Thursday, September 30, 2010

"I'm Jewish??? You'd Think *I* Would Know That!"

(Written 9/26/10 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

On Thursday afternoon, Beth and N-Word Vomit had the following chat in the room:

HamOnWryX2: [Bonnie] said something yesterday about thank goodness k2 isnt jewish 02:36
YOUMAKEMEVOMlT4: isnt he jewish? 02:36
HamOnWryX2: cracke dme right up 02:36
HamOnWryX2: cracked 02:36
HamOnWryX2: uh huh 02:36
YOUMAKEMEVOMlT4: lol 02:36
YOUMAKEMEVOMlT4: that is funny 02:36
HamOnWryX2: zeeke said his thing about a gay jew and bonnie said well it was a good thing k2 wasn't jewish 02:37
HamOnWryX2: that was funny on a couple different levels

I'm glad that Beth let ME know that I'm Jewish! But, no, I'm not Jewish, either by religion or ancestry. ("Not that there's anything wrong with that.")

I'm sure Beth wasn't just making up a rumor , so I'll just say that, well, her memory sucks. I've periodically discussed this in the chat room over the last 7 years.

Normally I don't care about such things, even when Zeeke goes on one of his many anti-Semitic rants about me. But given that many think Beth has much more credibility than Zeeke, I thought I'd take a few moments to tell everyone the truth.

The reason I used to (keyword *used to*) wonder about my ancestry is that I've had Crohn's disease since my early 20's. It's a nasty auto-immune disorder for which having an ancestry of Ashkenazi Jews (so-called "German Jews") is *one* risk factor (despite Zeeke's obvious lies to the contrary). Given that I'm 15/16th's German, it was a natural concern. So, when I began researching my gene pool about 7 years ago, I asked Mom. Mom knew my ancestry a LOT better than I did, and said that there was no Jewish ancestry of any kind on either side of our family. I accepted her explanation, and haven't looked into it since.

It simply doesn't matter to me either way. But it's a popular topic among Zeeke and his ilk, who love to lie and rumor monger. So, you can either believe Mom/me, or them.

This will hopefully eliminate one thread of anti-Semitic rants and related ugly chat in this room.
BTW, isn't it simply splendid that Beth wrote off Zeeke's homophobic and anti-Semitic rant as merely "his thing"? How nice...



  1. So you show who really start's the BS in the room K2....go figure they think they know more about people than you personally know yourself!
    Also Bonnie seem's to know something better than Beth.

  2. That is because that Beth is really everything that Zeeke calls me! Christopher knows Beth a lot better than me, they share the ability to throw spit balls, at least Beth used to until, she got tied up with Zeeke and, a target of mine. Now she just will come out and say things like this: (HamOnWryX2: and I didnt eat ribs so suck on that ya demented dried up insane bitch) . Now see this is the real Beth! She likes to make people think she is so even tempered and, classy! You know the saying, classy is as classy does....well, I do believe that her posting of the above comment shows you how classless she is! Also it has been said that Beth has given many blow jobs. Even, one in the parking lot of Malibus which, unbeknownst to her because (she was drunk) had an audience! Also, she has been with many men from aol, even living with a few. All this added up does not make for a classy woman, someone may even say this makes her a whore! Well honestly, for me, it is so great to see her knocked off her self righteous thrown!

  3. << go figure they think they know more about people than you personally know yourself! >>

    Yep! And *they* even 'know' that I'm GAY, which not only didn't *I* know, but it would shock the woman who was my wife for 29 years, the one who's now my fiancee, and all of the many other women I've dated over the years.

    << Also Bonnie seem's to know something better than Beth. >>

    Exactly! In that situation, Bonnie was 100% right, and Beth was 100% wrong. Perhaps Bonnie actually paid attention when I explained it in the room before.

  4. << Now she just will come out and say things like this: (HamOnWryX2: and I didnt eat ribs so suck on that ya demented dried up insane bitch) . Now see this is the real Beth! >> Bonnie

    That's generally why I caught that snippet in the chat room. It used to be that the only person Beth ever attacked in the room was Chitty. I never thought that was nice, especially for Beth, but I understood it.

    But even though Beth now routinely attacks many people, I still notice it and shake my head in dismay and sadness. So I noticed her attacking Bonnie, and only secondarily what she was saying about ME.


    Here is a story Zeek and the zombie's should read. It may happen to one of them if they don't grow up!


Don't be jealous of the Ugly's.