I have no idea what poor, poor Perky did to incur Zeeke's wrath and get sentenced to solitary confinement (with just random bots for company) in a room I dumped several days ago.
Perhaps she told him the (gasp)
Perky may now be just another Zombie Drama Queen, but she was once very nice and interesting. So, I think three days of confinement is ENOUGH, and Zeeke should set her FREE!!!
I've never understood Zeeke's obsession with rooms his "enemies" have left behind. It seems to resemble paps looking in Lindsay Lohan's trash cans for used tampons or something else newsworthy. Strange...
You are seriously whacked dude.
ReplyDeletek2 doesnt have any readers on his other blog.
ReplyDeleteYour old room was reset by AOL and taken over by a bot. You didn't dump it.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather sit in a room with all bots, than a room with 3 girly fags.
ReplyDeleteCongrats old faggy your on the same level as bonnie now. The chat laughingstock.
ReplyDeletePerky's used to being left out in the cold. Her kids all but ran away from her and her husband is out fucking other women all the time. (What kind of woman marries someone who insists on living in separate places?)
ReplyDeletePerky is one of the biggest Drama Queens on the internet next to Billy.
ReplyDeleteShe probably isn't bright enough to realize how stupid she looks.
ReplyDeleteDoes this show the mentality of an Idiot or what?
Who said they can't come back in "their" old chat room? Mikey stopped by. I'm not like K2, I don't feel insecure and have to bolt people when I'm alone in there...afraid of losing it. Anyone who wants to come in..can !!
ReplyDeleteAs far as being a drama queen, I believe K2 has that title.
:) In short...anyone who would like to come into "their" old room .. is welcome. note..I will bolt people who don't chat though.
<< Your old room was reset by AOL and taken over by a bot. You didn't dump it. >> Idiot
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to "just making up shit," you're pretty awful at it.
<< I'd rather sit in a room with all bots, than a room with 3 girly fags. >>
ReplyDeleteI'd rather sit in a room with 3 hungry tigers than a room with all Zombies.
<< Congrats old faggy your on the same level as bonnie now. The chat laughingstock. >> Zeeke
ReplyDeleteAnd you're the leader of the biggest crime syndicate on AOL. What's on the family agenda this weekend... more burglary? Another car theft? Getting "piss drunk" and driving around at 111 mph again?
ReplyDelete<< chuckle, chuckle >>
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ. K2 you're losing it.
ReplyDelete<< Anyone who wants to come in..can !! >> Perky
ReplyDeleteSorry, dear, but it's now infested with Perky Cooties.
And I couldn't help but notice that you never said WHY you took over--and have since squatted in--a room that I dumped four days ago.
<< Jesus Christ. K2 you're losing it. >> Gary somebodyoranother
ReplyDeleteYou shouldn't get so upset with a blog that you take His name in vain. tsk tsk
I DO applaud you posting under a real name. I have no idea, however, who you are.
I for one, don't want to go sit in a chat room and stare at Perky. I wouldn't want to hang around her in public, much less sit in a deserted chat room with her. She tries too hard to be accepted.
ReplyDeleteK2 has a small winky.
ReplyDeleteThe one and only Scuba!
ReplyDeleteSuch an angry chap.
ReplyDeleteYou're constipated and don't know how to have fun Chris.
ReplyDeleteLaughing @ Perky, Billy and Nanci sitting in chat rooms guarding them.
ReplyDeleteCome on K2, run to the bars and get pissed drunk like the rest of the Rednecks and have some fun. snort
ReplyDelete"Free Perky" reminds me of "Free Willy" they both are similar that they are both whales I guess.
ReplyDelete"pissed drunk" someone flunked English.
ReplyDeletePatti you have zero class, so who are you to judge someone?
ReplyDelete"pissed drunk" is a quote from Billy. And yes, he never completed school.
ReplyDeletePatti has more class in her asshole than you have in your entire body.
ReplyDeleteClass in an ass hole? Obviously, you have no idea what class is.
ReplyDeleteBTW ass hole is two words.
The love fest room is dying...dying.
ReplyDeleteK2 is like Tom. Always being outsmarted by Jerry (Zeeke)
ReplyDeletePatti drives a forklift. She is part woman part man. Get real folks.
ReplyDeleteZeeke isn't smart enough to make his blog interesting enough to get comments, except for his own. ;-)
ReplyDeleteMaddy is correcting spelling? Oh funny.
ReplyDeleteIf no one has noticed, none of the Maryland Chatrooms are hopping with chat. They are all dying.
ReplyDeleteIs K2 the spokesmodel for the Uglier Marylanders blog? Not only does he have an ugly personality, his photo is a perfect example of an "Uglier Marylander"
ReplyDeleteHey K2, would you say this to our faces ?
