Monday, August 30, 2010
MDNatsFanI: seems wierd that pgcounty opened a week earlier than everyone else
HamOnWryX2: that is odd
MDNatsFanI: guess the pg kids arent as educatedf as the rest so they need more time in school anyway
Friday, August 27, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
"An Open Letter to Zeeke"
(Written 8/23/10 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)
I know that you "never read blogs," but that is, of course, just another of your endless lies. You will read this because you must. Every fiber of your being is desperate to prove there's some sort of rough equivalence between you and me. We both know that there isn't. I, along with most of the others in the chat room, are vastly superior to you. But that's not for any objective reason, although I obviously am far more educated, intelligent, well-spoken, etc., than you.
No, it's because I'm a nice, normal, mature adult. And you are pond scum. And the same comparison holds true for vast numbers of other nice, normal, mature, adult roomies past and present.
Nice, normal adults work hard at their jobs (or are retired, like me, or for an unfortunate few, physically disabled). Nice, normal adults do normal activities in their spare time like going to church, watching TV, fixing up their homes, going bowling. They interact with other similar adults by being pleasant, interested in the other person, friendly, concerned, etc. And they occasionally go into AOL chat rooms to relax a bit, chat with their buddies, etc.
Boring? Perhaps... but the vast majority of our population is that way.
How do you stack up, Zeeke? Let's review...
1. Full-time Chat Room Bully. You spend 40+ hours per week in an AOL Chat Room playing your "mind fuck" game: viciously assaulting as many people as you can in as ugly a manner as you can. You use profanity as a weapon because you think it works (it doesn't) and your vocabulary is so limited. You use the other usual tactics of a bully: threats, ganging up, belittling, condescension, demeaning, hypocrisy, attacking, etc.
And we know from the SSR chat room logs that you take AOL more seriously than most, and that you're the same in private as you are in the main chat room.
2. Disgusting Bigotry. You spew ugly hatred that paints you as nearly every form of bigot--anti-Semite, homophobe, misogynist--as well as hatred towards the handicapped, the overweight, and many other classes of people you deem as unworthy. Nice, normal, mature adults, on the other hand, really don't give a crap about any of those differences among us. Or, as George Will once wrote, "Such know-nothingism is a stench in the nostrils of reasonable people."
3. Lying, Rumor Mongering, etc. As with all Drama Queens, you lie frequently, poorly, and without remorse. You create and repeat ugly rumors as if they're facts. You also--without hesitation or any care about self-contradiction--exaggerate, distort, dissemble, and prevaricate. Nice, normal, mature adults do none of those things.
4. AOL Addict. Your idea of fun activities outside of the AOL Chat Room is apparently to regularly get "piss drunk" with the others in your little clique. The vast majority of adults got over that by our early-20s and went on to the activities I mentioned above. Your other interaction with your "friends" seems to be limited to sharing a hatred of certain people in the room. ("Hate-based" I think you call it.)
5. Judiciary Record. You have had innumerable encounters with the law and the courts and no doubt will continue to do so. You have snowed and misled many in the room as to what your judiciary site record truly means. But you know that I know exactly what it means. And nice, normal people simply don't do the things that lead to that kind of record.
6. Life Goals. You've made it abundantly clear many times that your main goal is to destroy the chat room. Nice, normal people have goals like raising a family, doing a good job at work, serving their community, and such.
Summary. I've known bigoted bullies like you all my life, and have never been impressed. You make much sport of what will happen if you and I should ever meet. But ask Mikeyboy what will really happen. As I did with him, I'll look you in the eye, and shake your hand as I say, "Hi, I'm ChristopherK2, the guy you've threatened to beat up so many times." And like Mikeyboy, you will do absolutely nothing. Well, unless you're far stupider than I can imagine. We both know that if you beat up a frail, old, retired attorney in front of witnesses, you will do several years of hard time. There will be no nole prosequi or stet docket.
