(Written 6/3/11 by PrancerTheSwami for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)
Since the split of the room, Zeeke and the Zombies have been jonesing bad for The Swami. The Swami has gotten used to being the main focal point of Zeeke and the Zombies, but their behavior since the room split has The Swami a bit worried. The Swami has just never understood addicts and their behaviors.
Take Zeeke... please. HA HA Anyway... Zeeke's behavior has been typical. Well, typical of any addict deprived of their fix. Having impulsively chosen to create a new room out of an unjustified fear of getting bolted, he didn't realize that he could no longer call The Swami "cocksuckingfagjewbitch" 25 times a day in the old room. And his incessant whining in his new room about The Swami has obviously left him still "in need" of a Swami-bashing fix.
So, Zeeke's taken two large steps to get some relief. He's writing articles on his blog about The Swami at a feverish pace. He even felt such a strong need for a Swami Fix that he added 34 comments to one of his articles in a span of just three minutes. The Swami respectfully suggests that just posting "Swami, PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE give me some attention!!!!" would've worked as well and saved him many keystrokes.
Zeeke's second step was to send a flurry of Zombies into the regular room to let The Swami know just how very special he is. But desperation breeds stupidity, as in sending a gal who says she's a middle-aged corporate executive who's happily married, financially set, blah blah blah, into the room 100 times a day to beg people to come to his room. That's just pathetic. Seriously! And Zeeke's cowardice certainly doesn't justify pointing a stream of Zombie Drive-byers at us who have nothing more creative to say than, ":::sounds Brain Fog Horn:::." Lordy... Zeeke apparently doesn't have anyone else in his room with, say, a triple-digit IQ??? C'mon, wake Beth up for a few minutes from the semi-coma she's been in since siding with you, and have her write something with a minor spark of wit.
The Swami, in all honesty, must admit to missing Zeeke a bit. His forefinger, however, is grateful for no longer having to point at the monitor 132 times a day while The Swami mutters, "You're an Idiot!" The Swami's forefinger says that Zeeke's current pace of blogging about The Swami causes a sustainable pace of finger-pointing.
Oh, and The Swami appreciates the subtle humor of Zeeke in one article claiming he created his new room to "allow the free flow of thoughts and ideas without some cranky ole hypercritical gurlyman censoring our chat" while noting in the very next article his policy on bolting people from his room he doesn't like just for shits & giggles. That "free flow" somehow got lost during the 26 hours between articles. (chuckle, chuckle) The Swami has always been fascinated by such random musings of the lower life forms.
Billy is in love with you
ReplyDeleteWhy do you care of K2 can kill a room. Jelous?
ReplyDeleteMan get an escort already K2.
ReplyDeleteI think you have lost your mind. Are you really going to insinuate that old roomies come back to the room just to spy on you? You being K2, Prancer or Ugly, you decide who you are today. (eyeroll) I guess when Bonnie or Pam sneak into the new room its just all in good fun. You really have issues that need to be addressed.You point out things about others, but what about you talking in the room about how you keep/kept FILES on people from the Internet? Does that seem normal to you? I think you being in the old room with the other crazy people is just where you need to be, with people who are just as messed up as you. In conclusion, I have posted and pointed out things to you in the past, which you declined to post to your blog, lol. Let it be seen or not, we both know what I said and we both know its true.
ReplyDeleteI can visualize Billy typing up a storm now on his blog. ::chuckle::
K2 do you spit on Mike, Guy, Auto and Bonnie for camping like you did the regular roomies?
ReplyDeleteIn regards to a few of the posts above, I don't think you people can think with rational thoughts.
ReplyDeleteNanci said in the love fest room that she had another screen name parked in the Md room to spy. I guess that clears up that statement. And are you trying to say the people in Zeeke's room are normal? Get real, those people have more issues than I have tissues.
And I believe there is a big difference between parking in a room with a few people in it, and parking in a room that is full not allowing others to get in. But, I'm sure you crazy people have an explanation for that as well.
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. ....
Um, 2:35, you are off your rocker. Last time this happened there was the widget and Zeeke and his zombies were glued to it, costly talking about what others were saying in the MD room. Both sides do this. Files on people in the room? I'm not so sure that's so harmful when you consider Chris is a senior citizen. Now what is not normal is someone like Cindy hunting down information like a blood hound. Does anyone remember she didn't like that Boo kicked her out of the room for cussing, so she spent hours coming back under fake names to drop a curse word at her. Hardly the actions of a mature sane adult. Then when she got bored with that, she imed everyone to death till she found out Boo's real name, then looked her up on MD court cases and found out she had a stalker. Didn't stop there, she CONTACTED the stalker and gave him information that Boo was leading a chatroom.
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHA "FREE FLOW OF THOUGHT" that is Zeekes way for the members in his chat room huh?? Is this the FREE FLOW her means ....
ReplyDeleteYOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: pantrieeeee
Pantrygal J: i am bored to death
OnlineHost: TeenOfAmazon has entered the room.
