Friday, September 16, 2011

"I Just Set a Blogging Record!!!"

(Written 9/13/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders blog)

I'm feeling all proud and shit of myself this morning for setting what I'm sure is some kind of all-time Marylanders blog record. I've now "been blogged" on four, yes, count them... FOUR different blogs.

In addition to the expected trashings on here, and on Zeeke's and Vomit's blogs, I was just blogged on Bonnie's!

In my upcoming acceptance speech at the First Annual Marylanders Blog Awards, I will detail my many wonderful personal traits that led to this, and thank all of the many "little people" who were instrumental in my remarkable achievement. Without giving away too much, let's just say that I'm "universally loved" and some of the "little people" are, well, not so little.

The nature of the award hasn't yet been announced, but I'm hoping for Major $$$. Well, at least a huge trophy. Hmmm... a ribbon? A stinkin' ribbon??? C'mon, you give ribbons to your frickin' cat for pooping in the litter box!

Anywho, it doesn't much matter because my Big Book Deal with a Major Publishing Company is contingent only on me being the *sole* winner of the award. And I already have that locked up UNLESS a couple of NEW blogs are started before the deadline and some now Second Place Slacker gets slammed and I don't. And that's not likely given that EVERY blogger now wants to take shots at me. I'm sooooooooooooo loved.


  1. how do you find bonnie and vomits blogs ?

  2. I did not blog you on my blog.....Pam did that, she told me she was going to and I allowed her to do so. I am, not in complete agreement with Pam, as I am not in complete agreement with you. Which is why I am no longer in the Maryland and Friends room. You chastize those who are, in your opinion causing drama but, you yourself have allowed and even started the drama in your "drama free" room. You talk about it this blog and the remarks made about yourself in here and by whom you feel are making those remarls....that is drama!....You talk about Zeeke and the way he is and the claims they make about the amount of people in his room verses your room and, the claims he makes about this, that and, the other thing and....yadda yadda yadda, it is all drama.

    Also, as it is with Zeeke and Ham, it is the same with you. you do not want drama in the room and, you do not want anyone saying any thing negative to or about anyone unless, it is you making it. I have seen it myself in the room where you start talking about Pam. Its really funny too because Guy does the same thing, and you just ignore I have you but, I cant anymore. I really have came to the conclusion that, you are no different than Zeeke! Both of you are control freaks!

  3. k2 likes to think he's a nice respectable roomie when truth is most have always found him hypocritical weirdo. He has never belonged even the old MD group tolerated him but no one really liked him.

  4. Yes K2, you were blogged. Why because I beieve you are a fantasy aoler - which means, in a nutshell, that your are full of shit aka BULLSHITER. Don't know how to break this news flash lightly so I figured I would just blirt it out. Wonder how many texts this will produce to your fantasy fiance. Where do you get one those? Is it a product of a wet dream? Beware of those flies on the wall - they will tell all or maybe just tell more lies.

  5. Fantasy, as in giving away nice cars? Maybe you should be the one to cut the bullshit. Making yourself look generous out of lies is worse than a wet dream.
    You left the room, now keep on walking. We have seen enough of your bitterness.

  6. K2 needs to just face it that no one likes him on AOL and move on to a flower growing club.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. >FlyontheWall said...
    Fantasy, as in giving away nice cars? Maybe you should be the one to cut the bullshit. Making yourself look generous out of lies is worse than a wet dream.
    You left the room, now keep on walking. We have seen enough of your bitterness<

    That was not a fantasy, it was more of a scare tactic orchastrated by ME to cause Zeeke to worry and, worry her did! Just like when I said I was going to show up at remingtons, sniper style, when he was searching for a kevlar vest.

    If anyone involved here is bitter, you should look to the Festered room. Zeeke has been and I suspect will be bitter till he dies.

    His bitterness is derived from his lack of control. The only people he can control are those who are just like him. Those he cannot control, become his targets. And, as long as they are in the same arena (AOL) as he, then he will keep trying to control them.

    He wants to be liked, what is there TO like? A control freak that beats on you until, you give him what he wants. He is not that nice looking, he does nothing except sit on AOL all day, stalking and verbally abusing people. He is a typical bully, on and off AOL. And all bullies have self esteem problems

    He will tell you that his "bullying" is entertainment........I was watching a show last night on bulling and this woman on there made a remark that if words were knives than she would be dead.....So I guess that Zeeke finds murder entertaining..........He has threatened to come to my home and gut me like a, I guess he does find it amusing.........reminds me of Dexter!

  9. That is nice Bonnie but I wasnt referring to you.

  10. <<>> Bonnie

    Pam and Bonnie lie about Pam giving her a car and Bonnie calls it a scare tactic, not a lie. It was a lie. Everyone knew it then. NoOne believed it.What happened to Pam and Bonnie insisting they never lie about anything? Just another lie in their list of many.

  11. << how do you find bonnie and vomits blogs ? >>

    3 miles due south, then turn left... 2nd and 3rd doors on the right.


    This is my blog

    >That is nice Bonnie but I wasnt referring to you.<

    Oh I know you weren't, you were referring to "my sistah"! The Louise to my Thelma aka Pam and, as I was saying, that was not her idea, that was mine...........and anyone would have realized it was a lie since they pay so close attention because, she originally said, that she used her car as a trade in. You know though, you people are really idiots!

    You know, one time when the chat rooms had split up a year or so ago, I followed so people in a chat room once to see waht they were talking about, And Cindy32863 as in there, they were of course talking about me as usualy and, Cindy made the remark that i probably even lied about the hep C, meaning that i didnt have it at all, she also told me when I revealed who I truley was under that screen name that, I should just start over..........How does someone start over on aol?? lying!

    I guess that is how many on here got so good at LYING.

    Another thing...........When I said in the room that I hadnt eaten in 15 all remember that?? Remember what I aid to Ham/Beth when she asked me if I was being truthful......I answered her with, this is aol, everything is true....she said, not aol true but, true true!

    WHAT IS THE TRUTH, how do you determine if it is aol truth or, the real truth? Not a one of you can answer that because, you have no idea!

    I kind of really made a fool out of people on that day but, that was not the first day and, it will by far, not be the last........:-)

  13. Oh yes and Christopher, I have been doing some thinking about your claims of being the most loved due to being blogged by cerain members of AOL..........You may be the most loved but, I have you beat as being the most a long shot!

  14. Now K2 don't be a hater. You don't like drama - remember - STAY FOCUSED! Lies and deceits is your way of life and because you live it, you assume everyone does. You support Macs' lies - why - because they are very similiar to your own lies. Example: fantasy fiance. There is a prime example. Neither of you has one but will support the other in the lie. That is a show of brotherly love and bonding. And AF - she is begging for recognition and attention - she wants a real fiance - have either of you- since you vow to trust and like her so much - thought of making her your real fiance. I am sure you would not have to resort to twisting her arm. I do suggest a simple 2 out of 3 on a coin toss to declare the winner. Heads or Tails - you call it. Good Luck Boys! Remember NO DRAMA - STAY FOCUSED!

  15. Oh Yeah - before I forget - your popularity K2 has killed another room. You are boring. That is the only way to sum it up. No Drama you say but when I am bolted from the room you and the others all talk about it. No Drama you say. That topic was at least good for a few minutes. Please Note: no participants were bolted during that drama outbreak. They managed to escape with a bolt. WHY IS THAT? Guy had his input - not sure what he was trying to say as usual (and he calls me a drunk) - but he had his moment with a cape and tights - SuperGuy or is it SuperGay. I think I might have a pic or two of you SuperGuy. That might just be blogged worthy. I will confer with my sister. All you drama queens (applies to both sexes in this case) REMEMBER there is a fly on the wall and that fly sees all.

