HamOnWryX2: its just sad so much effort is expended on that
HamOnWryX2: I cant really imagine it being that important
Cindy32863: he really needs to get a hobby..go volunteer..something
HamOnWryX2: get out the house....do something
HamOnWryX2: he just needs to get out more...breathe fresh air...expand his little world
HamOnWryX2: get out of the yard
I've thought about this long and hard, and decided that I want to be just like Beth and Cindy! They are, after all, model citizens and darn near perfect!
So, effective immediately, I will start doing as many of the following as possible. This is all new territory for me, so any helpful suggestions by anyone will be greatly appreciated!
1. I will find a job! I'm not sure, however, just how many "work at home" jobs there are in Hagerspatch that allow you to take frequent, long breaks to yammer on AOL.
2. Their "get out of the yard" and "get a hobby" ideas seem to somehow conflict with my prodigious gardening efforts, so I'll quit all of that. Photography apparently doesn't count, either, so I'll drop that, too! Anyone needs lots of world-class photography or gardening equipment?
3. Ballroom dancing doesn't satisfy Beth's strict "breathe fresh air" mantra, so it's gone. Giving up gardening and landscape/flower photography shot in the ass my main fresh air/sunshine activities, so I'll need a replacement. Hmmm... just WTF do THEY do in that regard???
4. I'm a little unclear about the meaning of Beth/Cindy's vague "get out of the house" and "do something" rules. So I'll just follow their leads for now. First up will be going to an AOL Dive on Saturday nights to get "piss drunk." Sounds like fun!
5. My writing efforts obviously upset them, so I'll have to drop all forms of that hobby. So much for all those nice, creative articles, poems, etc., that everyone else loves! It seems that I have to replace those with far more hours each week mindlessly bashing people in the chat room. Uggghh... I'll have to figure out ways to say the same ugly things about people over and over and over for years on end. How do they DO that???
6. Worst of all--but obviously worth the cost--I'll have to dump all of my nice, mature adult friends and acquaintances and replace them with Yum Yums like Zeeke and the Zombies. But hey, then I can learn how to "tear up pussy" and we all know what a critical social skill THAT is!
7. Continuing my education is obviously worthless with Beth and Cindy, so I'll have to tank my plans for Diploma #7. Darn, I was sooooooooo hoping for 10 of them before I die. Maybe Cindy and Beth would accept me formally studying "How To Be a Chat Room Bully" or "Mindfucking." They seem to be VERY impressed by those. Oh... are there diplomas for those???
8. I'll also need to develop some new, vital chat room skills, like cursing, lying, rumor mongering, and just making up shit about people. I've heard that they're covered in depth in Zombie School, so I should be fine.
I know it'll be very hard work, but I aim to be a total Yum Yum a year from now! Wish me luck!
k2 sure is obsessed
ReplyDeleteIt is more like Ham, Cindy, Zeek, Pikle and a few others are the ones obsessed with Christopher. They talk about him all the time in the room even when he isn't around. If that isn't obsessed, nothing is.
ReplyDeleteYou can tell who are the zombies and zombettes and who the intelligent and articulate people are. The Zombie morons have potty mouths and only refer to body parts and functions as well as sexual preferences.
ReplyDeleteWell educated and articulate people speak about lots of different things and use big nice well spelled words, unlike certain people who have been known to use phrases like "deformation of character" and "gurly fag". Catch my drift?
Everyone knows Ham is a miserable rotten person just like Cindy.
ReplyDelete<< k2 sure is obsessed >>
ReplyDelete<< It is more like Ham, Cindy, Zeek, Pikle and a few others are the ones obsessed with Christopher. They talk about him all the time in the room even when he isn't around. >>
I measure it more by the number of ugly comments they initiate about me without a response or any provocation. For Beth that's somewhere between 500 and 1,000 over the last couple of years. As impressive as that appears, it pales in comparison to Zeeke. He's closing in on about 25,000 in the last six years.
When they do tag team rants about me, it can add up to 25 or more in just a few minutes. Very impressive obsession!
<< The Zombie morons have potty mouths and only refer to body parts and functions as well as sexual preferences. >>
ReplyDeleteThat's true mainly of Zeeke and the male Zombies. The female Zombies, not so much.
