Monday, March 14, 2011

"Beth's... ummm... Recovered Memories"

(Written 3/13/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

I was trying to be nice, there.

For reason(s) unknown, Beth has recently been spewing personal attacks my way in the room. Most have been the usual references to the "musty golden oldie days" and other minor crap. When I didn't respond to those, she got desperate last night.

She dredged up some supposed memory about a comment I allegedly made on the blog more than a year ago about my computer knowledge. You can often measure desperation by remoteness in time, vagueness, lack of sense, and inability to provide proof.

But Beth's comments were also instructive for how Zeeke and the Zombies play their "mind fuck" games, and illustrate one primary reason I normally don't bother with responding to their stupidity. If you respond to them pointing out that they're wrong, they simply change their story and go on bashing! It's kinda like punching a large bag of dooty: the dooty just reforms itself, and still smells bad.

Here are the successive generations of Beth's allegation as I countered each one:

HamOnWryX2: yeah k2 who claims he knows nothing about computers when asked about stuff on the blog now is a techie
HamOnWryX2: i will concede that knowing how to wipe a drive isnt all that techie, hows that
HamOnWryX2: i'm sure its on the blog somewhere
HamOnWryX2: that you wouldn't know how to do anything with a blog, more or less
HamOnWryX2: i didn't say you were an expert nor did I say in comparison with ugly or anyone else
HamOnWryX2: okay that's nnot what we recall you saying, but whatev

So, Beth went from "he claims he knows nothing about computers" to "wouldn't know how to do anything with a blog" to "not an expert" to a huffy "not what we recall" in about five blazing minutes. And with nary a sign of intellectual whiplash!

Also, she was "remembering" a supposed comment of mine that was oh-so-conveniently deleted long ago when the old blog died. ("The old blog's been deleted? Oh good, he can't PROVE us wrong!")

Unfortunately for Beth and the others in her little clique, they face the harsh reality that I simply don't lie. So suggesting that I lie is a stupid tactic. And suggesting that I posted that I "know nothing about computers" makes just about zero sense. I've dealt with computers since 1965 forgawdsake, and know quite a bit about them. My knowledge of IT stuff is, of course, dwarfed by Ugly's.

They must also deal with their own histories. Beth, for example, suddenly "remembered" a few months ago that I am... ta da... "Jewish." When confronted with the truth, she immediately backed down presumably because she couldn't quickly think of a Plan B.

You may have noticed Beth's reference above to "not what *WE* recall" [emphasis added]. That relates to another tactic "they" use... the Gang Attack. They apparently believe that if two or more people say the same idiotic thing, it's somehow more believable. In this case, Cindy jumped in claiming that (with magical "total recall") she saw exactly the same comments by me. (She never clarified *which* version of the story Beth was "absolutely correct" about.)

In a side note, if you rely on an admitted liar and hater of your opponent for support of your memory, you're in deep poop.


  1. I think by now, everyone knows that Cindy is a
    pathological liar. Beth used to be accepted by good people, but the last few years she has sunk to the bottom in the scum pond.

  2. biggums is dreamy!!!

  3. Let it go k2. You never had a chance with beth and your bitterness shows in this. Its childish to attack sOmeone because you didnt get your dick wet woth them

  4. To the post above. It is obvious that you have no intellectual stills, and that your mind is in the gutter as well as your life. Anyone with an ounce of intellect knows that Christopher felt Beth was a friend, and he cherishes his friendships.

    Now go back to Zombieland, drink a beer, belch and call it a day.

  5. It is horrible as to way Christopher get bashed in the room. First of all, I haven't seen him say the crap in the room or the language that the others use. And even when he is talking about a nice subject they always have something smart to say. I would rather hear about gardening and draperies than to hear about going out every Saturday night and getting "pissy" faced drunk. All of the pictures I have seen of Beth I have seen her with either a drink in her hand or a drink nearby. Those were pics from the olden days. But I have no idea if she drinks like a fish anymore. I have found Christopher's articles very nice and fun. But what he says in words in here is very educational not the foul language that spews in the room. Keep up the good work Christopher you are just telling the truth and some of them just can't handle it.

  6. << You never had a chance with beth... >>

    I surely hope not. She was living with Neil during the period of time we were friends (and engaged to him for most of it). I used to chat with Neil while waiting for Beth to finish primping before Beth and I headed out. Neil's a good man.

