Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"The Top 10 Reasons Neil Keeps Beth Around"

(Written 1/29/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
10. Neil thinks she's great "arm candy" for all of those stupid work-related social functions.
 9. Neil's life hasn't been the same since they installed that Stripper Pole in the bedroom.    
 8. Beth can explain those annoying Bevis & Butthead references.
 7. Neil doesn't have to sweat providing her a social life on weekends.
 6. She loves doing that one thing that ALL guys love having done to them... scratching his back.  (Get your mind out of the gutter!)
 5. Beth has a doctorate in ordering home delivery of meals. 
 4. She lets him win at Strip Monopoly. 
 3. Beth knows all of the good porn sites.
 2. Her "Impress the In-Laws" persona is very effective.
And the Number 1 Reason Neil Keeps Beth Around is...
 1. She had him at, "I love to dress up as a Slutty French Maid!"

Thursday, January 26, 2012

"Poor, Poor Vomit"

"Poor, Poor Vomit"
(Written 1/25/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
Poor, Poor Vomit has been having a rough time lately.  He's had to hit the Refresh icon 100 times a day to make his blog appear to be popular.  But the only people who even bother to comment on his inane babble there are TX Deputy (reposting his ugly crap from this blog) and Zeeke (in repayment for Vomit being the *only* one to comment on Zeeke's blog).
Then all of a sudden Vomit *thought* he lucked out a couple of weeks ago when he got the bolt for Maryland's Dumbest room.  He was in his glory for, oh, about 45 minutes.  Then it, too, started to slowly unravel.  Beth threw a hissy fit when Vomit wouldn't give her the bolt back, and has since been seen there only a few times a day.  Several of the other Lady Zombies saw little or no reason to stay around without Beth, so Pantry, PonieTail, and Bitch have also cut way back.  With few women in sight, hangers-on like Aint, Trikin, Bak, and Eminence have been slowly melting away.
So, despite the initial begging-induced spurt in attendance, their room has deteriorated under Vomit's stewardship to an average of barely *8* SNs.  And with smaller size comes higher volatility.  My room, for example, runs from one to the high single digits.  The Stupidest Room has reached as high as 15 under Vomit.  But today it also reached a new nadir of just TWO: Vomit and Zeeke.  TWO at almost 10 a.m. on a weekday???  Seriously? 
And as you can see in the screen shot below, karma dictated that my room was also going thru a major surge with *7* nice people chatting pleasantly.

And the future isn't promising.  I mean, who wants to stay in a room with just Zeeke and Vomit???  Darn few apparently.  As I write this almost five hours later, only Pantry has been brave enough to join them.
Karma's a Bitch.  Poor, Poor Vomit... 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hot guys and rim jobs

I must admit. I am in complete shock. Did Rose really make an asinine claim that she can find nice looking men with money. Really Rose? The proof isn't in the pudding cupcake.

Is this mutt face wearing one of Rose's shirts? 
 Hunky and just where is that hand at and why?   

Some real lookers with money Cupcake.
(Send me any pictures of those below to add to Christopher)

Mutt who moved in with his Mommy in Mass and ripped women off to survive.
EP is a real looker with a street address in one of the lowest income areas around.
Thomas M lives in a poverty stricken house in Dundalk and sources say he has no teeth. 
Rose lived with Jeff K at his Mommy's house and sources say he looks like an Ape Man.
John took her to a trailer park and they couldn't even afford to fix broken windows and sources say he looks like an alien on crack.

Maybe it's her rim jobs that get her these "lookers" and let her live at their Mommy's house. And what the hell is 2 grade grammer? Well not to be surprised from rock brain.

 But what do you expect when you look like a dead ringer for an ugly serial killer. This is a recent picture of Rose folks! Nope she's still not hot. (Funny how the only person who ever says Rose is hot is Rose herself) 

Look at that forehead crease, that blotchy skin, those deep bags under her eyes so much they are almost covering her eyes, that thin hair the crows feet. And those yellow fucked up teeth.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"God's on Facebook? Uh oh..."

(Written 1/17/12 by PrancerTheSwami for the Uglier MDers blog)
At first The Swami could see no good coming from The Almighty being on Facebook.  The Swami is paranoid enough without Him watching even there.

So The Swami proceeded very carefully to investigate the extent of God's presence on Facebook.  Maybe it's just one of His afterthoughts and He doesn't follow it closely?

The main "public figure" profile for God isn't all that impressive.  :::: pausing for possible lightning bolt strike ::::  Well... ooooooookay.  It only has a bit over one million "likes," so maybe He quickly moved onto other things after constructing it? 

But it does answer one question I've always had about God... does he have a sense of humor?  Yeah, yeah... He created dachshunds.  But verbally, I've always wondered.  On the profile for His Location, it says "Everywhere" and for His Email Address, it says "Just Pray!"  Good stuff that...