Pantrygal J: i should be cleaning my bedroom
YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: ive been working all afternoon in here
OnlineHost: TeenOfAmazon has left the room.
Pantrygal J: i did paperwork and then started on a badge
Pantrygal J: which i shouldnt had
Pantrygal J: i have more important thingies to do
YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: i gotta pick her up at 330
Pantrygal J: from where
Pantrygal J: how far is it
Pantrygal J: iyd 3:13 now
Pantrygal J: ok
Pantrygal J: its
Pantrygal J: let her wait lol
Pantrygal J: or walk home
Pantrygal J: walk will do her good
or maybe this .................
OnlineHost: *** You are in "Romance - Maryland Love Fest". ***
OnlineHost: See what's hot on AIM!
YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: the toofless blowjob , did it
ButterflyBeMe54: no you didn't gil
I Felony55 I: highly recommented VOMIT.... remember that
I Felony55 I: recommended*
I Felony55 I: so did everyone have a good week?
I Felony55 I: sorry it wasn't better.... i guess
OnlineHost: Azacmon has entered the room.
ButterflyBeMe54: hi Erica xoxo
Azacmon: debbbbbbbbbb
I Felony55 I: hey Azac :)
Azacmon: hi felony
I Felony55 I: kinda slow in here
Nope I dont think so! His FREE FLOW OF THOUGHT....is seeing people downgrade, insult, offend and, harass someone else.....when he is not doing it himself.......He loves drama.....most drama queens do!!
HE should watch soap operas!!
why is bonnie caring what is said in the other room? hiding under fake names must suck
ReplyDeleteZEek cant go five minutes without bringing up bonnie the gurly fag spam etc
ReplyDeleteCindy is greeting something
ReplyDeleteThe gurly fag sits in an empty room why ?
ReplyDeleteYou all are handing rose her ass man
ReplyDelete<< K2 KNOWS HOW TO KILL A ROOM >>
ReplyDeleteTalk to Zeeke about that. He's the one who threw a hissy fit and created his own room, with the Zombies in lockstep behind him. He projected his own tactic of bolting room regulars onto me. His and their loss...
<< I think you have lost your mind. >>
ReplyDeleteI think you're a coward who's just too chicken shit to post under your own SN. Your statements are an ugly mix of lies, half-truths, and off-the-wall crap. Your opinions are without merit and generally just plain stupid. You're just another Idiot...
Nevertheless, you and the other Zombies will always be welcome in the regular room so long as I hold the bolt. Unlike Zeeke, I don't bolt room regulars, so Ponie's old myth of "anyone is welcome" is actually true with me. Well, except roaming idiots like Biggums, bots, etc. I essentially agree with Beth's standards as room owner.
However, in the very unlikely event that the room is almost full, Zeeke and the Zombies who are camping will be the first to go (and will be immediately allowed back in, as Beth did with all regulars she had to bolt to make room for others who wanted to chat).
<< I have posted and pointed out things to you in the past, which you declined to post to your blog, lol >>
If you want to post any comments or articles here, that's between you and Ugly. I have zero desire to see your drivel, but it's up to him.
<< we both know what I said and we both know its true. >>
You lie frequently, badly, and without remorse. Why would anyone believe any of your words about anything?
<< K2 do you spit on Mike, Guy, Auto and Bonnie for camping like you did the regular roomies? >>
ReplyDelete<< hocking an enormous loogie in the general direction of the cowardly Idiot >>
Feel better now?
<< And I believe there is a big difference between parking in a room with a few people in it, and parking in a room that is full not allowing others to get in. >>
Old roomie from 1998
ReplyDeleteChris has not lost his mind, the person that posted that has no mind. Back in the day, the room consisted mainly of professional people, something I'm most certain you are not.
Files were kept, such as they are in business networking. (I don't have time to explain that so you can understand right now).
Regardless of what you type, Christopher is a very decent man. Anyone would be lying if they said Billy was the same. Oh that is right, you never see it when Billy calls people he doesn't like every vile name in the book.It's your lame excuse for turning your head at ignorance, and I don't buy it.
Personally, I for one could care less what a zombie has to say about anyone. They are the biggest hypocrites on the planet and they belong together in some chat room that a racist pig created.
<< Files on people in the room? I'm not so sure that's so harmful when you consider Chris is a senior citizen. >>
ReplyDeleteHey now!!! I resemble that remark!
But seriously, back in the day like many others I kept a PowerTools Address Book. It was really just a computer version of the one most people keep near their phone, except it had a blank field for notes.
Keep in mind that back then I met in real life about *500* AOLers. And very few of them had pics until later. At my first function, I met about 40 of them for the first time. At my second, almost 100. It may be that each of you can keep that kind of data in your head. I couldn't then, and certainly can't now. So, after functions I'd take a few minutes to fill in the data while it was still fresh in my mind.
