(Written 12/15/10 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)
Zeeke's family and his one friend staged an intervention after Thanksgiving dinner because of their concerns for... well, themselves. This intrepid reporter was given a recording of the event by an anonymous source ["Bean Spiller" Beth].
Zeeke's Mom: Billy, there are a few things we've gathered together here to discuss with you. We love you, but we're deeply concerned with some parts of your life.
Zeeke's Brother: Why the fuck did some AOL woman mail ME a package with a frickin' liver inside of it??? WTF is WRONG WITH YOU!!!
Z's Mom: Now, now, we agreed to remain calm.
Z's Mom: Billy, one of our concerns is that people from AOL are coming after US because of their hatred for YOU. Who is this Bonnie person?
Zeeke: She's just another "AOL Victim" who can't take a joke. She's seriously nuts.
Z's Brother: Joke??? You've been verbally abusing her for almost 10 years, according to Christopher, and...
Zeeke: Christopher? You know ChristopherK2???
Z's Mom: Yes, we had lunch last week. He seems like a very nice man, very smart, and quite the gentleman. Nice teeth, too.
Zeeke: That ##$%& is a @#$&* faggy jooboy.
Z's Uncle Abraham: I beg your pardon!
Zeeke: Oh, sorry Uncle Abe, I forgot you were here.
Z's Mom: Where'd you learn THAT language!!! And who is that man who called me looking for you?
Zeeke: He's just another AOL Loser with a criminal record of nine felonies, mostly for beating up people and firearms violations. He's spent several years in prison and...
[Note: Zeeke's Mom faints. As Beth is helping to revive her, the discussion continues.]
Z's Brother: Now LOOK what YOU have done to Mom! We both know that I can beat your ASS, and trust me, I will unless...
Z's Mom: Stop it, boys. I'll be okay in a few minutes. Billy, we've been watching you on the widget for a few weeks and...
Zeeke: The widget?!?!?!
Z's Mom: Yes, that nice Christopher gave us the... what's it called... the link. It seems that every thing he has said about you is true.
Zeeke: If I ever see that @#@$#$%, I'm gonna...
Z's BFF Beth: Oh, stop that, Billy. Everyone knows that you're harmless and just full of hot air.
Z's Brother: I was amazed at how much time you spend talking in that chat room, at least five hours a day. What happened with your job?
Zeeke: Due to the tough economy, I was cut back to part-time about 18 months ago. I only work from 9 p.m. to midnight three nights a week.
Z's Mom: So, you didn't really need all that money I've given you because you knocked up a couple of girls?
Z's Brother: Mom!!! Watch your language!
Z's Mom: Oh, sorry, one too many eggnogs...
Z's Brother: And why haven't you gotten another job? I bet you could've found a good one IF you didn't spend so much time on AOL!
Zeeke: Bite me, "not so big" brother!
[Note: A brief fight ensues, Carlton pounds Billy to a bloody pulp, and Billy's tied to a chair and gagged.]
Zeeke's BFF Beth: Listen to me carefully, BillyBOY. You're killing my rep in the room. If you don't straighten up and soon, you ain't touching THIS ever again. I can always go back to Prancer, ya'know. And HE can dance, instead of whatever it is you do that looks like a headless frickin' chicken on uppers!
Z's Brother: And IF I or anyone else in the family gets another body part in the jail or another phone call from an AOLer, trust me, YOU will be VERY sorry "little" brother.
Z's Mom: Billy, really, we all love you and want what's best for you in life. But you're putting all of us in danger with your stupid AOL crap. You NEED to quit all that ugliness on AOL. Try being NICE instead, like Christopher. AND you NEED to get a REAL job. IF you don't do those by the end of the year, I *will* cut off your money.
[Zeeke's family and Beth then turn and leave in a huff. But they forgot one thing...]
Zeeke: mmmmmmmmmffffffff...
Note: This article is purely fictional, and any resemblance between names used herein and real people is purely intentional... errr... coincidental.