Sunday, May 29, 2011

"Today, I Remember"

"Today, I Remember"
(Posted to the Uglier Marylanders blog 5/30/11 by ChristopherK2)

[FYI, this is a "prayer poem" that I originally wrote for Memorial Day, 1997, and that I've since been posting somewhere on this very special holiday. A composite pic of me and my Uncle Mike appears below.]

To the soldiers who, like my Uncle Mike, gave their lives for our country:

Too often I forget about you, but today, I remember.
My thoughts are crowded with images of the Hell you confronted.
You fought those demons, and I am awed by the bravery you summoned.
Your blood was spilled in countless places, all now hallowed grounds.
You sacrificed yourself for us, and I am humbled by your deeds.
You left behind friends and family, who must be so very proud.
But there is a hole in their lives that cannot be filled.
No mere words can properly convey the feelings that I have, now.
But, from a grateful citizen, thank you.
May your souls rest in eternal peace.
And I pray that there is a special place in Heaven reserved for you.

And to my Uncle Mike, this much more:

Your life and death have touched so many, in ways that are still being tallied.
I pray that you, Grandma, Granddad, Helen, Hilda, Celia,
Dad, Mom, and David are together again.
The rest of us will join you, soon enough.
And then our family can be whole, again.

You died in a lonely battlefield in France, surrounded by unimaginable horror.
You were so alone then... how did you find the courage?
And how do I find it? Is it within me?
You are so much a part of me, and I can never forget you.
For every time I look in the mirror, I also see you.

But today is a special day.
I honor the memory of you with this writing.
I know that it is small, compared to the sacrifice that you made.
But, from a grateful citizen, thank you.
And from your nephew, thank you for what you gave me.
May your soul rest in eternal peace.

By Christopher

Copyright 5/26/97, 5/30/11

Friday, May 27, 2011

All hands for the Ronnie intervention

We must get Ronnie in a rehab asap.

YOUMAKEMEVOMlT6: i know for a fact ive overdosed on alcohol many many times

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Caution: Children at Play"

(Written 5/24/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

[For those who didn't know, about a week ago AOL was having serious technical problems and closed all of the chat rooms four times within a day. I wound up the room owner of the Marylanders Over 35 room the last two times, and I still am. Zeeke and the Zombies fled and created their own room, despite my position that I wouldn't ban any room regulars.]

Both groups seem happy with the new arrangement, so I'm not sure why some from the other room persist in childish crap.

It's taken two forms so far. They come in to the Over 35 room under Sham screen names, like "Bonnies Liver." I have no idea who they are, so I ban them. The other childish form is the drive-by. They come in under their normal SN, fire a copy/paste of some ugly stupidity, and then hastily flee. The quickness used to be necessary to avoid getting banned, but I don't do that. So I have no idea why they flee so rapidly.

Below are some examples of the drive-bys. Keep in mind that these people are supposedly mature adults, most in their 40s or older. Perky, for example, has been around AOL many years, and says she's a corporate executive who's happily married. And yet, she now spends her precious spare time as Chief Spammer for the Zeeke Cult.

Perkyonex2: Lonely? Tired of the same old self righteous, boring rants? Visit the Love Fest Room and actually Chat with real fonts on subjects that make sense!

Perkyonex2: OnlineHost: *** You have ejected GuyLikesDark from this room ***

[The latter remark of Perky's apparently reflects one of those mature topics they discuss there regularly.]

Dee Md 9257: all sure did kill this room...way to go .....

Dee Md 9257: new're not is great..ta ta

HeddRoxx1: :::sounds Brain Fog Horn:::

EminenceFrontal:'s hopping in here

EminenceFrontal: just kill it
EminenceFrontal: let it go
EminenceFrontal: end the misery

Well, let me just say this in the vernacular of such 12-year-old girls: Namby-pamby boo fuckin' hoo. :)~~

Friday, May 20, 2011

And today's lotto winner is

The Swami. Doing a little magic carpet ride that sanity has come back to the room. Bet the non-lifers are having a melt down over this.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How to become a stalker

I'm wondering if Cindy could shed some tips on why and how to develop a stalking career. If not, maybe us normal people can discuss on why someone would want to spend 19 hours a day googling others?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hot or not

I thought it might make a good topic to discuss whether Rose is hot or not. What is or isn't attractive about her?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"You're an Idiot!"

