A few days ago, Brunette entered the room and pasted this load of hooey:
"BrunetteLady12: Christopher, it has come to my attention that you and others have made some horribly cruel comments about me and some folks I care about - moreso [sic] than I had realized. Because of this I have decided you are not worth even being civil BrunetteLady12: As far as i am concerned, you no longer exist"
I immediately focused on what she thought *I* had said about *her*, and left for another day what I supposedly said about her friends as well as what the unnamed "others" said about anyone. Despite my repeated requests, Brunette has thus far refused to reveal WTF I ever *allegedly* said about her, except to add that it was "uncalled for" and "vicious."
Well, la te da... me, vicious or cruel to anyone, much less Brunette? Ridiculous, unless you redefine those words to mean "dry, sophisticated, witty insults." So, I initially figured that one of the lying sacks of dooty she has as buddies here told her a bunch of bullcrap, and she swallowed it whole without even the common courtesy of first checking with me.
Later, her phrase "it has come to my attention" began to bug me, until I realized it sounded like a Joseph McCarthy one. For those of you not familiar with him, McCarthy was a U.S. Senator who became famous at the height of the Cold War for accusing people of being commies. One of his fav tactics was to wave around a piece of paper, saying that it contained a list of, say, commies in the State Department. He never, of course, produced the actual lists.
He was eventually censored by the Senate, and the term "McCarthyism" was coined, meaning a combination of demagoguery, baseless defamation, and mudslinging.
His downfall came when serious people began to bash him seriously. The great Edward R. Murrow said, for example, "We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason." And his Senate career came to a virtual halt at the famous Army-McCarthy hearings when the Army's lawyer, Joseph Nye Welch, challenged McCarthy to provide his list of "130 commies in defense plants." When McCarthy tried to deflect him by naming one of Welch's staff as a commie, Welch responded: "Until this moment, Senator, I think I never gauged your cruelty or your recklessness." McCarthy tried again to attack the poor staffer, and Welch interrupted with: "Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?" The gallery erupted in applause and McCarthy's career and reign of terror were over...
So, Brunette, entering a chat room and 'waving a piece of paper' that is *allegedly* filled with "uncalled for," "cruel" and "vicious" things I've *supposedly* said about you--and then refusing to back up your allegations--only shows: (1) the piece of paper was either blank or filled with crap from your friends who lie compulsively, often, badly, and with no remorse; (2) you are nothing more than a Zombie for them; and (3) you, ma'am, lost the sense of decency that you once had...
Very good article, Christopher. I really enjoyed the history lesson. I was in the room when the above quotes were said, I was very surprised as well. The only things I ever saw you say about Bru, was that she was a decent and nice person.
ReplyDeleteMy take of what happened, was that it must had really bothered certain people seeing Bru say hello to you in the room. So, they made up their usual bull crap lies to her about you. It is really sad people have to stoop, that low to get back at people for Lord knows what. They must really have some severe issues they are dealing with. Maybe they should find a way to address their own issues before starting new ones. Professional counseling would be one way of addressing those issues.
I never quite understood how some people that once considered you a friend, could sit back and watch Billy call you every foul name in the book and not make one comment about it. But when someone feeds them a crock of crap without any proof to support it, it becomes a big deal. If people can't prove what they have been told, it usually ends up being a lie. In this case, a lie told to someone.
Sorry, I forgot to sign my name on the above article.
ReplyDeleteYours truly,
If you watch Lois in the chatroom long enough you'll realize she is not very bright. A follower.
ReplyDeleteBrunetteLady12: apparently *I* made the blog
TheZeekShow: wow..
TANGIBLE ROSE: no way lois
Pantrygal J:
Pantrygal J: it was mine a few mintues ago
Baktoogood: pantry ?
Pantrygal J:
Pantrygal J: dear god what lol
TheZeekShow: was it ole faggy ?
TANGIBLE ROSE: for heavens sake
BrunetteLady12: I suppose
Dee Md 9257:
Dee Md 9257: oh god..can you stop saying god
BrunetteLady12: first I've heard of it
ReplyDeleteTheZeekShow: you hyrt his feelings
Pantrygal J:
Pantrygal J: ha ha
karissalaraenl: grrr my cccam aint working here , cum see it here OKShort.com/v5Fi459qo
www.aimchatdirectory.com has the best aim chat rooms with no spam bots
BrunetteLady12: ask me how much I care
RUFFSTUFFROB69: ok i am goin to the museum will post the pics later
TheZeekShow: about as much as I do
RUFFSTUFFROB69 left the room | 01:43
ResLend7 entered the room | 01:43
TANGIBLE ROSE: i want a tuna fish sammich
BrunetteLady12: no doubt
Thanks Red Sky, I appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteYou could well be right about the motives of those who fed her the alleged comments by me.
