Saturday, October 23, 2010

Donations wanted

Let's all donate some money for Cindy to have gastric. She is so jealous of those who could afford it.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Is it time for Cindy to be put away?

Since so many of you expressed concerns over her recent behavior, I'd like to add my two cents.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

"How to Waste, or Invest, 10,000 Hours"

(Written 10/14/10 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

Any way you look at it, 10,000 hours is a LOT of time. 417 full days. If you work 40 hours a week, it's almost 5 years of work. If you sleep 8 hours a day, it's almost 21 months of "awake time." We each decide, day in and day out, year in and year out, how to spend each precious hour we are granted on this Earth.

Let's take a closer look at how some people have spent their 10,000 hours...

Example #1: Bonnie and Zeeke, for example, have been arguing with each other for somewhere between 8 and 10 years. At just 3 hours a day of arguing (a conservative estimate), they are either already past--or rapidly closing in on--the 10,000 hour mark. Amazing...

Example #2: Zeeke belittles, etc., many more people than just Bonnie. If he does it for an average of just 5 hours a day (again, a conservative estimate), he trips the 10,000 hour mark every 5-6 years. Which means that he's already on his SECOND round. Congrats!

Are there... ummm... better ways to utilize 10,000 hours? I'm glad you asked!

Example #3: It just so happens (pure coincidence, I swear!) that 10,000 hours is about how long it took me earn my bachelor's degree (over 5 years), my law degree (4+ years), prepare for the bar exam (600 hours), and earn my four professional designations (CFP, CLU, ChFC, and FLMI), for a total of about 320 credit hours. That doesn't include the endless hours I've spent learning about gardening, photography, ballroom dancing, etc.

Example #4: Insert your own ideas and experiences!


Monday, October 11, 2010

Disability bias

Wonder why Cindy and others aren't attacking Pretty for trying to live off the dole? They sure do attack another person for living on disability.

How can Cindy and others attack a woman for having a child with no father around but turn a blind eye on the piece of trash who won't even look for her runaway daughter who is living with a prostitute?

Cheating and the internet

Would you stay with a guy who did this?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

"Straw Men and Bigotry"

(Written 10/6/10 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

Straw Men have been a popular tactic for many years, especially in law and politics. It's a simple approach: Misstate something that your opponent said--or just make up stuff--then attack that phoney statement.

Zeeke and the Zombies use a variant of it against ME. Because they are profound bigots, they lie and say that I am something that they can then attack with their ugly bigotry. So... ta da... I'm both Gay and Jewish.

Being as I'm neither, I don't care other than being generally offended. I suppose Zeeke and his Zombies are impressed with each other's puerile insults. But I suspect that our many normal, mature adults simply wonder why they're so homophobic and anti-Semitic.

Alas for them, there's no other plan. I'm a nice, romantic, intelligent, educated, mature adult who's engaged to a gorgeous, much younger woman. And they're pond scum. So, they'd be reduced to either calling me generic crap ("He's a butt head."), or saying crap that's easily pointed back at them (Them: "He's unpopular." Me: "Thank Jesus I'm not popular with the Zeeke Cult."), or calling me OLD, which is a two-edged sword (Me: "We have better insurance.").

Being pond scum is such a tough position from which to *try* to insult others...


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I thought Cindy and Pretty were friends?

Why would she be mocking Pretty for having to call the police on her runaway daughter?

Saturday, October 2, 2010