(Written 10/30/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers Blog)
<< Shut the fuck up. You are nothing but a shit starter... Cut you garbage out and grow the fuck up. >> Patti, and "sincerely," too
Wow, look at Patti cussing up a storm and acting all self-righteous.
The cold, hard reality, dear, is that I haven't been in your room since it was created FIVE months ago, yet it is STILL deteriorating rapidly. That's NOT because of anything I write here; after all, nearly every one of you has loudly proclaimed that, "I never read the blogs!" It is, simply, because so many people have hated the way y'all behave in your room and so have left it in droves. Y'all have continued to bolt nice people you don't happen to like (e.g., Eyore and Jazzy), verbally assault anyone new who enters, and otherwise continue to do the same old nasty things.
Although I blame Zeeke and the other bullies for most of the damage to the overall group in the last couple of years, surely YOU and the others in there who USED to be nice have to also accept a fair amount of the blame. After all, y'all stood idly by while your buddies Zeeke, Vomit, Ollie, Eminence, etc., ruthlessly assaulted people, Zeeke regularly bolted 50+ people for giggles, and much else.
And eventually many of you formerly-nice people actually joined in with the ugliness in the room. For example, last I saw, Beth was being almost as nasty as Zeeke, and always nice Brunette was assaulting ME.
Basically, y'all gave Zeeke critical credibility and support, neither of which someone with his disgusting judiciary record and awful history in the room deserved. Had y'all NOT done so, Zeeke, Vomit, Ollie, Eminence, etc., would've just faded away like all the other verbal bullies who preceded him, or continued to be marginalized.
So, when your room does finally die, Patti, if you want to know why, just look into a mirror.
And yes, of course, my room is also in its death throes. I believe both rooms are now doomed because they are well below critical mass.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
"Free Poor, Poor Perky!"
(Written 10/28/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)

I have no idea what poor, poor Perky did to incur Zeeke's wrath and get sentenced to solitary confinement (with just random bots for company) in a room I dumped several days ago.
Perhaps she told him the (gasp)*truth* about something? Or asked him about all the crimes in his family? Hard to say, really...
Perky may now be just another Zombie Drama Queen, but she was once very nice and interesting. So, I think three days of confinement is ENOUGH, and Zeeke should set her FREE!!!
I've never understood Zeeke's obsession with rooms his "enemies" have left behind. It seems to resemble paps looking in Lindsay Lohan's trash cans for used tampons or something else newsworthy. Strange...

I have no idea what poor, poor Perky did to incur Zeeke's wrath and get sentenced to solitary confinement (with just random bots for company) in a room I dumped several days ago.
Perhaps she told him the (gasp)
Perky may now be just another Zombie Drama Queen, but she was once very nice and interesting. So, I think three days of confinement is ENOUGH, and Zeeke should set her FREE!!!
I've never understood Zeeke's obsession with rooms his "enemies" have left behind. It seems to resemble paps looking in Lindsay Lohan's trash cans for used tampons or something else newsworthy. Strange...
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
"The Zeeke Family Crime Spree"
(Written 10/24/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders blog)
Zeeke and several of his family members have been endangering the lives and property of Maryland people for many years. It's a remarkable gene pool, it seems.
A List of the Crimes
Following is a list of the ones (excluding minor traffic violations) that I could readily find, for which he/she pled, or was found, guilty:
1. Burglary, 2nd degree (a felony; of *5* businesses; bail of $50,000... YES, $50K), which led to a *15*-year jail sentence, 5 years of probation, and much else.
2. Three... count them... THREE DUI's. (Two went to probation before judgment, and the other cost two nights in jail.)
3. Credit card theft (sentenced to time served of 45 days).
4. "Negligently driving a vehicle in a careless and imprudent manner endangering property, life, and person."
5. Recipient of a temporary protective order for "domestic violence."
6. Possession of marijuana. (probation before judgment)
7. "Minor in possession of alcohol."
Two other cases were placed on the Stet docket:
1. Firearms-Access by Minor.
2. Possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.
Charges that were dropped by the State
Sometimes a good indication of the nature and extent of a crime is by the charges the State dropped in exchange for a guilty plea. Here, those included:
1. Theft, over $500
2. Theft, under $500
3. Malicious destruction of property, under $500
4. "Unlawful taking of a motor vehicle"
5. 4th degree burglary/tools (i.e., he was a pro)
6. Negligent driving
7. Three other possession of marijuana/paraphernalia charges
Bench Warrants and Hearings for Violation of Probation
Two indicators of either gross stupidity or just not giving a shit are bench warrants and hearings for violation of probation. Here, there were three or four of each. Thumbing your nose at the judge or the system in NEVER a good idea. That may also explain the three separate tickets for not even bothering to carry a license or registration with them. Lordy... that's dumb.
The Costs to the Zeeke Family
How much has all of this cost Zeeke and his family, dollar-wise? I have no idea how much they've paid out in attorney's fees, although I'm sure they've been very substantial. But the fines and court costs have run almost $3,000 with about $1,200 of it suspended. Then there's the $9,000+ restitution ordered for the burglaries. Add in doctor, etc., fees for court-ordered counseling. And lastly, whatever the costs were to Zeeke's mom for handling that $50,000 bail.