I also added to it as I got to know people better later. For Beth, for example, that included her birth date, kids' names, when we met, and other personal notes. It was essentially the same information anyone keeps about their friends.
<< hiding under fake names must suck >>
ReplyDeletePosted anonymously, of course... << snicker, snicker >>
<< The gurly fag sits in an empty room why ? >>
ReplyDeleteYou're having a pretty slow weekend, huh? Why don't you try what Beth and Cindy suggested to me... get outside, inhale some fresh air, and bask in the nice sunshine.
'course, that was pretty stupid coming from people with pasty white complexions from sitting in front of their computers all day addressed to an avid gardener/outdoor photographer.
But from me to just another cowardly Idiot, it's fine advice. If you run low on worthwhile stuff to do, I could use some help this week with spreading a couple yards of mulch, planting new annuals and shrubs, taking a bunch of pictures, yada yada.
<< Regardless of what you type, Christopher is a very decent man. >> OldRoomie
ReplyDeleteThanks, dear!
I'm sure Zeeke's keen near-photographic memory holds all of that information about me that he regularly spews into the chat room, including my full real name, addresses, phone number, judiciary record, relationship history, yada yada.
And he also stores in that huge brain the entire history of everything he and Bonnie have ever said to each other, along with every word said by everyone he despises, the lists of everyone he has ever bolted, and all the other minutia he regularly swears to God is 100% accurate.
Or, maybe... he just makes up shit as he goes. Don't know. Don't care...
<< Back in the day, the room consisted mainly of professional people >>
ReplyDeleteI joined the room in the fall of 1996, just before AOL went to the flat monthly rate. Until then, the almost $3 per hour charge restricted entry somewhat. (And meant NO CAMPERS! LOL)
There was an overabundance of computer geeks of various types, a bunch of nurses (who mostly came into the room right after work to chill down), several self-employed folks, and an assortment of corporate executives.
At Christmas, 1997 AOL sent out a bazillion CDs and half the kids in the known universe got their first computer. So we were swarmed with kids. Along with them came adults of every label.
Either condy ot rose was in montrose
ReplyDeleteThey have to post anonymously, Christopher. Zeeke has stated that no one reads this blog. He also repeats over and over that this blog messed up Bru's computer big time. And that the blog has trackers, and viruses, and anything he can think of to keep people from reading it.
ReplyDeleteGod forbid they do something Zeeke doesn't approve of.
<< God forbid they do something Zeeke doesn't approve of. >> RedSky
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm sure that's Zombie Rule #1. Hmmm... I could make an article about that.
K2 get a friend seriously dude
ReplyDeleteMust suck to be lonely k2. Get a cat man
ReplyDeleteWhen is GF going to give up and admit no one likes him ? Must be lonely talking to Bonnie and other marginel retards all day.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all I would like to say that I happen to like Christopher and that he is a very wonderful writer and person. But what I dont like is how Bonnie is posting in this comment thing here right now as free flow. First of all nothing was being said about her and yet she stalks the other room. As long as she is not being mentioned why does she even care what is being said? Thats my thought on that.
ReplyDelete"Marginel retards?" Looks like the full blown retard needs to go back to school on the short bus and retake spelling.
ReplyDelete<< Must be lonely talking to Bonnie and other marginel retards all day. >>
ReplyDeleteMy personal purgatory would be to be stuck in a chat room filled with just Idiots like Zeeke, Vomit, Pikle, et al.
<< First of all I would like to say that I happen to like Christopher and that he is a very wonderful writer and person. >>
ReplyDeleteThanks, I appreciate that.
K2 give it up. No one likes you.
ReplyDeleteAll I have to say is that I am happy I don't have to watch a grown woman trying to act like a barbie doll and doing a pony tail swoosh anymore.
ReplyDeletePull out the butt plug Faggy
ReplyDeleteI think its really...........POOR POOR ALAN !
ReplyDeleteI wasnt at the computer but, when I did get back to it, this is what I see.............
OnlineHost: Xalan39o3x has entered the room.
Xalan39o3x: poor bonnie
OnlineHost: Geolein has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Geolein has left the room.
Xalan39o3x: poor poor bonnie
OnlineHost: DiaBru3 has entered the room.
Xalan39o3x: bahahahah haha hahahahaha
DiaBru3: That's real nice Alan feel better?
Xalan39o3x: i do :-)
Xalan39o3x: i feel Great!!!!
DiaBru3: Practice does help
Xalan39o3x: im sorry u dont like happy people
DiaBru3: I love happy people
DiaBru3: You'll get it right sooner or later
Xalan39o3x: BAHHAHBBAHahahahhAHAHhahahAHAhhaHa
Xalan39o3x: poor bonnie
Xalan39o3x: never gets to laugh anymore.............BAHA HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA
OnlineHost: Xalan39o3x has left the room.
Now I have seen him before pop in here and say the same crap......but I never have said anything to him...I let him get it out of his system and be the asinine idiot that Perky married....HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.
Alan must be bored with Perky.