Friday, September 16, 2011

I'm Speechless


  1. The have another private room...........jus look at the nmes that are in the room though, and who they are geared to insult?

  2. sometimes when I think of queer bob knowing I get a hard on I just like to put a bag over bonnie's face and buttfuck her calling her queer bob. I really doubt I could tell the difference even with the lights on or off

  3. Wow, Takoma must have taken Spelling and typing classes.....he is getting a lot better at both!

    Unless, as suspect that this is one of the Zombies.....namely Zeeke?? Honestly though, it could be any one of them. None of them have the balls to post their real name to their disgusting opinions, they want the truth about themselves.


  5. I can't help but notice that neither Zeeke, nor Perky, nor any of the other Zombies are leaping in to actually try to defend obsessively using cloned SNs just to keep rooms occupied in order to keep others from using them.

    That, and that there were just *two* SNs in his main room. You'd think "one of the most popular chatrooms on AOL" would have many more people in it.

  6. ParanoidMarylandersOver35-2: What's more ridiculous than having a low number of...
    ParanoidMarylandersOver35-2: What's more ridiculous than having a low number of...: Answer: Is having 14 participants sitting in a chatroom and.....none of them saying a word!!!

    How about 2 people sitting in east coast chatters and not talking. just as bad

  7. seems zeeke is at it again ...clones takoma9720 and talks shit out his ass as usual ...after all isn t zeeke that has homosexual tendencies with ronnie ,alan ,chris and a few others in the love fest room ...the loserism of bein a zeeke love is now showing loud and clear ...nancis in a room with 2 names ...must be the fact now she can t fkn cook ....notice theres nothing on the wire about the anual ZEEKEFEST at nancis ...seems we are so caught up in chatrooms they have lost their reality when they flush the toilets ...{ do you understand that zeeke }??????....your reality is aol and nothing else matters ....the world for end if you idiots signed off and really did something ...instead you do your usual by cloning people and trying to do the childish start a fight shit ...face it zeeke not you or your zombies can do what we do ...we are out here having a blast and you are still fasinated with getting your lil dick in bonnies whoha ....if you actually got the pics that maddie ,becki ,bob and others post you would really understand what a fkn loser you are ...get a grip ve ruint your life and the sons life is next ... with you zeeke is the ssdd

  8. hey listen me and Pam chat alot, just because you dont see it, doesnt mean a damn thing. I just made a chat room to give you all in that festered room something to do and, you do it everyday! Only thing you dont seem to be doing in that room with all of your supposed "friends" is, chatting. That may be because, you have nothing nice to say about anyone in there ir, anything interesting to say!
    Only thing you all have to say that would interest anyone would be puit downs and insults about me and, I am sure some must be getting tireed of it........such a waste of time.........lets face it, only way you are interesting to anyone is by, putting others down and, since there si noone in there (like me) who will fight back, it is boring as hell and, people are starting to see it........So Zeeke, seems to me as though you are a big nobody on aol without.well...ME...........HAHAHAHAHAHA

  9. Bonnie quit writing novels and get to the point will you?

  10. bonnie do you have more hair on your pussy than pam. ask pam if you can get a pussy pic and compare. maddie was asking me I would not be interested

  11. I beleive cindy to be a very likeable,smart,church going,truthful,hard working, woman and I respect that. I wish pam and bonnie would follow in cindy's footsteps where they could be called ladies and not tramps or trash. we can only pray

  12. rose can you find some more monkey teeth for queer bob he had to pawn his teeth for a wonder bra last week.

  13. >Takoma9270 said...
    I beleive cindy to be a very likeable,smart,church going,truthful,hard working, woman and I respect that. I wish pam and bonnie would follow in cindy's footsteps where they could be called ladies and not tramps or trash. we can only pray<

    What you BELIEVE them to be and, what the ACTUALLY real life are two totally different things........and on aol....its not only WHAT they Are you're not sure's also WHO they are.........that are 2 totally different things.

    Funny you should say Tramps and Trash......tramps and trash are those who are easily taken in because, they are needy.....OR, they can go the other way......the tramp and trash has LAID around so long that he/she dupes other TRAMPS and TRASH...........So, I think that it could very well be YOU who is a tramp and a piece of trash! TA TA

  14. i left my mom in the ghetto with the rest of the trash, that mental bitch. she tried to pimp me out to the homeless at the soup kitchen

  15. free head 844 5th Ave
    Halethorpe, MD 21227

  16. pam quit responding back to my mom bonnie's comment. please use your own name her loser son brandon

  17. takoma9270 my mom has put water color on her hair in her private area its gray and orange. pam shaves her but you can see the warts and sores. so my mom bonnie has more takomo9270 please tell maddie.

