Thursday, May 31, 2012

"An Idea for Monika: 'Call Me Maybe' (Zombie Version)"

Written 5/31/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
A song and video that has been sweeping YouTube for a couple of months is "Call Me Maybe" by a young Canadian, Carly Rae Jepsen.  It has a very catchy, danceable beat and was designed to enhance sing-along efforts.  After Justin Bieber tweeted about it, then did a fan version video, her video skyrocketed to nearly 85,000,000 hits.  Bieber's video is now up to over 40,000,000.
And it's the numerous fan videos that I found so fascinating.  From the Harvard baseball team, to Justin Bieber, to Katy Perry, to it seems like darn near everyone with a video cam, the fan video versions of her song are listed for pages and pages on You Tube.  Many are very amateurish, but they all have their appeal.  And that appeal seems to be that ANYONE can make one.  Just do wild & crazy stuff for three minutes to that delightful beat, and you're a You Tube hit!
I'm not sure whether the many fan versions demonstrate the endless creativity and energy of today's youth, or are Exhibit #1 in why God should do another Sodom & Gomorrha thing on us NOW.  But heck, that darn beat is sooooooooooooooooo catchy, who cares!!!
In fact, I think even a Zombie could dance to it!  And that's my idea for Monika.  Check out some of those endless fan versions and figure out how to get Zeeke, Vomit, Beth, and the other Zombies dancing!  Heck, Michael Jackson did it, so I'm sure Monika can!
And if you want to go the Rodney King "can't we all get along?" route, I'd be willing to contribute to a *real* video along with << gasp >> a lady Zombie.  The song is written to a simple 4/4 beat, so I can do any number of ballroom dances to it, including Cha Cha, East Coast Swing, and Dirty Dancing.  I've Dirty Danced with Beth, and she was surprisingly good at it.  
I'm sure I could also do a bit of the sort of wild and crazy stuff on some of those fan versions.  But I sure as heck am NOT going to do it alone! 
For those not familiar with the song and video, it's at:
The Justin Bieber-Selena Gomez-Ashley Tisdale fan video is at:
The most fascinating fan video is PopDust's combo "best of" video, including quick cuts of, among others, Katy Perry, Kathie Lee Gifford, and the Harvard Baseball team:
Some of the better other fan videos are at:

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

"The Zeeke Cult, R.I.P. May 26, 2012"

(Written 5/26/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
Well, sooooooooo much for my working article, "Top 10 Plans by Zeeke and Vomit to Save the Zombie Room" ("4.  Free Carp Burgers!"). There SHOULD be a LAW that if you're going to commit roomicide, you have to give THREE days notice!  Harumph!
Okay, I'm done whining!  On to the full obituary...
The Zeeke Cult finally met its demise earlier today, as shown below:
The leader of the Zeeke Cult began to gain his fame about 10 years ago using the methods employed by earlier room cult leaders.  He spent endless hours in the chat room viciously assaulting people, rumor mongering and lying about anyone he didn't like, and so on.  Some normal people responded in kind in self-defense, and thus drama ensued. 
Some people were drawn to Zeeke, although they were generally the lesser lights and least popular.  They were apparently attracted to his Al Bundy-like willingness to assault anyone as requested, in return for loyalty.  Many nice people fled the room in disgust, thereby increasing Zeeke's popularity and weakening his opposition.
Over time, he even attracted to his side some otherwise nice, normal people for reasons unknown.  Beth, for example, enjoyed Zeeke's willingness to assault her foes, to cook for her, buy her drinks, and kennel her dogs.  She even became Zombie-like, expressing profound anger, cursing heavily, spewing bigotry, etc.  It wasn't pretty.     
But as is always the case for such cults, its successes planted the seeds for it eventual failures and ultimate demise.
Emboldened by his growing cult, Zeeke made the monstrous mistake of starting his own room.  He forgot one rule of such cults.  If none of your enemies remain handy, what will hold your cult together?  We saw the answer in the logs of the Super Secret Room.  When not railing against their enemies as they appeared on the widget, the cult members had almost nothing in common to discuss.  There was some rather minimal typical Chick/Guy chat, but nothing all that interesting. 
The Zeeke Cult peaked shortly after they started their own room, but it soon started to disintegrate.  With little to talk about, they eventually started fighting with each other.  People were bolted for lack of purity or questioning the leaders.  Many fled in disgust or from boredom.
Zeeke also made the obvious mistake of relying on Beth.  He bent to her every whim in order to keep her and her friends around, and give the cult a whiff of class and intelligence.  But Beth is nothing if not mercurial.  As she changed, some of her friends left in disgust.  And as she inevitably withdrew from the group, its popularity plunged.
Ends come quickly with chat rooms because of the need for a significant number of "regulars" to assure that a minimum size is kept to keep the chat moving.  Over just a few months, almost 2/3rds of their regulars quit, and the average number of people in their room plummeted to just Zeek, Vomit, Mafia and one or two random others.
At that point, they fled to a private room just to avoid any further humiliation.  I'm sure claims of improvement will follow on their blogs.  But given that everyone knows they lie frequently, badly, and without remorse, such claims will fall on deaf ears.
The Zeeke Cult is done... stick a fork in it.
And good riddance!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