Jail Time and Probation
How much jail time has been involved? Hard to say... a few days here and there for the DUIs, 45 days for the credit card theft, and supposedly at least 18 months for the burglary.
There was hard probation time of FIVE years for the burglary. And the three cases put on probation before judgment were probably for the normal one year. The conditions for those are unknown.
A Potential Catastrophe Avoided
Although the burglary conviction was clearly the most serious one, the most dangerous incident was potentially one of the DUI's. Picture this: a young woman is drunk, at night, blasting along I-70 and Rt. 32 near Columbia at... hold your breath... 111 mph. Yes... read that again... ONE HUNDRED and ELEVEN mph. Holy shit, Batman!
A Lindsay Lohan Type Quote
The best quote I saw was by the burglar guy, from his MySpace blog. He was facing a revocation of probation hearing that could lead to a LONG time in the slammer. Why? Because he hadn't completed his Anger Management Classes in a timely manner. How did he react? Well, OF COURSE, he got ANGRY and ranted about how it's everyone ELSE's fault. "(My probation officer) could have told me hey you need to fix this."
He had only taken 14 of the necessary 22 classes. I think the real problem was he had skipped a LOT of math classes (following Uncle Billy's lead), and simply couldn't count higher than 14. << chuckle, chuckle >>
A Few Observations
1. What's it like asking your grandmother to arrange a $50,000 bail bond?
2. Let's have a Fill in the Blank Contest: "The family that gets piss drunk together then drives at 111 mph _________."
3. What DO they put in their water glasses at the family dinners?
4. WTF is with half of them getting caught without their driver's license and/or registration cards??? Seriously, folks... you just put your car keys on top of your wallet and...
5. Probation before judgment and a small fine for flying drunk at *111* mph?!?!?! That's IT???
6. People STILL smoke weed??? That's sooooooooo 1970's.
7. What kind of car does Zeeke's brother drive? I want to totally avoid being around him and it on the mean streets of Hagerspatch.
Zeeke and several of his family members have been endangering the lives and property of Maryland people for many years. It's a remarkable gene pool, it seems.
A List of the Crimes
Following is a list of the ones (excluding minor traffic violations) that I could readily find, for which he/she pled, or was found, guilty:
1. Burglary, 2nd degree (a felony; of *5* businesses; bail of $50,000... YES, $50K), which led to a *15*-year jail sentence, 5 years of probation, and much else.
2. Three... count them... THREE DUI's. (Two went to probation before judgment, and the other cost two nights in jail.)
3. Credit card theft (sentenced to time served of 45 days).
4. "Negligently driving a vehicle in a careless and imprudent manner endangering property, life, and person."
5. Recipient of a temporary protective order for "domestic violence."
6. Possession of marijuana. (probation before judgment)
7. "Minor in possession of alcohol."
Two other cases were placed on the Stet docket:
1. Firearms-Access by Minor.
2. Possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.
Charges that were dropped by the State
Sometimes a good indication of the nature and extent of a crime is by the charges the State dropped in exchange for a guilty plea. Here, those included:
1. Theft, over $500
2. Theft, under $500
3. Malicious destruction of property, under $500
4. "Unlawful taking of a motor vehicle"
5. 4th degree burglary/tools (i.e., he was a pro)
6. Negligent driving
7. Three other possession of marijuana/paraphernalia charges
Bench Warrants and Hearings for Violation of Probation
Two indicators of either gross stupidity or just not giving a shit are bench warrants and hearings for violation of probation. Here, there were three or four of each. Thumbing your nose at the judge or the system in NEVER a good idea. That may also explain the three separate tickets for not even bothering to carry a license or registration with them. Lordy... that's dumb.
The Costs to the Zeeke Family
How much has all of this cost Zeeke and his family, dollar-wise? I have no idea how much they've paid out in attorney's fees, although I'm sure they've been very substantial. But the fines and court costs have run almost $3,000 with about $1,200 of it suspended. Then there's the $9,000+ restitution ordered for the burglaries. Add in doctor, etc., fees for court-ordered counseling. And lastly, whatever the costs were to Zeeke's mom for handling that $50,000 bail.
Jail Time and Probation
How much jail time has been involved? Hard to say... a few days here and there for the DUIs, 45 days for the credit card theft, and supposedly at least 18 months for the burglary.
There was hard probation time of FIVE years for the burglary. And the three cases put on probation before judgment were probably for the normal one year. The conditions for those are unknown.
A Potential Catastrophe Avoided
Although the burglary conviction was clearly the most serious one, the most dangerous incident was potentially one of the DUI's. Picture this: a young woman is drunk, at night, blasting along I-70 and Rt. 32 near Columbia at... hold your breath... 111 mph. Yes... read that again... ONE HUNDRED and ELEVEN mph. Holy shit, Batman!