<< Well educated and articulate people speak about lots of different things and use big nice well spelled words, unlike certain people who have been known to use phrases like "deformation of character" and "gurly fag". >>
ReplyDeleteGenerally true, although "big words" aren't necessary for a "nice" discussion.
Whose blog is this? Ugly or K2's. All entries are from him. I mean I like it cause the entries are funny but come on - Fess up
ReplyDeleteNearly all of my obsessors were ranting at me in the room last night about the two recent articles. I think all of them have repeatedly said, "I don't read the blog. It's stupid." (chuckle, chuckle) The current "out" rationalization seems to be "someone emailed it to me." Yeah, but you still read it, dumbo.
ReplyDeleteBeth was alternating between attacking my sense of humor and defensively trying to explain things away. "I never post personal information" Cindy busied herself mainly with posting some of my personal information. But she also managed to work in a couple of threats to blog, etc., me. (yawn)
So, essentially the same old attacks. I wish they'd come up with something new and thus bloggable. LOL
<< Whose blog is this? Ugly or K2's. All entries are from him. I mean I like it cause the entries are funny but come on - Fess up >>
ReplyDeleteAccording to Beth, Cindy, and Ponie, I don't know enough about computers to run a blog. So it must be Ugly's.
I thought it was my blog! What happened to that fabricated lie?
ReplyDelete<< I thought it was my blog! What happened to that fabricated lie? >> RedSky
ReplyDeleteAs I understand the Gospel According to Zeeke, it's yours on Tuesdays and Fridays, mine on Mondays and Saturdays, and Ugly's on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Sundays are for Random Others.
One thing for sure is everyone reads this blog!
ReplyDeleteCome on Chris don't be stupid. The reason Ponie, Ham, Cindy, and others spend all thier time in a chatroom is because no one would listen to bs like they spew for 2 seconds otherwise.
ReplyDeleteYou can look right at that picture of Cindy and see self-hatred.
ReplyDeleteNice choice of words K2. Yum Yum means blow job which we all know you love to give.
ReplyDeleteChristopher dont you ever dare quit your writing on here. I find a lot of your articles very nice. I happen to like Cindy and am not going to bash her but I do feel that your articles are also fair. I have enjoyed your articles on your family and your frat dinner and alot of things. So keep writing and dont let anyone tell you diffent. I will always be a fan of yours.
ReplyDelete<< Yum Yum means blow job... >>
ReplyDeleteMy dictionary is bigger than your dictionary.
<< Christopher dont you ever dare quit your writing on here. I find a lot of your articles very nice... I have enjoyed your articles on your family and your frat dinner and alot of things. So keep writing and dont let anyone tell you diffent. I will always be a fan of yours. >>
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwww, thanks! That's very kind of you.
<< I happen to like Cindy and am not going to bash her but I do feel that your articles are also fair. >>
ReplyDeleteThanks, I think they're fair in the sense that I have no need to lie and such. I mostly just shine a (dry, witty) light on what people actually say and do.
I do, however, have to have the patience to wait for people to open their mouth to change their feet. Like when Beth (who works indoors all day) derisively tells an avid gardener (me) to "to get out more...breathe fresh air."
I blinked several times at that one wondering whether Beth gave even a moment's thought to what she was typing.
So, I seldom have to wait very long for the changing of the feet.
K2 get real you do the same stuff you whine about
ReplyDelete<< K2 get real you do the same stuff you whine about >>
ReplyDeleteI don't know whether to award that Stupidest Comment of the Week, or the Most Obsessed. Close call...
<< I thought it was my blog! What happened to that fabricated lie? >> RedSky
ReplyDeleteAs I understand the Gospel According to Zeeke, it's yours on Tuesdays and Fridays, mine on Mondays and Saturdays, and Ugly's on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Sundays are for Random Others.
Ok ok now wasn't I accused of doing this blog at one point? So when the hell are my days? I demand equal time (grin). I have also been accused of being a firefighter (Karrie), a fake attorney (Sydney Smith/Meloney Smith) and a dead chick (Moody). So which one am I? These morons confuse me with their idiot drivel...
Zombies aren't the smartest creatures on Earth.
ReplyDeletebiggums is dreamy
ReplyDeleteAnother lie of Cindy is she was an accountant. I've asked her basic accounting questions in the room and she couldn't answer them.
ReplyDeleteBeth was in the chat room all morning breathing fresh air while she bashed roomies. What a two-faced Moron.
