Thursday, May 5, 2011

"Today's Lesson in Homophobia"

(Written 5/4/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

It must be tough being both a homophobe and a mindless basher. In order to avoid looking totally stupid...well, more so than usual... you have to remember what you bashed someone *else* about so that you don't wind up admitting that you do exactly the same thing.

And if you know ahead of time--or suddenly realize you screwed up and admitted that you do the same thing--you have to somehow create a distinction. Thus motorcycles are "manly" *except* purple ones, which are "gay." And planting flowers is manly (for some but not all Zombies) unless you plant pansies, which are gay.

Tonight, we saw another variant of this in the chat room. Near as I can tell from this and the related chat on Bonnie's blog, somehow exchanging cake icing recipes is "manly" but watching the recent royal wedding and/or discussing Kate's wedding dress is "gay." These distinctions just confuse me, but I'm confident that if the chats were reversed Zeeke and Ham would be busting on me for discussing the finer points of cake icing with six... count them, six... women.

TheZeekEffect: nix ate my icing by the spoonful
BrunetteLady12: I like custard filling
HamOnWryX2: i love that stuff
TheZeekEffect: 8 oz cream cheese and 5 cups of 10 x
Perkyonex2: is that how you make icing?
TheZeekEffect: i do
Perkyonex2: hmmm thats easy enough
SxyMAFlAHlTWoman: I like the custard with strawberries inside and whipped cream and strawberries (chocolate dipped) on the outside
TheZeekEffect: cream cheese peanut butter icing is good too
TheZeekEffect: a lil milk a lil vanilla..
Perkyonex2: how much peanut butter do you add?
TheZeekEffect: i never measure
Eyore4129: cream cheese and peanut butter..hmmm
Puppers66: lmao
Perkyonex2: you're like a grandmother...a pinch of that..pinch of this
TheZeekEffect: i would guess a cup

Puppers66: cakes by zeek

[about 2 minutes later:]

TheZeekEffect: I would also like to add that I dont know a single man who watched the royal wedding
TheZeekEffect: and get excited over royal weddings


  1. All those beautiful women at the wedding like Pippa, and Zeek is home making icing? WTF?

  2. I read an article about how all the men that watched the Royal Wedding were going nuts over Pippa. I believe the men that watched the Royal Wedding were more educated and the distinguished type. So reading what Zeek wrote doesn't surprise me at all.

  3. Zeek is a pussy

  4. hey can i ask a question? "chris" you are one weirdo fuck online, you waste your time posting blogs and acting like you are 100% right in the head. Chris you are a queen , nothing wrong with that... live your life but you are 2 steps above bonnie thinking you have a handle on your aol life... example you think this blog you have makes you better, old flower growing dude, it doesnt... sorry homie..... you put yourself out there so you can gain some sorta acceptance. Here Chris in order to save a lot of us , sit your parents down and whatever they did bitch at them for it...... chris bonnie and even billy are adults that find the need to blog about hurt feelings , i would welcome to meet any of you in person and make you know what real hurt feelings are...... yours always Marty bass

  5. 7:43 stop embarrassing yourself with minimal writing skills. Injecting 'fuck' and other words just shows you lack the IQ to find a clever and thesauric word to put in. Old Flowing Growing dude. Man my 5 year old can do better than that. No wonder you're a Zombie.

  6. K2 is weird almost creepy bet parents dont let their kids out near his house.

  7. << hey can i ask a question? >> Anonymous Coward

    Sure, no problem. The answer is, "You're an Idiot."

  8. << I read an article about how all the men that watched the Royal Wedding were going nuts over Pippa. >> RedSky

    Really, it was just her ass. The rest was nothing special.

    << I believe the men that watched the Royal Wedding were more educated and the distinguished type. >>

    Fascinating... I had a very pleasant chat with several people about it.

    << So reading what Zeek wrote doesn't surprise me at all. >>

    I don't recall the last time that Zeeke said anything surprising. Hmmm... or interesting. Or reflecting more than an 11th grade education. Or...

  9. << i would welcome to meet any of you in person and make you know what real hurt feelings are >>

    Ballsy words from someone too chicken-shit to even use his real SN...

  10. when and where would you like to meet? /

  11. << when and where would you like to meet? >>

    Anywhere there's a public address system so I can have them page "The Anonymous AOL Blog Coward."

  12. whats that police station number ?

  13. K2 is busy getting a big dick up his ass.

  14. Rose iz doing baktogood

  15. << K2 is busy getting a big dick up his ass. >>

    I showed Pamela a bunch of your recent homophobic comments. She said that, "I'm sure he was repeatedly butt-fucked in prison by a gang of guys with huge cocks." She can be such a potty mouth at times...

  16. Baktogood and Rose? Bahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  17. No No Bak is doing hammie

  18. bak does his self

  19. Bak is a loser.
    Rose is a loser.
    The perfect match.

  20. it does take a loser to no one right

  21. Can someone translate what the idiot above just typed. "a loser to no" Some people should stick to watching cartoons, and leave the blogging to the more intelligent folks.