"The Top 10 Reasons the Zombies Fled to a Private Room"

(Written 5/26/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
10. Zeeke accidentally created a private room with the same name as the public one, and none of the Zombies had the guts to tell him what an Idiot he was.
 9. Beth blackmailed Zeeke into it because she doesn't want anyone else to know that she still associates with those cretins.
 8. They got tired of dressing up for the public.
 7. They didn't flee.  Hepidemic is the only Zombie left.
 6. Zeeke's family--after seeing all their pics on Ugly's blog--gave him an ultimatum, "Go private, or else we tell Ugly EVERYthing we know about you!"
 5. They wanted to see how long it is before any Zombies other than Zeeke, Vomit, Wilson, and SxyMAFIA even notices.  Still waiting...
 4. The drive-bys by Mike and Bonnie were driving them crazy.  Well... crazier.
 3. Vomit cut a 10-minute toxic Carp Burger fart, and the room is still uninhabitable.  Hepidemic is wearing their only portable oxygen mask.
 2. All of the Zombies are on a come-to-Jesus prayer retreat.
And the Number 1 Reason the Zombies Fled to a Private Room is...
1. They were totally humiliated by my chronicling of the rapidly-declining attendance in their room.

Friday, May 25, 2012


Just to let our VAST audience know, Monika is promising more videos VERY VERY soon.

 Please send any pictures or content to Chris. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

"Words That Come Back to Bite You in the Ass"

"Words That Come Back to Bite You in the Ass"
(Written 5/24/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
The Zombies all have a habit of frequently opening their mouths mainly to change their feet.  Following is a collection of some of the best examples.
Vomit on his blog 2/12/12: 
His room was starting its death spiral, and averaged just 8.1 people in February.  It's now down to under *5* people on average.  Its maximum in April was just *12*.  It hasn't even reached double-digits since April 3rd.  I bet Vomit thinks he jinxed it.
Vomit on his blog 2/12/12:

Just a month later, poor, poor Vomit all alone in his room... << chuckle, chuckle >>


HamOnWry and Cindy about me in the chat room in March, 2011:

Cindy32863: he really needs to get a hobby..go volunteer..somethingHamOnWryX2: get out the something
HamOnWryX2: he just needs to get out more...breathe fresh air...expand his little world

The two pasty-white work-at-home office drones apparently momentarily forgot that I'm an avid gardener and outdoor photographer.  << snort >>