<< The only things I ever saw you say about Bru, was that she was a decent and nice person. >>
That's about it, except for a minor spat awhile back over zombiedom. And we had a minor dustup or two on the blog. But she was, of course, aware of all of those.
I checked the records I kept about the old blog, and didn't see any other references to her. As to the chat room, I rarely say anything even mildly negative in there about anyone, except to point out a few times a year that Mikey is still a lying, obsessive sack of dooty about my fiancee.
The other thought I had was maybe someone remains convinced that I'm Ugly, and told Brunette something he said about her. But I don't remember Ugly ever bashing her.
Oh well... it'll probably remain one of the many AOL Mysteries...
<< But when someone feeds them a crock of crap without any proof to support it, it becomes a big deal. If people can't prove what they have been told, it usually ends up being a lie. In this case, a lie told to someone. >>
ReplyDeleteYeah, that kind of logical inconsistency never seems to bother them.
<< I never quite understood how some people that once considered you a friend, could sit back and watch Billy call you every foul name in the book and not make one comment about it. >> Red Sky
ReplyDeleteI always appreciate someone covering my six. But I also always tell them that it's not necessary. What Idiots say about me is simply unimportant. And I'd generally rather that the room not be made uglier.
So, I didn't care what Brunette's buddies told her. My only concern was with the relationship I used to have with her. It was apparently more important to me than it was to her.
You know, I used to think Brunette was a nice person too that, had been treated badly by her husband and, children. I always thought her husband took her children away for her and, I really felt sorry for her due to that. I could imagine how it would feel to have your children taken away from you. I also talked to Perky one time around the time that Zeeke was starting on me and, was talking to Perky a few years ago about who I thought were the decent perople in the room and I mention Brunette. Well Perky had responded to me that Brunette was not what she appeared to be. She didnt really go into detail and I didnt ask but, she had never did anything to me (then) so I continued to feel the way i did until, I could slowly see her climbing aboard the wagon full of bullshit! I guess she feels part of the ignorant crows is better than being alone!
ReplyDeleteI think I hit the nail on the head when I wrote "My take of what happened, was that it must had really bothered certain people seeing Bru say hello to you in the room."
ReplyDeleteTheZeekShow: when bonnie and butter are the only ones left who greet you when you enter..IT'S OVER
GuyLikesDark: sigh
GuyLikesDark: that was fun
TheZeekShow: nothing left to do at that point but slither away
The mentality of Zeek and a few others has become a joke and a half. Zeek's statement here proves it bothers him who greets who in the room. Too much! lmao
Zeeke keeps saying that what he is doing is, being siily and the things he says are silly yet, he says he enjoys pissing people off. Now, I have been thinking for a long time that maybe what he hadsaid about me in the beginning was just his way of joking and, that i took it too seriously. But you know, I also feel that when someone says something of a joking nature to someone else and, it is made clear by the persons response to that joke, that they are offended then, the decent thing to do would be to say no more. Especially when they are told what it is they are doing to that person that is of a negative impact.
ReplyDelete<< TheZeekShow: when bonnie and butter are the only ones left who greet you when you enter..IT'S OVER >>
ReplyDeleteIt could be much worse. I could be greeted warmly by Zeeke, Beth, Pikle, Vomit...
Red I am sure your right....these people take things and change words and twist stuff. I have had things I said be turned around and changed. It was shown and proved a few time's and yet instead of coming to you and asking many choose to believe what has been told to them even knowing and seeing this behavior.
ReplyDeleteI personally will get hold of someone if something I have a question about.
Vomit (Ronnie) I have seen right in room change around fact's and cause trouble like the same other's that do this.
I figure if someone does not have enough courage or choose to believe BS than I don't have the time to waste on them.
I have never seen Chris talk ill of Brun.
Zeek takes all this way too far to believe he's just mindfucking. There are some that I think do that. Pikle for instance. He will make little comments here and there, but if you watch him he's also able to carry on a conversation that doesn't involve bashing. And he has a life it appears as he's not online 19 hours a day. Billy on the other hand cannot go more than two minutes without bringing up Bonnie, Chris, or someone. He hardly ever leaves the room. If you ask me he's bitter about something in his life, and is taking it out on people who he thinks are weak. Inadequacy issues I guess you could say.