  22. it was bak that did this

  23. why do we always bring up rose ??

  24. Ugly when are you going to write an article about why Chris won't come clean with his fagginess?

  25. Yeah really. He writes all this bs about lying and he's the biggest liar of them all

  26. what is gay. From many years i knew of chris he always had a women.Even if the girl was not someones hott dream. But 100% women.He plants and does landscape Type work. Last time i looked many men make big bucks doing this kind of work . He likes to look at football cheer leaders. SO he is gay PLEASE/ Grow up

  27. Rose has a great big gapeing pus

  28. ChristopherK2: yeah yeah... but does she give head?
    Xxyesmemike: wpmen like to feel special
    Xxyesmemike: women
    Xxyesmemike: most do lol
    Xxyesmemike: if she likes you ,,, she will do about anything to get you ..even bj`s
    ChristopherK2: But it could be risky. Good Catholic girls don't show much before marriage.
    Xxyesmemike: she is one of them new age girls
    ChristopherK2: Hopefully...
    Xxyesmemike: it will come out why
    ChristopherK2: I doubt she'd want to move to Hagerspatch.

  29. As Mike has said many times, he never puts his personal business in the room....

    canoing today
    Xalan39o3x: gm semi
    Semisweet2taste: gm alan
    BOO9989: morning semi
    Xxyesmemike: semi they wanted to know
    Xalan39o3x: mike is proud to live on welfare status
    Semisweet2taste: gm boo
    jlwilson2341: Ana gm
    Xxyesmemike: yes i am alan real proud
    Semisweet2taste: gm larry
    Xxyesmemike: and i thank you for working lol
    Xalan39o3x: since he lost 2 houses he feels vindicated
    Xxyesmemike: hmm i feel good
    Semisweet2taste: ronnie my son bought a john boat and trailer used for 400.
    Xxyesmemike: i wake up each day with a smile
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: great deal
    Semisweet2taste: it was
    ChristopherK2: 'morning Semi
    Semisweet2taste: gm chris
    OnlineHost: DC HoTtEstGRL705 has entered the room.
    Xalan39o3x: k2, where are the tiles at?
    Xalan39o3x: u didnt carry any down ?
    Semisweet2taste: i have two mercury motors i told him come get them
    Xxyesmemike: if they was up your ass you know lol

  30. Once again, Mike NOT putting personal information in a chatroom. Way to go Mike

    Xxyesmemike: i like to blow shit up alan
    Xalan39o3x: like your credit?
    Xxyesmemike: like you know my score lol
    Xalan39o3x: if u lost 2 houses, im sure its great
    jlwilson2341: Alan a magazine on the shore wants to use my pic of that big striper ill get my buddy some free adverizeing
    Xalan39o3x: cool willson
    Xxyesmemike: fact after i lost 1st home ... my score went back up ..
    Semisweet2taste: very nice larry
    jlwilson2341: sat he had 4 on same time
    Xxyesmemike: and i had a chapter 11
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: so if i lose my house my credit score goes up?
    Xalan39o3x: lol
    jlwilson2341: got 4 over 40 so far
    Xalan39o3x: shameful mike
    Xxyesmemike: there is ways to fix your score
    Xalan39o3x: right, dont ruin it to begin with
    Xxyesmemike: no .
    jlwilson2341: ok work calls amf
    OnlineHost: jlwilson2341 has left the room.
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: ya know the money you borrow actually BELONGS to another person?
    Xxyesmemike: so
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: someone who has worked very hard for it
    Semisweet2taste: mike i do know a little about credit i dont think think you are right about that
    Xxyesmemike: so
    Xalan39o3x: mike cant borrow, the people at the bank would just point and laugh
    Xxyesmemike: i am semi
    OnlineHost: Sexydollizbak has left the room.
    Xxyesmemike: i did it
    Xxyesmemike: i am doing it
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: 40% interest rate
    ChristopherK2: Alan--The tiles and stuff are still in my car. You want to move them for me?
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: high risk
    Xalan39o3x: by the time he is 60, he might be able to buy his own house
    Xalan39o3x: lazy k2
    Xxyesmemike: alan nexts year i will be abl too
    Xxyesmemike: able
    Xalan39o3x: wasting gas driving tiles around
    Semisweet2taste: mike might be able to borrow if enough time has gone and he has rebuilt some credit due to the fact that he now has no bills
    ChristopherK2: No, mostly just weak. 55 lb. boxes are a hassle for me.
    Rooster36MX: takes 7 yrs to get stuff off Credit report
    Semisweet2taste: hows the tile going chris
    Xxyesmemike: past 3 years we have been paying off out truck ..
    Xxyesmemike: right roo`s
    Xalan39o3x: the tiles never left his car yet
    ChristopherK2: Still in the car, Semi. I've been gardening instead.
    Semisweet2taste: omg
    Xalan39o3x: he is too lazy to pick them up
    YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: im gonna lose my house so my credit score can go up
    Xxyesmemike: been 7 years i had anything bad lol
    ChristopherK2: I just bought them Saturday.
    Semisweet2taste: hire a mexican
    Xxyesmemike: you write letters shit comes off ..
    Xalan39o3x: k2 can blog, but he cant work
    ChristopherK2: Maybe Friday, I forget.
    Xalan39o3x: open the boxes and move one tile at a time k2
    ChristopherK2: Pikle had a fine idea yesterday. (He doesn't always mindlessly bash, like Alan).
    Semisweet2taste: what kind / size chris cause size does matter
    Xalan39o3x: wear