PPatti in the MD Over 35 chat room, when she returned after catching the room during a scramble, then turning it over to Zeeke.
"Everyone in now welcome!"
Shortly after that proclamation, Zeeke started bolting his usual 50+ room regulars.  He would later turn it over to Beth, who would continue bolting nice roomies just for shits and giggles.  It's a tradition that Vomit has enthusiastically embraced, even bragging about each "total victory" on his blog.  No word YET on just how betrayed Patti felt...
Zeeke in the chat room 8-11-10 re "jailwise":
"i spent a night in the drunktank when i was like 18 for breaking up a bar. that's it jailwise"
"That's IT?"  SOME of us have NEVER done ANYthing "jailwise."
Zeeke in the chat room 1/15/10 about his educational achievements:
"I left school early .. i was working making money.. i had no use for 12th grade."
A classic, for sure...
HamOnWry in the chat room 7/24/10 when Guy asked her what she liked about Zeeke:
"a good cook"
Lordy... I guess if she had been asked that about ME at the height of our friendship, her first response would've been: "buys me drinks."  
HamOnWry in the chat room 11/14/10:
"this level of illiteracy and stupidity is painful to see."
Oddly enough, she was NOT discussing Zeeke.
Zeeke on his blog 10/28/09, his 100th article:
"When I created this site I didnt want just another 'smear blog' I wanted to create a place for sharing information and answers so everyone could take advantage of Zeekes keen insight into the world around him."
Times sure can change a person and his blog, eh?
Zeeke on his blog 2/23/10:
"My best advice to bloggers is to check the content of what you are posting and ask yourself if its really worth reading or just psychotic hate filled slander."
It's a shame that he never followed his own advice.
From an endless number of "Great Victory" articles on his blog, this one 6/7/10 by Zeeke:
"I would like to thank all the 'nice' people (chuckle,chuckle) who voted down the politics of division and intolerance and allowed OUR room to reach its maximum number of 36 chatters."
It's a good thing Zeeke stopped that "division and intolerance" in its tracks or else their room would be near death by now.  Oh... wait... it IS near death.  Nevermind...
Vomit, in a way premature victory article on his blog, 5/19/12:
"this is the end of the ugly blog as you once knew it. thank you and have a great day."
That's the result when you're not too bright, misread someone's comment, spend hours of your life spamming another blog, and everyone pretty much yawns at your feebleass efforts.
Vomit threw a hissy fit on his blog 5/16/12 about Ugly violating Vomit's copyrights with:
When I pointed out to Vomit on his blog that he has routinely done exactly the same thing hundreds of times, he deleted my comments and held his breath until he turned blue and passed out.
Pantry, in her leadup to getting banned by Vomit:
"the hell with everyone in this all can go to hell"
Speaking the truth in the Coolest room gets you bolted.
Zeeke's own description of their spamming of this blog, on his blog 5/19/12:
"Sick Childish and Perverse"
Apparently many of their *former* roomies agree, and have fled.  As I write this, their chat room has averaged just *4.3* people since they started the vile, puerile spamming.  And only *7* people have visited it more than a couple of times.  Their peak has been just *8* people and they've had more than four only about 1/3rd of the time.  It's clearly dying...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Stunning alikeness

How on earth can BillBob claim he 'barely knows" this guy? Him and Phil could pass for twins. What do you all think?

Same John Deere style dressing (wonder if that is Phil as a child?)
Same Billy Bob hat.(Looks like same kid)

 They share similar "fun" activities. Notice the "Piss Ass" pants. 
Both love to wear black and pose. Wonder if BillBob has a rebel flag tat too (nice play on words I'll say myself) 

 And when they clean up, they do it so well. (No wonder where BillBob gets the drag pictures from) If you look at Phil as a child he has the exact same smile as BillBob.

No denying this very close relationship.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The family

Ugly isn't a psychologist, but I think maybe it all started like this. .

Which led to this.

Doesn't he look the spit image of Unk BilBob?

Such sweetness. How could they spawn things like BilBob?
Maybe there's hope yet.
This side seems so normal.

"Who's Obsessing ?"

(Written 5/19/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
The title is from an old article Zeeke wrote about ME for accidentally entering his chat room and hastily exiting.  But it's a vast understatement for describing what Zeeke and Vomit did today.  And they have precious little to show for their prodigious efforts. 
And why did they fuck up so badly?  It all goes back to Zeeke skipping 12th grade.  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA  Let me explain, in a bit.
Zeeke and Vomit devoted much time and energy to do what they did today.  That includes not just composing and then entering the ~100 long spam comments (comprised of several different ones) along with individual comments directed mainly at Bonnie.  There was also the planning time, the blog posts, emails and IMs, yada yada.
Zeeke and Vomit both spelled that out on their blogs.  Zeeke said that, "imagine Faggy and Bonnie unable to post on Ugly's blog for at least 12 hours until Ugly gets home and fixes the mess we made of his blog.. They will be suicidal and feel even worse when they learn that they helped shut it down."  And Vomit bragged about his grandiose plan that, "this is the end of the ugly blog as you once knew it." 
There was some minor inconvenience for both me and Bonnie.  I briefly posted under another article once the 200 comment limit was reached.  I kept current with the 200+ comments by reading most of them on the Recent Comments section of the blog.  (I guess Zeeke and Vomit forgot about that feature.  LOL)  Eventually a blog was created for posting those comments for anyone to read.  At that point I resumed posting on the main article.    
One of the courses Zeeke obviously missed by skipping 12th grade was Reading Comprehension.  He and Vomit totally misinterpreted my comment about comments in excess of 200 for an article.  I've previously noted that for reasons unknown *my* computer can't display those; the "Loading" link just keeps churning.  Other folks are unaffected and one told me it takes about 10 minutes for them to display.
So, Zeeke and Vomit's elaborate plan to spam the blog until the first 200 comments were used up really only affected little old ME, and then only briefly.  Everyone else merely had to slog thru the spam.
Zeeke's "total victory" article is titled "Sick Childish and Perverted But Funny As Hell."  I can think of no better explanation for why sooooooooooo many more mature and educated adults, like Beth, have fled their chat room in thorough disgust.  Acting like a child throwing a tantrum drives away many adults.
And any pretense that Zeeke has never EVER read Ugly's blog is shot to hell.  Zeeke's extensive review of Ugly's blog and his participation in the antics seriously eroded what little credibility he had left.
Also, I don't imagine Ugly will be pleased when he returns from the Preakness.  I see Vomit, Zeeke, and the other idiots having VERY limited access to Ugly's blog from that point on.  That will leave them with damn little else to do other than chat with the few who remain in their room and each other, along with whatever crap they wish to post to their own juvenile blogs.
As to their own blogs, I hereby strongly recommend to Ugly that he file a formal complaint with Blogger.  Both Zeeke and Vomit were stupid enough to brag on their blogs about exactly what they did.  I doubt Blogger will see the humor in it.  And yes, I've already saved those articles in case Ugly needs any additional proof.