"You're an Idiot!"
(Written 5/7/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

I was under somewhat of a handicap when I joined AOL: I had only known "normal" people up until that time.

Sure, there was the occasional oddball, juvenile delinquent, or stoner. But even they fell within a fairly loose definition of normal. And when I first joined the chat room, it was full of normal people. There were a few people who got somewhat pissy with newbies, (probably because of possession issues) and with each other. But it was almost entirely mature, educated, interesting adults.

Then AOL went to the flat rate, sent out a bazillion CDs, and millions of kids were given computers for Christmas. Suddenly AOL and the room were flooded with kids. That wasn't too bad because I had already been a stepdad. So, I at least understood them although I didn't consider the vast majority of them adults. Several of them were actually quite interesting.

But the real change began with the Mensa Cult and SexySplder. I had never been around anyone like them or the "kronies." And they brought out the latent stupidity in many others. I was astounded and a bit confused by what developed. For reasons I still don't understand, I became intent on understanding these people. I wasted a lot of time trying to figure them out... what particular emotional/psychological issues did they have? Why??? What could I do?

Eventually, I was having a chat with an old buddy, ShadowFace, who knew several of them better than I did. So I asked him. And his answer set me on a new path. He said, simply, "Don't know. Don't care."

Thus, I decided to just lump all of the mentally/socially/psychologically impaired roomies under one heading, then Perm Ignore them (back when that was possible with PowerTools). I thought for a moment and settled on "Idiot" as the label.

So... what's the medical explanation for why a nearly 50-year-old guy spends 5-10 hours a day in an AOL chat room playing a "mind fuck" game? "Don't know. Don't care. He's an Idiot."

Why does another guy who lives 1,000 miles away spend a few hours a day cussing up a storm and viciously attacking people... err... SNs... he doesn't like? "Don't know. Don't care. He's an Idiot."

Why do some people here spew nasty racial, homophobic, anti-Semitic, and misogynistic slurs? "Don't know. Don't care. They're Idiots."

So, when you see me ignoring the insults, lies, etc., in the room--especially those directed at me--just imagine me mentally pointing my finger at the accuser and silently mouthing "You're an Idiot." I've been a LOT calmer and saved oodles of time since I adopted that philosophy.

And I wish a lot more people would do the same.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

"Today's Lesson in Homophobia"

(Written 5/4/11 by ChristopherK2 for the Uglier Marylanders Blog)

It must be tough being both a homophobe and a mindless basher. In order to avoid looking totally stupid...well, more so than usual... you have to remember what you bashed someone *else* about so that you don't wind up admitting that you do exactly the same thing.

And if you know ahead of time--or suddenly realize you screwed up and admitted that you do the same thing--you have to somehow create a distinction. Thus motorcycles are "manly" *except* purple ones, which are "gay." And planting flowers is manly (for some but not all Zombies) unless you plant pansies, which are gay.

Tonight, we saw another variant of this in the chat room. Near as I can tell from this and the related chat on Bonnie's blog, somehow exchanging cake icing recipes is "manly" but watching the recent royal wedding and/or discussing Kate's wedding dress is "gay." These distinctions just confuse me, but I'm confident that if the chats were reversed Zeeke and Ham would be busting on me for discussing the finer points of cake icing with six... count them, six... women.

TheZeekEffect: nix ate my icing by the spoonful
BrunetteLady12: I like custard filling
HamOnWryX2: i love that stuff
TheZeekEffect: 8 oz cream cheese and 5 cups of 10 x
Perkyonex2: is that how you make icing?
TheZeekEffect: i do
Perkyonex2: hmmm thats easy enough
SxyMAFlAHlTWoman: I like the custard with strawberries inside and whipped cream and strawberries (chocolate dipped) on the outside
TheZeekEffect: cream cheese peanut butter icing is good too
TheZeekEffect: a lil milk a lil vanilla..
Perkyonex2: how much peanut butter do you add?
TheZeekEffect: i never measure
Eyore4129: cream cheese and peanut butter..hmmm
Puppers66: lmao
Perkyonex2: you're like a grandmother...a pinch of that..pinch of this
TheZeekEffect: i would guess a cup

Puppers66: cakes by zeek

[about 2 minutes later:]

TheZeekEffect: I would also like to add that I dont know a single man who watched the royal wedding
TheZeekEffect: and get excited over royal weddings