  7. << Its childish to attack sOmeone because you didnt get your dick wet woth them >>

    Actually, Beth attacked me in the room out of nowhere with her "HamOnWryX2: yeah k2 who claims he knows nothing about computers when asked about stuff on the blog now is a techie." So yeah, I agree with you... that was pretty childish of her.

  8. << Anyone with an ounce of intellect knows that Christopher felt Beth was a friend, and he cherishes his friendships. >>

    Yes, those are both true. And it was reciprocated by Beth.

  9. << Now go back to Zombieland, drink a beer, belch and call it a day. >>

    (Chuckle) Are you a Gal? I'm guessing so because most Guys would have used fart instead of belch.

  10. << It is horrible as to way Christopher get bashed in the room. First of all, I haven't seen him say the crap in the room or the language that the others use. >>

    Thanks! I guess I've gotten used to it over the years. And these folks are so inferior to Mensa that their words usually just bore me.

    << And even when he is talking about a nice subject they always have something smart to say. I would rather hear about gardening and draperies... >>

    That's one of their fav tactics... break up "nice" chat by belittling the topic or the people. Zeeke, for example, trashes gardening chat unless *he* his talking about his precious tomatoes, etc. And even Beth recently lit into me and Bonnie recently about a nice, innocent chat we were having.

    << I have found Christopher's articles very nice and fun. But what he says in words in here is very educational not the foul language that spews in the room. Keep up the good work Christopher you are just telling the truth and some of them just can't handle it. >>

    Thanks! I was raised that foul language is nearly always reflective of a poor education and/or upbringing.

  11. << Beth used to be accepted by good people, but the last few years she has sunk to the bottom in the scum pond. >>

    Many have made similar comments about me and who I chat with.

    I think Beth's still acquaintances/friends with many "good" people from what I see in the room. I just see her differently than they do.

  12. Beth and Cindy were ranting in the room last night about my article. I just watched. I really couldn't type a response because I was laughing way too hard.

    Cindy started it about three minutes after the article was posted, near as I can tell. Both regularly say they "never read the blog," so they have to make up these stories about "someone" mysteriously emailing articles to them, or mailing them to each other, or WTF they do. I don't understand not admitting one reads the blogs. I read Zeeke's--although I consider it a crashing bore--as well as others. Big whoop.

    Cindy tried desperately to get a response from me. Odd, considering that she recently told me to not speak to her, and that I was "dismissed." Shouldn't there be some limit on how many times someone can rant at you then dismiss you AGAIN? I propose a ceiling of three, and after that you're considered just too stupid and have to take a 30-day timeout.

    My fav part, though, was Beth telling me that "its just sad so much effort is expended on that" and that *I* need to "get out the something... breathe fresh air... expand his little world." Yes, I definitely should spend all the "normal working hours" cooped up in front of my computer "working at home", all of my weekday evenings in the chat room mindlessly bashing people I dislike, and then go out on the weekends to nightclubs and get "piss drunk" with my BFFs. Why didn't *I* think of *that*!!!

    Silly me, I spend my "workdays" mostly gardening and such (out in the FRESH AIR and sunshine), taking nice photos of pretty flowers, upgrading my house, writing witty or serious articles, reading the news, and such. And no, I don't get "piss drunk" with even my frat brothers. I stopped that childishness decades ago.

  13. K2 did you forget you now suck up to Mensa and that Dennis guy?

  14. This is fag boys lover

  15. Oh, I almost forgot about My Huge Database. << cough >>

    Gee... I've saved every article I've ever posted on this blog and its predecessor and nearly all of my substantive comments. Are there any that even faintly resemble any of the several variations of Beth's story? Well, not in MY opinion. The closest one follows:

    "I wish I had Ugly's technical wizardry, but anyone who has known me reasonably well for any length of time knows I don't."

    Considering that Ugly once posted "Try doing a command line ipconfig print screen. Or perhaps if you had any knowledge of subnets and CIDR routing you'd laugh at your own stupidity," I don't feel too badly about that. He's a high-level IT executive with a staff of pros, and I'm just a very experienced, self-taught PC guy.

