Thursday, March 24, 2011

"The Top 10 Explanations For NOT Reading the Blog"

(Written 3/23/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

10. "I absorb it off the monitor thru my fingertips."

9. "If I told you, I'd have to beat you up."

8. "I only read the *copies* in the updates Cindy emails me 5 times a day."

7. "The blog comes to me thru divine revelations."

6. "We Zombies really don't read it. We just copy/paste whatever Zeeke sends us."

5. "Beth maintains a copy of the blog on a mirror site. I only read THAT."

4. "I have the IQ of a spud. I don't know whether I read the blog or not."

3. "I just type random ugly and stupid comments about Christopher into the blog. I don't have to read it to do that."

2. "The Swami sends me the blog via thought casting."

And the Number 1 Explanation For NOT Reading the Blog is...

1. "One of my alters reads it to me. I just listen."


  1. All of them read this blog. It's like a vehicle being pulled over. You can't help but look.

  2. K2 lies and says this isn't his blog. What a great loser.

  3. K2 thinks he matters.

  4. LOL ....and Zeek and the zombie's think they matter!
    Note how stupid you sound making remark's like that when Zeek, Cindy, Rose and the rest started this crap and now hate the fact it's all coming around back at them!

  5. This was great. Christopher you should write the top 10 list for David Letterman.

  6. << Ur lame k2 >>
    << K2 you will never be nothing but a cocksucker >>
    << K2 lies and says this isn't his blog. What a great loser. >>
    << K2 thinks he matters. >>

    I know that your deep jealousy of me drives you to repeatedly reveal your insecurities by posting such drivel. Yes, you're obviously inferior as to IQ, intelligence, education and much else. But that shouldn't really matter to you. Some of my best friends don't match up on objective criteria. They are my good friends because they are good people with great hearts.

    But your heart is cold and black, and that profoundly affects what you type. That has often happened to people who join Zeeke in his hate-based world. Just look at, for example, Beth. Anyone who knew her well even a few years ago could not have predicted in their wildest imaginations that she'd now spend hours upon hours bashing people in the room, have someone like Zeeke as her BFF, say intellectually silly things like a gardener needs to get out and "breathe fresh air," and her many other sad changes.

    I'm fairly sure I know what caused the changes in Beth. We discussed her background many times at length. But I don't break privacy even once a friendship ends (unlike Beth). But the key for you is that such problems are treatable.

    My serious suggestion to you is to print out a bunch of your idiotic ramblings, go to a shrink, explain that you say such things in an AOL chat room for several hours a day, and ask for their professional help. It's not too late... yet.

  7. << Note how stupid you sound making remark's like that when Zeek, Cindy, Rose and the rest started this crap and now hate the fact it's all coming around back at them! >>

    I think they hate it only on the deeper levels. On the surface, they love all of the attention.

  8. << This was great. Christopher you should write the top 10 list for David Letterman. >>

    Awwwwwwww, thanks!

    I love Dave's lists, but he has a whole team of pros who do those.

  9. biggums is dreamy!

  10. I remember saying something similar to Zeeke a while back > "My serious suggestion to you is to print out a bunch of your idiotic ramblings, go to a shrink, explain that you say such things in an AOL chat room for several hours a day, and ask for their professional help. It's not too late... yet.".......It's really GREAT advice!

  11. Bonnie I hope you DO NOT REMOVE that video from Utube!
    Cindy if you can do it so can Bonnie...get over it you big fat piece of shit!

  12. This video has been removed because its content violated YouTube's Terms of Service.

  13. So Cindy has spent her day contacting Youtube?

  14. Why you on Billys nuts so bad K2?

  15. This video has been removed because its content violated YouTube's Terms of Service.

    They both were for same reason....Cindy should not WAH WAH when she does it too!HAHAHAHA Cindy YouTube got you too!!!
    Seems Cindy should get her money back where she got her college Education ..or did she go and fail she is so stupid!

  16. Cindy went to college? Oh you mean her fantasy life. Where she was
    A state employee accountantz married to a transit cop. With a nice house in the suburbs and two girls out of a long marriage. And now retired on disability. The reality is shes been to junior college never finished was far from an accountant doesnt even know basic accounting terms. Her husband was far from a cop sprinkler installer. Had an out of wedlock child before her marriage. Guy never paid a dime in support. She lived in a small small house in a low income area that was foreclosed on. Saw her not be able to answer any basic questions on retirement so dont believe that one either. Seen her say she is looking for a job a few times in the room too.

  17. Cindy's life is not a life.

  18. You know if you people would just learn to take care of your ownselves instead of worrying about everyone elses life. This world would be a much better place.
    Grow up People.

  19. I don't worry about anyone until they start worrying about me. All Zeek, Beth, Rose, Cindy and a few others do is worry about everyone else. If their life was as good as they claim, I would think they wouldn't have enough time to worry about everyone else.

  20. Please whose life is good when they spend it in front of a computer ? It's obvious none of them have freinds but in a chatroom.

  21. Rose needs to concentrate on that big camel toe of hers.

  22. Bonnie is so in lo ve with b illy

  23. Me, Me and more MeMarch 28, 2011 at 7:39 AM

    "lo ve"?
    What the hell is a "lo ve"? Listen up bunky shortpants, try typing with two hands this time, it helps.
    Rose's huge cameltoe? Ugh I don't even want to think about that nasty thought.
    Billy Zeeke has nuts?
    And fatass Cindy is living a lie. You really should quit coming over here in 3rd person and defending yourself lardass. Rose taught you well didn't she, she is the queen of third party replies. She lies too. When she was bragging about John showing her that letter from Moody and she said she tore it up? BIG FAT LIE! John was FURIOUS at her, but would she admit that? Oh hell no. Why do you think she got divorced so damn quick?
    So go ahead Cindy, it's better to tell the truth but since you wouldn't know the truth if they shoved it up the wet spot in the flour you were rolled in, I guess it doesn't matter.
    GAWD you're a bunch of morons.
    Keep kicking their piss drunk asses Chris!

  24. << It's really GREAT advice! >> Bonnie

    Thanks, but I really wanted to say that it IS too late. I try to remain positive even when it's hopeless.

  25. << If their life was as good as they claim, I would think they wouldn't have enough time to worry about everyone else. >>

    I guess they believe bashing people in a chat room for several hours a day and getting "piss drun" on weekends IS an integral part of a "good" life.

  26. << Please whose life is good when they spend it in front of a computer ? >>

    There's nothing inherently wrong with spending time in front of a computer. Beth, for example, does it a lot for her work.

    And I spend a couple of hours a day at it just reading the news and doing research. Which reminds me... FYI... I just found out that AOL limits the number of Favorite Places to 2,500. I have a LOT of favs for gardening stuff. LOL

  27. << GAWD you're a bunch of morons. Keep kicking their piss drunk asses Chris! >>

    Thanks, although I think of it all as wit, not ass kicking.

  28. ppl fighting over a chat room. It`s like 12 years olds. SMH

  29. K2 has no life but this blog.

  30. << K2 has no life but this blog. >>

    Rubber... glue... << yawn >>


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.