His second "local business" profile is a bit strange.  As "likes," He includes Starbucks, Kobe Bryant, and Lady Gaga.  Well, ooooooookay.  A bit pricey/gag/tacky in MY book.

God also has an "app" on Facebook: "God Wants You to Know."  It promises daily messages to bring you "love... strength... (and) happiness."  Well, blah blah blah.  The Swami had sensed that app was bogus anyway because it asked for "permission" to access my Facebook information.  Wouldn't He already know that stuff?

So, The Swami decided to submit several questions directly to The Almighty on His "public figure" profile.  The results were interesting:

The Swami: Your profile only has 1,164,643 "likes" and only 552 people "like" your main pic.  Are you disappointed with those results?
God:  I'm omnipotent, but this Facebook software is the pits.  I'm having a huge problem with 'spreading the word' so far.  I've filed some complaints, but they're very slow to respond.
The Swami: Maybe you could send them a burning bush or two?
God:  <<snort>>  I've been thinking more like a nice plague.
The Swami: Plagues seem a bit harsh.  The Swami could give you some ideas for good curses, like fleas.
God: Kewl beans, hit me up by email.  Thanks...

The Swami: You're on Twitter at 'OurHolyLord.'  Whose idea was that name?
God: Don't get me started on 'consultants' <spit>. The best ones are tied up with political candidates until late this year.  So I'll change it after that.

The Swami: We've discussed some people on AOL before.  What do you think of Vomit's use--just before Christmas--of his face on a pic of Jesus on the cross, claiming Ronnie's your "only begotten son"?
God: I will be 'in touch' with him 'soon'.

The Swami: I noticed that Jesus came out on his profile foursquare against "threatening individuals" here.  Does that also...
God: Apply to AOL?  Yes, and I'm very aware of the many ugly threats of violence by that Zeeke individual.  I am NOT pleased with his conduct in general.  Let me just say this... the next time he goes out to get 'piss drunk,' you do NOT want to be sitting near him.

The Swami: Well, thanks for your time, but I need to...
God: I've been meaning to discuss some of YOUR recent blog articles with you.  Here, sit beside me...
The Swami: Uh oh...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

"The Love Fest Room DIES. Poor, poor Zeeke..."

Written 1/11/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
Owing to gross computer negligence along with general lack of interest, the Zombies lost the Festering Love room early this morning.  Following are some print screen shots documenting its demise.
Poor, poor Zeeke...
Poor, poor Vomit...
Poor, poor Beth...
A Bot Takes Over Love Fest...
Vomit Alone with the Bot...
The Bot all alone after Wilson and Vomit leave...
Vomit Deserts the Sinking Ship... 
Mike Visits Love Fest!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Celebrate good times come on ! Let's celebrate

Celebrate good times
come on ! - Let's celebrate


Celebrate good times
come on ! - Let's celebrate


There's a party going on right here
a celebration to last throughout the years.
So bring your good times and your laughter
too we're gonna celebrate your party with you !

Come on now
let's all celebrate and have a good time

we go celebrate and have a good time.

It's time to come together
it's up to you
watch your pleasure

everyone around the world
come on

celebrate good times
come on

Everyone around the 'net celebrate the Ugly's blog having 100,000 views. YAHOO

And we'll be a fair sport and celebrate the others too.


Zeeke's isn't the belle of the ball, but at least he gets to be an Uncle again. The criminal has spawned!

"A Very, VERY Unhealthy Obsession"

(Written 1/6/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)

Zeeke seems to have totally shed whatever pretense of sanity he had by turning his blog into, "All About K2, All the Time."

Zeeke's *TWELVE* recent articles about ME make even Vomit's FIVE look nearly sane. Zeeke has posted one EVERY DAY so far this year, including on NEW YEAR'S DAY. While normal Guys were glued to the tube for football games, Zeeke was writing yet another article about me!

I asked the folks in my chat room about Zeeke's obsession this morning. Comments included:

"gots to be a man crush"
"He wants to taste your penis"
"He must think you're really cute"
"he loves you"
"he wants to have sex with you"


Non-disgusting ideas included:

"he sure is getting paranoid isn't he?"
"assisted living is getting to him"
"he has so much free time on his hands now"
"he is getting worse... and it is more and more childish with him ... he can't come up with any new ideas now"

I'm not sure of the real explanation for Zeeke's behavior, but it's hard to NOT notice that most of them accuse ME of being GAY, yet repeatedly picture me in costumes and poses that could easily be construed as gay fantasies. Perhaps the simplest explanation is that it's finally time for Zeeke to "come out of the closet." <>

And just for the record in case Zeeke or any of the Zombies EVER AGAIN accuse ME of obsession, following is a listing of his recent articles (all of them at: http://askzeeke.blogspot.com/).