ReplyDeletethey can bash away .. i dont sleep with any of them.
ReplyDelete"Beth was alternating between attacking my sense of humor and defensively trying to explain things away."
ReplyDeleteBeth should take a look in the mirror she has absolutely no personality at all. She is as dry as a stale loaf of french bread.
I had to laugh this morning. Billy was in the room whining about the bread he had worked on all morning not rising. He also was talking about the meal he was cooking. Isn't Billy and a few of the Zombies the ones that bash Christopher for gardening? WTF? At least gardening is done OUTDOORS where you can breath fresh air. What a bunch of hypocrite losers.
ReplyDeleteWith all of Chris ridiculous whining about the room really why dose he even come in there ? Is it just to find something on someone so he can try to publically ridicle them ? I mean it's not like anyone but Team toofless talks to him anyways
ReplyDeleteMeant to add he should find a new room
ReplyDeleteHow about all of Billy's whining in the room. Billy is always saying the room should fold up. Why doesn't he just leave. The only people that like him are a group of Zombies. He is ignorant, rude, has a filthy mouth, and makes up lies about people. I guess that doesn't count to people that aren't much better.
ReplyDelete<< Zombies aren't the smartest creatures on Earth. >>
ReplyDeleteThey also walk kinda funny. Oh, and they spew the personal information of former friends to their fellow Zombies.
"dose"? "ridicle"? Listen up shitferbrains, if you're gonna insult someone try to have at least a double digit IQ and a dictionary. Otherwise you end up looking as RIDICULOUS as those that you are trying to RIDICULE. DOES that make it clearer?
ReplyDeleteOH and Chris can say whatever he wants and visit any room he wants. You don't wanna hear about it then plug your ears or quit reading this blog you idiot.
<< Beth was in the chat room all morning breathing fresh air while she bashed roomies. What a two-faced Moron. >>
ReplyDeleteI still chuckle every time I think about a work-at-home type telling a gardener/outdoor photographer to get out and "breathe fresh air." It must be tough for an intelligent, educated woman to be a Zombie.
<< Beth should take a look in the mirror she has absolutely no personality at all. >>
ReplyDeleteShe used to have a very pleasant and interesting one. 'course that was B.Z. (before Zeeke).
<< Isn't Billy and a few of the Zombies the ones that bash Christopher for gardening? WTF? ... What a bunch of hypocrite losers. >>
ReplyDeleteThat be them. It never seems to bother them when Zeeke talks about his gardening efforts. Nor do they attack XAlan, with whom I've had many interesting gardening chats. Heck, we both love lilies. LOL
Intellectual whiplash has never been a barrier to their bashing.
<< With all of Chris ridiculous whining about the room really why dose he even come in there ? Is it just to find something on someone so he can try to publically ridicle them ? I mean it's not like anyone but Team toofless talks to him anyways >> Zeeke
ReplyDeleteLTNS! Nice spelling, grammar, and punctuation, BTW! Really, you *should* have stuck around for that 12th grade English class. That way, you could have at least dressed up your ugly bigotry and other "stoopity" in prettier clothes.
The main reason I go into the room is, of course, to hit on Hot Babes. Like you, I want to "tear up pussy" as often as possible.
I also regularly get a root beer buzz going (sorry, I don't do "piss drunk"), and go there to watch the pretty colors scroll by.
The room can also be a wonderful sedative, especially when you're ranting at Bonnie for the 8,712th time in the past 10 frickin' years. That's always Snoozer City for anyone other than you two.
<< Is it just to find something on someone so he can try to publically ridicle them ? >> Zeeke
ReplyDeleteWhere's my rubber and glue when I need them?
And you provide enough fodder for my writing just by being yourself. I don't need to "find something" about you.
<< Meant to add he should find a new room >> Zeeke
ReplyDeleteRubber... glue. And I was here first! :)~~
Besides, I'm still waiting for you to live up to your constant whining about taking your Zombies and running away.
I doubt, however, that I'd be first in line to slam the door behind you. I know better than to get in front of a stampede.
<< He is ignorant, rude, has a filthy mouth, and makes up lies about people. I guess that doesn't count to people that aren't much better. >>
ReplyDelete(chuckle, chuckle) Well, he says it's all just some game or another to amuse himself. I can understand that. I once had a friend in a psych ward with a similar outlook.
