Sunday, January 9, 2011

"The Cancer of Racism Spreads through the Zombies"

(Written 1/8/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders blog)

It used to be only Vomit who launched N-word bombs, and only Zeeke who spewed anti-Semitism (as far as I remember, at least). But lately it's become more popular in Zombie World. And it's now showing up in the early morning usually-otherwise-nice chat, as seen in these excerpts from this morning.

Xalan39o3x: joe [Biden] is a good guy
PikleSpllAisle6: go green
PikleSpllAisle6: I like him
Xalan39o3x: too bad he hooked up with that dumb n*****
PikleSpllAisle6: he was thinking "someone will shoot him"
Xalan39o3x: perhaps
ChristopherK2: Oooooo... a disguised N-Word.

PikleSpllAisle6: I think once iran tests one, the jews will end it
Xalan39o3x: why, north korea gets away with it
PikleSpllAisle6: pakistan has unsecured nukes
PikleSpllAisle6: wait till they get ahold of them
PikleSpllAisle6: bombs away
Xalan39o3x: happiness is a warm gun
PikleSpllAisle6: shoot shoot bang bang
PikleSpllAisle6: just like "woman, is the nigger of the world"
PikleSpllAisle6: he was high
Xalan39o3x: ive learned from our darker brothers, i got a looting list all filled out

PikleSpllAisle6: poor me
PikleSpllAisle6: poor you
PikleSpllAisle6: blah blah blah
PikleSpllAisle6: send cash money
Xalan39o3x: joo's
PikleSpllAisle6: west palm joos
PikleSpllAisle6: funny stuff
PikleSpllAisle6: I never see orthodox joos, just jackie gleason joos
Xalan39o3x: we need a new crown heights
Xalan39o3x: remember that?
PikleSpllAisle6: the town I was born in outside boston is nothing but orthodox now
PikleSpllAisle6: its still a nice town
Xalan39o3x: i can smell the salmon from here
Xalan39o3x: all we need is the mexicans to join up with the joo's and we're done
ChristopherK2: WB Auto... sit back and watch the racists rant.
Xalan39o3x: me too..........u should see our new bathroom!!
Automotive1: k
PikleSpllAisle6: I still find india indinans spooky
Xalan39o3x: yes
PikleSpllAisle6: like muslims
Semisweet2taste: ohh good
PikleSpllAisle6: spooky mother fuckers
Xalan39o3x: yeah they are

For those of you not familiar with Alan's "crown heights" reference, it relates to a very serious three-day riot in 1991 between Jews and African/Caribbean Americans in a section of Brooklyn, NY. It was started by an automobile accident in which a Guyanese child was killed by a car driven by an Orthodox Jew. One Orthodox Jew was killed during the riot, and there were many other serious injuries (including 152 police officers) and lots of property damage. A Brandeis University historian later called it "the most serious anti-Semitic incident in American history."

So, Alan is hoping for another ugly riot in which Jews are killed by African Americans, and cops and others are seriously injured? How nice... Martin Luther King, Jr., on the other hand, dreamed of "when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing... "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty, we are free at last."

Curiously, Perky didn't respond to any of those disgusting comments by either her hubby or Pikle. I guess she considers ugly racism and anti-Semitism as just "fonting." And Beth would probably say they were said just for "shock value" and not their "true beliefs."

Ya'right... ((cough, cough))


  1. perky has a biracial grandchild and her husband is a racist.

  2. Alan is an alcoholic.

  3. Who the hell is crabs? Why would anyone say Bob is hot?

  4. YOUMAKEMEVOMlT4: joke.....why did the black guy cross the road
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT4: because there was a popeyes on the other side durrrrr
    PRETTTYONE319: we were taught well
    HamOnWryX2: we have special keyboards for that, big
    NO TO BIGGUMS: i dont eat popeyes
    PRETTTYONE319: lol ^5 ham
    Kimbo7787: popeyes is less then a block from me
    Ol Grumpy One: No, the black guy crossed the road because there was a bus stop on the other side
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT4: i know kim
    Kimbo7787: i could walk to it if i wanted to lol
    HamOnWryX2: these are funny?
    PRETTTYONE319: get out of my head unless you are wearing a life preserver
    NO TO BIGGUMS: wow black jokes from you people
    HamOnWryX2: lol i can swim
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT4: he crossed the road because he wouldnt go to the back of the bus

  5. So ham's a nigga lover ?

    OUMAKEMEVOMlT4: all black guys do
    NO TO BIGGUMS: grimace gets no love from me
    HamOnWryX2: lol thanks
    Tinkersbak: lol
    PRETTTYONE319: welcome
    Tinkersbak: omg grimace
    Kimbo7787: what about barney?
    HamOnWryX2: no not all black guys do
    HamOnWryX2: at least no the ones I dated
    HamOnWryX2: not
    PRETTTYONE319: wait who is trying to date the gimp on wheels?
    Dee Md 9257: noone

  6. Christopherk2 calls zeek a racist but someone on here uses the word "nigga"

  7. Someone *who* isn't Christopher. Nice try. Your lame.

  8. I fucked K2s girlfreind. loose cunt

  9. Zeek, XAlan, Vomit and Pikle are the most racist people in that room and they get away with it. But Pikle didn't this time bwahahahahahahaha. I just love it that someone got their dues this time lmao.

  10. Prettyugly says this but her druggy son really broke her nose. gusse she forgets she said it in the room.

    PRETTTYONE319: no I fell flat on my face
    Cindy32863: ahh ok
    PRETTTYONE319: on hard wood floor
    Eyore4129: ty deb

  11. Pretty is more of a mess then Cindy. (Who has a druggie kid herself)

  12. why do we bother with Cindy and all them? Really most of us get up go to work have a life while they sit in a chatroom all day and night.

  13. << Christopherk2 calls zeek a racist but someone on here uses the word "nigga" >>

    Zeeke is often disgustingly anti-Semitic.

  14. << Zeek, XAlan, Vomit and Pikle are the most racist people in that room and they get away with it. But Pikle didn't this time bwahahahahahahaha. I just love it that someone got their dues this time lmao. >>

    Your list sounds about right to me. And I'm glad that Pikle got his account zapped. He said this was the third time. That means at least nine TOS violations in a short period of time.

    I wonder how many it will take before it dawns on him that ugly bigotry is no way to go thru life.

  15. I think Mensa hit it right on with Zeek and he was the area reject.

  16. Wonder how billy likes it w nig#Ham

  17. Ugly is allowing this?

  18. This blog is not run by the same person who did the other blog.

  19. Your obsession shows Kfag

  20. Thomas (Pikle) is disgusting to say the least. He used to hang in the Florida room until he was ran off. People there say he didn't support his kids when they were young, he has rotten teeth, and he lives off his mother.He has no property and is pretty well useless. He probably spends all of his money on his drugs. A real burn-out that one. It is no wonder he spends seven days a week kissing Billy's dirty ass. They both have a lot in common.

  21. I sure as heck wouldn't kiss Billy's dirty ass lol. Well you know what they say birds of a feather flock together. Pikle is a most vile creature that is for sure and that mouth of his omg. No wonder no decent woman would have him.


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.