  16. watching their drama unfold without zeek around is funny. guess they can not blame him this time

  17. Pam, chill. You are making yourself look ridiculous.

  18. Since when is Zeeke not around? Hell he has been stalking me to other chatooms that I make. when i leave and sign off at night time, he is sitting in there in the mornings.......then made names geared towards me...........then made a room also ggeared towards me....he still has 2 names made that are geared towards me so, tell me about how he is not around anymore???

  19. you're one stupid bitch. zeek wasn't in the room with christopher, you and pam but you're all at war. guess people are seeing who really causes all the drama. pam and bonnie

  20. I am not at war with Christopher and, I have not mentioned him in a negative way at all! I just stated my opinion. Christopher has known how I feel for years about certain things and, he only wants the drama in the room when it is he himself who brings it in and then when others make a remark about either the drama he brought up or, some other drama, he wants to get his feathers ruffled. So, I started my own room where, not many are allowed but as I have said before, I am only here for appearance sake so, carry on with you bashing and trashing of me!

  21. Bonnie you fight with everyone you come into contact with. You have turned on everyone that has ever tried to help you. I dont feel sorry for you one little bit. Sit over there in your pathetic little room all alone and it is only a matter of time before you and Pam are against each other also. You both are sure stupid bitches if you ask me.

  22. Hey - I resent your remarks about my sister, Bonnie, whom I know personally, having met her online and then in person. I find her to be the most honest person on AOL, strike that, the ONLY HONEST PERSON ON HERE. The majority of you tell lies and live in a fantasy and are completely UNTRUSTWORTHY. And as far as me turning against Bonnie -THAT WILL NEVER EVER HAPPEN. But thank you for your concern.

  23. << you were blogged... because I beieve you are a fantasy aoler... your fantasy fiance. >> Pam

    Apparently your "fly on the wall" forgot to mention to you that my fiancée, Pamela, was an old-time roomie who was known by many AOLers, and that dozens of roomies have seen us together as a couple. Did he/she/it also forget to mention the recent pic of us on my profile?

    I think you need a new "fly on the wall."

    << You might even be a gardener who likes to take a picture or two of the gardens you tend for others for pay. >> Pam

    Facts just aren't your friend, it seems. My full name and addresses have been blogged and spewed into the room numerous times. I'm sure that your "fly on the wall" can give you the details. And Bonnie can show you how to use those to get to the many online pics from independent sources of my gardening efforts.

    It seems your source also forgot to note that several roomies have visited my homes and that a few others have driven by them, all of whom later complimented me in the room on my landscaping work.

    << that drama outbreak >>

    Given your... err... your source's ineptitude at facts, perhaps you should limit your bashing of me to opinions. You, for example, are of the opinion that what you did in the room was mere "drama" on a par with what many others have said recently. It's my opinion, on the other hand, that your conduct was intentionally shocking, puerile, tasteless, reprehensible, and mean-spirited on a par with the worst I've seen from Zeeke and Mensa.

  24. Here goes reject K2 acting like he's above everyone else again.

  25. K2 you are jealous. Most gay men are sensitive and feel the need to boast to make up for their lack of self esteem. You are obviously gay. You bolted me because I did not follow your code of conduct. Again, K2, you cannot be daddy in the room - we are not your children. Have a child or two if you want to be a daddy so bad. FYI -Your post is blossoming with gayness. I bet you are so proud. And as a side note, bragging on AOL about your levels of education and what you have accomplished in life puts you on the same level with Cindy - the Blimp Cindy, not the other Cindy - AF - she is just out to get a man - any man. I am still not convince you are engaged or above average intelligent or as educated as you boast. Why? Simple. Intelligent educated people don't need to brag and you do.

  26. One more tidbit K2. You have a blog. Why not post your drama BS there and stop coming here to comment. I know why, because you want your gay like bog to be drama free and pretty with flowers and birds. So much for a drama free chatroom. Just continue to come in here with your drama that you don't want on your blog and you don't agree with - or is just everyone else's drama you find annoying

  27. He brags cause no one is in the room saying K2 you are so intelligent. So he has to drawl attention to himself somehow.

  28. SVA everyone can see right through his BS. He uses this blog to get the attention he dosen't get in real life. Then runs back to his boreing stupid blog and writes about how Ugly's blog aint so nice. Yet he's the person behind it. How's that for fucked up hypocresy?

    Even worse is the Sosses who were just as bad as the Zombies but he had no problem getting behind them when he thought it would up firearm in the Zombie war and now that that failed he bashes them. Ametere tactics everyone sees right through his bullshit.

  29. << Most gay men are sensitive and feel the need to boast to make up for their lack of self esteem... Your post is blossoming with gayness... you want your gay like bog to be drama free and pretty with flowers and birds >> Pam

    So, add being a homophobe to your list of ugly character traits...

    << You are obviously gay. >> Pam

    Well, I'm engaged to Pamela. And ask Bonnie to show you how to find my recent divorce from my ex-wife on the MD Judiciary record web site. Gee, WRONG again on another fact.

    Beth used to try and break Zeeke of the absurdity of that view, but eventually gave up. His bigotry is apparently as deep as yours.

    << I am still not convince you are... above average intelligent or as educated as you boast. >> Pam

    Just Google my full name (with middle initial) and the word attorney. That'll pop up as your first hit my Martindale-Hubble lawyer profile, which shows my undergrad school and degree, my law school and degree, and when I was admitted to the MD bar. Even the Zombies stopped yammering about that when I mentioned the link. It was number 1 for awhile on Google for me generally right after that. LOL

    Gee, WRONG again on another fact. I'm sensing a trend. That's what, 0-for-5? 6?

    Alas, I don't know of a site that mentions the other four diplomas I've earned.

    << ... you want your... bog to be... pretty with flowers and birds. >> Pam

    You mean like the pretty pics I recently posted on THIS blog?

    << You have a blog. Why not post your drama BS there and stop coming here to comment. >>

    Pot... kettle? Getting insufficient attention from your rants on Bonnie's blog, your IMs to AF, emails to Guy, etc.?

    << You bolted me because I did not follow your code of conduct. >>

    You and Bonnie both seem to feel you can say and do anything you want in a chat room, no matter how disgusting, and that you should be able to repeat it ad nauseum. I bolted you because of your cringe-inducing behavior. I haven't bolted Bonnie... yet.

    That room was conceived of as being essentially drama-free from the get go. You and Bonnie knew that. And you and Bonnie (along with AF and Colmac) were politely asked to stop beating the ugliness to death, but you both refused and left. And the room has been essentially drama-free since I bolted you.

  30. << Most gay men are sensitive and feel the need to boast to make up for their lack of self esteem... Your post is blossoming with gayness... you want your gay like bog to be drama free and pretty with flowers and birds >> Pam

    So, add being a homophobe to your list of ugly character traits...

    << You are obviously gay. >> Pam

    Well, I'm engaged to Pamela. And ask Bonnie to show you how to find my recent divorce from my ex-wife on the MD Judiciary record web site. Gee, WRONG again on another fact.