The Future. Oddly enough, I think you might "win" as to destroying the chat room, although I don't think you understand how temporary that "Great Victory" would be. It's often said that "Bad drives out Good unless Good is very, very good." But that doesn't apply here. Many nice, normal people have fled not because they fear you but merely because they have better things to do than watching a disgustingly ugly AOL chat room. If you succeed at driving them all away, then two things will happen.
First, you'll be stuck with that miserable bunch of people in your little clique. And we've all seen what that means when y'all hid in the SSR for several months. Your room was moribund the vast majority of the day, and came alive only to rant about what y'all saw on the widget. There was almost zero "normal" chat. Without others to verbally assault, your little clique will dissolve over time. That's because y'all are otherwise mind numbingly boring, even in each other's eyes.
And then--and you'll hate this--nice, normal, mature adults will once again return and take over the room. And we'll occasionally point and laugh at our rapidly-fading memories of you and your little clique, as happened with the Mensa Cult, the Clowns, et al.
I know that you "never read blogs," but that is, of course, just another of your endless lies. You will read this because you must. Every fiber of your being is desperate to prove there's some sort of rough equivalence between you and me. We both know that there isn't. I, along with most of the others in the chat room, are vastly superior to you. But that's not for any objective reason, although I obviously am far more educated, intelligent, well-spoken, etc., than you.
No, it's because I'm a nice, normal, mature adult. And you are pond scum. And the same comparison holds true for vast numbers of other nice, normal, mature, adult roomies past and present.
Nice, normal adults work hard at their jobs (or are retired, like me, or for an unfortunate few, physically disabled). Nice, normal adults do normal activities in their spare time like going to church, watching TV, fixing up their homes, going bowling. They interact with other similar adults by being pleasant, interested in the other person, friendly, concerned, etc. And they occasionally go into AOL chat rooms to relax a bit, chat with their buddies, etc.
Boring? Perhaps... but the vast majority of our population is that way.
How do you stack up, Zeeke? Let's review...
1. Full-time Chat Room Bully. You spend 40+ hours per week in an AOL Chat Room playing your "mind fuck" game: viciously assaulting as many people as you can in as ugly a manner as you can. You use profanity as a weapon because you think it works (it doesn't) and your vocabulary is so limited. You use the other usual tactics of a bully: threats, ganging up, belittling, condescension, demeaning, hypocrisy, attacking, etc.
And we know from the SSR chat room logs that you take AOL more seriously than most, and that you're the same in private as you are in the main chat room.
2. Disgusting Bigotry. You spew ugly hatred that paints you as nearly every form of bigot--anti-Semite, homophobe, misogynist--as well as hatred towards the handicapped, the overweight, and many other classes of people you deem as unworthy. Nice, normal, mature adults, on the other hand, really don't give a crap about any of those differences among us. Or, as George Will once wrote, "Such know-nothingism is a stench in the nostrils of reasonable people."
3. Lying, Rumor Mongering, etc. As with all Drama Queens, you lie frequently, poorly, and without remorse. You create and repeat ugly rumors as if they're facts. You also--without hesitation or any care about self-contradiction--exaggerate, distort, dissemble, and prevaricate. Nice, normal, mature adults do none of those things.
4. AOL Addict. Your idea of fun activities outside of the AOL Chat Room is apparently to regularly get "piss drunk" with the others in your little clique. The vast majority of adults got over that by our early-20s and went on to the activities I mentioned above. Your other interaction with your "friends" seems to be limited to sharing a hatred of certain people in the room. ("Hate-based" I think you call it.)
5. Judiciary Record. You have had innumerable encounters with the law and the courts and no doubt will continue to do so. You have snowed and misled many in the room as to what your judiciary site record truly means. But you know that I know exactly what it means. And nice, normal people simply don't do the things that lead to that kind of record.
6. Life Goals. You've made it abundantly clear many times that your main goal is to destroy the chat room. Nice, normal people have goals like raising a family, doing a good job at work, serving their community, and such.
