Friday, August 27, 2010

Where have I heard this story before?


  1. Do you think it will go on a Stet docket?

  2. 12:15
    GuyLikesDark: you are right

    Svapam: i have hep c and i am a drunk

    Bonnieisback58: like it wasnt shocking enough the first time

  3. How in the hell is a 3 year old able to hold a shot gun and fire it?

  4. Bondageangelzme: nope don't need one i am very happoly married noe 26 years

    But here you sit in a romance room having your jolly's and acting no better than someone you are cutting down for same crap you all complain Bonnie does!
    Maybe life is not as wonderful as you say or you would be living it instead of believing everything that your told and acting no better than the rest of the loser's
    Once I thought you had some class my opinion of you now is your no better than the rest of the one's coming into chat room causing trouble.
    Don't like someone click them....don't lower yourself daring!

  5. Bondageangelzme: i have a man that doesn't grink run around or abuse me

    You Just like hanging around a chat room with people that do this??

  6. << But here you sit in a romance room... >>

    Why do people keep saying that it's a "romance" room? Sure, it happens to be in the Romance channel, but it hasn't been "romantic" in the 14 years I've been in it.

    The people who created it were part of a social group in real life of 10,000+ people who merely thought that AOL's message boards and chat rooms were a much better way to communicate than the bulletin board service they had been using.

    I'm not even sure if AOL had channels when the group started using AOL. That was well before my time.


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.