ReplyDeleteI don't see where K2 said anything. He wrote a funny article and responded to a bunch of ugly comments. Get rid of the hate you angry people.
ReplyDeleteK2 has delusions of adaquacy
ReplyDeleteAnd a man that uses the screen name gurlyfag doesn't?
ReplyDeleteOINK !!
ReplyDelete<< You're constipated and don't know how to have fun Chris. >> Patti
ReplyDeleteAs noted on the other article, I've had the opposite problem since 1970. And you know as much about my "fun" as you do about my bowel movements.
<< The one and only Scuba! >> Gary
ReplyDeleteThe Second Best Whiner on AOL! I bow in your presence.
So, how's the watch? Why are you slumming on a blog?
<< Come on K2, run to the bars and get pissed drunk like the rest of the Rednecks and have some fun. snort >>
ReplyDeleteSounds great, except that for me that would be a IBC root beer buzz.
<< "Free Perky" reminds me of "Free Willy" >>
ReplyDeleteI took it from the "Free Huey!" (Newton) movement of the late 60's.
K2 your address is online.
ReplyDelete<< The love fest room is dying...dying. >>
ReplyDelete<< none of the Maryland Chatrooms are hopping with chat. They are all dying. >>
Yep, both statements are accurate. Thanks to Zeeke and the Zombies...
<< his photo is a perfect example of an "Uglier Marylander" >>
ReplyDeleteYep, we're all tall, dark, thin, and handsome. I happen to have drop-dead gorgeous killer blue eyes. I think Ugly's are hazel, but I'm colorblind.
<< Hey K2, would you say this to our faces ? >> Zeeke
ReplyDeleteOf course. I've been walking up to bullies and saying exactly the same things since I was about 15. Most just stand there dribbling spit down their chins, having no clue what to say.
<< K2 has delusions of adaquacy >> GurlyFag AKA Ollie
ReplyDeleteGee, Ollie, I should be honored that you obsessively STOLE a bunch of pics of me and then devoted an entire blog to little old me. But anyone who takes matters THAT far always concerns me.
Maybe you should switch your obsession to Auto. He lives MUCH closer.
There is no doubt that the zombies are riled up again. It doesn't take much to accomplish this. I glanced at the new blog that someone made up about Christopher to get back at him. I am sure the owner of that blog is reading this blog nonstop, so with that said I have one question to ask you.
ReplyDeleteWho are you referring to as the biggest whore in chat?
Where do you want to meet K2?
ReplyDeleteInstead of hiding behind an anonymous screen name and making threats. I would think the BRAVE thing to do would be to at least sign your name like Christopher does.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: If all of the rooms are dying because of zeek and the zombies, then why is K2's room dying? K2 has the bolt and can control who is in there, so why isn't that room booming? No presence of Zeek or Zombies there.
ReplyDeleteK2, whoever has led you to believe that you are handsome has done you an injustice. You look like a bad wax replica of Mister Rogers.
ReplyDeleteWhy doesn't Chris put his picture up on this blog then? Everyone knows he runs this blog but lies about it.
ReplyDeleteHis picture is beside every comment he makes. Grab a bag before you look.
ReplyDeleteYou can tell from pictures that K2 has a small wank
ReplyDeleteYou know K2s sits at his monitor all day long thinking of replies to posts. Only attention he ever gets is here.
ReplyDeletezeeks room is full of fat ugly people perky fits right in lmao
ReplyDelete<< Why doesn't Chris put his picture up on this blog then? >>
ReplyDelete<< His picture is beside every comment he makes. Grab a bag before you look. >>
And there are several on my AOL profile.
<< There is no doubt that the zombies are riled up again. It doesn't take much to accomplish this. >>
ReplyDeleteCorrect. I could have Ugly put up an empty article with just my usual intro and they'd be off to the races.
<< I am sure the owner of that blog... >>
That would be Ollie. For some reason, he included his address in Florida on his profile or the blog (I forget which).
<< Where do you want to meet K2? >>
ReplyDeleteOh, looky, a Zombie looking to beat me up! How about in front of the main desk at the Hagerspatch police station?
<< Instead of hiding behind an anonymous screen name and making threats. I would think the BRAVE thing to do would be to at least sign your name like Christopher does. >>
ReplyDeleteYou'd think... but, no, they're all too chicken-shit to do even that.
<< Question: If all of the rooms are dying because of zeek and the zombies, then why is K2's room dying? >>
ReplyDeleteThe group has been below critical mass since the last big split. It's decline and eventual death has been inevitable since then, no matter how the group is split.
