Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rainbow outside my house


  1. beutiful ugly you take great pictures butter

    1. Probably a trailer park picture of butters

    2. This translates to the Zombies are combing the internet to find this picture

    3. i actually would like to know why theyre posting the address of a unsolved suspicious fire that killed an 80 year old man.

    4. The zombies don't waste time stalking addresses do they?

    5. I've been to Ugly's house. I can vouch he lives really close to that address

    6. << I've been to Ugly's house. I can vouch he lives really close to that address. >>

      You lie. It's pathetic that the Zombies still have no idea where the Uglys live.

  2. Any second now a zombie will claim its a fake picture.

  3. I dont know where they think that they came from a mobile home. First of all we sold the mobile home a year ago and moved. So get your facts straight before you make up such crap. By the way Ugly very nice picture.

  4. Does Chris love to be defamed online or is this the only attention he gets? If he really was an attorney why hasn't he sued Billy for defamation of character? Billy's blog is nothing but a smear of him.

  5. << If he really was an attorney... >>

    Oh, goody... that web site showing my attorney credentials will once again move up to number 1.

    << why hasn't he sued Billy for defamation of character? Billy's blog is nothing but a smear of him. >>

    'cause Zeeke is an insignifcant nobody.

    1. For such an insignificant nobody you sure are obsessed with him.

    2. I think it is the other way around. Billy and Ronnie can't go one waking day without blogging about Christopher. Only a zombie would have the mentality to think Christopher is the one obsessed, when facts prove it is Billy and Ronnie obsessed with Christopher.

    3. << Only a zombie would have the mentality to think Christopher is the one obsessed, when facts prove it is Billy and Ronnie obsessed with Christopher. >>

      Exactly! But then Zombies are immune to facts, logic, etc.

  6. Hey look Ugly's mocking the Gurly Fag now with gay rainows

  7. Ugly, you should write about the new chatroom that the zombies all have been blocked from. 27 old timers were able to have mature chat without juvenile disruptions. The Zombies are going crazy trying to find the location.

    You should also write about Zeeke's claim that you are Sos. First he posted 100 percent proof was a facebook picture on Sos page that he said was a vacation picture the same time you were in Australia. As soon as someone pointed out the picture was a year old, he changed his lie to another picture on the facebook page was the same one you posted here. None of us saw that when he was widely posting the fb page link.

    1. Or an article suggesting the zombies become "One with the Tiger."

    2. Is Billy still stalking the family of the deceased boy?

    3. Doubt that. he got arrested over it.

    4. K2 swallowed Billy's cum

    5. if he were arrested why isnt it on the judiciary site lol

  8. You all need to grow up, both sides. This blog writes about the "Zombies", the oter blog writes about "Gurly Fah". The drama never ends, and it's not just one sided, both sides need to put on their adult pants and get over it. It's AOL people, and people are going to say things you don't like. When you are an adult you shrug and move on. So what they don't like you, I'm sure you will get over it. I am sure I will get a response saying I must be a Zombie because I dared to point out that both sides are wrong, but that's ok. I made my point.

    1. wow wow wow LMAO big deal LMAO so what i suck on the cock wow wow wow

  9. << I made my point. >>

    If you don't believe in it strongly enough to use your name, why should we give a shit?

    1. I would have expected nothing more from you K2. You are one of the biggest offenders.

    2. << I would have expected nothing more from you K2. You are one of the biggest offenders. >>

      Are you done whining yet?

    3. It looks like you are the one whinning. You just keep proving my point Drama Queen. Rather than admit to your part in all the drama, you deflect.

    4. << You just keep proving my point Drama Queen. >>

      And yet you're still too gutless to attach your name to your rants...

    5. Bullshit. K2 hasn't say in chat rooms for ten years declaring great victories with mindfuck games. Billy has. K2 hasn't spent endless hours finding gay pics and putting Billy's head on them . K2 has spent hours googling people then posting what he finds to try to humiliate people. Billy has. K2 hasn't driven to truck stops to take pictures of Bob, called Takomas daughter and harasses the family with a dead child. Billy has. K2 hasn't made up fake screens names to get info on people and blog it. Billy has.

      Obviously 200 people agree he's not the source of the problem since he's allowed in the new chat room and Billy isn't.

    6. Billy is nothing but a vile piece of filth. Karma is going to get him and soon and I hope I am around to see it. Bwahahahahahaha

    7. I never said he was the only problem, I said he participates in the drama and never takes responsibility for his part in the problems.

    8. No rants, just observations. As for you...rants.

    9. "Billy is nothing but a vile piece of filth."

      I can't agree more.

    10. << Bullshit. >>

      Amen, and that was a good list about Zeeke.

  10. K2 is all about the drama

  11. Ugly is so stupid. Everyone knows where you live now.

  12. No, YOU are stupid. There is no 17300 Big Falls Road as if anyone would be that stupid as to post their addy.

  13. lol...durrrrrr...what an idiot 5:57 PM is.

    1. The only stupid idiot I see is Billy. He is always posting crap about Christopher that isn't true. Perhaps Billy is in love with K2. Omg that would be enough to make anyone want to puke to have Billy at all.
      No decent woman would have him in the first place.

    2. << The only stupid idiot I see is Billy. He is always posting crap about Christopher that isn't true. >>

      He has lied frequently, badly, and without remorse for many years.

  14. I love Madagascar cock !!!

  15. I heard Billy lost another tooth. Sorry Billy, Obamacare doesn't cover dentures. HAHAHA


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.