    Beth used to try and break Zeeke of the absurdity of that view, but eventually gave up. His bigotry is apparently as deep as yours.

    << I am still not convince you are... above average intelligent or as educated as you boast. >> Pam

    Just Google my full name (with middle initial) and the word attorney. That'll pop up as your first hit my Martindale-Hubble lawyer profile, which shows my undergrad school and degree, my law school and degree, and when I was admitted to the MD bar. Even the Zombies stopped yammering about that when I mentioned the link. It was number 1 for awhile on Google for me generally right after that. LOL

    Gee, WRONG again on another fact. I'm sensing a trend. That's what, 0-for-5? 6?

    Alas, I don't know of a site that mentions the other four diplomas I've earned.

    << ... you want your... bog to be... pretty with flowers and birds. >> Pam

    You mean like the pretty pics I recently posted on THIS blog?

    << You have a blog. Why not post your drama BS there and stop coming here to comment. >>

    Pot... kettle? Getting insufficient attention from your rants on Bonnie's blog, your IMs to AF, emails to Guy, etc.?

    << You bolted me because I did not follow your code of conduct. >>

    You and Bonnie both seem to feel you can say and do anything you want in a chat room, no matter how disgusting, and that you should be able to repeat it ad nauseum. I bolted you because of your cringe-inducing behavior. I haven't bolted Bonnie... yet.

    That room was conceived of as being essentially drama-free from the get go. You and Bonnie knew that. And you and Bonnie (along with AF and Colmac) were politely asked to stop beating the ugliness to death, but you both refused and left. And the room has been essentially drama-free since I bolted you.

  31. << Have a child or two if you want to be a daddy so bad. >> Pam

    Oh, I forgot about that one. I guess your source forgot to mention that I was a stepdad for many years, and an excellent one. So, you're wrong yet AGAIN about a fact.

    When my ex-wife and I split, her boys were ages 10 and 13. They were still exhibiting many of the same signs of immaturity that you are. But they later grew up.

  32. This should've appeared before my 5:43 a.m. one... not sure what happened.

    << Most gay men are sensitive and feel the need to boast to make up for their lack of self esteem... Your post is blossoming with gayness... you want your gay like bog to be drama free and pretty with flowers and birds >> Pam

    So, add being a homophobe to your list of ugly character traits...

    << You are obviously gay. >> Pam

    Well, I'm engaged to Pamela. And ask Bonnie to show you how to find my recent divorce from my ex-wife on the MD Judiciary record web site. Gee, WRONG again on another fact.

    Beth used to try and break Zeeke of the absurdity of that view, but eventually gave up. His bigotry is apparently as deep as yours.

    << I am still not convince you are... above average intelligent or as educated as you boast. >> Pam

    Just Google my full name (with middle initial) and the word attorney. That'll pop up as your first hit my Martindale-Hubble lawyer profile, which shows my undergrad school and degree, my law school and degree, and when I was admitted to the MD bar. Even the Zombies stopped yammering about that when I mentioned the link. It was number 1 for awhile on Google for me generally right after that. LOL

    Gee, WRONG again on another fact. I'm sensing a trend. That's what, 0-for-5? 6?

    Alas, I don't know of a site that mentions the other four diplomas I've earned.

    << ... you want your... bog to be... pretty with flowers and birds. >> Pam

    You mean like the pretty pics I recently posted on THIS blog?

    << You have a blog. Why not post your drama BS there and stop coming here to comment. >>

    Pot... kettle? Getting insufficient attention from your rants on Bonnie's blog, your IMs to AF, emails to Guy, etc.?

    << You bolted me because I did not follow your code of conduct. >>

    You and Bonnie both seem to feel you can say and do anything you want in a chat room, no matter how disgusting, and that you should be able to repeat it ad nauseum. I bolted you because of your cringe-inducing behavior. I haven't bolted Bonnie... yet.

    That room was conceived of as being essentially drama-free from the get go. You and Bonnie knew that. And you and Bonnie (along with AF and Colmac) were politely asked to stop beating the ugliness to death, but you both refused and left. And the room has been essentially drama-free since I bolted you.

  33. This should have appeared before my 5:43 one... not sure what happened.

    << Most gay men are sensitive and feel the need to boast to make up for their lack of self esteem... Your post is blossoming with gayness... you want your gay like bog to be drama free and pretty with flowers and birds >> Pam

    So, add being a homophobe to your list of ugly character traits...

    << You are obviously gay. >> Pam

    Well, I'm engaged to Pamela. And ask Bonnie to show you how to find my recent divorce from my ex-wife on the MD Judiciary record web site. Gee, WRONG again on another fact.

    Beth used to try and break Zeeke of the absurdity of that view, but eventually gave up. His bigotry is apparently as deep as yours.

    << I am still not convince you are... above average intelligent or as educated as you boast. >> Pam

    Just Google my full name (with middle initial) and the word attorney. That'll pop up as your first hit my Martindale-Hubble lawyer profile, which shows my undergrad school and degree, my law school and degree, and when I was admitted to the MD bar. Even the Zombies stopped yammering about that when I mentioned the link. It was number 1 for awhile on Google for me generally right after that. LOL

    Gee, WRONG again on another fact. I'm sensing a trend. That's what, 0-for-5? 6?

    Alas, I don't know of a site that mentions the other four diplomas I've earned.

    << ... you want your... bog to be... pretty with flowers and birds. >> Pam

    You mean like the pretty pics I recently posted on THIS blog?

    << You have a blog. Why not post your drama BS there and stop coming here to comment. >>

    Pot... kettle? Getting insufficient attention from your rants on Bonnie's blog, your IMs to AF, emails to Guy, etc.?

    << You bolted me because I did not follow your code of conduct. >>

    You and Bonnie both seem to feel you can say and do anything you want in a chat room, no matter how disgusting, and that you should be able to repeat it ad nauseum. I bolted you because of your cringe-inducing behavior. I haven't bolted Bonnie... yet.

    That room was conceived of as being essentially drama-free from the get go. You and Bonnie knew that. And you and Bonnie (along with AF and Colmac) were politely asked to stop beating the ugliness to death, but you both refused and left. And the room has been essentially drama-free since I bolted you.

  34. Ok, I have tried not to say anything till NOW! CHristopher, I have not said a negative word about you other than I believe you are a control freal and snobbish which I have said to you years ago and in an im to you when we were chatting so, that should be no big surprise to you.

    As far as what Pam says and believes to be true about you, is Pams thoughts and beliefs alone. I am not in agreement with her, she knows that, we have discussed it.

    And, you just made a comment I feel rather is rather funny, this comment >And you and Bonnie (along with AF and Colmac) were politely asked to stop beating the ugliness to death,<, are you saying that Colmac and AF are the ugliness?

    Oh, I can tell you that I think they both are and, you are associating with them as I associate with Pam. And, you are suggesting that I feel the same way as Pam does and am in agreement with her concerning you! But, it is really YOU who is acting the same way and in agreement with the very people you just said Pam and I were beating to death!

    Maybe you didn't read your blogs and notice how I was talking to Colmac about how he fely about his son due to him being Gay and, while I was talking to him about this, AF just had to jump in and telling ME to fuck off, did I respond in kind to her?? No I did not!

    Another thing is, is that their has been logs of YOUR room sent to me in which, you and others are talknig about PAM! You talk about your room being anti drama yet, you sit right in there and parrticipate along with others who are, as you say, "beating ugliness". You also sit in that room along with others and talk about the ugliness that came from Zeeke and beth and Cindy32863 and, etc............