  16. K2 is full of sea men

  17. Well, la te da... Ponie ("Everyone in now Welcomed!!!") Tail has now joined in on the fun insisting she *also* saw me post one or another of Beth's visions.

    The Swami mentioned to me that he senses a trend, and anticipates a series of new "I swear to God I saw it, too" comments in the room by various Zombies, all of whom have made similar declarations about NEVER EVER reading the blog.

    No matter. As French poet, journalist and novelist Anatole France said, "If 50 million people say a foolish thing, it’s still a foolish thing."

  18. << K2 did you forget you now suck up to Mensa and that Dennis guy? >> Zombie Pikle

    Yes, I've forgotten. Please make up a post (with several conflicting variations) that you "swear to God" I wrote a year ago about it. Thanks...

  19. << This is fag boys lover...
    >> Zeeke

    I swear to God that a year ago I saw a post from you that you never, ever research anyone because it would be sooooooooooo obsessive.

  20. << K2 did you forget you now suck up to Mensa... >>

    She has major bazooms, so what's your point?

  21. K2 face it your a failure in life

  22. << K2 face it your a failure in life >>

    My life could be worse. I could, for example, be a coward who anonymously posts inane babble demonstrating a miserable education, jealousy, and "stoopity."

  23. You accuse Mensa of breaking into your ex's apt and taking your computer. You said Mensa caused some bar to close down because of her fight. You said she attacked you for years as an SOSS but now Mensa is OK with you? You're as stupid as they come.

  24. I've never heard him say Mensa broke into his ex's apartment. Did anyone else? More lies of the Zombies. Doubt he has said Mensa caused any bar to close down either. The bar closed down years after that occurrence. Sounds like Cindy wrote that.

  25. << You accuse Mensa of breaking into your ex's apt and taking your computer. You said Mensa caused some bar to close down because of her fight. You said she attacked you for years as an SOSS but now Mensa is OK with you? You're as stupid as they come. >>

    That was someone else who stole my computer. As to the rest, Mensa sincerely apologized to me last year. I accepted her apology and forgave her. This is what mature adults do. And I suggested that she seek out Mr. Clark and apologize to him.

    I would of course do the same if YOU ever apologized for your atrocious behavior. But you'd have to reveal who you really are, and we know you're way too much of a coward to do that.

  26. Cindy go fuck yourself. All you other stupidasses who post the most ridiculous bullshit, grow the hell up already.

  27. Cindy karma is coming

  28. I thought crab was mensa but she would not defend bonnie or bob. Then i saw merely slattern and am positive thats kellie. I saw here someone posting sambopankakes is werewolfan. SO zeekiepooh has Sosses as zombies. Duped by his rivals. Now thats funny!!

  29. not credible

  30. Thought fag was above this

  31. I too saw Beth ranting about Christopher when he wasn't even in the room. She without a doubt has become a bitter woman. Her life at home could not be too great. Or maybe the fact that her daughter wants to marry another woman is digging away at her. Whatever her problem is she surely isnt handling it to well. A true friend would advise her to seek help.

  32. << not credible >>

    Oh, boo frickin' hoo, I have zero credibility in the Anonymous Cowardly Zombie group.

  33. << I too saw Beth ranting about Christopher when he wasn't even in the room. >>

    I wish I could say I was surprised. But I've seen her make 500-1,000 unprovoked and unrequited ugly comments about me while I was in the room. Very sad, really...

  34. << SO zeekiepooh has Sosses as zombies. Duped by his rivals. Now thats funny!! >>

    I doubt that's true, but it's certainly within Kylen's capabilities. And I know she was seriously pissed when she found out she had spies in her midst. Like when I entered a private room where they were having one of their secret meetings. You could've heard a pin drop as they all looked at each other wondering who gave me the link. BWAHAHAHAHAHA

  35. Everyone knows Cindy is mentally disturbed.

  36. Oh Good Lord don't you get tired of the victim act? Always a victim aren't you fag boy?

  37. Beth is nasty. Her house is nasty like hoarders.

  38. << Oh Good Lord don't you get tired of the victim act? Always a victim aren't you fag boy? >> Zeeke

    Oh looky... the double-digit IQ, homophobic dropout pretending he took Psych 101.