A Lindsay Lohan Type Quote
The best quote I saw was by the burglar guy, from his MySpace blog. He was facing a revocation of probation hearing that could lead to a LONG time in the slammer. Why? Because he hadn't completed his Anger Management Classes in a timely manner. How did he react? Well, OF COURSE, he got ANGRY and ranted about how it's everyone ELSE's fault. "(My probation officer) could have told me hey you need to fix this."
He had only taken 14 of the necessary 22 classes. I think the real problem was he had skipped a LOT of math classes (following Uncle Billy's lead), and simply couldn't count higher than 14. << chuckle, chuckle >>
A Few Observations
1. What's it like asking your grandmother to arrange a $50,000 bail bond?
2. Let's have a Fill in the Blank Contest: "The family that gets piss drunk together then drives at 111 mph _________."
3. What DO they put in their water glasses at the family dinners?
4. WTF is with half of them getting caught without their driver's license and/or registration cards??? Seriously, folks... you just put your car keys on top of your wallet and...
5. Probation before judgment and a small fine for flying drunk at *111* mph?!?!?! That's IT???
6. People STILL smoke weed??? That's sooooooooo 1970's.
7. What kind of car does Zeeke's brother drive? I want to totally avoid being around him and it on the mean streets of Hagerspatch.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Our Condolences
The Ugly's would like to extend our sympathy for the recent passing of Zeek's mother. Death is never an easy thing, especially maternal/paternal deaths.
Sincerely, Rocco and Monie.
Sincerely, Rocco and Monie.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Ugly in Paradise
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
"A New Milestone in Obsession"
(Written 10/4/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
I'm always proud as a peacock when people obsess over little ol' ME. So I just had to announce that Bonnie and Pam have soared well past all prior levels of obsession over me with their... ta da... *30th* rant about me on Bonnie's blog. Well, that's as I write this. By the time Ugly posts this, I'm sure they'll be up to at least 35.
And that only goes back to September 20th, so they're clocking along at TWO per day!
A few observations:
1. Sources within Zombie World tell me that Zeeke is deeply miffed because Pam and Bonnie have virtually stopped obsessing over about him, noting that barely 10% of their rants lately have featured HIM.
2. Their fav topic is how obsessed *I* am with *them*. << cough, cough >> FYI, this is just my fourth article about them. So I could write *25* more articles about them and *still* not be caught up.
3. Whenever I read one of Bonnie's novellas about me, I'm reminded of what columnist George Will once said about George Bush, Sr.: "Tracing a Bush thought back from its manifestation in speech to its origin in his thinking is like seeking the source of the Blue Nile... Bush skitters like a waterbug on the surface of things, strewing fragments of thoughts..."
4. Pam's rants could serve as a poster child for the genesis of that old saying from James Schlesinger, "Everyone is entitled to his own views. No one is entitled to his own facts." She just makes up "facts" on the fly, and then ignores citations to authoritative sources. Strangely, she thinks that then changing her characterization of a "fact" to "just her opinion" somehow makes it more valid. It doesn't.
5. While Bonnie's rants generally at least have *some* structure to them, Pam's rarely do. They mostly remind me of my brother's incoherent ramblings after his 12th beer.
6. Oh... and, of course, each of them has sworn multiple times that they will never EVER rant about me AGAIN. I just consider those to be fair warning that their inevitable next rant will be, as the Greaseman used to say, a "massive gassive."
I'm always proud as a peacock when people obsess over little ol' ME. So I just had to announce that Bonnie and Pam have soared well past all prior levels of obsession over me with their... ta da... *30th* rant about me on Bonnie's blog. Well, that's as I write this. By the time Ugly posts this, I'm sure they'll be up to at least 35.
And that only goes back to September 20th, so they're clocking along at TWO per day!
A few observations:
1. Sources within Zombie World tell me that Zeeke is deeply miffed because Pam and Bonnie have virtually stopped obsessing over about him, noting that barely 10% of their rants lately have featured HIM.
2. Their fav topic is how obsessed *I* am with *them*. << cough, cough >> FYI, this is just my fourth article about them. So I could write *25* more articles about them and *still* not be caught up.
3. Whenever I read one of Bonnie's novellas about me, I'm reminded of what columnist George Will once said about George Bush, Sr.: "Tracing a Bush thought back from its manifestation in speech to its origin in his thinking is like seeking the source of the Blue Nile... Bush skitters like a waterbug on the surface of things, strewing fragments of thoughts..."
4. Pam's rants could serve as a poster child for the genesis of that old saying from James Schlesinger, "Everyone is entitled to his own views. No one is entitled to his own facts." She just makes up "facts" on the fly, and then ignores citations to authoritative sources. Strangely, she thinks that then changing her characterization of a "fact" to "just her opinion" somehow makes it more valid. It doesn't.
5. While Bonnie's rants generally at least have *some* structure to them, Pam's rarely do. They mostly remind me of my brother's incoherent ramblings after his 12th beer.
6. Oh... and, of course, each of them has sworn multiple times that they will never EVER rant about me AGAIN. I just consider those to be fair warning that their inevitable next rant will be, as the Greaseman used to say, a "massive gassive."
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