    >I bolted you because of your cringe-inducing behavior. I haven't bolted Bonnie... yet<

    Do me a favor old man........HOLD YOUR BEREATH!!

  35. << you are a control freal and snobbish >>
    << Do me a favor old man... >> Bonnie

    As long as you continue to make ugly personal comments about me, Bonnie, you shouldn't expect much in the way of substantive responses from me to anything else you say.

  36. K2 you aren't liked dude. Just jump off the bridge.

  37. I don't expect anything from you except how you have always been, critical, judgemental and, hypocrtical!

    You have 3 sets of rules, one for people you allow to kiss up to you, one for yourself and, another who will not adhere to you controlling, self absorbed, snobbish, hypochritical BS.

    My ugly comments to and about you are spot on! nd if you think they are ugly comments, take a look at these comments and "drama, that was going on in YOUR room:

    COLMAC06: she had curves from the back
    AF205CNE: hmm
    COLMAC06: nothing was meant to be bad
    COLMAC06: so be it
    COLMAC06: not me,i;m honesty
    COLMAC06: honest
    COLMAC06: for the record,29,have no reason to bash you,therefor i will NOT,say another word
    COLMAC06: ok,why now so quite
    COLMAC06: and k2 ?
    ChristopherK2: yes?
    COLMAC06: ddid you see what was said
    AF205CNE: figured you were off watching tv
    ChristopherK2: I read everything, yes.
    COLMAC06: you want to end the drama
    ChristopherK2: I'm watching CNN's original coverage of 9/11 on their web site.
    ChristopherK2: The drama seems very minimal lately.
    COLMAC06: its quite simple,i just won't come in any more
    AF205CNE: whats wrong col
    ChristopherK2: You're the least of my worries.
    AF205CNE: did i miss something
    COLMAC06: some one came in,and wanted to start shit
    COLMAC06: yes you did af
    AF205CNE: ok sorry
    AF205CNE: watching nascar and chatting
    COLMAC06: so you missed pam
    AF205CNE: saw some of pam
    ChristopherK2: I was reading what she said very carefully, with my finger on the Eject button.
    COLMAC06: ok
    COLMAC06: i did start anything
    AF205CNE: oh yeah she was about to begin
    AF205CNE: if i remember chris said something too
    COLMAC06: k2,with this new fight,i don't need that !
    ChristopherK2: I'll do what I can...
    AF205CNE: i can totally understand that col
    COLMAC06: no you will do better !
    ChristopherK2: Yeah, the Ignore button is a fine option, too.
    AF205CNE: so he doesn't need crap
    COLMAC06: i have always been in your corner

    And there is more where you let the drama continue in regards to Pam....You bolted her and it should be over but, nope, you let it continue AND, you participate in it. Just lik you do with Zeeke and probably do concerning me!

    You are a hypocrite Christopher, plan and simple!

  38. oh and, I found it, here is another log of your room that i was sent. further proving the amount of hypocracy you project:

    ChristopherK2: I intend to keep this room as drama-free as possible.
    AgreeableGuy: oh boy
    AgreeableGuy: that means im next
    ChristopherK2: LOL up to you...
    ChristopherK2: 'afternoon Gin
    AgreeableGuy: eh.... maybe
    GinSullyVan46: GA chris
    AgreeableGuy: is there a healthy amount of drama?
    ChristopherK2: Well, keep in mind how far I let that mess go before I clamped down.
    AgreeableGuy: well, my perception is that i dont ever get anywhere close to pam level nasty except when engaged with creepy types
    ChristopherK2: Pam not only wouldn't stop it, but she went well beyond disgusting.
    AgreeableGuy: but self perception is imperfect
    AgreeableGuy: she drinks
    ChristopherK2: Hmmm... I've never seen you get as disgusting as she was.
    ChristopherK2: Not even close, actually.
    AgreeableGuy: i think she is a nasty drunk
    ChristopherK2: I dunno...
    AgreeableGuy: well i missed the worst i think
    ChristopherK2: Probably so...
    AgreeableGuy: well, your intellectual orientation serves you well with bolt policy as far as i can tell
    ChristopherK2: And I'm probably the only one who knows of all the incidents.
    AgreeableGuy: so, from what af said, you did the right thing and was much appreciated
    ChristopherK2: thanks... hate to see anyone leave, especially people who chat a lot.
    AgreeableGuy: af has a good amount of credibility as do you ofcourse
    ChristopherK2: Yes, she does.
    AgreeableGuy: well, your intellectual orientation serves you well with bolt policy as far as i can tell

  39. Seems to me Christopher, Guy and everyone else are finally seeing Pam and Bonnie for the drama queens,shit starters and nasty creatures they are. Took them a little longer to figure it out than the rest of us but they seem to have finally gotten it.Now Pam and Bonnie can cry poor victims like they always do. Think they'll ever figure out they're the problem, not everyone else?

  40. wow someone that is backing Christopher against Pam and I who, is doing it anonomously and after all Christophers commints about anonymous comments. Wonder if he will label you as he has them?

  41. << Seems to me Christopher, Guy and everyone else are finally seeing Pam and Bonnie for the drama queens,shit starters and nasty creatures they are. >>

    Well, considering that Bonnie didn't bother posting the acute ugliness by Pam that led to those discussions, your summary is perhaps mild, at least as to Pam.

    << Think they'll ever figure out they're the problem, not everyone else? >>

    I don't think either of them yet "gets it." They both seem to still believe that what Pam said and did that night was just fine. It wasn't.

  42. OMG "GETS IT" That is waht Zeeke used to say about me........"she doesnt get it" Congratulations have reached Zombiedom! Did you ever imagine that YOU would be in agreement with Zeeke? I know I never did!

  43. Oh and one other thing.......I was not in the room when Pam was to see her say anything! But, what she did say, is not waht I am talking about, I am talking about what you are talking about and what you are allowing. The very thing aYOU say you are against....DRAMA! Which is what YOU bolted her for in the first place and, yet it is constantly the topic of the room. Pam. Pam, Pam! I guess as you age you lose the ability to comprehend what people are saying!

  44. K2 - where do I begin. I will start here. I thought I would never, ever see anyone use the word "I" more then Cindy the Blimp - then along came Chris, slow-walking Chris, slow-talking Chris, short-sighted Chris. Chris you beat Cindy hands down on boasting about yourself. (Are you two siblings from a different father - I see some comparable genetic traits between you two). But you, you take it one step further by providing links to your education, degrees, accomplishments, etc. YOU DO TAKE THIS AOL BULLSHIT SERIOUSLY. Who would have believe it. Now I am going to say this again - read carefully to gain complete comprehension of this fact. Ready.
    WELL EDUCATED INTELLIGENT INDIVIDUALS DO NOT HAVE TO BRAG OR BOAST. THEY JUST DON'T HAVE TO! AND BY THE WAY, YOU SEE JUST A BIT TIFFED BY ALL THIS - ARE YOU A TAD BIT UPSET - HAS THIS ALL DRAMATISED YOU. K2 you are so full of drama it just rolls off you like steam off boiling water. I am more convince now that you have no life outside of AOL, no fiance and no education. Come tip toe through garden with me. I could picture you sitting in a garden singing that song. Sound Gay. Well, that is what I have been saying. What a moron you are and that I am more convince of blog by blog that you post. Congratulations on your drama free room - it is a dead end like you. You kill it. Death of a chatroom by K2.