Friday, May 18, 2012

"Vomit the Hypocrite"

(Written 5/16/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
Vomit recently DEMANDED on his blog ("NOW BITCHES FIND YOUR OWN MATERIAL") that Ugly stop using materials from Vomit's blog that Vomit considers protected by copyright laws.
Being a fair-minded guy and a retired attorney who used to routinely handle copyright matters for a couple of large marketing companies, I thought I'd chip in my two cents worth ON VOMIT'S BLOG. Under the what's sauce for the goose theory, I thought I'd point out to Vomit that HE has routinely violated MY copyright protection of MY pics by using them on his blog without MY permission.
I was sure that Vomit would see the wisdom and fairness in my position, and quickly accept that he should stop doing exactly what he's requesting that others stop doing. 
Vomit could NOT, of course, abide being one-upped on his very own blog, so he nuked my comments.  Did I keep a copy?  Well, d'oh... The exchange follows...
Does that mean that YOU (and Zeeke) will now stop using pics of ME that have been, of course, copyright protected by ME (under the international Berne Agreement of 1986 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998) since their creation?
its not about you got the WRONG blog
<< its not about you got the WRONG blog >>

Soooooo, YOU will continue to insist that OTHERS honor YOUR copyrights, but YOU won't honor those of OTHERS (such as mine)?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ugly stalkable event Saturday

Ugly has decided to start letting you all know where to find him. Not that non-professional peasants like Vomit would have an ounce of intelligence to be able to gain entrance and be socially acceptable at places like country clubs, private islands, or Broadway plays or anything. However, we decided it might make our lives a little bit more exciting if we could tell our dear friends about Billy Bob, Drunk Ronnie, Fat Cindy, or others stalking us. I must admit I'm a tad jealous of all this attention paid to others with the drivebys, calling parents and children, researching incomes and social security wages, writing Section 8, driving to truck stops and mobile homes to take pictures, etc. 

Imagine the high falutin' drama with some stumbling bad-breath drunk Intervention candidate name Ronnie trying to barge past security and saying, "But dat Ugly is here." Or some mentally ill woman name Nanci being led away in handcuffs after saying she's here to, "Chop Monika up. The bitch blogged about me in a penguin suit." Or someone showing up at our neighbor's home in a dirty white pickup truck snapping pictures.

For years, my lovely wife has bugged me to attend this event. I have to admit the thought of watching midgets on horses flying by so fast I get whiplash isn't exactly my idea of fun. I'm not into gambling either. So every year I've said no.

Till she arrived home in the Susie Hat.Yes, this big gigantic hat yellow with a few alternating petals. And the Susie dress. Seeing my lovely figured wife in a yellow sundress with two petals in unmentionable places persuaded me. And the Susie heels, six inch plats with a triangle spike with a big black dot on the center. And the Susie nails. And the threat to dye her hair black and yellow.

Yes, Monika and I are going to Preakness.

