Monday, August 9, 2010

"Quit Your Whining!"

(Written 8/8/10 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

Zeeke and the Zombies have recently taken to frequently whining about the lack of people chatting in the room for great stretches of the day. A few examples:

PprmntPatti63: why is no one else talking? DId you steal all the roomies again?
Pantrygal J: where is everyone 04:34
Pantrygal J: i came back and all were gone 04:34

ZeekLuvsU: This room is deader than Bonnies liver 01:18

Sexydollizbak: where did everyone go? 11:49

YOUMAKEMEVOMlT4: if i clicked all the people that wasn't talking thered be 6 people not clicked 04:00

Xxyesmemike entered the room 04:57
Xxyesmemike: wow room of bots that dont go 05:00
Xxyesmemike: well this sucks 05:01
Xxyesmemike left the room 05:01

Baktoogood: wow i woke back up for this 09:29

Well, let me help y'all out with a few suggestions, although it's probably already too late. The first one is, just accept that your tactics have produced results that don't entirely please you. Trying to get rid of everyone except those in your little clique necessarily means long periods of inactivity in the room. There are simply not enough of y'all to have enough chatters to keep things lively all the time (as it was BEFORE y'all started your reign of terror).

I also have a few suggestions in case y'all want to increase room attendance, although I'm sure y'all will consider most of them as blasphemous:

1. Do NOT regularly bolt "50+ room regulars" just for shits and giggles. Some simply don't return. D'oh.
2. Do NOT verbally assault everyone you dislike for hours on end. It's a crashing bore and drives others away, too.
3. Do NOT assume that any Newbie is a sworn enemy in disguise and treat them as such.
4. At least while we're under siege by the bots, have the good graces to quit Camping. Who knows, maybe then someone will enter who actually wants to *chat* with whichever of y'all is actually there.

But as we all know, long-term thinking isn't a Zombie strong point. Nor is there any evidence that y'all are capable of being anything even faintly resembling "nice." So maybe it's just better to KISS it and say, "Quit your frickin' whining!"


  1. ZeekLuvsU: just think trip.. the last guy who went down on her died

    And two died on Hoser...but who's keeping count!

  2. Shocking Zeek is in room putting yet another one down with her boyfriend and all he get's is woman that pee's on him.

  3. With this world as crazy as it is you hear of this kind of behavior of bullying people do cause's danger...GET REAL PEOPLE!
    Example that could of happen this last weekend:
    It was a known fact Nanci was having a BBQ at her house.....a known flapjack nasty from room....with everyone knowing and passing crap in room and blog's on how to find her house.
    Also people that were going to BBQ like Zeek....the dildo of crap himself.....who has it out daily with Bonnie who is one that has been feeding his BS and been said be losing her mind.
    Let's say Bonnie does! You all so well educated people have advertised what and where you'll be ...with other family member's and friends also there that are not aware of the crap you dumb shits do online...including children!
    So lets say Bonnie did lose it she would know just where to find you all and all together!
    Not saying Bonnie would ,but one day you all will piss off that wrong person and that person could be crazy enough to come after one or many of you.
    Have fun with these game's you play because it will only be a matter of time before that wrong one will come around...this is AOL....and with all the info that is out there will know just where to find you.
    Another point now is many on AOL chat's know of the trouble in the Marylanderover35 chat room and who the player's are.....making it real clear as many of you found out do NOT want it in their room's! Fact that the Delaware room was screwed up from you jerk's and Marylander room on it's way down the room's are getting in contact through word of mouth to kick your asses out!

  4. What is behind the mentality of an online stalker? What makes them follow a person from site to site, harassing them? Why can't they just let the person go, if they are so upset by them? Would you do that?

    What is behind the mentality of an online stalker? What makes them follow a person from site to site, harassing them? Why can't they just let the person go, if they are so upset by them? Would you do that? | Answerbag

  5. Who in the hell ever said the zombies were educated people. Billy never made it through high school. Nanci is taking a few classes at some community college and suddenly becomes educated after losing several jobs for her bullshit. Judy is dumber than a pile of rocks. Sweetsassiefrass sure isn't educated. Cindy lies about being educated after taking a few classes at the local community college. Pikle sure as hell isn't educated. Burned out maybe. Rose..well..duhhhhh. Ronnie..his postings in the room speak for themselves. I am thinking maybe junior high school educated there.

  6. I fogot about Baktoogood. Another one there from Delaware that is dumber than a pile of rocks.

  7. Tinkersbak: ashley is knocked up again

    Look Tinkersbak....which Lynnz calls Hoser Tinker....has a daughter named Ashley too!

  8. Tick Tock Rose Hirst said...
    by Helen Kennedy
    3/29/2010/3:58 PM

    Nine Massachusetts teens were indicted Monday for driving a pretty 15-year-old “new girl” from Ireland to suicide in a case that has become a symbol of high school bullying.

    The sweeping charges – which come after months of complaints that the bullies weren’t being punished – include statutory rape, violation of civil rights with bodily injury, criminal harassment and stalking.

    Phoebe Prince, a new arrival at South Hadley High School from a tiny seaside hamlet in County Clare, was mercilessly tormented by a cadre of classmates later dubbed the “Mean Girls” by Massachusetts newspapers.

    “The investigation revealed relentless activity directed toward Phoebe designed to humiliate her and to make it impossible for her to remain at school,” District Attorney Elizabeth Scheibel said.

    “The bullying, for her, became intolerable.”

    Students said Phoebe was called “Irish slut” and “whore” on Twitter, Craigslist, Facebook and Formspring.

    Her books were routinely knocked out of her hands, items were flung at her, her face was scribbled out of photographs on the school walls, and threatening text messages were sent to her cell phone.

    Scheibel said she had drawn the ire of the “Mean Girls” by briefly dating a popular senior football player in her first freshman weeks at the school. One student later said it felt like the whole school ganged up on her.

    On Jan. 14, Phoebe was harassed and threatened in the school library and in a hallway, Scheibel said. As she walked home, one of the “Mean Girls” drove by and threw a can of Red Bull at her.

    Phoebe walked into her house and hung herself in a stairwell.

    The nastiness didn’t even end there. Her tormentors posted vicious comments on the dead girl’s Facebook memorial page.

    For months, community anger simmered that no punishment had befallen Phoebe’s bullies. Petitions were signed and town hall meetings held.

    Scheibel said her investigators were taking the time to investigate thoroughly, and she slammed “the inexplicable lack of cooperation from Internet service providers, in particular Facebook and Craigslist.”

    Seven of the nine teens indicted were girls charged with a range of crimes, from criminal harassment to stalking to civil rights violations. A juvenile girl was charged with assault by means of a dangerous weapon – the Red Bull can.

    Tuesday, 10 August, 2010


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.