  18. Would the person that cloned brandon and takoma9279, please find another blog (like Zeeke's) to scribble your childish comments. It is hard to believe you are really an adult.
    Bitter zombie yes, mature adult no.
    I've never seen such stupid writing coming from an adult. Maybe we should share your real name with the others so they can see just how stupid you really are.

  19. Go figure, Rose, Alan and Vomit are in the fest room as I type. That pretty well explains the stupid comments from the two cloned names of brandon and takoma.
    Stupid, stupider and stupidest.

  20. Bonnie I have no problem keeping up with your rantings and ravings. Girl, you need to get yourself out of the past and learn to live in the present. Its pathetic how you just go on about Zeek this and Zeek that and it is just pathetic. Just admit that you love the man once and for all and want to be the mother of his children and just get it over with.

  21. I'm kind of embarrassed for TexDeputy. He's dumber than Rose.

  22. This is truly sad>>Bonnie quit writing novels and get to the point will you? and then>Bonnie I have no problem keeping up with your rantings and ravings. Girl, you need to get yourself out of the past and learn to live in the present. Its pathetic how you just go on about Zeek this and Zeek that and it is just pathetic. Just admit that you love the man once and for all and want to be the mother of his children and just get it over with. <

    Really funny that you say it is I who is the one talking about Zeeke all the time when, he is the one that stalks me to every room I have made....take them over, and makes screen names that are geared to insult me, not to mention chatrooms even!

    And, lets not forget of how he makes mention of me in whatever room he is in at the time. I have not been in the rooms to see if he does or not but, from past experience with Zeeke, I would bet my balls that he does!

  23. It's real sad when people don't like thier own names and have to come on as someone else..don't you think?
    Seems like they don't like themselves or are ashamed of who they are too.

  24. texdeputy feels so sorry for leslie monroe and karrie pittsley and poor brian

  25. txdeputy is low cause its rose in one of her many personalities ....rose is like zeeke can bat either way ...zeeke bein a man likes to get fucked as a woman ,rose fucks like a woman but can strap it on and fuck like a man ...when you realize rose is txdeputy you ll be smarter then a 5th grader....seems you fkrs don t get the fact some of us have lives and you bitches think you make a differance here trashing people ...seems the harder you people try to insult people the more stupid you look ...i suggest you take the advice of zeeke and live with rose ,piss her off and commit suicide by cop as was done in lynn mass...just see rose and she will make sure the job is done right as far as txdeputy most of texas knows that casey was a dirty cop and people are really upset with him ...yes you can listen to rose or you can call harris co texas and you will find casey lives in spring texas selling refurbished ac s and frigs one will hire casey as a cop call and ask harris co and trust me they get pissed when you mention a loser black eye like casey live your aol lives to the fullest ,clip your heals together 5 time ,close your eyes and repeat 5 times "THERES NOTHING NASTIER THEN ROSES HERPES INFESTED CROTCH "have a great day

  26. sassystillhere i like hairy pussy

  27. sassystillhere <<< the real one!September 19, 2011 at 4:53 AM

    Aww ..did I upet on of the fake name maker's they want be like me now and have my name?
    One of a kind here ...try all you want. You'll never have what I have! Just the name with no backbone to yourself..that's why you want be anyone but yourselves!


  29. Tex must have gotten kicked off the force for being retarded. Here he is posting things that 11 year olds think are funny. Not wit at all. Fart, burp, fuck, hairy pussy, all things 11-year-olds find funny. Guess this is what you do when you have no wit like him (Or Rose).

  30. >How about 2 people sitting in east coast chatters and not talking. just as bad
    September 17, 2011 1:46 PM<

    Nope, thats not just as bad, no where near as bad.......see the more the participants in a chat room there are, the more likely someone would say something, have something to talk about but....with only 2 people only have so much to talk about.....Although, the 14 people that were sitting in the Festered room that I mentioned isially only have others to talk about, make accusations about and, nasty remarks to make to or, about.

    This is because, the computer has been their lives for 15 or, so years and, it will continue to be their lives for who knows how many more years.

    Their only interest is having an outlet to enact their truley childish bullying mentality.

    Do you think that any of them would walk up to someone that they know personally who had an illness and mock them because they have an adnormality or, illness? I dont think they would, that would be very insensitive, immature and, asking for trouble.

    Also, the 14 people who are sitting in the festered room, have no one to argue and fight with sue to the bolt holder and refuses to let those in who those other 13 billy, beat up on and fight with. Amd that, is why they are so quiet!