Go Bodemeister!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"Top 10 Reasons Vomit's Blog Was Termed"

Written 5/13/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
10. Vomit's last article was a vile and disgusting screed about President Obama and included *127* N-Word Bombs.
 9. He posted a video of his wife abusing creamed corn.
 8. The owner of the web site from which Vomit stole all those pics and cartoons ratted him out.
 7. "Someone" emailed Rihanna a link to Vomit's blog, and she tweeted that she found it "personally offensive."  500,000 of her followers then tweeted Blogger.  Goodbye blog!
 6. A pic he included in his nasty "Obviously Gay!" article turned out to be a vice president of Blogger.  Whoops! 
 5. Vomit's ugly altered pics of Tim Tebow resulted in a torrent of complaints to Blogger.  Everyone loves Tim Tebow!
 4. Vomit removed the blog himself.  He will soon debut a blog with nothing but "nice" articles.  The first one will apologize profusely and sincerely to everyone he has ever offended.  << cough >>
 3. Thinking that the SN TimmyBoyPres was an obvious scam by Bonnie led to: "OnlineHost:*** You have ejected TimmyBoyPres from this room ***."  Alas, that's the screen name for Tim Armstrong, CEO of AOL.
 2. Vomit ran afoul of Blogger's prohibition of "way too many boring as shit" articles.
And the Number 1 Reason Vomit's Blog was Termed was...
 1. Zeeke was sooooooooooo jealous of the relative popularity of Vomit's blog that he ordered Vomit to remove it "or else!"

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Ugly is so thankful for Monika having his children. Since the day the frac was born, I've had non-stop migraines, the inability to have a complete shit, and bags under my eyes. How Monika has managed to have a successful business and raise two boys being somewhat of a single parent due to the amount of traveling I do is remarkable. All without bags under her eyes and migraines.

Happy Mother's Days to Bonnie as well. Here's a little gift from Vomit to you.

Friday, May 11, 2012

What children think

Amazing and true story.

Monika's 3-year-old niece spent a few days over while her parents went to Tahiti.

Nicole loves Cinderella. Think Monika watched it about 55 times while Nicole was here. To the point Monika brought her laptop with her in the car so Nicole could watch the dvd yet again. Somehow she managed to get on Monika's laptop and into a folder called "Ugly People."

Monika kept being told about "Leedee Tremee" (Lady Tremaine) and "Antstas" (Anastasia) being on her laptop. Finally she went in there and discovered this.

"Lady Tremaine"


Sunday, May 6, 2012

"Coolest Continues Its Death Spiral in April"

Latest Room Average is BELOW 5 People!)
(Written 5/4/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
In hindsight, Coolest's dramatic plunge from an average of 7.8 people in January to just 5.8 in March may soon be considered their "good ol' days."  In April, the average number of people in the Coolest room again dropped dramatically, to just *4.8*.  One drop could be seen as a fluke, but two is a clear trend.
As with March, there were two ugly trends that were the main culprits for their decline.  Coolest entirely lost three more people: Feefers, Hooters, and Pretty.  Hooters was the biggest loss there because she had been a steady attendee for a very long time.  Now she's gone...
But the key factor was again that many of the other regulars decided to show up much less often.  What was a rush in March became a stampede in April. The most influential were monstrous drop-offs by Rooster, Sexydoll, Perky, Bak, Aint, and Ponie.
People entirely lost: Badest, Notwithout, SMPinkrose, Dee, Eminence, Legs, Muddy, Feefers, Hooters, and Pretty.
"Discrete Visitors" dropped from 40 to just 21 (only 15 if you exclude those who were around only a couple of times the whole month).
Alan beat out Beth for the largest overall drop, with both dropping by over 90%.  But there was plenty of similar misery.  The combined decline by a large majority of their remaining members (Aint, Bak, Beth, Perky, Ponie, Rooster, Sexydoll, Trikin, and Alan) was almost an incredible *75%*.  And even remaining stalwarts such as Pantry, Felony and Jmbjm plunged significantly.
As the number of people drops and former "regulars" become "occasional visitors," their room becomes more concentrated in just a few. And most of those are Campers. Their current Top 5 (Zeeke, MAFIA, VOMIT, Wilson, and Jmbjm), for example, aren't exactly all-day Chatty Cathies.
I mentioned last month that their early-April peak was just 12 people.  That held for the entire month and, in fact, was the ONLY time their room reached double digits.
Several of their roomies have been dropping regularly over the past few months and are thus now in the "occasional visitors" category.  They could thus disappear at any moment.  So take your opportunity NOW to say farewell to Azacmon, Rooster, ResLend, Trikin, and Alan.  And perhaps even Beth?  And maybe you shouldn't count on Aint, Bak, or Sexydoll being around all that much longer.
The VAST majority of the time, there are 5 or fewer people in the Coolest room.  The norm is 4, and 3 is common.  More than 6 is very unusual.  8 or more is a rarity.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blog Centurion


How many times does that make it now Swami?

And better yet, has the Zombie blogs ever topped 25 comments that they didn't write themselves?

Woot Woot