But why any even semi-normal person would be attracted to that is beyond me. Toss in his abysmal judiciary site record, and you get a person who I'd carefully avoid in real life.
<< "dose"? "ridicle"? Listen up shitferbrains, if you're gonna insult someone try to have at least a double digit IQ and a dictionary. >>
ReplyDeleteWhoa, I'm glad *I* have never pissed you off. LOL
<< Chris can say whatever he wants and visit any room he wants. You don't wanna hear about it then plug your ears or quit reading this blog you idiot. >>
Beth once said to Zeeke that "Chris doesn't go away." So, I guess the nearly 25,000 insults he's hurled my way without a response must have been to impress his home base. Or, he's just dumber than a spud...
If k2 would just come out of the closet. He must hate living a lie.
ReplyDelete<< Ok ok now wasn't I accused of doing this blog at one point? So when the hell are my days? I demand equal time (grin). >> Old Roomie
ReplyDeleteI can sell you one of my days. I rarely use them.
<< I have also been accused of being a firefighter (Karrie), a fake attorney (Sydney Smith/Meloney Smith) and a dead chick (Moody). So which one am I? These morons confuse me with their idiot drivel... >>
Back in the day, I once tried to track the various rumors by Idiots about me. I had to drop that project when I found out the then-current version of Excel could only handle 10,000 rows.
Don't little bitty munchkins live in closets Thomas?
ReplyDelete<< If k2 would just come out of the closet. >>
ReplyDeleteGood news for you! It was just announced that there are now 10-step programs for most of the forms of bigotry you regularly spew. You can rid yourself of all that ugly homophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, and misogyny!
I know that means you'll have classes EVERY weekday evening, but don't worry, you'll still be able to get "piss drunk" with your buds on Saturday nights.
But sorry to say, there's still no cure for your "stoopity."
Gurlyfag wants on billys dick
ReplyDeleteK2 has mental issues
ReplyDeleteNow Now this blog makes K2 feel like he matters.
ReplyDeleteNotice the fag isnt denying his cocksucking?
ReplyDelete<< If k2 would just come out of the closet. He must hate living a lie. >>
ReplyDelete<< Gurlyfag wants on billys dick >>
<< Notice the fag isnt denying his cocksucking? >>
You clearly need to reread Zeeke's email, "Zombie Bashing Schedule for K2."
Sundays and Tuesdays are set aside for "making up crap about K2's fiancee, Pamela." Fridays are for "saying that K2 is obsessed with Beth because he wanted to tear up her pussy soooooooo bad but she dumped him." The homophobic rants are ONLY allowed on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
You need to be more careful lest Zeeke kick you out of Zombiehood. You're simply too "stoopit" to deal with Zeeke's "mindfucking" should he direct it at you.
Ur lame k2
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteNow Now this blog makes K2 feel like he matters.
March 20, 2011 7:05 PM
OH.... so does that mean Rose and Billy do thier blog's to make them feel like they Matter too?
K2 you will never be nothing but a cocksucker
ReplyDelete<< Ur lame k2 >>
ReplyDelete<< K2 you will never be nothing but a cocksucker >>
<< K2 lies and says this isn't his blog. What a great loser. >>
<< K2 thinks he matters. >>
I know that your deep jealousy of me drives you to repeatedly reveal your insecurities by posting such drivel. Yes, you're obviously inferior as to IQ, intelligence, education and much else. But that shouldn't really matter to you. Some of my best friends don't match up on objective criteria. They are my good friends because they are good people with great hearts.
But your heart is cold and black, and that profoundly affects what you type. That has often happened to people who join Zeeke in his hate-based world. Just look at, for example, Beth. Anyone who knew her well even a few years ago could not have predicted in their wildest imaginations that she'd now spend hours upon hours bashing people in the room, have someone like Zeeke as her BFF, say intellectually silly things like a gardener needs to get out and "breathe fresh air," and her many other sad changes.
I'm fairly sure I know what caused the changes in Beth. We discussed her background many times at length. But I don't break privacy even once a friendship ends (unlike Beth). But the key for you is that such problems are treatable.
My serious suggestion to you is to print out a bunch of your idiotic ramblings, go to a shrink, explain that you say such things in an AOL chat room for several hours a day, and ask for their professional help. It's not too late... yet.
Get help fag