12/19 - Throwdown 2011
12/23 - Frooty The Limp Wristed Elf
12/27 - Yeah.. It's Just Like that..
12/28 - His Head Fits Everywhere
12/29 - Capturing The Moment
12/31 - Toothless Bob's New Years Eve Date
1/1 - Happy New Year 2012
1/2 - Magic 8 Ball Prediction For 2012
1/3 - My Friend Paco..
1/5 - Nutcracker Coming To Town
1/6 - ROONT !

Saturday, January 7, 2012


(Written 1/3/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)

Now that Zeeke's obsession has led to ME now being the ONLY topic he rants about on his blog (an incredible EIGHT articles about me in barely a week), I thought it would be worthwhile to figure out WHY that has happened so suddenly.

It took me almost exactly THREE minutes to figure it out.

His latest rant earlier today was speculation about the future of the Marylanders Over 35 room. He opined that "IT'S DOOMED." On a intuitive whim, I checked HIS room shortly thereafter, and the results are below.

Well, la-te-da, I think we have a winner!!! Zeeke is soooooooooooooooo utterly bored with HIS nearly-empty room (the Princess isn't really there at that hour) that he's filling his time with bashing me and the Over 35 room! << chuckle, chuckle >>

Poor, poor Zeeke...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Fashion Consultation #1

Let's start with "I'm so hot" Rose. You are by far the worst dresser of all the zombie women. Let's open your very disturbing wardrobe door.

I'm more than sure you were in a cheap, dumpy dive here, so the greasy hair look is fine for that along with the cheap Walmart tank (Hey, maybe she was trying to match Billy). Might try getting your hair died professionally so it doesn't leave scalp stains and make you look like you're in the throes of teenage vampirerism.
This look went out in the 90s toots. No one wears khaki shorts like this, and certainly they shouldn't be worn by a knock-kneed type. No one should wear a shirt the same color as their facial tone, you give a ghostly glow here hon. And you have a little bit of a muffin top that can be seen here, definitely not figure flattering, and my stars lady, get a cuchina for that camel toe.
Haven't seen these shirts since the 90s.
All I want to know is what Senior Citizen you stole this from. That shirt is so elderly 90s.Middle-aged women shouldn't be trying to wear their daughter's clothes. And those split end, sheez. How about a little makeup so you don't like a meth-addicted 55-year-old?
And how do we know Rose wears her daughter's clothing? Proof is in the pudding.Again, middle-aged women should accept their glory days are gone and thus humiliate themself less. Was this a calendar shot for some fisherman's club? They do make support bras in bathing suits for sag cupcake. And wait, I thought you had skinny thighs or is that excess labia?You don't have to announce you're a grandmother so boldy. Keyboard: Go to Victoria Secrets and get fitted for a proper bra. The senior wing at the state pen look. Bland, Bland, Bland.
More Grandma attire along with a very obvious, and very bad, self-haircut. I'm sure if you offer to blow someone at the Hair Cuttery you can get a decent chop job. Yikes.More proof Rose doesn't have a clue how to dress or buy clothes that fit properly. Wearing her daughter's shirt and what looks like some homeless woman's pants.What Rose SHOULD wear:

Get some jodhpur pants and since I'm sure that's not affordable for you, corduroys will do. They do wonders by adding bulk to bodies with no asses, curves, and will make your legs look longer thus hiding those scary chicken ankles. Go for the higher rise ones since you're middle-aged with a muffin top and you don't have one womanly hip curve to your boyish figure.
As for tops, stay away from white, you're already pale, as well as stripes and light colors. You want to stick with charcoals to offset your paleness, splatter patterns and studs (don't go overboard, you are nearly 50) in knot-fronts (this will help with the sag), cowl necks, drapey tunics, waist sashes, etc. If you insist on going retro, make sure it's fashion retro and that doesn't mean wearing a shirt that's 20 years old. Add a sweater jacket if it's cold out.
Round it out with some 2-3 inch stilleto booties or some fashionable suede boots.

Oh, and jewelry hon. You need some to offset that pale look. Hoop earrings would take a lot of weight off that paleness, as well as some necklaces to drawl away from it. Make sure the jewelry does the thing called matching though, since that doesn't seem to be one of your finer skills.

Hairstyle - you need a whole new look. I'd recommend you go with a flared shoulder length bob with a deep side part, as it will add more volume to your hair. Perhaps a body wave to get away from that greasy flat look. Consult with a hair specialist about your color, the carrot has you looking like the albino idiot of the year. Darker with a darker color with highlights in it might be better.

Makeup I'd highly recommend spending some time with a makeup artist. Paleness is hard enough in itself to mask, but you have very oily and pimply skin and that requires special makeups that I'm not familiar with because I simply don't have that issue!

Just think Rose - some color on that face, some fashionable clothes, and you might become less of an eyesore.

Sincerely, Monika

Next up: Cindy