Summary. I've known bigoted bullies like you all my life, and have never been impressed. You make much sport of what will happen if you and I should ever meet. But ask Mikeyboy what will really happen. As I did with him, I'll look you in the eye, and shake your hand as I say, "Hi, I'm ChristopherK2, the guy you've threatened to beat up so many times." And like Mikeyboy, you will do absolutely nothing. Well, unless you're far stupider than I can imagine. We both know that if you beat up a frail, old, retired attorney in front of witnesses, you will do several years of hard time. There will be no nole prosequi or stet docket.
The Future. Oddly enough, I think you might "win" as to destroying the chat room, although I don't think you understand how temporary that "Great Victory" would be. It's often said that "Bad drives out Good unless Good is very, very good." But that doesn't apply here. Many nice, normal people have fled not because they fear you but merely because they have better things to do than watching a disgustingly ugly AOL chat room. If you succeed at driving them all away, then two things will happen.
First, you'll be stuck with that miserable bunch of people in your little clique. And we've all seen what that means when y'all hid in the SSR for several months. Your room was moribund the vast majority of the day, and came alive only to rant about what y'all saw on the widget. There was almost zero "normal" chat. Without others to verbally assault, your little clique will dissolve over time. That's because y'all are otherwise mind numbingly boring, even in each other's eyes.
And then--and you'll hate this--nice, normal, mature adults will once again return and take over the room. And we'll occasionally point and laugh at our rapidly-fading memories of you and your little clique, as happened with the Mensa Cult, the Clowns, et al.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
I'm guna kick yo ass
Hill Billy Zeek, he can't keep his mouth shut if his life depended on it. See him rant like the wind below.
Zeek says he doesn't make threats in the chat room. Read the comments below and judge for yourself if Zeek is a big liar or not. And notice how Ham eggs Zeek on. And to think some people would stoop so low to consider Zeek a friend. Does anyone consider this class? With a little bit of luck, Zeek will end up where he the slammer.
TheZeekShow: he's gonna look funny laying on the floor when i knock him the fuck out for running his face
Bonnieisback58: poor poor zeeke
BrunetteLady12: ah, on oldie but a goodie thrown into the mix
TheZeekShow: he survived one encounter
TheZeekShow: he wont be as lucky this time
Firehunk4010: no comment here
Bonnieisback58: poor poor zeeke
Bonnieisback58: poor poor zeeke
BrunetteLady12: ah, on oldie but a goodie thrown into the mix
TheZeekShow: he survived one encounter
TheZeekShow: he wont be as lucky this time
Firehunk4010: no comment here
Bonnieisback58: poor poor zeeke
Pantrygal J: stop the bus
Hooters4u51: lolllllll
Hooters4u51: lolllllll
OCbouys: ok .. you want a fool .. that would be Zeeke
Pantrygal J: billie who you going to pop
TheZeekShow: i'm gonna knock OC out
HamOnWryX2: Friday?
TheZeekShow: no shit..i'm gonna fuck him up
Pantrygal J: how comes
TheZeekShow: yeah..
TheZeekShow: no shit..i'm gonna fuck him up
Pantrygal J: how comes
TheZeekShow: yeah..
TheZeekShow: then he can talk all the shit he wants
Bonnieisback58: OC if you go come get me....he is terrified of me
Bonnieisback58: OC if you go come get me....he is terrified of me
OCbouys: cool .. Loafers will be a cop hopping place then
Bonnieisback58: hahahahahaha
TheZeekShow: not for you
TheZeekShow: you will be unconscious
HamOnWryX2: i'm confused I thought it was OC who initially said he would put zeeke down when he saw him
TheZeekShow: he did
Bonnieisback58: he sure has a lot of mouth in a chat room
Pantrygal J: what is this over
TheZeekShow: i told you i shoulda dropped him that night
TheZeekShow: he did
Bonnieisback58: he sure has a lot of mouth in a chat room
Pantrygal J: what is this over
TheZeekShow: i told you i shoulda dropped him that night
TheZeekShow: i knew he was gonna pop in here and talk shit
Dana ta Danish: grown men in a bar brawl..tsk tsk
TheZeekShow: it wont be a brawl..
