Thursday, May 31, 2012

"An Idea for Monika: 'Call Me Maybe' (Zombie Version)"

Written 5/31/12 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier MDers blog)
A song and video that has been sweeping YouTube for a couple of months is "Call Me Maybe" by a young Canadian, Carly Rae Jepsen.  It has a very catchy, danceable beat and was designed to enhance sing-along efforts.  After Justin Bieber tweeted about it, then did a fan version video, her video skyrocketed to nearly 85,000,000 hits.  Bieber's video is now up to over 40,000,000.
And it's the numerous fan videos that I found so fascinating.  From the Harvard baseball team, to Justin Bieber, to Katy Perry, to it seems like darn near everyone with a video cam, the fan video versions of her song are listed for pages and pages on You Tube.  Many are very amateurish, but they all have their appeal.  And that appeal seems to be that ANYONE can make one.  Just do wild & crazy stuff for three minutes to that delightful beat, and you're a You Tube hit!
I'm not sure whether the many fan versions demonstrate the endless creativity and energy of today's youth, or are Exhibit #1 in why God should do another Sodom & Gomorrha thing on us NOW.  But heck, that darn beat is sooooooooooooooooo catchy, who cares!!!
In fact, I think even a Zombie could dance to it!  And that's my idea for Monika.  Check out some of those endless fan versions and figure out how to get Zeeke, Vomit, Beth, and the other Zombies dancing!  Heck, Michael Jackson did it, so I'm sure Monika can!
And if you want to go the Rodney King "can't we all get along?" route, I'd be willing to contribute to a *real* video along with << gasp >> a lady Zombie.  The song is written to a simple 4/4 beat, so I can do any number of ballroom dances to it, including Cha Cha, East Coast Swing, and Dirty Dancing.  I've Dirty Danced with Beth, and she was surprisingly good at it.  
I'm sure I could also do a bit of the sort of wild and crazy stuff on some of those fan versions.  But I sure as heck am NOT going to do it alone! 
For those not familiar with the song and video, it's at:
The Justin Bieber-Selena Gomez-Ashley Tisdale fan video is at:
The most fascinating fan video is PopDust's combo "best of" video, including quick cuts of, among others, Katy Perry, Kathie Lee Gifford, and the Harvard Baseball team:
Some of the better other fan videos are at:


  1. Help! Everything's going dark. I can't see! I think I'm having a stroke!!!

    Oh... wait... everything else on my monitor looks fine.


    1. dont joke about that Chris

    2. << dont joke about that Chris >>

      You have to be able to joke about serious illness and injury, even death. Otherwise, you give up your essential identity, and it wins.

    3. That sounds like an explanation for Zeekes behavior.

    4. << That sounds like an explanation for Zeekes behavior. >>

      Except that there's a difference between tasteless and tactful...

  2. What are you some kind of fag?

    1. You must be, it seems to be on your mind.

  3. I would imagine that Beth would be good at anything dirty.

    1. << I would imagine that Beth would be good at anything dirty. >>

      Well, the woman CAN fast dance VERY seductively...

  4. THIS IS VICTORY .............. No more zombies. Thwtwent underground because they cant take it. poor zeek lmao. know they will claim it but how so when yall ran away like little pussys. Now its super cartoon time for the two fucktards blogs.[ pssst only few read lol. big whoop.zeek Your mom is real proud of you, she die knowing her son was a looser chat room basher. Some lame ass job { SSI} sitting on his ass 20 hours a day on aol. sat nites getting piss ass drunk. zeeks gal looks like a dundalk crack whore. What a wonderfull life you have . Bye bye fuck tard lmao

    1. << how so when yall ran away like little pussys >>

      I was gonna say "like hurt school girls," but yours is more appropriate.

      << zeeks gal looks like a dundalk crack whore >>

      Zeeke HAS a gal? For more than one night?

    2. why are we bringing a dead woman into this? but since we feel the need to speak about parents, too bad yours didn't make sure you were educated. if you are a parent yourself i hope you felt your children were entitled to the education you didnt get.

    3. Do you know the difference between looser and loser and are you in need of ESOL classes?

    4. I have a education would you like to match your against what i have ???

    5. Oh it seemed to be ok for 10 or so days when it was MY mother that ZEEKE was bringing into it..........right? I am sure that you did just dandy with your attention deficit of your DIDN'T s are without the apostrophe!!

    6. One "is" without. I don't recall saying that you were the one who brought her into this. I don't think you were mentioned at all. As for "I have a education..." Priceless.

    7. HMMMMMMMM...I would match my education against yours any day of the week. You may start fonting about all your degrees now. Cough.

    8. "I have a education would you like to match your against what i have ???"

      Apparently you forgot some grammar, punctuation, spelling and capitalization, so I don't think 6th grade is that big of a deal.

      I have 'AN' education, would you like to match your'S' against what 'I' have???

    9. Well ANONYMOUS SHIT HEAD, just as you remain anonymous and do not identify yourself, you did not identify who you were commenting to so, I felt free to jump in!

      And another thing, I felt compelled to answer it anyway because, you seem to be ignorant to the fact that Zeeke has done exactly the same thing that he is now getting!

      It's really a shame that the so called education which you so frequently boast about having, didn't teach you people skills! It is also a shame that you feel so superior to others who are expressing themselves on the same sounding board as you, something not very important!

