'm sorry that
being stuck in a long-distance marriage and retired with zippo to do has
left you soooo frickin' bored and lonely after being away from wifey-poo for
five grueling days that you're reduced to dashing thru chat rooms accusing
others of being what YOU so obviously ARE.
Please do everyone a favor, get
some hand lotion and whack it off AGAIN. She'll be by soon (we all
hope). Poor, poor Alan...
I'm sure there's a fancy
psychological name for what these people routinely do. Anyone know what it
is??? Well, other than being a Zombie, I meant...
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
"Eating Crow with a Nice Chianti"
(Written 3/16/12 by ChristopherK2 for the
Uglier MDers blog)
It was just a mere month ago that Vomit
-- in the "State of the Chatroom (sic)" article on his blog
-- claimed that his room was "in very good shape," and
that "we max out at a little over 20 chatters." Then he virtually
screamed that:
He's also regularly derided me since for being all alone in my room.
Well, how quickly things change,as noted in this screen
Vomit somehow managed to lose his room entirely, and there it is at the BOTTOM of the list of rooms well below mine.
(( mega chuckle, mega chuckle ))
Poor poor Vomit...
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
"Beth Must be Soooooooo Proud!"
Written 3/12/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
A recent article by Zeeke on his blog noted that he had received a rare TOS from AOL for saying in the room:
"TheZeekEffect: you need to shut the fuck up and go suck orbitys diseased fuckhole...
TheZeekEffect: orbitys pussy smells like a dead baby seal"
Add to that Vomit's recent bashing on his blog of ordinary people cursed with horrible deformities as "freaks," and you have a perfect picture of those two in action.
How nice...
But perhaps, instead of being proud, Beth has recently begun to realize that Zeeke's "Mindfuck Game" was aimed not just at US, but also at THEM. And that Zeeke and Vomit have been just pretending all along to be nice to Beth and the others so someone... anyone... would chat with their desperate, worthless butts.
Perhaps she and many of the Zombies also now understand that Zeeke and Vomit weren't just pretending to be viciously ugly for "entertainment," but that is in fact who they ARE. And maybe that's why Beth and several other Zombies have been absent from their room so much lately (including huge drops by Felony, Dee, Eminence, Muddy, Perky, Ponie, Rooster, and Sexydoll). How can any "normal" adult ignore or rationalize language like that shown above?
Maybe now many of their roomies are beginning to accept that both Zeeke and Vomit are REALLY (and not just pretending to be) profound bigots (including homophobia, misogyny, racism, and anti-Semitism), minimally educated, not very bright, heavy drinkers, and violent thugs. And if they don't have someone around to use language like that against, those two really have little to say of interest because of their limitations OR they instead attack others within the group (see Eminence).
Maybe... just maybe... Beth and the others are starting to reach the same conclusion that so many of us who fled that group knew long ago: Zeeke and Vomit are both just vile, disgusting trash. I knew several of that type growing up. We called them Frednecks. It was a much less politically correct time.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
"Another Zeeke Relative???"
Written 3/7/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
I've previously summarized the nasty criminal history of Zeeke and a bunch of his relatives in "The Zeeke Family Crime Spree" (10-25-11 if you want to go back). It appears that I missed one notable family member.
She's detailed in a recent article titled "Arrest Warrant Issued For Mother Of 9-Year-Old Boy Accused Of Shooting 8-Year-Old Girl." You can find it at:
Basically her young son took a .45 caliber handgun to school, and it accidentally went off and seriously injured a young girl. The woman has "a lengthy criminal and drug abuse history." She had "left firearms unsecured around her house" including a 9mm pistol "sitting on a desk to the right of a computer." In addition to unlawfully possessing the weapons (re her prior convictions), the police are seeking to hold her culpable for her son's actions.
If she's not a blood relative of Zeeke's, she certainly follows in his path. It was just a few years ago (2/13/04) that Zeeke was served with a criminal summons for "probable violation" of the "firearms-access by minor" law. That's called a "Child Access Prevention and Safe Storage Law," and prohibits storing any LOADED firearm in your house if a minor age 15 or under is likely to gain access to the firearm without permission." It's a misdemeanor crime punishable by a fine of up to $1,000.