TheZeekShow: i'm just gonna drop him
TheZeekShow: i told ham i shoulda dropped him that night and ended it
TheZeekShow: it was all GO for me
TheZeekShow: you slimy little shitbag
Credits go to Billy Lewis for the Uglier Marylanders blog.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
"Brunette Does Her McCarthy Impression"

A few days ago, Brunette entered the room and pasted this load of hooey:
"BrunetteLady12: Christopher, it has come to my attention that you and others have made some horribly cruel comments about me and some folks I care about - moreso [sic] than I had realized. Because of this I have decided you are not worth even being civil BrunetteLady12: As far as i am concerned, you no longer exist"
I immediately focused on what she thought *I* had said about *her*, and left for another day what I supposedly said about her friends as well as what the unnamed "others" said about anyone. Despite my repeated requests, Brunette has thus far refused to reveal WTF I ever *allegedly* said about her, except to add that it was "uncalled for" and "vicious."
Well, la te da... me, vicious or cruel to anyone, much less Brunette? Ridiculous, unless you redefine those words to mean "dry, sophisticated, witty insults." So, I initially figured that one of the lying sacks of dooty she has as buddies here told her a bunch of bullcrap, and she swallowed it whole without even the common courtesy of first checking with me.
Later, her phrase "it has come to my attention" began to bug me, until I realized it sounded like a Joseph McCarthy one. For those of you not familiar with him, McCarthy was a U.S. Senator who became famous at the height of the Cold War for accusing people of being commies. One of his fav tactics was to wave around a piece of paper, saying that it contained a list of, say, commies in the State Department. He never, of course, produced the actual lists.
He was eventually censored by the Senate, and the term "McCarthyism" was coined, meaning a combination of demagoguery, baseless defamation, and mudslinging.
His downfall came when serious people began to bash him seriously. The great Edward R. Murrow said, for example, "We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason." And his Senate career came to a virtual halt at the famous Army-McCarthy hearings when the Army's lawyer, Joseph Nye Welch, challenged McCarthy to provide his list of "130 commies in defense plants." When McCarthy tried to deflect him by naming one of Welch's staff as a commie, Welch responded: "Until this moment, Senator, I think I never gauged your cruelty or your recklessness." McCarthy tried again to attack the poor staffer, and Welch interrupted with: "Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?" The gallery erupted in applause and McCarthy's career and reign of terror were over...
So, Brunette, entering a chat room and 'waving a piece of paper' that is *allegedly* filled with "uncalled for," "cruel" and "vicious" things I've *supposedly* said about you--and then refusing to back up your allegations--only shows: (1) the piece of paper was either blank or filled with crap from your friends who lie compulsively, often, badly, and with no remorse; (2) you are nothing more than a Zombie for them; and (3) you, ma'am, lost the sense of decency that you once had...
Friday, August 20, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Zeek's love life
Quick check into "Samantha" aka Sunnysdelighted had me laughing. What better woman could he find?
She has horribly crooked teeth.
Fucked almost every guy in the chat room
She's a good friend of Bill W's now due to severe health issues due to alcoholism. She's suffering from pancreatis in her early 30s. Has had multiple dwis. A good source says she broke her leg falling down a flight of steps completely intoxicated and her daughter was taken from her by the state for awhile.
Lived in a Section 8 apartment in Glen Burnie
Fired from several jobs in a row
A child out of wedlock (imagine that with Zeek)
Almost faced stalking charges for not leaving alone a chatter name Gary.
And best of all, she won't show her face on AOL cause she's one of the most hated AOLers now. Married a well respected chatter for health insurance (she was on welfare) and cheated on him.

She has horribly crooked teeth.
