Saturday, June 11, 2011

How's the new look?

We at Ugly Marylanders decided a new look was needed. Let us know your thoughts.


  1. Love the new look.

  2. Do we really have to look at that ugly c*nt?

  3. LIke the new new look. wonderful just wonderful

  4. You may want to put Lexi up there instead
    can we say busted

  5. OMG take the Rosiepoop picture off. How on earth can that woman say she's hot?

  6. I'm sitting here cracking up over the blog owners pictures.

  7. That was the picture that ended Rose's big dream of being hot to people who had never seen her.

  8. This was taking during a domestic violence case
    Impersonating someone's ID is a no no

  9. The counter has increased 200 in one hour bet zeeke blog dosent ecen get that in a week

  10. 7:33 thats why the onle men she gets are broke ass losers like rob

  11. Ok I give up, why am I busted THIS time?

  12. Lexie everyone knows you are the nurse who is being sued because Cindy's arm broke the cuflet when you were assessing her for her genital cleansing. The horror poor Cindy must have felt when that thing went flying into that old woman who was gettjng her depends changed. She is too embarrassed to come back now and Rose is the only one who will help her clean herself cause of you!

  13. We know you are aaforpantry Lexie.

  14. Omg ewwwww shes fugly

  15. LOL 9:24. Overspace confided in me that he stopped seeing Cindy due to a female hygiene issue.

  16. SMPinkrose: wb Deb
    SMPinkrose: wb Deb... you need duct tape lol
    ButterflyBeMe54: no Shirley I am just a little pissed right now I
    SMPinkrose: oh ok
    Azacmon: ride is here
    ButterflyBeMe54: The ones who you think are your friends are nothing but 2 faced
    SMPinkrose: bye {{{Azac}}}}
    ButterflyBeMe54: all I can say I trust no one on here anymore
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: like you
    HamOnWryX2: again?
    SMPinkrose: Deb usually that way
    HamOnWryX2: what happened?
    ButterflyBeMe54: nope not me
    Azacmon: bbl...its girls night out
    ButterflyBeMe54: I dont want to talk about it Ham better left alone
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: wasn't you being nice to us and plotting with bonnie
    ButterflyBeMe54: hi Old
    SMPinkrose: you have to pick friends very carefully
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: oh that's right you've CHANGED
    HamOnWryX2: huh
    Rooster36MX: People from a chat room couldn't mean that much to me to piss me off
    ButterflyBeMe54: Look Ronnie tha'ts the past if you want to live in the past go right ahead
    HamOnWryX2: thanks roos
    ButterflyBeMe54: I dont care ok?
    ButterflyBeMe54: yeah Bonnie will blog a story out of this one that's for sure lol
    HamOnWryX2: but but  how would she get it?
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: bonnie bonnie bonnie
    ButterflyBeMe54: KNowing her anything is possible but she wont be getting it from me
    ButterflyBeMe54: tha'ts for damn sure even though I got blamed for sending stuff to her which I didn't do
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: suuuuure
    ButterflyBeMe54: Ronnie I dont give a flying rats ass if you believe me or nto
    ButterflyBeMe54: *Not
    ButterflyBeMe54: I know I am telling the truth
    ButterflyBeMe54: I can't stand heri
    ButterflyBeMe54: let her hepc eat her up for all I care
    ButterflyBeMe54: is that plain enough for you?
    Dee Md 9257: Kevin is in the other room ?
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: im not buying it
    ButterflyBeMe54: well I dont care if you buy it or not
    Dee Md 9257: yeah actually
    ButterflyBeMe54: I dont talk to the bitch
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: youre trying too hard
    ButterflyBeMe54: No IM just tired of having to prove myself to people and Im not doing it anymore.

  17. If you All know that I am aaforpantry, then you ALL are nuts.

  18. BTW Cindy has been hiding in the Maryland room under a made up screen name. Is there anyone out there surprised?

  19. I've seen this setup before. It was 1970 and I was very buzzed at a Stones concert. Far out, man...

  20. << BTW Cindy has been hiding in the Maryland room under a made up screen name. >>

    I seriously doubt that, for a couple of reasons. Cindy has felt free to come and go many times, so there's no need for her to "hide." All room regulars are welcome (unlike in Zeeke's room).

    As to "made up" screen names, my policy has been clear. I bolt bots and SNs created just to harass room regulars. If there's a SN I don't recognize and I'm not certain it's a bot, I ask them if they're real. If they respond, fine; if not, I assume they're a bot and bolt them.

    Lastly, I haven't noticed any SNs I don't recognize just hanging out for any length of time.

  21. Cindy has stinky pussy? Noooooo

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. my god people think ham is good looking >> You need glass`s>

  24. Yes he told me he tried one time to go down on her and nearly puked with the smell.

  25. Over 1000 hits since this time yesterday.

  26. 5:32 ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  27. I like everything but the ugly picture of Hoser you have on it!!
    Kind gives to the name of blog though I guess.

  28. So you mean if her underwear is anything to go by, she does not so much suffer from constipation, and rejoices her grace in her drawers?

  29. Everyone knows Butter is almost retarded Bonnie

  30. 7:35 have you told Cindy thAt?

  31. In other words, K2 is begging ANYONE to come to his room. When is he going to admit no one likes him other than marginal retards ?

  32. Some of the so called "marginal retards" have much better jobs, and houses than the 12 year old immature name callers.

  33. K2 is not begging anyone to come into his room.......but they do come in anyway.......... especially Xalanx...........

    Xalan39o3x: poor bonnie

    You know, I was wondering......could they be thinkong that everytime I am not in this room that, I am in their roon under another screen name? I am sure they probably do hahahahaha..

    Couldnt be that I was MAKING A PHONE CALL


  34. GirlyFag: It's generally important to have a mastery of the English language equivalent to at least that of a five-year-old before going around calling other people 'stupid.'

  35. This Blog is the Bomb!

  36. 4:09 many live at home Lois, Zeeke, Lynnzy.
    Perky's the only one I can think of who owns a home. Rose can't keep a job and lives all over. Cindy's on section 9, Beth lives off of Neal.

  37. << In other words, K2 is begging ANYONE to come to his room. When is he going to admit no one likes him other than marginal retards ? >>

    You have me confused with Perky and the other Zombies who were tasked by the Zombie Master with spamming the Over 35 room with invites to your room, sending out email invites, IM invites, and gawdonlyknowswhatelse.

    BTW, that's not a very nice thing to say about the Zombies although it's nice to know that they all adore me.

    In other words... you're an Idiot!

  38. << GirlyFag: It's generally important to have a mastery of the English language equivalent to at least that of a five-year-old before going around calling other people 'stupid.' >>

    It's unfortunate that Ugly deleted your earlier pathetic effort to imitate me before you had a chance to reference it. Now you just look... well... yeah, STUPID.

  39. K2 you aint smart dude.

  40. K2 has a smelly vagina to

  41. Serious questipn chris why do you stay around aol when you know no one likes you? Wouldnt yoir time be better spent in a gardening club?


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.