Zeeke's story in the room (which the Zombies swallowed whole) was that:
1. His LOADED gun was stored in a closet so his son couldn't reach it ('cause we all KNOW that NO boy has EVER gotten into his Xmas presents "hidden" in a closet).
2. The NRA provided him a free attorney so they "must have" believed he was innocent. (Odd to say considering the NRA favors that type of law. That's probably because they got it to include an exception if the child has a "certificate of firearm and hunter safety." So, the NRA could run all those classes. Sadly, Zeeke's son had NOT taken such a course, or else the outcome of the criminal charge would've been entirely different.)
3. Zeeke claimed he wasn't "found guilty." (Well, yeah, but he wasn't found NOT guilty either. Neither applied because the prosecutor went with putting it on the so-called "stet docket.")
The stet ("inactive") docket is a device common to minor crimes for first-time offenders. It basically suspends the case for a period of time (usually a year) and then the case is closed if there are no further occurrences. But if a condition is violated, then the case comes roaring off the docket and the prosecutor goes primitive on your ass.
Being put on the stet docket is a "reportable event" in MD and thus will show up on a "RAP sheet." After 3 years, the defendant can have the docket entry expunged (which Zeeke has NOT yet done) but the arrest/summons will still show up on a background check (with no disposition).
If Zeeke or any of his Zombie friends read this, I hope they will pause to consider what COULD have happened with Zeeke's son and other innocent people, as exemplified by the young girl who was seriously wounded (5 surgeries *so far*) by that idiotic woman's son.
Sidebar question: If Zeeke was actually innocent AND had a free attorney, WTF would he agree to moving the case to the stet docket instead of fighting for a "not guilty" verdict??? << chuckle, chuckle >>
Sunday, March 4, 2012
"Wildly Popular", Part 2: How It All Went Horribly Wrong
(Written 3/2/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
About the only aspect of the collapse of the Super Secret/Love Fest/Coolest room that is atypical is that is hasn't had a single NEW roomie for many months. Other than that, the group has followed predictable paths. Highlights of the numerical data follow.
I'm sure that the reasons vary from disgust with the other people in the group to "found a life" to "The room's too small now." But the reality is that--as of the end of January--about 25 people have left their group since last July. Many were minor players like Cinder, Padur, and Dana ta Danish. But they've also lost lots of people who were "regulars." Those include BrunetteLady12, Cindy32863, ImCeeg, Jazzys jam (bolted), JBigred57x, Kenodoubler, MDNatsFanI, ScubaDvr64, and TANGIBLE ROSE. That's a LOT of people when you have no newbies coming along.
Another major factor in the group's decline is that many of their regulars have substantially reduced the amount of time they spend in the room. The most notable ones in January were aintthebeercold, Badestl3itch73, Baktoogood, Feefers1068, LegsLegsLegs45, Muddy58, NotWithOutAFight, Sexydollizbak, SMPinkrose, Sunniesback2, SxyMAFlAHlTWoman, TrikinCraka1, and Xalan39o3x.
Those reductions were only offset somewhat by modest increases by Eminence Frontal (since bolted), I Felony55 I (since reduced), jlwilson2341, Pantrygal J, Perkyonex2, YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6, and Zeeke.
The most noticeable and predictable effect of the above trends has been the increasing concentration of the group into fewer and fewer players accounting for the bulk of the people in the room. In essence, the group is rapidly reducing itself to its hard core members.
Nearly *half* of their attendance in January, for example, was comprised of just FIVE people: Zeeke, Vomit, Mafia, Ham, and Sexydoll. Toss in Wilson, Perky, Felony, Jmb, and Hooters, and you have almost 75% from just 10 people. There were 30 or so others who stopped in, but only about 10 made more than token appearances here and there.
Another predictable outcome has been the hollowing out of the room at certain times of the day. It has become nearly empty, except for 24/7 Campers, before 10 in the morning and then plummets after 9 in the evening. It used to be pretty lively by 8 in the morning and until past 10 at night.
There were several major negatives for their group in February. The biggest was Beth cutting WAY back after Vomit took over the bolt. That's a major hit statistically but perhaps a more important one emotionally. Ponie and Felony seem to have followed suit. The group also "ate one of its own" by bolting Eminence. Trikin has become a rarity. And Badestl3itch is apparently gone.
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