<< K2, whoever has led you to believe that you are handsome has done you an injustice. You look like a bad wax replica of Mister Rogers. >>
ReplyDeleteFacetious remarks generally zoom right over the heads of Zombies, which is one reason I enjoy using them.
And thanks, I think Mr. Rogers is quite stud muffin looking.
<< You know K2s sits at his monitor all day long thinking of replies to posts. >>
ReplyDeleteThat's kinda like calling someone defensive for responding to your idiocy. You think it's clever. We know it's just stupid.
Mister Rogers gives K2 a boner !!
ReplyDeleteK2 has no comments on his blog. Priceless!!!
ReplyDelete<< Mister Rogers gives K2 a boner !! >>
ReplyDeleteDry, sophisticated wit is just totally lost on you, isn't it?
This is far from how normal 64 year old men act. This is how disturbed 64 year old men act.
ReplyDeleteK2 gets boners from preteen males
ReplyDeletePeople seem awfully obsessed about Christopher's man parts.
ReplyDeleteDisturbed men act like Billy and Thomas.
ReplyDeleteBilly didn't go to a normal high school. He went to an alternative high.
ReplyDelete<< People seem awfully obsessed about Christopher's man parts. >>
ReplyDelete<< chuckle, chuckle >> Yeah, they alternate between calling ME gay, and being way too interested in my man parts.
<< Billy didn't go to a normal high school. He went to an alternative high. >>
ReplyDeleteI think he went to Frederick High School.
<< K2 has no comments on his blog. Priceless!!! >>
ReplyDeleteSo, you're blind as well as stupid. Fascinating...
Whomever is posting as "Patti" please stop. I don't assume to know or post others thoughts/opinions and no one should be posting their opinions as mine. Let me be clear, I did not post those comments on this blog. I appreciate those that defended against the attacks on me that those comments generated :) Oh...and I don't drive forklifts - I sell them.
ReplyDeleteAmen Patti.
ReplyDeleteZombies do low things on this blog Patti.
ReplyDeleteRose has a loose vagina and Cindy doesnt wash hers
ReplyDeleteK2 did rose but couldnt get Ham
ReplyDeleteOink !!
ReplyDeleteK2 does females? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteI can't believe someone didn't get Ham unless they just didn't want her.
ReplyDeleteWow !! K2 is in his room all alone. Poor, Poor K2 !!
ReplyDeleteFree Poor, Poor Faggy!!!! I bet K2 is shitting himself...no back up BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
ReplyDeletebattle over fonts and words my god. what does it prove. bad words between few poeple like this is going to hurt boohoo. yall are only 20 some fonts on aol big deal. who see`s it 20 some fonts not like its posted in the sunpaper or new york times. wow i am going to cry because you called me a name . if you want to do something that matters meet in person. beat the crap out of it other then you are doing something lmao KIDS THATS ALL YALL ARE
ReplyDeleteI hope the police are making K2 keep the porch light on tonight!
ReplyDelete<< Wow !! K2 is in his room all alone. Poor, Poor K2 !! >>
ReplyDelete<< Free Poor, Poor Faggy!!!! I bet K2 is shitting himself...no back up >>
Wait for it... << chuckle, chuckle >>
<< K2 does females? hahahahahahahahah >>
ReplyDeleteYou screwed up AGAIN. *Thursdays* and *Saturdays* are "K2 is gay" days. Today is "Pamela is fictional" day. Wednesdays are "Pamela is ugly" day. And so on... geesh, check your Zombie Calendars.
<< I can't believe someone didn't get Ham unless they just didn't want her. >>
ReplyDeleteA gentleman can be desirous of a lady while respectful of her marital status.
why she doesnt respect her status or if a man is married hell she has fucked many
ReplyDeletePerky is just a drama queen so she fits right in with the other drama queens like Cindy, Beth, Billy, etc.
ReplyDelete#100!!! Yay!
ReplyDelete<< why she doesnt respect her status or if a man is married hell she has fucked many >>
ReplyDeleteThat's just a popular rumor. Back in the day, she was always a lady around me, and I was always a gentleman.
This blog is where it's at.
ReplyDeleteyah thats why she was banging neil while he was married with kids and lets not forget the many men she has cheated on with neil including the current one
ReplyDeleteI'm very pleased that my campaign to "FREE Perky!" has succeeded!!! Perky has been recently FREED of the dastardly clutches of Zeeke's paranoia and is now off doing noonecareswhat.
ReplyDeleteYay us!
And Zeeke, of course, filled the void himself and is now perched in THREE separate rooms due to his obsession of hanging onto rooms his "enemies" have left behind.
Zeeke's a tard.