Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Regrettable But Necessary"

(Written 7/15/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

I had hoped I wouldn't have to write this article.

I announced earlier that I wouldn't ban any Room Regular, and I firmly believed that I would be able to stick to that pledge. But I haven't been able to. I had to ban EminenceFrontal.

By way of analogy, we all have freedom of speech via the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. But there are many exceptions to that seemingly absolute freedom. Some examples are "fighting words," defamation, sedition, and yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theatre.

I had initially thought that I wouldn't have a problem with the normal crap that I've seen over the years, even by Idiots like Zeeke. We all have the Ignore and Notify AOL icons available, and that should suffice.

But I've decided that sometimes those aren't enough, and Eminence is a fine example. A couple of weeks ago, he entered the room after I had gone to bed and verbally assaulted Pam with thoroughly degrading and disgusting words and imagery. He has since repeated that with Eyore, Bonnie, and other women.

Other than pathetic little drive-bys, that's been Eminence's only reason to come into the Over 35 room. I warned him several times by putting him on a brief time-out. But he didn't take the hint, so he's gone.

It is unacceptable to me for a guy to, for example, enter the room and immediately say very vile, graphic, degrading, and disgusting things to a woman. I now consider that an exception to my normal favoring of free speech.

As to Eminence specifically, if he wants to type one-handed while saying contemptible crap to women in order to deal with his emotional demons, I'm sure AOL has rooms for that. He should check the Perv Channel or find a "My Ex Done Me Wrong" whiner room.

And to the women who've supported Eminence in the chat room as he says such loathsome words... shame on you.


  1. Doesn't take a genius to know R Castle ain't getting no puss. Not with that face he ain't.

  2. But you have no problem with Pam and Bonnie attacking Cindy and Rose, completely unprovoked? Hypocrite much

  3. Did the moron who wrote this article really compare a chatroom with the united states constitution?

  4. That is not Eminence. Hate to break it to you. Get a clue

  5. Anonymous said...
    But you have no problem with Pam and Bonnie attacking Cindy and Rose, completely unprovoked? Hypocrite much

    How about Cindy and Rose attacking MANY UNPROVKED themselves!!
    Chris was very nice explanning why and how come here...also gave reason and chances. Which is more than Zeek ass has done in his judgement call's he make's when he allows certain ones to say and do crap and other's well as himself doing it!
    If your going to judge one than judge the ones your defending also or your just as much a hypocrite as the one's you call this!

  6. Everyone knows ef is dumb as ronnie

  7. And he dont have no woman and dont get any pussy

  8. Psst Ugly. Cindy's daughter came to the Essex pharmacy using a medicaid card.

  9. << But you have no problem with Pam and Bonnie attacking Cindy and Rose, completely unprovoked? >> Anonymous Idiot

    I think we've probably both been around long enough to know exactly who started those long-running feuds. And once a feud has been around for quite awhile, does it really matter who started the drama *today*?

    Besides, those are irrelevant to what happened in the Eminence vs. Bunch of Women ugliness.

  10. << Did the moron who wrote this article really compare a chatroom with the united states constitution? >> Anonymous Zombie too scared to use his own SN

    Frankly, I'm surprised you even know how to spell constitution.

    But no, I didn't. That's just your lack of education and processing power drawing that stupid conclusion.

  11. << Which is more than Zeek ass has done in his judgement call's... >>

    Zeeke seems to get more desperate with each passing week. Initially, he bolted only people he despised, such as me. But lately, he's been banning other nice folks he formerly "liked" (to the extent he's capable of that). That includes Eyore and Jazzy.

    Geesh, Jazzy?!?!? He's an old-timer who's done a lot of charity work with the group and has been liked by everyone for many years. I know that many of the Zombies liked him, so I wonder what they think of their Zombiemaster bolting him. Strange...

  12. not surprising Cindy is a peice of shit person so you know she's a peice of shit mother

  13. Cindy is a whore just like Hosebag. She don't even know who her older daughter daddy is just like Rose didn't.

  14. Did the moron who wrote this article really compare a chatroom with the united states constitution?

    ChristopherK2 said...But no, I didn't. That's just your lack of education and processing power drawing that stupid conclusion

    By way of analogy, we all have freedom of speech via the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

    –noun, plural -gies.
    1. a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based.

    i think you did.

  15. 3:34 stick with alcohol you are deeply and terribly dense

  16. 15 comments here. Zeeke has zero of course, Ronnie one.

  17. Good Lord Uncle Sam did your mother drop you on the head as a child? *Where* is a chatroom mentioned in his sentence? Do you even understand what that sentence meant? It meant if you think about it, we all have freedom of speech due to the 1st amendment. Nothing in that sentence said, "The 1st amendment is considerably like a chatroom." The word chatroom wasn't even used in that sentence. You fail. Big time. You're definitely a Zombie. Zombies are not intelligent people.