  31. bonnie you ranting baboon go get laid and turn off the computer. hell ask pam if she will do you with her freckled dildo she got last week. works wonder for that slime ball drunk

  32. well we all know the person thinking texdep is rose isnt from the old rooms

    here is your sign dumbfucks

  33. sept 18.11 @ 728pm comment wrote has to be the work of uneducated drop-out retard fat queer bob bolek. Get an education stupid fuck. no this is not zeeke,rose,cindy,tarzan,or gibbs from ncis its txdeputy.

  34. Two people in a room and the same two people in an aim and still they have things to talk about and not just about AOL. No arguing just discussions and conversations. Must be very good friends - so don't be a hater. I am very blessed to have found a friend as good as Bonnie and I cherish our relationship. Again don't be jealous of us - it only causes envy and hate

  35. seems we hit a nerve with txdipshit ...if txdipshit was all he said he was then he would be at peoples houses ....seems he s not ...txdipshit couldn t even run a boysclub sad is that if tx deputy was really a cop which by the way hpd did a check for us and in reality he s just what i said a fkn loser who sells frigs ....way to go loser....txdipshit lets remind you of a lil thought ...txdeputy is a screen name on aol... 1st fact ..2nd fact a 5th grader could have created it and be on here runnin face ...3rd fact ,rose the hosebag could have the password to the screen name and be using it for her loser and childish bullshit lets take a walk back in time ...maybe lisainpa,southernangel,and a few others could tell the story of how zeeke and rose clone names and try to push their childish bullshit down the throats of their enemies in closing facts are facts ,mdover35 and love fest have multiple zeekes ,nancis ,and clones of bonnies name ...try a lil harder you stupid fuck when making your point ...

  36. did i mention that the houston papers have great articles on the txdipshit robert casey ...its public info ...wooten fired him ,the city of houston ,harris county and texas state dps refused to help him ....txdipshit is blackballed from law enforcement....john hirst would have lost his badge had he not ran from rose ....using your badge to imdimidate people for the herpes infested crotch of rose is against the law ...rose thinks it works doesn t ...just ask her ....6 jobs later and unemployed living off aol roomies is not a life ...maybe oneday rose and zeeke you will realize bein one of us is a honour

  37. Aww Cindy did I upset you??? Tisk tisk! Now did you mean it's different when you act like a fat Ass and nasty gross person than ones you say this too?? (tilt head) I see we don't have courage to look in a mirror at one self and two busy being a busy body and judging other's....Showing signs of one very unhappy person Cindy. Maybe if you took walks some of that hustle and hatefulness you feel for people that have it better than you would go away....also may help that weight issue. Oh....forgot sorry you don't look in mirror's!

  38. I have never seen so many disgusting people who are so unhappy with their lives as I have in the past 13 years! It didn't start out that way but, that is how its ended.

    Most of the people in the Marylanders over 35 from the past, before 2002 were pretty ok people but, after 2002 and as the years have went on, that room has taken a turn for the worse.

    The new people in that room need to learn acceptance and toleration. They seem to be so angry and upset at people who have less than they do who can accept having less and, not be like themselves. Which would be greedy and always wanting more.

    They seem to have the feeling that having more makes you a better person. Kind of like, he/she who has the most toys wins! And, who plays with toys???? CHILDREN!

  39. Still laughing at Billy and his lame attempt to defend his honor.

  40. He has no honor, he and his zombie friends are all disgraceful!

  41. Will k2 ever realize no one likes him?

  42. rose never used her still husband john to intimidate anyone. you forget we all saw the threats that you all made on an officers life, home, and family.
    of course you all did not follow through with it because you knew better. rose is living in virginia with her husband john, end of discussion. you people are so retarded and cant figure things out. rose has been working in virginia for the past two years simpletons.
    why dont you go and harrass an officer and his family in the state of virginia this time and see how it works out for you. you know the same state that they live in he is a law enforcement officer there

  43. kids my god this is like romper room lmao

  44. damn thats easy to find out ...i like that tho ...all this harrassment of a dipshit with a badge and noone charged with harrassment ...come on rose 1st md,then del,then va ,then jersey ,then nancis house ,then marks house ,then ashleys ,then cindys what point does your stupid loser ass stop lying ...just a check of your mva records and your busted you really wanna go there ...we know the truth ,you only know what you want people to believe ...seems john hirst went daqrk and ran cause of you ya stupid herpes infested cunt ...and to think john allows you on aol all day ...what a fucking liar you are ....rose you lie more then the us congress ....of course bein in a room full of losers i guess you fit right in .....

  45. brandon wilson the faggotSeptember 19, 2011 at 11:56 PM

    queer bob above comment did you accidently cum and it went up your nose. take a breather queer bob and put a trash bag full of used tampons over your face and count to 1000.