  45. K2 why do you blog your drama in here - refresh my memory - your bragging of how great you are, your blogging records, your drama - which you say don't want on your pretty flowery blog or in your chatroom of liars and fantasy aolers that you now foster. Birds of a feather flock together. I will stick with my gal,
    Bonnie - she is the honest one. K2 you just plain suck. And I say that with a chuckle. Your not super smart you are just super drama. No better then zeek or any other zombie. LOL

  46. Pam and Bonnie, why dont you both shut the hell up. No one gives a crap about either of you. You're just pissed off at the world, Pam you're a drunken sot and Bonnie you're just in love with zeek. Growup you two bitches.

  47. Freedom of speech is a right in this Country and I, for one, will continue to exercise, which I may add, you are doing, hence your previous post on this blog. To clarify, I am not pissed at the world nor at Chris nor at Zeek nor at any other screen name on AOL. I find all this mildly amusing. What is your interest or fascination? As far as being a drunken sot, what proof do you have to support that outlandish statement. For all we know, you are drunken sot projecting your defects onto others. Grow-up you suggest is like calling the pot calling the kettle black.

  48. << Now, as you begin in this email that, Colmac06, AF nor, you were in the room at the time and yes, Pam and I were ragging on Colman06. It was talk and, this is really no different than the emails I was sent where, you, Agreeableguy and, others were sitting in there talking about Pam amd saying so not so nice things... without, her being there! So, can you explain how this is any different?? >> Bonnie, on her blog

    You are only aware of perhaps half of the overall incidents involving Pam, and apparently not the most important one (which occurred *after* y'all quit the room). I have said that the people who needed to know the details of that incident already know them. Either Pam has not told you about it, or you agree with her that it wasn't so bad.

    But I assure you, Bonnie, that it was far, far different in scale than anything else and was one of the most revolting, despicable incidents I've witnessed in my 15 years in chat rooms. The other roomies there were also shocked and appalled. It was way beyond anything that could even loosely be described as "drama." And that is why Pam was bolted, as she well knows.

  49. Why didn't you send me that log? What you sent me was a log when you nor, those her and I were ragging on were in there.

    Now you want to tell me that Pam caused more drama then what you do, disgusting, dispicable drama that you have not witnessed in the 15 years that you have been on line??

    I find that rather hard to believe when we were both members of the same chat room, with the same members and, the same snerts. With the likes of SOS'es and Zeeke!

    Which from the way people acted by my surprise and disgust with the SOS'es and, Virtualrealtime and the like, I can imagine that it was going on long before I came on line. Even you suggested that I ignore them!

    So, I rather doubt that Pam could have said anything about anyone that would have been something you hadn't seen/heard before. Stop being over dramatic and is only AOL!

  50. << Why didn't you send me that log? >> Bonnie

    Once you quit the room, you lost the right to know what was happening in it.

    << Now you want to tell me that Pam caused more drama then what you do, disgusting, dispicable drama that you have not witnessed in the 15 years that you have been on line >>

    I said it was "one of," not the only or worst. I didn't exaggerate.

    << So, I rather doubt that Pam could have... >>

    A few years ago, I wouldn't have believed that Beth was capable of doing the many ugly things that she has since done.

  51. K2 - you don't like the DRAMA unless you are in the thick of it. As long as the drama surrounds you and centers on you - then DRAMA is what your all about. Your not fooling anyone - not like your new buddy - Mac.

    You really believe he is on the up and up. What kind of fool are you. Obviously, a very gullible one.

    let's explore some K2 FUN FACTS:

    1. K2 does not tolerate drama
    Disclaimer: Unless it is his drama.

    2. K2 does not bond with aolers
    Disclaimer: Only if they are fantasy aolers like himself (ex: making up fantasy fiances, which both Mac and K2 have in common)

    3. K2 runs a drama free blog
    Disclaimer: K2 will post all his drama BS on Ugly's blog so he can keep his blog drama free and boring, much like the dead room he dictates.

    4. K2 has a law degree
    Disclaimer: If K2 is a lawyer, he would know that freedom of speech is legal and he does not have enough power even if he is armed with an AOL bolt to stop that.

    K2 has a big head
    Disclaimer: He would not have such a big head if he would we stop blogging about him - so this is the end of this for me. On to some important things in life.

    Life- not AOL and not fantasies and not making up stuff to impress aolers who I don't know, but life for the living.

  52. My my, the nice room seems to have imploded, or is it exploded? Either way, they're at each others throats like a rat to cheese. Rather satisfying to sit back and watch especially knowing they can't blame the zombies for causing this mess. Want to know what comes next? Bonnie will create Christopher, Colmac and AF205 blogs to go after them like she's done to everyone else. It's her M.O. Stay tuned! Cracking up laughing here !!!!

  53. << My my, the nice room seems to have imploded, or is it exploded? >> A cowardly Zombie

    Actually, my room has been quite pleasant ever since Bonnie left, and I bolted Pam, Cindy32863, Nelson, and the Lesser Zombies (including Eminence, Alan, and Jack) who tried to start crap.

    Now, if I could just figure out how to keep the Bots out...

  54. >Actually, my room has been quite pleasant ever since Bonnie left,<

    Now you say you have bolted the Zombies right?...They could very easily go and make up other screen names to come into your room and start their shit but, there is no reason for them to do that because........"Bonnie left"!

    And, the don't bother coming into this room and starting shit because, I bolt them imediately when, I am at the keyboard. Pantry, Dee, Azacmon and EminenceFrontal know this all too well!

  55. Bolt the bots K2 and your room would be empty accept for AF, SuperGayGuy, Mikey and a few others that stop in but don't hang around for long. Cheers to all you drama queens in the Friendly No Drama Here Room.

  56. << He would not have such a big head if he would we stop blogging about him - so this is the end of this for me. (September 20, 10:00 PM) >> Pam

    << Bolt the bots K2 and your room would be empty... (September 21, 6:30 AM) >> Pam yet again

    I wonder if 8.5 hours breaks the All-Blogspot Record for Breaking a Vow of Shutting the Fuck Up.

  57. << He would not have such a big head if he would we stop blogging about him - so this is the end of this for me. (September 20, 10:00 PM) >> Pam

    << Bolt the bots K2 and your room would be empty... (September 21, 6:30 AM) >> Pam yet again

    Who had 8-10 hours in the betting pool? I have to give Pam some credit 'cause I chose 0-2 hours.

  58. << He would not have such a big head if he would we stop blogging about him - so this is the end of this for me. On to some important things in life. (September 20, 10:00 PM) >> Pam

    << Bolt the bots K2 and your room would be empty... (September 21, 6:30 AM) >> Pam yet again

    Personally, most of the "important things in (my) life" have lasted MUCH longer than 8.5 hours (minus sleep time).

  59. << He would not have such a big head if he would we stop blogging about him - so this is the end of this for me. (September 20, 10:00 PM) >> Pam

    << Bolt the bots K2 and your room would be empty... (September 21, 6:30 AM) >> Pam yet again

    Back in the day, Chat Room Suicides usually lasted about three days. Anyone know what the average is for a Blog Vow of Non-Ranting? I'd guess at least a week.