  18. Where* is a chatroom mentioned in his sentence?

    instead of reading one sentence,try reading the WHOLE thing!

    And for how many times he`s mentioned a room lets count...real slow,,just for you

    1)I announced earlier that I wouldn't ban any Room Regular, and I firmly believed that I would be able to stick to that pledge.

    2)he entered the room after I had gone to bed and verbally assaulted Pam with thoroughly degrading and disgusting words and imagery

    3)Other than pathetic little drive-bys, that's been Eminence's only reason to come into the Over 35 room

    4)It is unacceptable to me for a guy to, for example, enter the room and immediately say very vile, graphic, degrading, and disgusting things to a woman.

    5)I'm sure AOL has rooms for that. He should check the Perv Channel or find a "My Ex Done Me Wrong" whiner room


  19. Oh now we're supposed to read the whole thing? Isn't that what K2 told you to do?

    You're the one who made the statement:
    Did the moron who wrote this article really compare a chatroom with the united states constitution?

    In which there is nothing in the article that compares a chatroom to the 1st amendment other than a desperately trying to save your ass statement you twisted to make it appear as he was doing that.

    k2 wrote one sentence referencing the 1st amendment, which wasn't even to say he was comparing the two. It was a general statement saying we all have freedom of speech. Nothing about comparing freedom of speech to a chatroom. You're the one who is pathetically trying to twist this to save processing power limitation.

    Bet you are from somewhere in Baltmo like Landsdowne. Please continue to let us laugh at you.

  20. << But no, I didn't. That's just your lack of education and processing power drawing that stupid conclusion. >>
    << i think you did. >> Cowardly Zombie

    Try these helpful tips: Email all of the other Zombies about it. Discuss it for several hours the next time y'all get together to get piss drunk. Beat it to death in your chat room for a few days. Post at least another 27 comments about it.

    Although I doubt y'all will figure it out, at least you'll be exercising your brains a little bit.

  21. << a·nal·o·gy –noun, plural -gies. 1. a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based. >> Cowardly Zombie

    Who knew y'all knew how to use a dictionary! Congrats!!!

    Well, at least to look up a word. It's just that you have no idea what to do with it after that.

  22. One more time for the really slow individual

    I announced earlier that I wouldn't ban any Room Regular, and I firmly believed that I would be able to stick to that pledge. But I haven't been able to. I had to ban EminenceFrontal

    By way of analogy, we all have freedom of speech via the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States

    –noun, plural -gies.
    1. a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based

  23. << And for how many times he`s mentioned a room lets count... >> braindead Zombie

    I also use the word "the" 82 times. << eyeroll >>

    BTW, I notice you haven't once commented on Eminence's disgusting misogyny. << waiting for Zombie to locate his dictionary and look that one up >>

    I appreciate your feeble efforts to totally change the subject. But let's focus. Is saying "very vile, graphic, degrading, and disgusting things to a woman" in a chat room okay with you?

  24. Nice Guy that I am, I'll give the Zombies a big hint.

    The Constitution's First Amendment protection of Free Speech has ZERO applicability in an AOL chat room. None... Nada... Zip.

    Chew on that for a few hours and 42 comments. Maybe then I'll explain it to y'all in the See Spot Run lingo that is your outer limit of comprehension.

  25. 3:32 your backpedaling. Just an observation

  26. i think what ole faggy was saying was he`s uncle sam and that he dictates the law in the chatroom like the constitution does in america

  27. Put down the bong Uncle Sam.

  28. I tried to tell Richard that his foul, filthy mouth was his downfall.

    Kudos to Christopher for not putting up with it.

  29. The women in that room aren't exactly ladies K2. You got Rose who is a fucking whore, Perky who has fucked all kind of men and has a husband who asks like Zeeke (and embarrasses himself doing so since he has no wit and is stupid as Mike), Cindy who is just a miserable human being, Nancy who is an ugly fucking drug addict, Lynnzy same, Patty the in the closet lesbian, Feefers who is mentally unstable, the whore Lolita who looks like the walking dead anymore, Beth who's been road hard and put away wet.

  30. << Johnny Depp said... i think what ole faggy was saying was he`s uncle sam and that he dictates the law in the chatroom like the constitution does in america >>

    Not far off, actually. Kudos!

  31. << I tried to tell Richard that his foul, filthy mouth was his downfall. Kudos to Christopher for not putting up with it. >> RedSky

    Thanks, darling! But the worst parts weren't particularly potty-mouthed. There's nothing inherently ugly, for example, about the word "fist." But changing the form of that word and threatening a woman with it is simply beyond the pale.

  32. All that money Cindy shelled out to find out who ugly is ans she still doesnt know!


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.