Fucked almost every guy in the chat room
She's a good friend of Bill W's now due to severe health issues due to alcoholism. She's suffering from pancreatis in her early 30s. Has had multiple dwis. A good source says she broke her leg falling down a flight of steps completely intoxicated and her daughter was taken from her by the state for awhile.
Lived in a Section 8 apartment in Glen Burnie
Fired from several jobs in a row
A child out of wedlock (imagine that with Zeek)
Almost faced stalking charges for not leaving alone a chatter name Gary.
And best of all, she won't show her face on AOL cause she's one of the most hated AOLers now. Married a well respected chatter for health insurance (she was on welfare) and cheated on him.

Thursday, August 12, 2010
How to act in public or the wild
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
"Quit Your Whining!"
(Written 8/8/10 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)
Zeeke and the Zombies have recently taken to frequently whining about the lack of people chatting in the room for great stretches of the day. A few examples:
PprmntPatti63: why is no one else talking? DId you steal all the roomies again?
Pantrygal J: where is everyone 04:34
Pantrygal J: i came back and all were gone 04:34
ZeekLuvsU: This room is deader than Bonnies liver 01:18
Sexydollizbak: where did everyone go? 11:49
YOUMAKEMEVOMlT4: if i clicked all the people that wasn't talking thered be 6 people not clicked 04:00
Xxyesmemike entered the room 04:57
Xxyesmemike: well this sucks 05:01
Xxyesmemike left the room 05:01
Baktoogood: wow i woke back up for this 09:29
Well, let me help y'all out with a few suggestions, although it's probably already too late. The first one is, just accept that your tactics have produced results that don't entirely please you. Trying to get rid of everyone except those in your little clique necessarily means long periods of inactivity in the room. There are simply not enough of y'all to have enough chatters to keep things lively all the time (as it was BEFORE y'all started your reign of terror).
I also have a few suggestions in case y'all want to increase room attendance, although I'm sure y'all will consider most of them as blasphemous:
1. Do NOT regularly bolt "50+ room regulars" just for shits and giggles. Some simply don't return. D'oh.
2. Do NOT verbally assault everyone you dislike for hours on end. It's a crashing bore and drives others away, too.
3. Do NOT assume that any Newbie is a sworn enemy in disguise and treat them as such.
4. At least while we're under siege by the bots, have the good graces to quit Camping. Who knows, maybe then someone will enter who actually wants to *chat* with whichever of y'all is actually there.
But as we all know, long-term thinking isn't a Zombie strong point. Nor is there any evidence that y'all are capable of being anything even faintly resembling "nice." So maybe it's just better to KISS it and say, "Quit your frickin' whining!"
Sunday, August 8, 2010
"How Low Can She Go?"

A couple of recent comments by Beth in the chat room:
HamOnWryX2: she apparently has an expectation of dick sucking
Sweetchitty1: HELLO HAM HOW R U DOING?
HamOnWryX2: back up off me, freakazoid
Those quotes--along with Beth's regular F-Bombs--remind me of the time my fiancee bought me a couple of gaudy do-rags, to help keep the sweat off my glasses while I was gardening. Trust me that a do-rag is NOT a good look on me. Picture Willie Nelson with glasses and a bigger nose, but a better haircut.
But the more important point to me was that I'm just not the do-rag type. Jerry on 'Seinfeld' nailed that best when he turned down a threesome with two lovely women. He said that "I'm not an orgy guy. It changes everything... dress different... act different. I'd have to get orgy friends."
For those who don't know Beth well, she is a very educated woman, well-read, and much else usually common to earning the accolade "classy." But F-Bombs, "dick sucking" and "back up off me, freakazoid" are, shall we say, just the opposite. Jerry wisely turned down his opportunity because he didn't want to become something he wasn't. Alas, Beth went in the other direction...
Me? I went to a sporting goods store soon thereafter and bought a bunch of Nike head sweat bands. Functional... pretentious... perfect! I stayed true to myself...
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
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