  60. << He would not have such a big head if he would we stop blogging about him - so this is the end of this for me. (September 20, 10:00 PM) >> Pam

    << Bolt the bots K2 and your room would be empty... (September 21, 6:30 AM) >> Pam yet again

    Does Blogspot impose a minimum on how many rants a person has to make *after* they break a Non-Ranting Vow *before* they are allowed to make another Vow? If not, I vote for 7.

  61. << He would not have such a big head if he would we stop blogging about him - so this is the end of this for me. (September 20, 10:00 PM) >> Pam
    << Bolt the bots K2 and your room would be empty... (September 21, 6:30 AM) >> Pam yet again just 8.5 hours later

    Is there a pool yet for how soon Pam will begin ranting again, how long her first one will be, and how many rants she'll string together? For that trifecta, I'll take 6 hours/ 3 paragraphs / 5 rants. Put me down for $10AOL.

  62. << He would not have such a big head if he would we stop blogging about him - so this is the end of this for me. (September 20, 10:00 PM) >> Pam
    << Bolt the bots K2 and your room would be empty... (September 21, 6:30 AM) >> Pam yet again just 8.5 hours later

    For her inevitable next rant, I predict Pam will say "everyone knows" that I'm "really" 4'8", weigh 320, have a giant wart on my nose, I have webbed feet, and I made up the story about my third nipple in order to woo the Hot Babes.

  63. << He would not have such a big head if he would we stop blogging about him - so this is the end of this for me. (September 20, 10:00 PM) >> Pam
    << Bolt the bots K2 and your room would be empty... (September 21, 6:30 AM) >> Pam yet again just 8.5 hours later

    Yes, I did copy this pattern from Zeeke's blog, but no, I won't do *64* comments. I'm into quality, not quantity. Well, unless I think up 64 great ideas...

  64. << He would not have such a big head if he would we stop blogging about him - so this is the end of this for me. (September 20, 10:00 PM) >> Pam
    << Bolt the bots K2 and your room would be empty... (September 21, 6:30 AM) >> Pam yet again just 8.5 hours later

    Did I just admit that I copied an idea from Zeeke? Wow... Well, in my defense, he was bound to have ONE good idea after a decade of meaningless drivel.

  65. << He would not have such a big head if he would we stop blogging about him - so this is the end of this for me. (September 20, 10:00 PM) >> Pam
    << Bolt the bots K2 and your room would be empty... (September 21, 6:30 AM) >> Pam yet again just 8.5 hours later

    I absolutely, positively VOW that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER will I post another comment about Pam at ANY TIME during the next 4 minutes.

  66. << He would not have such a big head if he would we stop blogging about him - so this is the end of this for me. (September 20, 10:00 PM) >> Pam
    << Bolt the bots K2 and your room would be empty... (September 21, 6:30 AM) >> Pam yet again just 8.5 hours later

    Some of us take Vows seriously. Ditto Facts. Others are reckless with both.

  67. << He would not have such a big head if he would we stop blogging about him - so this is the end of this for me. On to some important things in life >> Pam

    Given that those "important things in life" take up so little of her time, Pam needs to come up with a better kiss off line for her next Vow To Shut the Fuck Up. She could go with one of the triter ones of the moment, like "I'm sooooooooooo over YOU!!!" or "Kiss My Lily White Ass."

    But I think she should just go for the truth with something like: "I'm so embarrassed about recent events that I'm committing AOL Suicide. See you next Tuesday."

  68. This blog is popular not cause of K2 at all but Ugly whoever that is.

  69. Has K2 been drinking today ?

  70. WOW! 11 posts in 1 hour and 18 minutes all about Pam! Way to go Christopher! Prove her to be right about you!

  71. After reading these rantings from Pam and studying some of her phrases I am 100 percent certain she was Crabngal.
    Read what she wrote and recall some of Crabngal's comments if you don't believe me.

  72. << Has K2 been drinking today ? >> Zeeke

    I've been on a moderate Mt. Dew Code Red buzz most of the day.

  73. << Has K2 been drinking today ? >> Zeeke, back a bit before his promised 2 years...

    I've been on a moderate Mt. Dew Code Red buzz most of the day, as usual.

  74. Pam said

    Hey - does anyone besides me sense a rambling trend? Here is an update on my day - oil changed, tires rotated and nail manicure compliments of Toyota - 11am to 12:30pm next to my hair appt. 1pm out at 3:30pm - hair straighter treatment applied - on to payless in same strip mall - bought 2 pairs of boots order via Internet and shipped to store (damn those size 5's are hard to find on the shelf) found another adorable pair of black pumps with awesome styled heel - started to pour - I mean I swear it was like another hurricane type rain - so I ducked into Cato's and find a really cute pair of light weight jeans size 6P (P for petite) helps with being 4'9 - still needed to turn up the bottoms but they do look just so cute with a cuff and the rain stopped so I headed home - arrival time 5:40pm. And I had no idea of how popular I have become to some (mainly one) in that time span. I do hope you spend more time with your fantasy fiance (if you do not have a fantasy fiance then this need not apply to you). I bet the above rambling of posts could equal a night of texts from someone dear - wink wink. You want to play with me - remove the bolt - otherwise shut the fuck up or go fuck a FF (fantasy fiance).

  75. << You want to play with me - remove the bolt - otherwise shut the fuck up >> Pam

    That reminds me of the recent Ortiz-Mayweather boxing match. Ortiz slammed Mayweather with a blatant, ugly, illegal head butt. As they came out of the subsequent break after Ortiz was penalized, Ortiz inexplicably hugged Mayweather, then dropped his gloves and glanced sideways at the ref. Mayweather--who was way ahead on points--pounced, knocking Ortiz out with a couple of perfectly legal cannon shots. Ortiz has been whining ever since about how "unfair" Mayweather was, they were "sucker punches" blah blah blah.

    The AOL version of Mayweather's response is, "You started it. Then you screwed up several times, and had no defenses. So, quit whining because you got run over by a Mack truck."

  76. Pam said.......

    K2 either be a man and unbolt me to debate and argue this in the room or stop the drama - you are not amusing. Unlike you, I really do not concern myself with finishing this nor do I really understand what "this" is about, since "this" is only AOL and pure BULLSHIT, but please embrace "this" as you will and continue the drama that you are so strongly against. If you wish to continue "this" release the bolt hold on me, if not continue to display yourself as the boring wimp have become and we all know well as. Your FF must be so proud.

  77. BTW, Pam, I've been aware for sometime of your visits to my room under a Sham SN. It's been amusing to watch you struggle to remain almost normal. (You're really not very good at it.) I don't know why you feel compelled to do that but if all you want is to log the chat, I'd be happy to send you the logs. That way you can avoid the angst you must go thru restraining your natural impulses to say ugly crap and the embarrassment of being that totally obsessed. You should also mention it to Bonnie. << chuckle, chuckle >>

  78. Now Bonnie Said..............

    Christopher, you are the one that should stop the whining, so should Agreeableguy, AF and, all the others in that room who constantly complain about Pam.....after whining about Zeeke............ after whining about Beth and yeah, after whining about me!

    I mean when it was in that room, you were always whining about Zeeke this, Zeeke that and agreeableguy was trying to get it to stop but, it was ok when he did it. Zeeke is the one screen name/person I think we all dislike equally and yet, he is a whiner also!

    In all honesty, dispite how much i loath Zeeke, we are all being just like him.......not only Pam but, ALL of us and, that includes you!

  79. "but if all you want is to log the chat, I'd be happy to send you the logs."