  31. Like K2 and Bonnie?

    RUFFSTUFFROB69: shame some have no life other then aol chat rooms and blogs

  32. Oh please k2 aint into pussy. His g/f? You mean his rooommate he admitted she lives there n another room.

  33. << From many years i knew of chris he always had a women.Even if the girl was not someones hott dream. But 100% women. >>

    I think that was on a Monday, which is one of the days they call me gay. Tuesdays are when they bash my fiancee, the lovely Pamela.

    << He plants and does landscape Type work. Last time i looked many men make big bucks doing this kind of work . >>

    Yeah, my main gardening guy does over 100 yards, and does very well financially. He's also a 235-lb. gym rat and would realish pounding any of the Zombies into the ground.

    << He likes to look at football cheer leaders. >>

    Although that's a common male fantasy, mine are based somewhat on reality. I fell in Deep Lust with our head cheerleader back in high school. Not only was she drop-dead gorgeous, she was intelligent and a sweetheart. << mega sigh >>

  34. << As Mike has said many times, he never puts his personal business in the room... >>

    I thought Zeeke had warned you guys about posting chat logs here in real-time. Kinda makes a farce of posting "anonymously," doesn't it?

  35. << ChristopherK2: I doubt she'd want to move to Hagerspatch. >>

    For those not there this morning, we were chatting about Maria Shriver's separation from Arnold.

    I emailed Maria about her new availability, and she has responded. She's been a huge fan of this blog since my Swami days. She loves The Swami and keeps begging me to bring him back. Begging is, of course, HOT.

    She also said that my forthcoming article "You're an Idiot" is a laugh riot. (I've been sending her pre-publication copies 'cause Ugly can be sooooooooo slow in publishing them.)

    Although very interested in general, she said a couple of things that troubled me.

    First, she was noticeably cool about three-ways with Pamela. That's a deal-breaker.

    Second, she brought up AGAIN about a pre-nup. As I've told her before... NOT gonna happen! Really, she just wants my lilies if things don't work out.

    Sorry, dear, you'll just have to do without The Swami.

  36. I will post anything i dont care if its real or not. assholes lol

  37. chris told you she might want a man like you budds. You go dude

  38. << told you she might want a man like you budds. You go dude >>

    Thanks Mike. All of what I said was just negotiating tactics at this point. I'm sure she'll make me a better offer very soon.

    I'm sure Arnold has some fine attributes, although he mostly reminds me of Zeeke. << shudder >> Yeah, he's a manly man, blah blah blah.

    But you don't see HIM on Dancing With the Stars, do you. Why? Sure, he's an Action Movie Star, but the man's a total klutz on the dance floor and he's not exactly subtle. If the Waltz required tossing your lady 25' into a table full of finger foods, no problem... Arnold's your man. And watching him *trying* to move his feet quickly enough to do the Jive is just painful.

    If your a woman, he's more like Al Bundy... he'll beat up anyone you want, no problem. I'm pretty much the opposite in every way that matters. So, if Marie wants TOTAL change, I'm her guy.

    BTW, according to Marie, Arnold's boys... after all those years of... ummmm... stuff to help with body building... are the size of peanuts. BWAHAHAHAHA My bad. He's gonna crush me for that one, isn't he?

  39. Maria, Just give him "head" thats all he wants from you.

  40. ChristopherK2 said...
    << As Mike has said many times, he never puts his personal business in the room... >>

    I thought Zeeke had warned you guys about posting chat logs here in real-time. Kinda makes a farce of posting "anonymously," doesn't it?

    Don't know....Don't care

  41. k2 sure knows how to show he has no life

  42. << k2 sure knows how to show he has no life >>

    Guess what!

    You're an Idiot!

  43. << Judge not k2 >>

    No judging... but...

    You're an Idiot!

  44. A man who cooks and bakes aka EasyBakea A man who plants flowers and takes their pretty pics aka PlantersFlash. A man who dares to don a cape and tights aka SuperGuy - where or where did the real men go - why oh why are we stuck with these fags - where oh where did the real men go - please bring them back to me.

  45. EasyBake is Zeek, PlantersFlash is Chris, and last and least is SuperGuy who is Agreeableguy who likes dark. How about some black dick?

  46. Like a fly on the wall, I am here to see all, as you perform you sinful deeds, I wil plant little seeds, which will grow in the minds of all and you will gradually grow very small and eventually disappear - Beware the fly is always near.


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.