  39. Just wondering...Would one call a woman that likes women a fag girl? If so, someone is in deep poop.

  40. K2 thinks he's a big super star here. Then he goes in the room and bores everyone.

  41. Uh if C2K is such a bore then why are YOU even bothering to post here you idiot? Geez you shitheads crack me up.

  42. Really now. And how come there are ten times more comments than askzeek?

  43. << Uh if C2K is such a bore then why are YOU even bothering to post here you idiot? Geez you shitheads crack me up. >>
    << And how come there are ten times more comments than askzeek? >>

    Chuckle, chuckle...

  44. You don't matter. No one listens to a old dingaling sucker

  45. "No one listens to..."
    The way I see it, a lot of people are listening or there wouldn't be close to fifty comments just on this one article alone.

  46. << The way I see it, a lot of people are listening or there wouldn't be close to fifty comments just on this one article alone. >> RedSky

    That's not even counting all of the obsessive ranting they do in the room. I'm not sure how many comments their 30 minutes of ranting last night equals. Hmmm... I should develop a conversion formula and BLOG IT.

  47. The hypocrisy with the Zombies is funny. If they attack people it's mindfuck and not to be taken seriously since it's chat. If they are attacked then the other person is obsessed, disturbed, has nothing better to do, etc. They all claim to read ask Zeeke but none of them read blogs. If they happen to admit they read here they have to interject well it's only cause I know you're posting about me. Come on people fess up!

  48. << If they attack people it's mindfuck and not to be taken seriously since it's chat. >>

    Very true! Well, until you outsmart them on a blog. Then they spend tons of time in the room ranting, whining, and getting all defensive about everything you said to embarrass them.

  49. << Come on people fess up! >>

    I agree. I sometimes say seriously stupid shit. We all do. You just bang your hand on your forehead, admit it, and move on.

    For example, why didn't Beth just admit that telling me (a gardener) that I need to "get out more...breathe fresh air" was seriously stupid? Had she, we both could've just laughed loudly and moved on. ahhh well...

  50. << If they happen to admit they read here they have to interject well it's only cause I know you're posting about me. Come on people fess up! >>

    I sense a new article... "Top 10 Lame Excuses for Lying About Reading the Blog."

  51. I admit that I read Ugly's blog! First thing in the morning, when I get home from work, and several times before I go to bed.
    As far as Zeek's childish blog, I stopped reading that months and months ago. It was beneath my intelligence, like reading the diary of an angry disturbed boy in Junior High school.

  52. << As far as Zeek's childish blog, I stopped reading that months and months ago. It was beneath my intelligence, like reading the diary of an angry disturbed boy in Junior High school. >> RedSky

    It only takes about a minute a week, darling. Not bad for the old "watching a wreck on the turnpike" thang.

  53. K2, Zeek's blog is a joke, it should be banned for how stupid it is. He is a train wreck for sure. And then there are his followers who believe any lie he comes up with in the room. During my brief time in the room, about a month, I have come to realize that people seem to worship what he does in the room, outside of a few who have common sense, such as Pam, RedSky,Bonnie and yourself. I decided I had much more important things in life such as going back to work on my masters than to watch and respond to such garbage from Zeeke and his followers

  54. << I decided I had much more important things in life such as going back to work on my masters than to watch and respond to such garbage from Zeeke and his followers. >> NMguy498

    I noticed you responding to Zeeke. That was your first mistake. Nothing good can come from that, so why bother?

    If you're still interested in staying around (and I assume you are), then I have a couple of suggestions. Keep in mind that I've been dealing with the Room Idiots for 15+ years.

    For the vast majority of the Idiots, put them on Ignore. Most of them only chat with each other or assault those they don't like. So you won't miss anything of importance and you probably won't even notice they're gone.

    Some of them do, however, regularly chat with "nice" people so putting them on Ignore can disrupt what you do still see. For them, try this. When they're ranting about gawdonlycareswhat, mentally paste "blah blah blah" over what they type. After you've done that for about 15 minutes, I guarantee you that you'll either not care what they're actually typing or you'll be laughing too hard at them to think about it.

    Works for me...

  55. Thanks for all your kind words, and really I had started to ignore most of the bullcrap from Zeeke and his followers. I must admit, I often told others to do much the same thing as suggested above,and really have nobody to blame but myself.
    Certainly if I do come back,I will heed my own advice as well as all given above. Thanks all!


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.