    Gee, you will send her the logs but, not me, someone who actually requested one in which you claim "that it was far, far different in scale than anything else and was one of the most revolting, despicable incidents I've witnessed in my 15 years in chat rooms."

    Here you go with those inconsistancies that I was talking about with. none other than, ZEEKE!

    First you say ><< Why didn't you send me that log? >> "Bonnie Once you quit the room, you lost the right to know what was happening in it."

    Then you are telling Pam >"I don't know why you feel compelled to do that but if all you want is to log the chat, I'd be happy to send you the logs."

    Seems to me that you are unable to keep your claims straight either. You know though, most of the time when your room is logged these days, nothing really is ever said. I am thinking that the logs that you are keeping, are just blank.

    It's all a senseless bunch of shit! At least when Zeeke was ragging on me and beating me down in a chatroom, he had a reason to be doing it and, there was also something TO LOG!

    But, even the logs I recieve from that chatroom, have been empty!

  80. << stop the drama ... >> Pam

    You started it, dear, with your blog article. In my article, I didn't even name you. You responded with three ugly comments before I even bothered to reply. If you want it to stop, just stop making ugly comments. It's really that simple, Pam.

  81. << nor do I really understand what "this" is about >> Pam

    From the beginning, it has been about your disgusting behavior in the chat room against Colmac.

    And it has continued because of several of your traits.

    1. Like Bonnie, you refuse to "stop beating a dead horse." Despite you both agreeing that the room should be as drama-free as possible, you both kept repeatedly bringing up that one topic about Colmac, even to the point of spewing it at some nice newbie guy who was probably thinking, "How do I get out of here as quickly as possible?"

    2. You and Bonnie both refuse to compromise even one inch. You both refused my request to drop the topic. Instead, you both stormed out of the room while spewing a bunch of crap about "censorship," "hypocrisy," and "discrimination," and waving a First Amendment banner. Neither of you was willing to drop even ONE little topic that you had both already rehashed a dozen times, in order to minimize the drama. AF and Colmac complied immediately, without hesitation.

    3. Neither of you have a sense of perspective or proportion. The minor drama that had routinely occurred in the room simply did NOT justify the relentless and ugly bashing you both did of Colmac ad nauseum.

    4. Neither of you has any... and I mean ANY patience. I said I would clean up the messes and bring the drama down to a minimal level. Your responses were "Why start with US... start with THEM!" I started with the ugliest drama and it had four main people, two on each "side." You should have trusted me instead of lashing out and storming out. I *have* cleaned up more than 90% of it, either by talking to individuals privately, discussing such things in the room, and bolting the few people I mentioned earlier who aren't capable of changing (such as Cindy32863 and several Zombies). This all takes time, something neither of you was willing to grant me.

    5. Apparently, neither of you has an "edit button." You both seem to just blurt out whatever you're feeling. That's fine, *except* in a room that wants as little drama as possible. I probably "clinch my jaw" 10 times a day in there (usually due to Guy... LOL) so that I don't spit out ugliness. Trust me, with practice the urge passes quickly enough and you go back to pleasant chat.

    6. Where you and Bonnie differed (you were bolted; she's on "double secret probation" LOL) is over Colmac. I don't know or care what your prior relationship with him was. But frankly, Pam, you "lost it" two different nights in the room over him, and that last night your behavior was absolutely disgusting.

    7. You're unwilling to accept facts that disagree with you preconceptions even when confronted with indisputable evidence. That whole dustup over me having been an attorney was absurd. BTW, I found another way to find that. Go to, click on the Find an Attorney button, stick in my last name, select Maryland, and click on the Search button. I'm the last one listed.

    << unbolt me to debate and argue this in the room >> Pam

    There's no reason to debate. After you launched your extreme ugliness at Colmac, the vote was unanimous to "kick you off the island."

    And you seem to have "anger management" problems or something, Pam. And you haven't even acknowledged... much less explained or apologized for... your ugly behavior that last night.

    Besides, why would you WANT to return? You've expressed your intense dislike of nearly everyone who's now a regular in there. And how would anything be different? Those characteristics above seem to be the way you ARE, so I doubt you'd change your behavior at all.

  82. << Gee, you will send her the logs but, not me, someone who actually requested one >> Bonnie

    It was a joke. I haven't trusted either of you since y'all threw hissy fits and quit the room. I immediately blocked email from both of you, and revoked your blog author privileges.

    Besides, I'm sure that ANY email I'd send either of you would be instantly forwarded to the other one.

  83. << K2 why do you block your AOL adversaries from a Ugly's blog >> Pam, on Bonnie's Blog


    You go, Ugly!

  84. Let's summarize, about Pam and Bonnie.

    1. Both have been banned from Zeeke's Room (and surely banned from his Blog).
    2. Pam has been bolted from my Room (with Bonnie to follow).
    3. Both have been removed from my Blog.
    4. Pam has been banned from Ugly's Blog.
    5. Both have been email and IM blocked by too many to count.

    That's an impressive list of achievements! Everyone hates them!!!

    Next up: They follow the pattern of their heroines, Thelma and Louise, and commit AOL suicide (we can only hope).

  85. Anyone else notice neither Bonnie nor Pam has discussed Pam's contemptible behavior towards Colmac in the room that night? Attacking me is, of course, just deflection.

    C'mon ladies, you've had more than a week to create some lameass rationalization for it.

  86. What's it mean when a woman:

    1. Blogs a pic of her ex-bf's new gf (who's a LOT hotter than she is)?
    2. Creates a SN that's a thinly-disguised version of the other woman's real name?
    3. Uses that SN in the ex-bf's AOL chat room, impersonating her and hoping he'll happen by?
    4. All of this is after blogging about her ex's boat, getting into multiple pissing matches with him in the chat room, etc.

    Hmmmm... the word STALKER jumps immediately to mind. And the whole thing sounds like some Lifetime movie with a really nasty ending.

    Pam--Were you crushed when you missed Colmac in the room a couple of days ago by mere seconds?

    Bonnie--Why'd you stalk Colmac with Pam into my room? You still don't know what Pam did to Colmac that one ugly night, do you? How much worse does this all have to get before you dump Pam for her rather evident problems? Hmmm... silly question... nevermind.

  87. On the one hand...

    << I do not “stalk” anyone and especially to YOUR room! I left your room and won’t ever be back! >> Bonnie

    On the other hand (on Wed. evening, Sept. 21)[Gin = Pam, Sweet = Bonnie]...

    OnlineHost: COLMAC06 has entered the room.
    COLMAC06: everyone awake
    OnlineHost: COLMAC06 has left the room.
    OnlineHost: GinSullyVan46 has entered the room.
    OnlineHost: Kittykat21085 has entered the room.
    Kittykat21085: hello
    GinSullyVan46: hi
    OnlineHost: SweetButHarsh has entered the room.
    OnlineHost: SweetButHarsh has left the room.

  88. << Here is my final words to you Christopher... I will no longer be reading your ranting on Uglier Marylanders blog. >> Bonnie

    I was about to do a "Thank you sweet Jesus" response until I realized how many holes that statement has. Pam, for example, will continue to read the blog, and email Bonnie EVERYTHING. Bonnie will continue to rant on her blog, but they will be TO Pam and ABOUT me. Pam will continue to post her and Bonnie's comments on Ugly's blog under Bonnie's SN as if they come ONLY FROM Pam (and eventually Ugly will unblock her). yada yada

    So, they will both continue to rant, rant, RANT about me, here or elsewhere. And they will both continue to refuse to even acknowledge much less explain Pam's disgusting stalking of Colmac and her grossly ugly action towards him that last night.