      So, if all you want to bitch about is the grammar, spelling and, punctuation of those who are bitching about those who have bitched about them then, maybe you should take your bitching over to Vomit or, Zeekes blog and see how far your bitching gets you!

    10. Apparently 5:25 forgot grammar, etc. Run-on sentences, lack of education to know where to end a sentence, and third grade sentence structure.

    11. I probably could post on their blog as well Bonnie, but it's more fun to post here and give you something to rant about. And thank you for feeling that I am superior to some here, modesty prevents me from stating it about myself

  5. Dundalk crack whore... Redskybay?

    1. No...Nichole

    2. Why bring Redskybay into this when she has been chilling in the South Pacific.

  6. i took a dump at 5am and it looks so much like perkys pictures.

    1. << i took a dump at 5am and it looks so much like perkys pictures >>

      Low blow!!! LOL


  8. toothless bob can not spell at all

  9. O wow zeek what another cartoon with my pic on it. wow like that does anything but makes you look like a jerk off. You going to rant about me all day in your hide out chat room lmao. Like i said many times you are nothing but a big pussy. FONT me wow. You just never get it i DONT GIVE A FUCK, FEW ASS HOLES and few none ass hole will even rad your childish blog. For me i just laugh at your crap. big whoop do da.

  10. Not only that they are trying to redeem themselves. Ronnie's posting pictures of a black kid and saying it is his cousin. That kid is dark as it gets and obviously not of any race mixing. Nice try Drunk Ass!

    1. He doesn't even know how to spell Dawneisha correctly!

  11. Ronnie and Zeek are grasping at straws now because they have no new material. They just do childish cartoons of Mike, Bonnie, and Chris. And as far as they having a private room I dont care. It just proves to me that they had their butts beaten here in the blog and had to run with their tales between their legs like scared little puppies that they are. To me Bonnie is just as bad with all her ranting and raving from what happened 10 years ago. Bonnie you know they're not going to stop so by bother even posting to their nonsense. It should not be worth it to you. Im sure you have better things to worry about than their sorry asses. And thats all Zeek and Vomit are. They're sorry pompous asses .

    1. AM I posting to their nonsense? I wasn't aware that I was doing that! I am not the ONE talking about their blogs! I couldn't care any less what is on their blogs, it's just a repeat of what's gone on for over 10 years now. Same ole bullshit! It's really just showing their mentality levels and, what it shows is that, what Zeeke has been calling everyone else for years is really what their problem is...........they are mentally challenged......(that is a nice way of saying they are RETARDED

  12. Ronnie thinks everyone is as stupid as he is. Putting that picture on his blog, he expected a lot of comments on here. He had hopes of telling everyone how he tricked everyone, and was ready to claim a great victory. Poor guy...

    1. UMMMMMMMMMM excuse me but, YOU are commenting on HIS blog! Sorry that I have to point that out but........... If no one visited their blog than, no one would be commenting ON IT. Just as we are sure that THEY are visiting this blog by visiting theirs. This is the never ending story!

  13. I see Ronnie and Zeektard are still checking this blog out, and counting the comments on it. Poor guys...

  14. I personally am delighted the zombies went into hiding. They really should not be seen in public.

    1. They aren't going far. This is the only attention they get in life.

  15. Hey Ugly, understandable that people complained when there was an attack on you blog. Childish behavior is childish behavior. Have you looked at Ronnie's blog? Look who is doing the same thing. I just wanted you to see it's not one sided. K2 invites retaliation. (and for K2, I am not a Zombie, just an adult pointing out you are just as childish as Zeeke)

  16. << Have you looked at Ronnie's blog? Look who is doing the same thing. I just wanted you to see it's not one sided. K2 invites retaliation. (and for K2, I am not a Zombie, just an adult pointing out you are just as childish as Zeeke) >>

    I got a bit carried away with commenting on Vomit's announcement that the Zombies had "abandoned AOL" in favor of Facebook. The Death of the Zeeke Cult is a fine cause for celebration, IMHO, but yeah, point made...

    BTW, "looking at" Vomit's blog will no longer show any of my comments. He was deleting them almost as fast as I was posting them.

    1. Carried away? I would say that made you just as bad as they are.

  17. We need a new zombie video.

  18. It was brought to my attention by Eyore that Redskybay is not in the South Pacific but is, in fact, here among us. Rest assured, her actions have not gone unnoticed. Notice to Redskybabyboo your response is unwarranted seeing as I was not the one who made the comment about you.

  19. I'm *still* playing some of those videos a couple of times a day. I think I'm hooked on pop music. That's a tough admission for a huge Rolling Stones fan.

  20. << He doesn't even know how to spell Dawneisha correctly! >>

    I'm glad I never had to name children. If I had a boy, my only thought would have been K3. Otherwise I would've bailed to my then-wife for fear of coming up with something unspellable, unpronounceable, too cutesy, something that meant dogshit in another language, or so on.

    'course, my Ex gave her sons cutesy names that--had I been one of them--I would've been sorely tempted to change at age 18.

    So, maybe it was best I just never had kids...

  21. << I would match my education against yours any day of the week. >>

    OOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo, a battle of the diplomas!


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.