  46. Maybe if Rose didn't start sooooooooo much crap about others and thier family's none would of started about her's!
    So Hush up your judgement of may that stood up for themselves and and shut her up finally. Karma hit her good!!!

  47. Rose IS NOT with John. He has a girlfriend, and he IS NOT a cop. He is a graphic designer these days. Rose, you lie so much and the best part is it is soooooooooooooo proveable that's you and your lies. Guess your hooker daughter finally threw you out.

  48. And rose DOES not work. She started a job as a cleaning tech at a hospital about 9 months ago and flunked the background check so they let her go after 5 weeks.

  49. yes we think you should check the mva records it is that easy and it will land you right into virginia. John and Rose were at Nancis BBQ dumb fucks. John is a fairfax deputy sheriff who does graphic design on the side and even does them for his job. You people are so fucking stupid, it is comical to watch


  51. bonnie zeek has gave you the bolt, chris has gave you the bolt. no one likes you. why dont you bolt your self from your room

  52. seems rose and her goons are upset ..only zeeke talks about used condoms when it deals with ronnie slammin a lil zeeke everyone on aol knows how hosebag is ...the only friends she has are the garbage in the lovefest room ....she for gets how easy it is to call and ask ...but wait she was in the lawyers room cryin john left her and her kia got repoed...john didn t pay her bills when she moved to lynn mass ...did i forget john caught rob layin pipe in here ....after mass she came back to md just to get a trailer that john vacated when he moved to his parents in warrington va ....after rose was evicted it seems she left a trailer that reeked of dogshit and piss ....people say that it was if the dogs never went out for 6 months rose when will you ever tell the truth ...i can see rose now on judgement day ...WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN T GET IN HEAVEN ..GOD EITHER YOU LET ME IN OR MY LOSER HUBBY WILL ARREST YOU OR BETTER YET ....GOD LET ME IN OR I LL DIG UP YOUR PAST AND BLOG YOU ..did i mention casey didn t respond it was a scumbag using a name that they think will hurt ....GET A FUCKIN GRIP DOUCH BAG ...ONLY TAMPONS ARE THE ONES USED TO KEEP ZEEKES ASS FROM BLEEDING IN HIS PANTIES

  53. I called Fairfax Sheriff's office and they have no john hirst there.

  54. sure you did, next lie

    hey rosie running your drivers license and records is a breach of privacy due to the fact they are not public

    john never went to his parents house and he and rose moved to the fairfax area lol

    and no this is not rose
    you all are so upset that you actually can not find shit out on her and it is so funny.

    keep trying though because it is like you are all chasing a ghost.
    we know this is not anyone from the old rooms because you would know better and well you are all dumber then a box of rocks

  55. thats too funny ..stupid fuck a lawenforcement officer is public record unless its a role as an undercover agent ...your a fuckin box of rocks ...but like we said we don t fuckin care about that 2 bit whore ...its nice to see her fall on her face and john is the best she can do ...think about that long will it last ...well that depends on if rose gets that slutty hair up her ass again ...rose said alotta shit and facts are facts she lied her sorry ass off ...heres the deal you can say anything you want in im ,a chatroom or on this blog ,but until it is seen as fact its a lie ....its aol box of rocks ....and i guess to you and her its reality

  56. rose is not bad looking i would hit that,, she has nice cones

  57. brandon can I fuck you?

  58. ruffstuff aka queer bobSeptember 21, 2011 at 12:13 AM

    brandon before you answer please consider would you like to get to know each other. I can shove my head up my ass and blow boogers up my ass to let you watch. I do that at the truckstop.Its a game I learned and its called bbb (bob booger butt)

  59. Bonnie I just sit and laugh at all of your posts. All you can do is talk about the past and who you can brow beat next. IM so glad that I quit going into any of the Maryland rooms I certainly dont miss the drama but I do love your rantings lol. It brightens my day just to see how stupid you really are.

  60. >Anonymous said...
    Bonnie I just sit and laugh at all of your posts. All you can do is talk about the past and who you can brow beat next. IM so glad that I quit going into any of the Maryland rooms I certainly dont miss the drama but I do love your rantings lol. It brightens my day just to see how stupid you really are.<

    If that is so, why are you reading the blogs that are clearly about the drama that you say you "don't miss"? You must miss some of it, you miss being one to insult people "me".

    I imagine you got out due to my posting others info in the room because, you were afraid you would be next and, you just have too much to hide..........Am I right??

  61. Rose is writing about herself again? Ha it never ends. Rose is not pretty, but desperately wants to be so she writes about herself in a 3rd person. What does she think someone is going to look at that ugly as picture of her on this site and suddenly say what a fox? Please you stupid box of rocks.

  62. K2 is such a bitter fart

  63. This looks like the blimps daghter


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.