    There's not much else they CAN do because everyone hates them.

    Same old, same old...

  89. Automotive1: ya mean Svapam ?
    COLMAC06: yup
    Automotive1: oh
    AF205CNE: thats earlier then you thought right?
    COLMAC06: very
    AF205CNE: where
    COLMAC06: we we talked about it to-day
    Automotive1: she's a great gal, not much in the rack but gives outstanding BJ's
    Xxyesmemike: wow\
    AF205CNE: wow lol
    Automotive1: yes
    AF205CNE: do you agree col
    COLMAC06: on
    Automotive1: she's NOT a spitter
    COLMAC06: pams bj
    AF205CNE: autos thougths on pam
    COLMAC06: nope
    COLMAC06: she dont suck,well
    COLMAC06: but sucks air
    Xxyesmemike: thats a good gal auto
    AF205CNE: lol
    Automotive1: ya got to have something to suck first tyvm
    Xxyesmemike: hmm true'
    COLMAC06: well you try my big 8
    Automotive1: AOL 8 ?
    COLMAC06: negitive

  90. Gee, that sure set Bonnie to foaming at the mouth. << chuckle, chuckle >>

  91. << And after Pam saw this in the blog, she did call Colmac about this... >> Bonnie


    << I find all this mildly amusing. >> Pam
    << And after Pam saw this in the blog, she did call Colmac about this >> Bonnie

    So much for Pam finding "all this mildly amusing" and NOT taking "this AOL bullshit seriously"...

  93. << What's it mean when a woman: 1. Blogs a pic of her ex-bf's... >> Me, 9/23
    << ... there was no bf/gf relationship there, they met a few times but, that was it >> Bonnie's initial response, 9/23
    << Mac can’t do a damn thing without Viagra and, fortunately for Pam, he didn’t have it on him the nights they were together! >> Bonnie's 9/26 ummm... "clarification"

    Sooooooooo, they were just Fuck Buddy Wannabes? Oooooooookay, I stand corrected. << eyeroll >>

    Someone please remind me to NEVER ask Bonnie to defend me against ANYTHING.

  94. << there was no bf/gf relationship there, they met a few times but, that was it >> Bonnie
    << Pam doesn’t give blow jobs >> Bonnie
    << Mac can’t do a damn thing without Viagra and, fortunately for Pam, he didn’t have it on him the nights they were together! >> Bonnie
    << And after Pam saw this in the blog, she did call Colmac about this >> Bonnie
    << I was in IM with her and have been all day! >> Bonnie

    I'm sure there's *some* difference between telling Bonnie something privately and emailing it to everyone in the known universe, but it's not immediately obvious.

  95. << I will no longer be reading your ranting on Uglier Marylanders blog. >> Bonnie, 9/23
    << September 25, 2011 6:01 PM... here is a log sent to the blog >> Bonnie, 9/25

    << Here is my final words to you Christopher >> Bonnie, 9/23
    << Well Christopher... RANT RANT RANT >> Bonnie, 9/25

    Let's see here... Pam's vow to STOP blogging about me lasted just 8.5 hours, and Bonnie's dramatic promise to never EVER read Ugly's blog AND that those were her "final words" to me lasted 48 hours. Hmmm...

    Well, anywho... after doing some complex mathematical calculations, I predict that their inevitable AOL Suicides will last 27 minutes.

  96. << You say that what Pam was saying was vile and disgusting… how vile and disgusting is this to you??? >>

    I had wondered if Pam ever honestly discussed her outrageous behavior that last night towards Colmac with Bonnie, and if so, how Bonnie reacted. I mean, judging by the flurry of IMs I got from some of the other nice roomies present, at least a couple of them actually threw up a little bit in their mouth.

    But the above comment by Bonnie makes it clear that Pam *still* hasn't told Bonnie about her actions that night.

    I can see why Pam wouldn't risk that. Bonnie's the last person on AOL who still likes her. So, I guess Pam simply lied to Bonnie about it. And it explains why Pam won't discuss it on this blog; she knows I'd correct her version, and she'd lose Bonnie.

    I won't, of course, initiate it because I won't broach discussion of the topic in the room that night out of respect for Colmac's privacy. Pam, being a disgusting human being, has no such qualms.

  97. This is SvaPam - am I blocked or not?

  98. << ... Ugly's Blog from which [CK2] has me blocked... >> Pam

    That's between you and Ugly; I surely don't care. Bonnie has chatted and emailed with Ugly many times, so I'm sure she can tell you how to contact him.

    << SEND THE PROOF of my OUTRAGEOUS behavior to Bonnie... >> Pam

    You were there, so if you didn't log it, too bad. And no, I will not email you or Bonnie; I don't trust either of you.

    The people I like who needed to know, know. If you haven't explained it yet to Bonnie, that's between you two.

    And no, I won't disclose the details of it publicly for the reasons I cited. If you want to do so as part of a public apology to Colmac and anyone else you offended, that's up to you. I don't care whether you apologize or rot in hell...

    << ... since colmac came in the room the other night with a disgusting onslaught against me... >>

    I've been meaning to thank the poster of that log; I wasn't aware of it. I have taken and will continue to take the actions I deem appropriate. Because you and Bonnie are no longer part of the group, it's no longer your business how I do that. Those comments were, however, insignificant in comparison to your words and actions towards Colmac.

    << Because I am BLOCKED from THIS (meaning Ugly's blog) and cannot blog to DISCUSS anything on Ugly’s blog. Hence, you are obviously an imbecile to post that statement. >>

    As above, that's between you and Ugly. I do note, however, that you've previously had Bonnie post your comments here for you. Also, I believe (not 100% sure) that Ugly's recently changed the commenting requirements here again to permit anyone to comment (he requires approval of all comments, including mine). For whatever value it has, I'm submitting this at about 3:55 p.m., Tuesday. I have no idea when it might appear on the blog.

  99. Old Faggy everyone knows you are Ugly give it up.

  100. << I have no more patience or time for the likes of you. >> Pam

    Let's all pray that vow lasts MUCH longer than her last vow to stop blogging me (8.5 hours) or Bonnie's (48 hours).

    Alas, though, it looks more like one of Cindy's classic kiss off lines (average time to violate of 10 minutes).

  101. << Look you posey picking prick! >> Bonnie's latest Rant

    I don't even grow, much less pick, "small, hand-held bouquets... of mixed flowers and herbs... edged with a paper frill or greens." They can, however, be bought at your nearby florist, at prom time.

  102. << I will no longer be reading your ranting on Uglier Marylanders blog. >> Bonnie, 9/23
    << Here is my final words to you Christopher >> Bonnie, 9/23
    << I am through with you! >> Bonnie, 9/28


    Next up: Bonnie vows to hold her breath until I stop, pounds her fists on the floor, and starts to turn blue... all while reading this blog and drafting her next bit of ugly drama.

  103. << I am through with you! >> Bonnie, 9/28, 6:48 p.m.
    << major rant fest in HUGE font >> Bonnie, 9/29, 7:39 pm.

    That brings Bonnie's personal best for breaking her vow (AGAIN!) down from 48 hours to 25. I'm confident she can beat Pam's blog record of 8.5 hours within a week!


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.